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Loohan's blog for October, 2017
Oct 6, '17: (11:10am) I got a half inch of gentle rain on the 3rd.
Tropical Storm Nate is approaching MX. Some demons in the area between Cuba and Central America, brought in by Egyptoid U bases.
Crap orgonite: Gorgonit. All the items take in positive energy and emit negative. I think the Michael guy (not depicted) is a Category 3 Egyptoid.
Anti-Trump Actor Jim Carrey Facing Trial in Girlfriend's Death. Who is Jim Carrey? The original (still alive somewhere) feels like an MPD CIA human. A few years ago he was replaced by a CIA repticlone with a beard.
His ex, Cathriona White, is a live CIA repticlone with very square shoulders, high cheekbones...
Oct 15, '17: (7pm) Got 0.9" of rain early this morning. It had been droughty lately.
Gotta love that Masonic disclosure policy. Military Surgeon Says Videos of Las Vegas Gunshot Victims Are Fake. Paul Craig Roberts is a CIA FTM repticlone. The "Military Surgeon" does not exist.
Another human clone wins lottery! Lucky lottery winner claims his whopping $24.1M jackpot prize just TWO DAYS before ticket is set to expire after FINALLY checking a slip sitting inside an old shirt.
Oct 16, '17: (10:35am) I just found out there is a strong Tropical Rainstorm Ophelia hitting ireland now. I actually do not detect any evil ETs or demons. (In fact, generally speaking, lately i am noticing far less of the usual ET psi-attacks on people worldwide, due apparently, to progress we are making.)
I looked up Ophelia and found there have been TEN tropical storms named Ophelia so far! Are there so many storms that every possible name has been used so many times that even an unusual name like this needed to be used 10 times? What is up with this?
According to this, the name is "Derived from Greek ... meaning "help". This name was probably created by the 15th-century poet Jacopo Sannazaro for a character in his poem 'Arcadia'. It was borrowed by Shakespeare for his play 'Hamlet' (1600), in which it belongs to Hamlet's lover who eventually goes insane and drowns herself. In spite of this, the name has been used since the 19th century."
I am mystified.
Running across a bunch of gruesome black-on-white South Africa hoaxes.And we have been hearing such lies for decades.
Pic of white Egyptoid protestors.
Oct 24, '17: (5:30pm) Got another 1.2" of rain over a 24-hour period on the 22nd. Cooler weather; i built my first tiny fire yesterday morning.
Someone asked me about Matthew and Suzanne Ward, emissaries of truth and light. CIA repticlones. At least she is. He is supposedly long deceased and may never have existed.
But this is some of the most glorious CIA spew: Matthew Messages, for which mobs of people worldwide anxiously anticipate the monthly revelations. Looking at this month's offering; pure hoax-reinforcement blather.
I noticed some chem-clouds dissolving so i took a video which is fairly unremarkable except for the UFOs i noticed on playback. At 0:03 we get this sequence to the right.
At 0:20 we get another UFO.
At 0:31 an object travels diagonally across the screen.
Then at 0:34 we get another UFO.
Then at 0:39, this object drifts up vertically.
These flashed by real quick. I was watching at 1/4 speed. I get no vibe from these objects.
Oct 25, '17: (4:50pm) Then today i happened to talk to a co-worker of mine, who said that yesterday he saw 3 orange orbs holding steady, over in my direction.
This is a guy who doesn't believe in ETs etc.
I'm still not getting a vibe off them.
Oct 30, '17: (7:30pm) Saudi Arabia grants citizenship to humanoid robot. LOL, it won't be the first one, unless they are way behind the US.
I checked out this Dr. David Hanson. He seems human except for that Egyptoid forehead; not much in the way of hand signs. Here he is with an Egytpoid woman who does a Masonic M sign.
If you look at his YT channel, many of his robots have Egyptoid traits. He even has one of Phillip K. Dick which looks even more Etoid than the original.
To the left we have unisex Citizen Sophia, named after a demoness i fought and destroyed many years ago. Note all the male traits.

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