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Loohan's blog for December, 2024
Dec 5, '24: (12:35m) I have been getting off-radar harrassment every day. They were at it again for quite some time today, and in the midst of it, these 2 jets came down from St Louis to fly around my area.
I'm approximately in the center of the larger loop. And yesterday i happened to drive over past Mountain View and almost to Guion (not shown on this map) while blasting farther east with powerful long-range weapons. I was moved to do this to help out the Ta'l allies that were moving into that region. This had a powerful clearing effect for quite some distance including Batesville and more. Then this morning i found a CIA base under Batesville that was struggling to maintain some bad energy, and we got rid of it and the other bases it was drawing on. So in desperation USAF sent these jets over the area late morning.
Belleville is the old name for the MidAmerica St. Louis Airport, which is right next to Scott AFB, which i'd been neglecting.
The off-radar daily flights are of the same 3rd agency Vanillas plus some USAF. I think there was even a "new" agency on Dec 3 that i couldn't quite make out, but the pilots seemed like they might be old-school Egyptoid satanists. I didn't think they still had any doing that.
Dec 31, '24: (6:15pm) Well, the planes let off after that. I did notice one of those Third Agency jets sounding like it dive-bombed me once. This time it was channeling energy from CIA bases.
And after a long hiatus, this evening space Egyptoids have started backing up U bases around Uros in Slovenia. (Nato bases.) I thought i put an end to that. We'll see if they maintain this behavior.
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