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Loohan's blog for February 2025

Feb 6, '25: (11:40am ) They were leaving me alone until this morning, when 2 N/A jets in the same path flew right over my property. Jacksonville is where the "Little Rock" AFB is.

As i was about to upload this post, 2 more such jets, GOONY30 and N/A, also closely followed each other, but on the east side of Leslie, on a path about 5 miles from me. These had taken off from Conway and done a loop before heading north. And more USAF jets are about.

Here's something interesting. A couple days ago a reader in Portugal emailed me "My wife went to the hair dresser, and came from there feeling very bad. Headaches , down, tired, and she just throw up."

She had been stuffed by what i sensed was a female Egyptoid witch. Took a while to clear the crap out of her.

He sent this pic of the hairdresser, who is an Egyptoid witch. Note the right fang on lip! Countless times i have posted on the forum govt actors doing this, often crudely photoshopped. Always it is the right canine that is lengthened, or otherwise made conspicuous, usually resting on top of the lip while the left one does not.

I do not know if this is photoshopped or natural but i would presume photoshopped. Much more nicely than the usual media images!
It is highly unlikely that the lady will go back there to scrutinize the witch's teeth, so we will never know for sure.

Another interesting thing: someone who used to write me for many years, who was a heavily MKULTRAed person with multiple alters, sent me pics of herself, and 3 of them had her right canine and only the right canine, on her lower lip. I didn't notice for many years since i was not always on the lookout for this.
I have had the impression before that MPD victims will sometimes do hand signs, etc. without their volition.

Feb 10, '25: (4:15pm) Something interesting, at least to me, about the enemy's use of numbers. As i have often stated, normally, be it Earth-bound black magicians, evil space aliens, or hyperdimensional demons, they all use the following numbers when attacking, whether it is spells, implants, coven members, spaceships, number aboard spaceships, U bases, etc.: 3, 6, 9, 13, 33, 66, 99, 333, 666, 999, etc. A few times years ago one individual got attacked by 11 CIA U bases. And years ago there was a species that used a 5-based numerology. But normally this has held true during the almost 20 years i have been doing this stuff..

But in addition to these, there are other numbers that are worked into media hoaxes that i seem to see too often, especially 22, 23, 31, and others. Like 51, which is 17X3, leading me to suspect 17 might be significant.

Of course multiples are used, e.g. 3 covens of 6, 3 cubed, or in media, 23X3, 31X3... Also 72 (9X8) is fairly common, 19, and 29, many multiples of 11... Often the more outrageous fables will have several special numbers.

Well a few days ago a heavily attacked person in Slovenia who normally gets hit with vast numbers of U bases following the usual black magic numerology, suddenly got hit by the following paltry number of U bases, as i wrote him:
51 only, nsa
72 only, cia
nato 39
vatican 11
unk 13
another unk 11
dgse 17 and 19,
another Italian agency 17.

Unk stands for unknown name agencies, of which many have reared their ugly heads recently. Three different ones in this list alone.
And yes, there is plenty of NSA under Europe. In this list, the only attack numbers i would normally expect are 39 (13X3) and 13. And i had only seen 11 2-3 times years ago. Never had i noticed them using 51, 17, or 19 in attacks. And 17 was used twice. After this they pretty much reverted to the usual numbers.

Some news on the electronic warfare front. Yesterday early a reader wrote me about a building at 37°04'01.6"N 90°41'47.2"W. He said "there is a buzzing noise coming from the big building that i can hear 2 miles away although most don' t seem to notice it. i never see anything going on there so it is curious."
That rather large bldg is right next to an electric utility switching station of Black River Electric Coop in Missouri. All RCs on the site, including the alleged prize winners. The HQ is at 37.574442311151714, -90.32582475882735.

Blasting those 2 bldgs i lit up a big mess of Procter and Gamble electronic warfare U bases under all of the eastern half of the US! Despite the fact that we have been taking them out for many months non-stop now. P&G is a US govt agency.

Well that evening i checked the building again expecting it to feel clean, but no, still felt dirty. Connected to some unknown agency in Iowa that had a crooked line of bases, possibly a tunnel, all the way through Minnesota and on to north Ontario. Apparently some electronically manipulated "ley" line.

So later i re-check that utility bldg and find connections to NSA U bases in NM. And later, a mess of CIA under Hazelwood Missouri which is right next to the St. Louis airport.
Later still, another mysterious agency around Pembroke NC.

And now i'm finding more of those Iowa guys under Iowa... seems no end to it.

Feb 13, '25: (11am) The Vatican is still using 11's, repetitively, namely in 11 groups of bases in the Slovenia attacks. Until recently they seldom directly attacked from U bases in this manner, preferring to stay hidden and let their subsidiary agencies do it.

Slovenia has been getting toxic fog. The agency doing the toxic fog in Europe (at least in the Slovenia-Croatia region, and i presume the rest of Europe) is UNEP, which also was doing the chem-spraying years ago.
In the US, it is yet another previously unknown outfit.

That switching station in MO at 37°04'01.6"N 90°41'47.2"W... I had noticed the odd C shape to the east, with a cell tower stabbed into it. Feels like the C is made of concrete, Dunno what that is about, as i'm not feeling anything unusual there.
However, now that i am no longer finding more U bases connected to the bldg, i noticed that there seems to be some odd metallic hardware concentrated just WSW of it, in another big C with trees stuck in it. The hardware is under the south section of the C until the point where it curves N again. From that point on, there is still hardware all the way to the other end of the C. So hardware is under the entire square footage of that C.
But i don't detect any concrete, and i have no idea why trees are allowed to grow there but not past the perimeter. Feels like it's ~8' down.
You can get an idea of how tall the trees are by the length of their shadows. The cell tower has a shadow slightly longer than itself. Or so it appears from this perspective.

(3:15pm) After blasting the treed C a while i found that its energy was from a bunch of bases of unknown agency in West Virginia, especially around Frametown. I drove through that area Christmas Day 2013 as i blogged. Very freaky day it was, too.

Anyway there was SOMETHING gnarly under Frametown that took a while to get rid of, then i felt significant relief. It had been kicking me a bit for hours, it turns out.

(4:25pm) And that was from focusing on the southern part of that reversed C, which was "hotter". Now i'm doing the northern part, which is connected to bunches more U bases of that same agency, although trivial in compoarison with whatever was under Frametown.

Seems to be mainly in a wide area around Fredericktown, MO that i am finding them so far.
Will they stop what they're doing, so that i won't be able to easily find the bases by their weaponized energy signature? Nah, they never do that. They don't think in the same terms as peasants do who don't have unlimited disposable resources.

(5:05om) Some credible information that the drones are spreading the bird flu starting at 12:45 here.

Update: I am told that that is not a cell tower but "some sort of conveyor that appears to be for loading rail cars with something".

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