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Loohan's blog for March, 2015Mar 2, '15: (8:50am) It was 10 F at 7:15am on the 27th. Then in the late afternoon and overnight, got a couple more inches of snow. Had to put my %$#@ chains on again to get to work the morning of the 28th. More misc. precipitation throughout that day.
Rare Earthling president steps down, CIA clone takes the reigns: Mujica, Uruguay's champion of the poor, steps down.
March 4, '15: (8pm) It started raining yesterday afternoon. Sounded like we got a fair bit. Then snow today. Getting more tonight, although it looks like most of it is passing to the south. They forecast 13 F tonight and 7 F tomorrow night.
Another month, and Joe's already come out with another great new program. Too cold for me to pour, but i am eager. Feels like a strong one against physical as well as etheric bad guys. And it has the linear range qualities like the other resin wands.
Should work fine in plain resin.
March 5, '15: (7:30am) Actually, it was around the freeze-point here at dawn today. and it's already around the predicted high for the day, 34. Wunderground claims it's 16.7 in Alco, about 12 miles east of here.
It's a winter wonderland again, with several inches of snow. The last snow had pretty much all melted a couple days ago.
Ah, let's see what's new this morning.
Kim Kardashian's clone was caught in a U base.
A square-pupiled lizard has been charged with felony third-degree rape.
Female-to-male transvestite Justin Bieber showcased her chiseled chest.
I'm hungry for more.
(11am) More:
Clone ambassador allegedly slashed in North Korea. The pic of the suit calmly resting his foot on the neck of the alleged perp looks a bit posed.
'It WAS him': CIA Sandy Hooker admits Tsarnaev bombed Boston Marathon. "Clarke has saved a string of high-profile clients from the death penalty, including Atlanta Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph; Unabomber Ted Kaczynski; and Jared Loughner, who shot and killed six people and gravely wounded then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a 2011."
Man and wife hacked with machete-wielding Muslim terrorists. All i can add is that autopsy doctor Dr Mahmud is a lizard clone, "witness" Kawzi Shawkat Ara is a SSer too, and Farabi Shafiur Rahman is a Mossad lizard clone. There are several more of these amongst the "mourners" depicted in front of the "deceased"'s poster billboard.
And of course, Eric Clapton and the faux George Harrison were SSers. (Clapton's still alive, actually.)
Another dating site for those lusting for triad clones: ChineseWomenDate.
Verdict on that snowfall: 3.5" here.
(12:45pm) The sky is clear, and it's blindingly bright out, with all the snow reflection. Got cabin fever, went out to my unheated workshop and poured 3 qts of epoxy -- mostly the new pgm. The nice thing about pouring epoxy in cold weather is that i can pour a much thicker layer without it overheating. It comes out all foggy and opaque, but who cares if you're not making pretty items.
But then it can take days before it's firm enough to carry into my warm cabin to finish hardening.
Plus i got to walk barefoot in the snow. When i was in my 30s i was hypersensitive to cold, especially in my feet. I was a bit hypothyroid due to fluoride and soy poisoning. But now i'm 61 and can walk in the snow for a few minutes barefoot.
(6pm) They are still calling for 7 degrees tonight.
Check out the pupils of this clone: Bill Bryant.
March 6, '15: (9:50am) Luckily, the ninclonepoops at wunderground were off by 20 degrees again. It was 27 here at 7am. I was awake for a couple hours in the night, and temperatures didn't seem to drop much until around 5am. I didn't burn much wood.
Of course they reported 16.7 F at Alco again.
Another bright clear morning. 40 degrees now.
Oriel Jean, Former Security Chief for Aristide, Gunned Down in Port-au-Prince. Not sure of the motive, but this was done by 6 satanist CIAlizards that we tracked to CIA bases under Port-au-Prince. We are finding plenty of tunnels and little bases. One tunnel winds eastward all the way to Azua. Another goes to the farthest west tip of the island. Another to Port-de-Paix, the northernmost tip.
Of course we are taking all this stuff out. Perhaps their desire to have this happen was the motive for the hit. We've worked over the island quite a bit over the years, but we'd missed these.
Thanks, guys. As always, your cooperation is appreciated.
March 8, '15: (7pm) Most of the snow melted off on the 6th. Then yesterday started out as another beautiful clear day, so they mucked it all up. Last night they predicted 32 F but i suspected they were lying as usual. I didn't even make a fire yesterday evening, and it was still 65 in here this morning, 44 outside.
Now there is no freezing predicted for the next 10 days.
Overcast all day.
Rehana was a satanist Mossad lizard until we took out her U base in Egypt this afternoon.
Breathtaking display of hypocrisy: Inside the Roma bride market: Teenage girls matched up with their future husbands at open-air exchange in Bulgaria, Roma 'bridal market' where young girls finally get to flirt with boys after being kept segregated to ensure they're virgins. Yeah, right. No hymens to be found here, sorry. Nothing but satanist lizards. Very few clones in the crowd, so far...
March 10, '15: (11:35am) Heavy fog this morning, like yesterday. It rained lightly all day yesterday and much of last night. Got about 1".
Ecuador Alerts Public to CIA Actions Across the Continent. Dr. Jaime Galarza Zavala is an Earthling and might be for real. But Ecuador is CIA territory, and the Foreign Ministry is a bunch of CIA clone assets. Check out Ricardo here.
March 11, '15: (7:10pm) Nice day (except for a bit of chem) around 70 today.
I saw a little snapping turtle in one of my ponds. I was pumping water from a small pond into a storage tank after work, and after the water level sank down a bunch, i spotted him crawling down lower. His shell is about 5". His name is Ranto. Pretty cool name. He's with me and Rorg in the astral now.
In the last few days i have had reports from 2 different guys of evil greys of some sort. I had hoped we had resolved all grey issues forever but you know how that goes.
Trouble is, i can't detect these ones at all.
One guy saidI had a dream...recently. ..all too real. I was me in forced onto a metal table by a large gray a few little ones. The large one was trying to put a hose or something down my throat n I was punching kicking clawing then I blacked out in the dream. When I woke th next morning my throat was soar, I had chest pains and a grip mark bruise on my upper right arm. This isn't by any means the only experiences I've had. There's been many.
The other one saidSo last couple of weeks of what I believe are remote images of greys unsure which type, one of them attempted something in astral unsure what they were trying to do but my root chakra lit up. Its annoying, I'm also seeing black spots/speckles.
Can anyone sink their teeth into these? Not even Dream Turtle or any of my allies or devices can de-cloak them.
March 12, '15: (7:45am) Every so often i get an email from the webmaster of some SSer site (usually CIA) that i've outed on my blog, requesting that i remove the link to their site from my blog. Always this email (and any follow-ups) is accompanied by massive U base attacks. And often the person who emailed me immediately runs underground to draw my attention to another large underground network he wants destroyed.
The worst by far was from these fine folks, or rather, these clones' predecessors. I wrote in regards to that incident on June 16, '14:Sandpoint, ID is an extreme CIA hotbed. I have been taking out U stuff for days, including a lot of deep ones.
The Bonner County Daily Bee is one of their instruments. There seems to be a tunnel entrance in the bldg: map.
Warning: still gobs of black magic kickback from area.
These were the lawyers representing CIAlizard Len Horowitz, and they wanted me to remove mention of him and his CIAatanist wife:6/13/14
Dear Administrator,
Attached please find a copy of a Court Order and relevant exhibits entered in the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Bonner, for a matter in which I am the Court Appointed Receiver. Please refer to paragraphs 11 and 12 on pages 6-7 of the Order which grants authority to me as the Court Appointed Receiver to take all steps legally available and necessary to seek removal of disparaging media, whether or not within the control of Horowitz, Kane, Lindenbach, the Horowitz Entities and the Lindenbach Entities, as such media is identified on the attached Exhibits A and B, including, but not limited to the websites identified by URL or other manner set out in Exhibit A (appearing to be disparaging of Lindenbach) and as set out in Exhibit B (appearing to be disparaging of Horowitz, Horowitz Entities or Kane).
I request that you remove all disparaging media consistent with the Court Order within 7 days of this email. This content includes but it not limited to the content located at the following URLs:
Very truly yours,
Ford Elsaesser
Attorney at Law
(The court order attachments weren't quite what he implied.) It took 3 days of draining off the U bases before i could even open that email. All i had to do was glance at it unopened in my inbox for loads of attack bases to trigger. Once i was finally able to open it and blast the shysters, of course, one of the lawyers immediately ran to the tunnel entrance at the Bee.
And naturally enough, Len and wife soon went underground themselves to get killed.
I have had several similar experiences over the last 3 years or so.
Got such an email this morning:Hello,
This is Jason from
Recently we got an e-mail from Google saying our website has been penalized due to unnatural links. During our link audit we discovered that the SEO company we hired spammed your site with our website URL.
We have fired that company and are in process of cleaning our back links. This penalty has hit us terribly.
We request you to remove our link from the following page or any other page linking on your website. (Look For Bigberkeywaterfilters)
I would really appreciate your help in removing these links from your website as this would help us to regain our rankings.
If you could please send a confirmation note letting me know that the links have been removed, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance! I hope to hear from you soon.
Warm Regards
This was accompanied by CIA U base attacks over an area of OK, MO, KS, and AR. (I had also gotten such emails from him last October, yet the original Jason lizard is still alive.)
I had to look up SEO: it means search engine optimization. I have no idea what "spammed your site with our website URL" means. How can a site which has no outside inputs be spammed?
And since when does Google penalize for "unnatural" links to a website from other sites? That would mean that any website could be penalized merely because anyone linked to it adversely.
Besides, the CIA more or less owns Google anyway.
The other companies that sell similar water filters do not feel repty. I need to invest in one myself someday.
(8am) About them greys: another psychic wrote me, pointing out several places around Martha's Vineyard, like here, where he sensed them. At first i got no vibe off these places, but after blasting a while, i do get the same funky vibe from them, and am able to blast/jail these greys. I traced them to a location in space.
(3:25pm) Dang, i wanted to do some gardening. Time to plant a few things. But it's raining except when it's drizzling. Didn't get much done. At least we are getting some rain.
Swedish clone politicians admit toxic chemtails are real "& NOT Conspiracy"(???).
FreeTruthShow is NSA.
(10pm) Vice spews extreme propaganda about Jim Humble / MMS.
The only reason i bring it up is to point out the interesting fact that Fiona O'Leary is a NSAtanist MIB. And Emily Willingham is also a NSAtanist SSer. In fact, the whole crew of, where Willingham contributes her wisdom, are also NSAtanist SSers. Ditz is a MIB as well.
"There is no cure for autism", the article posits. I guess i am deluded, then, in believing that i have rid myself of Asperger via natural methods.
Most of the commenters below the article are also agency lizards.
Surprised none of these "people" have been replaced by clones yet. Yet i am optimistic that with a bit of gentle persuasion, they will see the futility of resistance.
March 13, '15 (12:25pm) Rain rain rain! It has been raining moderately hard non-stop since before dawn. Finally getting a real drenching.
Note the odd radar gif. I have a new, more potent little wand for map work, and i am now able to find the source of such things, apparently. I estimated where the center of that circle is, a bit SE of Shreveport, and blasted it (on the radar gif) for a couple minutes with the wand. Then i opened google maps to the approximate location, groped around briefly until i felt it, clicked "Show me here", and presto! landed right by a tall tower (map).
NSA vibe to it.

March 14, '15 (7:45am) Still raining. The system seems to be stalled overhead. Some of what we got sounded pretty heavy.
Human retards at play: horrific Mexican satanist 'Black Mass' with live sacrifices. In a country with plenty of SSer satanists, they all stayed away from this impotent, stupid, ignorant event. Only soulless animals were sacrificed, and demons stayed away. The retards don't even know that demons want souls to feed on, and/or they can't discern the abscence of souls the way the reptards can.
Since there was no DOR kicked up, our allies didn't notice it.
10 years ago, when chickens and all goats had souls, and demons totally outnumbered all the atoms in the multiverse, it would have been another matter.
March 15, '15: (6:40pm) By this morning, it had stopped raining. 2.7" total.
Warm, sunny day.
My little collection ponds had filled up again, so i went and pumped them out again.
I saw Ranto again. I had brought my camerea for such an eventuality, but by the time i persuaded it to turn on, Ranto had crept under some wet leaves at the bottom of his pond.
But i had gotten a better look at him. He might be 1/2" shorter than i said; handsome little snapper.
He has been hanging out with me and Rorg most of the time in the 5D since i last mentioned him.
I have also been sensing 3 more in a larger pond i have nearby. 2 males and 1 female. They have been jailing demons like mad lately. They come and give me a hug once in a while.
March 16, '15: (9am) CIA site displays CIAlizard Keiser at Reptilian Times quoting CIAlizard Robert David Steele confessing that "In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI."
(I didn't watch the vid.)
In a similar vein, satanist CIAlizard Jim Fetzer debunks the Boston "Massacre".
He says "Hollywood producer/director Nathan Folks has identified one of the key players (in the cowboy hat running along side Jeff Bauman) as an actor he had cast in one of his films." That would be "Carlos Arredondo". Either that is a sloppy mistake, or i am a sloppy reader, but i have not found this claim in (shapeshifting CIA asset) Folks' report. Of course the lizardly Arredondo is an actor, though, but he is not the Earthling Vogt some people elsewhere claim he is.
The Voice of Russia's John Robles is a lizard clone, BTW.
(noon) Another "raw story": Wealthy real estate heir Robert Durst arrested for murder, says he 'killed them all'. Ah, yes, the old "didn't realize he was still being recorded" ploy. Amazing how high-profile "people" often manage to put their foot in their mouth on tape.
This clone did not kill those people. The original Durst died underground and was replaced a couple years ago.
Warm, sunny day here. Taking a brief break from gardening.
March 17, '15: (7:25pm) Super bad chem-clouds today, and some trails. Then later moisture clouds moved in. Rain chances next few days.
Very nasty orgone products from a SSer named Kreso at Cosmic Energy.
March 18, '15: (10:45pm) Foggy, drizzly day.
Announcing a new "killer" program that requires laser crystals: the Laser Program at the bottom of the page here.
March 19, '15: (9:40am) Dense fog here again.
And the red herrings just keep on coming. Lately the "alternative" media has been heavily salted with rumors about "Putin". And now we have, straight from the CIA, PROOF Putin is DEAD & Double Was Used...
No doubt there are several Putin clones held in reserve, but these pics feel like the same clone that has been playing the deceased Putin for years. Presumably photoshopped.
There is a link to, but i don't recommend you clicking on it unless you want to see a collage of browser-crashing ridiculousness in the same vein as old, but with less real content. Even after i closed that site, my PC's memory was all tangled up and nothing worked right until i re-started. For good measure, i deleted my cookies and cleared my cache.
Then found that everything i had typed this far had failed to save, even though i had "saved" my work. The site had messed up my computer function by sucking up all the RAM apparently, although i use a half-decent desktop PC.
Anyway, that site seemed to have no way to find who is supposedly behind it, so i did a google search and found a page that seems to be written by someone somewhat discerning. (At least as regards this matter. If you check out Fitzpatrick's Fallacies of the Jesuit conspiracy theory you will find that in some matters, he believes the exact opposite of what i have found true. Just because (Jesuit) agents promote the Jesuit conspiracy theory does no disprove it, for crying out loud!)
Anyway, Fitz names some names. The person supposedly behind HollywoodDeathFakers (CaliberHitter/Pantaleon) is a CIA clone, as is Sherrie Lea Laird. Tila Tequila is a CIA organic robotoid. David Chase Taylor is also a CIA robotoid, whose GF is Laird.
(11:15am) Tunisia museum shooting. Odd that there are no humans in any of these pics.
March 23, '15: (11:55am) Got more drizzle and rain all day yesterday. Clear this morning.
CIAlizard Rafael Correa has accused CIA of being involved in opposition protests in the country. "There is a CIA presence there which has a goal of weakening the government," Correa said on Saturday. Yes, the CIA is indeed heavily into weakening itself. I have found this to be true myself.
New type of ETs? These were spotted in DK. They have a funky vibe, but it does not feel repty to me. I blasted them a while, then was able to find a bunch more underground in the Aarhus area.
(9:40pm) Pic of Rorg taken today, sunning himself. I didn't even adjust the color or brightness of the pic. His shell is almost 2" long now.
It was a warm day. Some chem-slime in the late afternoon.
March 24, '15: (7:25am) The War against Femaleness marches on: now Angelinaclone is supposedly getting her ovaries removed. Next year it will be her clit.
And now some lizard clone who has spent half his life in bed with boys and men Proposes Measure To Kill Gays 'By Bullets To The Head'.
There do not appear to be any pics of him on the web. I'm not sure he exists. But i get a CIA clone vibe behind this.
(12:15pm) Getting sporadic faint drizzle. Overcast today.
Someone sent me a link. The priest feels like one of those critters like i posted a pic of yesterday.
March 26, '15: (7:35am) Shortly after i posted last, the sun came out, and high winds and some minor chem-clouds. Then late we got some light rain.
Then yesterday evening it started raining again. In both cases, i was just getting tickled by the south edge of a system raging through N AR and S MO.
But after dark last night, i got thunder and lightning and more strong wind, and got wallopped with the hardest rain in a long time. It was so noisy i didn't sleep much.
It has died down a lot too.
I'm surprised i only got 1" of rain. It sounded like 2-3 times that.
Before everybody starts sending me links about Yamantau mountain, i would like to say that i scanned the area thoroughly, and detect NO SSers, NO ETs, NO DOR transmitters, and i suspect the whole thing to be mostly hoax.
The mountain is largely composed of quartz which has been thoroughly programmed for years.
March 27, '15: (1:15pm) Getting more drizzle and cold weather since last night.
10-Year-Old Boy Claims He Is the Reincarnation of a 1930's Hollywood Actor. This guy is for real. He is ensouled and has the same vibe as the actor.
OK, about that alleged Germanwings airline crash:
Was there an actual crash? Maybe. The rescue workers seem normal, and the alleged co-pilot feels like dead lizard meat.
But take a look at the pics in this article. The Branreses are SSers, including the baby who feels alive. The Matthews lizards also all feel like live lizards, including the alleged deceased. Likewise Paul Bramley, satanist. And the 16 lizard schoolgirls.
Or these all did feel alive a few minutes ago.
Found 9 of the girls in a U base near Land Wursten, Germany, and the rest under Mellum island. Found Bramley underground in Ireland. Found Momma and Baby Branres under here. Found Mr. Matthews near the Zurich airport.
Now all the deceased are truly deceased.
BTW Wolverhampton has a lot of filthy U activity we are working on.
March 31, '15: (4:20) The sun came out that afternoon (the 27th), and i was surprised to find i had gotten another 1.1" of rain.
Today it got up to 80 F. Getting thunder and occasional spatters of faint rain.
German Jewish family recounts ordeal of living in Israel. Duh. They thought they were of the Chosen, to be treated like royalty. They didn't realize they were Goyim (mere humans) to the reptilian hybrids masquerading as Jews.
Pretty cool scam. Now they are doing false flags in Europe to motivate Jews to emigrate to Israel, where they can get ripped off and abused.
I imagine that SSers coming to Israel get a different treatment.