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Loohan's blog for April, 2024

April 6, '24: (2:20pm) On the 2nd, i think it was, after a few days' respite, it started up again shortly before 10am. First 2 off-radar passenger airlines in close succession, followed by a loud USAF jet, off-radar, who seemed to be looping around me. Then i think, another USAF jet, but not as close.

That stopped for a while, than at 10:05 another off-radar USAF jet.

On the morning of the 5th, a USAF Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules came by fairly close, which FlightRadar adamantly refused to show the trail of, despite showing that it was a USAF C-130J. I even refreshed to page to no avail.

On April 6 at 1pm a loud off-radar jet thundered by, containing 6 US Army satanist pilots as well as 8 RCs. Meanwhile an unidentified Lear jet was approaching on-radar, which FlightRadar refused to show the trail of. This had 2 satanist pilots and 10 RCs, unknown agency. Then immediately another loud off-radar jet, with 4 Army satanist pilots and 7 RCs. Then a couple minutes later, another off-radar jet, USAF. Then another of those.
Then i went outside to do some gardening, and heard 7 more USAF jets. They were not super close, though.

I'm not the only person getting harrassed by USAF. I have a contact in the middle of Long Island, NY who gets it. He posted some pics of flight paths here.

The interesting thing is, i light up huge quantities of USAF U bases in NJ and NY state when i fry them. I didn't think USAF had so many U bases.

Apr 7, '24: (12:15pm) Since Nov. 15, '12 we have had the CIA Revealing Program for stones. No need to get some as many tons of rocks throughout the universe have long been programmed with it.

Then more recently i made a couple small brass rods that are anti-NSA, which are synergistic with other devices in a large and powerful array.
I still don't understand how a pgm can selectively light up only one agency despite the fact that very similar agencies are composed of the same "life" forms.

But lately i've been on a roll of coming up with devices that light up other specific felonious groups:

The stones are bionized quartz. I programmed the small stone day before yesterday. It is remarkably powerful for its size. And the rest i did just this morning! Maybe more will be happening. I'm hoping for one for Danish PET, the Canadian agency that runs the Mounties, British MI, Vatican...

The programs in the stones are not the kind that more can be made of.

(12:45pm) A reader just wrote me from Bristol, UK, harrassed by a RAF drone chopper. So almost immediately i programmed a rough apatite against the RAF, which has U bases too.
I like where this is going.

April 8, '24: (9:50am) So it's the Big Day the world has been awaiting so breathlessly. I'm on the path of the eclipse. I heard that hordes of idiots from China and Germany have jetted into my region, reserving lots of campsites, etc so as not to miss the spectacle.
So of course, heavy spraying is going on. I just walked outside and saw a bunch of new chem whereas the sky was clear a while before. Looking at the "clouds" in Google Earth one sees that they have plastered the sky heavily from NE MX to SE TX. San Antonio is whited out. However most of the white-out is a bit east of the path.
It's supposed to hit Eagle pass at 1:32pm and Little Rock at 1:51. Fast moving! It will take a while longer to hit my area.

And they keep spraying my area even though it costs them heavily. Now major stale white stuff is taking over the sky here although not shown on Google Earth, yet at least. Makes me wonder how reliable the cloud imagery is on GE.

(11:45am) A few minutes ago. Formerly very common, it has been a long time since i noticed a commercial passenger airliner going through the preferred path by me.
Delta is CIA.

The spraying stopped after i posted last, but the sky remains halfway whited out until just recently. Now it seems to be fading out /blowing over.

(1:45pm) A US Navy plane just buzzed by fairly close. Probably just a coincidence; it's been a long time since i noticed USN doing much harassment. But immediately i programmed another apatite against USN.

Sunlight getting funny now, darkening. Unusual vibe out; kind of pleasant actually.

(2:20pm ) It was supposed to be over Little Rock at 1:51, which is maybe 80 miles away as the crow flies, but total eclipse happened here at 1:52. Got real dark. I took a few pix.

This is NOT how it looked to the naked eye. It looked very round with only a small even margin of light around it.
Yes, naked eye. And i'm not blind yet, and the world hasn't come to an end yet.

It only lasted 3 minutes, then everything brightened up again. I'm glad i didn't fly in from another continent for that.
Left me in a bit of a pleasant altered state.

Everything's still real quiet. The birds and frogs must be impressed.

(7:25pm) That coil got lost in my desk clutter. It should have been in the photo of Apr 7. I did it that morning. Programmed it, i mean. I probably made the coil about 20 years ago, and it was still sitting around.

Oh yeah, and Nuno made an amazing hardware cloth that lights up the Fourth Agency real well. They seem to be all over the US on the surface, especially the Seattle area.

April 11, '24: (1:55pm) Yesterday i saw a hoax article about a Canadian actor, agent of the Canadian mafia that runs the Mounties. Right away i was prompted to program an item against them. Then this morning, a hoax with a bunch of actors of the Vietnamese mafia, whereupon i jumped up and programmed an apatite against them. Pics later.

And a reader inquired about this Ileana of the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show YT channel. My initial impression is that these were sincere but very deluded people on the channel. But it was such total BS and they all had the same vibe; bland but felt like they were sexually-produced. Blasted them for some time before i was able to pick up a faint hint of a NSA vibe. Then finally was inspired to make this brass rod.

I haven't quite figured out what they are; maybe just a specially-bred strain of humans. I'll be on the lookout for more of them. It is even possible they are just slaves who actually believe this BS, i dunno.

(5:55pm) I noticed another Delta flight today, going through the preferred path. Also just now i noticed another Survival Flight Bell chopper. It apparently, according to FlightRadar, took off just a mile or so away from me. but it was so quiet i barely noticed it. Must be a different model. I did not notice it when it landed. I am amazed as i didn't know choppers could be so quiet, and the ones last month were bothersome from a long distance away. Of course we do have a strong breeze going in the direction toward its path, which would have cut the noise some, but still.

April 12, '24: (1:15pm) I discovered yet another US mafia, which i am calling the Fifth Agency. They run Spirit Airlines, which was formerly CIA if i recall correctly. Made this aluminum rod this morning.
Currently taking out bunches of their U bases around Sand Springs, OK, Dunlap, Il, Oelrichs, ND, Elephant Butte State Park, NM, etc.

The anti Canadian mafia thing is just a hollow-handled stainless steel butter knife that i was guided to break half the blade off of.

Finding more of those Ileanoids in U bases. So far only in the US. Lots of them.

April 17, '24: (9:45am) Interesting things to be alert for if you are a Targeted Individual:

Three days ago a TI in Toronto emailed me pics of cut flowers that had prematurely wilted. "Basically, sometimes thIs happens overnight. They're ok one day but then the next day some of them just start to shrink. This never used to happen before."
The flowers had a nasty vibe tracing to Egyptoids in NGC 5631, which still has an unusual bad vibe which we are still addressing.

Then just now my friend in Slovenia wrote me "... even my food spoiled while cooking, fermented...was ok before." I had him send a photo, and it had a vibe of Egyptoids in Cygnus, now being addressed. In both cases more extraordinary than usual quantities of Egyptoids seem involved. And i would not have detected them without the photos. So be on the alert for similar phenomena. No telling what this tech does to your body.

April 19, '24 (1:30pm) Apparently there is no end to the different types of fake humans. This type also had a very bland vibe, and all felt the same. As with the Type 2 Blangsters, i can't even get a vibe off their bones.

Mendocino Martial Artist Died During Standoff With Henderson, Nevada Police This Weekend. This live actor, who can be seen in mugshots with a larger left ear (the most common deliberate giveaway) is what i am going to call a Mendo. Also if you look up images of Mendocino County PD, all you get is more Mendos. CIA, incidentally. (The Henderson Nevada cops are CIA RCs, as is the rest of the Mendocino Cty govt.)

After many hours of work i was able to squeeze a vibe out of these critters, and make this rod.

They are very widespread with countless U bases worldwide. I haven't found any in space though. I think they are some artificially mass-produced item, but when, where, and by whom? I haven't found any hatcheries yet.

April 21, '24: (9:05am) "Hard evidence" that Survival Flight collaborates with the CIA: Horror images emerge from children's birthday party where siblings aged eight and five were killed and nine others left fighting for their lives ...
Has a pic of a Survival Flight chopper allegedly hauling off the fake victims.

I just caught this jet going through the usual preferred path by my place.
Looking up Breeze Airways execs, i find they are all RCs of the Fourth Agency.

April 26, '24: (3pm) Sigh. Another type of manufactured "human". I call them Lyngeoids after Danish PET hoax actor Dan Lynge. This guy also had an ordinary-seeming human-like vibe except for feeling parentless and seemingly devoid of a heart or assemblage point.

(4:10pm) I sense a lot more Lyngeoids under all of Germany now.

And day before yesterday i stumbled across this guy, also something new. But instead of the usual pattern, he felt super freaky and exotic at first, and the more i blasted him, the more normal he felt. I could discern that he is NSA. I think he's in Chicago. I sense 96 more like him there. Joe had just busted Chicago real well, and that seemed to affect them, but i could not figure out any single program responsible for lighting them up.

It took me until now to come up with this tiny brass rod that does. I'm calling them Mannaroids.

He has a website and promotes "Emanon, an organization which is committed to making a positive difference in the world". Lots of NSA RC commenter-shills there. Seems oddly innocuous. Does he even know he is a NSA construct? Is there a sinister angle to all this? I haven't watched his vids.
I sense a lot more Mannaroids under Lake Michigan and Michigan.

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