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Loohan's blog for June, 2023
June 2, 2023: (10:50am) I keep getting hit daily by Nommo, so i just machined this piece.

Sometimes when i'm trying to get to sleep i get simultaneously attacked by Nommo, Egyptoids, Baphomoids, reptilians, and Black Goo. None of them have much power left these days but they all pitch in enough to bother me. Baphomoids have been attacking me more than usual in recent weeks.

June 9, '23 (10:20am) It had been getting pretty dry here lately, then yesterday and overnight i got 3" of rain including a bit of small hail. Only a tiny rain was predicted. More slight chances the next few days.
We have been having another cool spring here. Has not hit 90 yet.

It was pretty hazy here on the 6th and 7th, presumably due to the Canadian wildfires. Then some chem yesterday before the rain.

Another malevolent ET race: a few days ago i uncloaked some creeps that were attacking some people in Toronto. So far i have only found them in Deneb, apparently a rather large star. Yes, in. As in so many other cases, it feels like they are in the star. I call them Denebians. I have no idea of their morphology. They have been attacking me lightly for days. There seems to be quite many of them. Many of our programs work on them. Allied craft have been attacking them since i found them.

That last device i made against Nommo seems to have turned the tide. It lit up scads of them for termination.

(2:40pm) Found more Denebians attacking these people, from Corona Australis, around the center of this pic.

(5pm) And now, some more of these are attacking me from Vulpecula.


June 17, '23: (5:45pm) I had another 2.5" of rain with a bit of tiny hail. It is still cool for this time of year and has not hit 90F yet.

BLACK GOO is back on the warpath. It jumped me and is attacking Joe, and might hit a few other people.

In the recent weeks there has been much less attack activity from U bases. A few people are still getting hit some. Instead i have been running into misc unknown ET types attacking people from space. And getting hit some by Egyptoids, Denebians, reptilians, Nommo, etc.

June 21, '23: (2:15pm) I had another .6" of rain, bringing the recent total to over 6". It still has not hit 90, and nights are relatively cool.

Still getting hit non-stop by all of those in rotation, plus Baphomoids, Black Goo, and some unknown variety in Aquarius. I will catch one group attacking me and nail them, and in a few minutes another group will be doing the same thing. Always fairly low level annoying ick, just enough to make me feel uncomfortable and interfere with attempts to sleep, and they all feel the same when they attack lately, even the Goo.

This Army plane came over yesterday, just a few feet south of the usual path, but at the same angle. It left Wichita and after a short while set it self on a straight course to hit the usual path, more or less. Of course i don't know how precise the flight radar map really is.

More interestingly, a previously-undiscovered type of reptilian hybrid has been discovered. Many years ago there were many distinct types, but virtually all have long been replaced by monoculture repticlones. [And more recently, millions of these have been replaced by Blangsters, Blandsters, etc.] Except for the Dogon, who never go underground, and the Mahanoids, which do and are still being terminated by the hundreds daily.

This pic was sent to me by Joe who encountered this creature in the Seattle area, working for a motor licensing office. He says she was real nasty and had a weird occult vibe.

Yes, a high percentage of the original hybrids were like that. And some Egyptoids still are. They might practice black magic: sending demons/implants and casting spells, or they might not even mess with that, as many of them were inherently demon-like with their own personal directed toxic energy.

I do not get any agency vibe off this specimen, and she wears real bling unlike gov't agents.
Luckily i still have a lot of devices that work on rept hybrids and evil reptilians in general.
I do not know how this variety has escaped detection so long. The last type we discovered was the Mahanoids, and that was several years ago after not having found new types in many years.
So far i have not found more of her type, but no doubt there are more.

June 26, '23: (1:20pm) It finally hit 90F yesterday for the first time this year, 91 in fact. Then in came a cool front and thundershowers with a few 1" hailstones. Got 0.7 more inches. Now they are promising 97F on the 28th, 104 on the 29th, and 100 on the 30th!

I unplugged my computer and phone line a couple times. Lightning struck nearby. This morning i noticed this old white oak got damaged. This tree is near my original little cabin. That's just a shed visible behind it.

This was once a very stately tree but many years ago, maybe 15 (i blogged about it at the time) we had a big ice storm that ripped the tops out of many trees in the region. Once its upper branches were gone, there was not enough foiliage to draw sap up the entire periphery of the trunk, so the outer layer died in this strip leaving bare wood. Hence the black rot. Then this was all covered again with bark in later years as foliage grew back and created a strong sap draw again. And the lightning chose this path to the ground, baring the damaged part again. If there is upper damage to the tree it is not obvious yet.

About these "new" rept hybrids: i have only been able to light up 288 more, and only because they are directly or indirectly connected to this bitch. They do not seem to scurry underground when blasted. Of these, i think over 50 live in the area around 47.668092642486926, -122.65110021031303 west of Seattle.

As i type this, USAF has been sending off-radar jets over to rattle me. I have noticed something: there is a power spot under the Little Rock AFB from hell at 34.91143410673724, -92.1489590508501, and they feed into it from surrounding U bases as well as vast quantities of space bases of CIA Egyptoids. They only do overflights when this spot is being thus "fed", and somehow channel the toxic energy via the plane noise. If i neglect to keep this AFB free of such inputs, they seize the opportunity to harrass me. Fortunately, in recent times they are less able to maintain such pressures anywhere.
My hyperdimensional allies continue to assure me that this AFB is still the most evil spot for hundreds of miles around.

(4:30pm) Cooler today.
Oh yeah, found 2 more varieties of low-vibe fake humans. I've run out of names for them. More info here.

June 29, '23: (6:35pm) 97F on the 28th, 104 on the 29th, they said. It only got to 90 near my cabin yesterday, and 93 today. Of course it was probably much hotter in town.

I have the strong feeling that our friend Angie has died in the last day or so. Physically that is. But spiritually, it's still business as usual. She is the ally i send to people with internal demons.

I don't know what got her. I don't think it was old age. Snakes often get eaten by other snakes.
I haven't seen any of my snake friends yet this year.

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