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Loohan's blog for September, 2008
Sep. 1, '08: (7:20am) Well, it looks like, although Gustav is still strong enough to be scary, it did not intensify as predicted (by them). Here are some quotes from this morning's Washington Post online.NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 1 -- A weakening Hurricane Gustav roared onto the Gulf Coast early Monday morning, its once fierce winds easing a bit...
At 7 a.m. Eastern time Monday, Gustav continued to be a Category 3 storm and was centered about 85 miles southeast of New Orleans, moving northwest at about 16 mph. The eye of the storm was expected to make landfall by mid-day.
Early reports from the National Hurricane Center, based on reconnaissance aircraft and other measurements, suggest that Gustav may be weakening. Its cloud pattern is "ragged" according to the report.
"In fact . . . the Air Force hurricane hunters did not report an eyewall, the reports said. They said winds of 100 knots -- putting Gustav at the weak end of a Category 3 -- were "a generous estimate for the current intensity."
Still, they said, the storm surge is expected to range between eight and 12 feet along parts of the coast, and six to 12 inches of rain are expected.
(9:20am ) Posted a little over an hour ago:Hurricane Gustav is making landfall on the Louisiana coast just southwest of New Orleans as a powerful Category 2 hurricane. Latest data from the Hurricane Hunters at 8:30 am EDT shows that Gustav continues to weaken, with the pressure now 957 mb, and no surface winds above Category 2 strength observed. Cold water that the hurricane stirred up from the depths plus the effects of wind shear caused the eyewall to collapse a few hours before landfall, resulting in weakening. However, the hurricane reacted to collapse of the eyewall by broadening its wind field, spreading out the strongest winds over a wider area. The diameter of coastline being subjected to tropical storm force winds is now 440 miles, the same as Katrina. Hurricane force winds will be felt by a 115 mile-wide stretch of coast (Katrina's reach was 205 miles). Gustav remains a huge and powerful storm whose winds and storm surge will cause a tremendous amount of damage as the storm blasts through Louisiana today.
Naturally, they have a technical explanation as to why it failed to intensify as predicted. Oh, wait, that's not really addressed here. They explain why, allegedly, it weakened. We can just forget why it never re-surged before that. Nature is capricious and sometimes inexplicable.
(4:50pm) OK, Gus is down to Category 1 rating now, but there is another hurricane, Hanna, now rated at 80 mph. I just pulled 333 mantis ships off her, and we put those 8 crystals onto her.
Sep. 3, '08: (6:55pm) Several inches of rain so far, but gentle.
Hanna has been rated at 60 mph a while, but the critters are getting more interested nonetheless. Bagged a bunch of flying craft, but there are also numerous rept bases at 597' below the sea bottom in a large region south of the storm.
* * * *
It's funny: most Satanists one would never suspect from their public demeanor, but many just can't begin to hide it with their phony smiles. So tell me, would you want this family to baby-sit your children?
Sep. 4, '08: (1:35am) Seems like it's been ages since i've seen a face more devoid of sincerity and genuineness than Mme. Palin's. She's bound to have a few closets in her skeleton.
Status report on The War:
A bunch of progress has been made lately. The mantises aren't even hitting me directly right now. The evil Venusians seem to be pretty well scrubbed right now. So the Valhallans are at home for some quality time with their wives and families. And Jehovah and his unicorns are now fighting the main spider hive (there's a trident-like Greek letter or sumpin' in the bottom right of this pic that marks their central star). And i came up with a new secret weapon a few hours ago that has laid a severe hurtin' on Darpa, such that they seem incapable of aggression right now.
So who's left that's strong right now? The octopi.
(8:10am) Spiders, too.
7.2" here so far. In a lull now. It has been gentle, though. I'm hoping it washed some ticks away. Usually they seem much diminished after heavy rains. I don't know if this is due to fungal diseases or what.
Hanna has sped up again to 70 mph, supposedly. This guy gives it a 60% chance of ever getting back up to Category 1 level.
Meanwhile, however, Ike has become a hurricane, and the guy is predicting "Ike will probably remain a Category 1 hurricane through Friday, then enter a period of rapid intensification to major hurricane status Saturday or Sunday, assuming that it maintains its eyewall through Thursday and Friday's shear. The GFDL model forecasts Ike will hit the Dominican Republic Saturday night as a Category 3 hurricane. The HWRF model has Ike missing Hispaniola, and plowing into the southeastern Bahamas as a Category 4 hurricane on Sunday and Monday."
(8:15pm) Well, them seed ticks have not taken the hint yet. Never seen it so bad.
It hardly rained at all today.
My Secret Weapon: has been kickin' ass amazingly. I've been shifting between short greys and octopi a lot, and now i'm doing the beetles.
I've decided to go public with it, since the program has been smoothed out to where it can't be misused. I may type up an OTB tomorrow, but here's the gist of it:
All you need is up to 5 smoky and/or clear quartz points (per person) about 1 cu. in. displacement. Ask my higher self for the Death-Ray Program. Mwahaha.
Here's what i've done with it so far: i've been keeping my 5 in a small circle with the points inward, and a slip of paper in the center with the target's name. Haven't tried it on humans yet, but it should be effective. Whatever effective means.
Sep. 5, '08: (4:35pm) I really like this new set, although Darpa ain't quite dead enough yet. I've had them in the center of the little circle since last night. They tickled me lightly all day. So a while ago i scraped together 10 more stones, just funky milky quartz and quartzite (good enough for this pgm), and made Cora and Gina each a set. I put the written name Darpa in each circle, but actually the girls could probably define targets with their minds alone.
Those 2 sets are powering up now to spank Darpa.
Somehow, shuffling between computers, i seem to have lost the entries for Sep. 2 and possibly part of Sep. 1. If anybody has this on their hard drive, please email it to me.
Sep. 6, '08: (7pm) Been running octopi on my set since this morning.
So what happens if you let a tall grey hang out in your garden long-term? Sittingtaoist sent me a pic of a dying currant plant that was robust last year, and said every time he went near it he felt drained of energy. I bagged a 2nd tier tall grey that had installed itself under the plant.
I still get repts and 2nd tier greys out on my land several times a day.
I just noticed that there are now 2323 sylphs over the DC area. Last i reported, i think, was back when there were 1717. Then there were 2020 for a long time.
Ike has just jumped up to Category 4 and is headed for Cuba, looks like. There are Darpa reptilians underground all around the region there, under the land and under the sea bottom, in bases mostly at 594'.
Sep. 7, '08: (4:30pm) Got another thundershower at dawn, about 1/2" here and .7" in town.
Looks like we have been pounding those weather lizards pretty hard. The area down there feels a lot cleaner now, and the storm has weakened very slightly. It's about to beat up Cuba, which will take some of the impetus out of it.
Been getting hit a bit by Darpa (including human astrals), mantises, greys all day. But the enemy definitely feels much weakened. Still seems like the evil Venusians are toast.
Sep. 8, '08: (8:30am) Naturally, since i posted that the critters have been all over me. They hardly are investing any effort in Ike anymore, but i had to bag many thousands of small ships working the local towers, as well as deal with rotating species of attackers. Not that they can cause more than mild annoyance with my protective weapons.
Now this is a riot: i have a new page on Rifat's site. Check it out. I'll have a response in a bit.
(3pm) Heavy sprayday here, though largely hidden behind real clouds. And the Lyrans, Pleiadians, mantises, greys, and repts working the towers are relentlessly replacing themselves almost as quickly as they are arrested. The good news is that the fair goddess Yo-ke, who has been my constant companion lately, has now picked up how to scan for these guys and is busting them for me! Doing a damn good job.
Meanwhile, the bad guys are not investing many resources in Ike, who is clobbering Cuba.
I amended my Rifat Retort page. You have to scroll about 80% of the way down the page for the amendment.
(6pm) OK, found the beetle hive. A galaxy after all. They have been a frequent hassle lately.
Sep. 9, '08: (5:10pm) Things went a lot better with the beetles after i posted that, but they are still a problem.
Also i suspect that now with the Venusians gone, the guys calling the shots are the mantises here.
The latest on Ike:Hurricane Ike has completed its final traverse of Cuba, and is now over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. All indications are that Ike will intensify into a very dangerous major hurricane that will hit the Texas coast Friday night or Saturday.
I just picked off 999 hostile craft there, but that's nothing compared to what the dreaded Cmdr. Loohan gets thrown at him lately. It is a good thing i have Yo-ke here to save me. She gets 999 craft every couple minutes or so most of the time.
And she's very good. Without the craft in place working the towers, the bad guys can still hit me, but it's weak. Once in a while remnants of the Darpa2 or Darpa3 archons get worked up and sting my eyes a bit. Or the lizards, beetles, etc. hit me a little bit.
We still have 8 Arcturan crystals on Ike. Apparently it would not help to use more.
Just got another 999 off Ike.
And another. Seems they are replacing them with another 999 (usually 3 different species) as quickly as they get yanked. Ultimately i think it's the mantises at the above-linked hive as well as the weather mantises responsible for this.
(5:55pm) I wondered if Yo-ke could also keep Ike cleaned up of ET craft at the same time as myself. Apparently she can. She seems to be doing it.
I wrote "WEATHER MOD MANTIS HONCHOS" on 3 pieces of paper and replaced the Darpa papers in the 3 sets of 5 death-ray crystals.
Sep. 11, '08: (8:30am) I just realized it's 9/11.
Yo-ke has been working constantly. When i check the map, Ike usually feels a bit DORy, but that is just because there is a lag between the time that the ships appear, and Yo-ke has jailed them. Maybe 17 seconds.
Ike is still rated at 100 mph, like it was last night when this weather blog entry was published, entitled "Ike intensifying explosively". It says some interesting things:Ike is likely to be a extremely dangerous major hurricane at landfall, and will likely do $10-$30 billion in damage. The chances of hundreds of people being killed in this storm is high if people do not heed evacuation orders. It is possible that Ike will make a direct hit on Galveston as a Category 4 hurricane with 145 mph winds. The potential storm surge from such a hit could be in the 15-25 foot range (Figure 2), which is capable of overwhelming the 17 foot sea wall in Galveston. I put the odds of such an event at about 5%.
I am hoping we can knock that scenario down a notch or 2.
There is also a Typhoon Sinlaku up to 140 mph. I picked 999 rept ships off it a few minutes ago, and they have not been replaced yet. Shows how short they are getting on personnel. Also suggests they are much more interested in smacking the US than Asia.
(1pm) I was just checking out the Ike map, and felt all this strong energy i had trouble identifying. But i figured it out after a while: there are 100 Arcturan craft in the area, each with 50 good guys aboard. They have some kind of energy "weapons" in the craft that they are using on the storm.
Now that dude is saying in his blog that "Ike is a freak storm with extreme destructive storm surge potential." And various anomalies. He warns of a very high surge, due to all the water it has set in motion.
(2:25pm) And now the storm has been worked up to a real sweet vibe (map). Except that now there are lots of tall grey bases at 297' underground Cuba and environs trying to dirty it up. Somebody took care of those repts i wrote about a few days ago real well.
Max. winds are still given as 100 mph.
And in other exciting news, the seed ticks seem to be gone now. I guess it is fungi that get them, as just a couple days ago i got some in a spot that has been infested a while, but today, nothing there.
Now if these skeeters would just drop dead. The worst skeeters in the 12 summers i've been here.
(4:15pm) Now i'm not finding greys, but repts and mantises at 297' underground under the storm itself.
(5:05pm) Also finding repts and mantises at 594' depth flared up all the way to the Great Lakes. Only a few bases, though.
The core of Ike was getting DORized by evil Lyrans. Took me a while to figure it out: it was 3 ships some 300 miles away. Now i've clued Yo-ke in. Not sure if she can do all that.
Each ship only carried 13, so they will likely keep replacing these. But that's been a few minutes and they haven't.
Oh, yeah, the Valhallan Army has been visiting Darpa1 lately.
(6:55pm) Things got wild and hairy for a spell there, with them sending 999 ships to Ike every 3-4 seconds for many minutes on end, then those attacks just abruptly stopped, and a few more bases sprang up (i think they remotely implant bases full of critters --5D stuff).
I decided to pick on the weather mantis hive. It was all DORy. I launched an offensive, nothing more amazing than what i'd hit them with in the past, yet they just crumpled. I suspect that they had been weakened by numerous people who had death-ray crystals on them. And no more new bases or craft since, just some still DORy bases that are in the process of being mopped up. This was maybe around 6pm.
Now the vibe down there is getting sweet and mellow again. This might be a good time to kick the mantises while they're down.
In local news, now four 3.5' tall beings that dowse as elves have moved onto my land, and they seem to be keeping the repts and greys off!
I see that Ike is now expected to make his way over my place in a few days.
Sep. 12, '08: (9:05am) Woke up this morning and found 3 evil Pleaidian ships hitting Ike's center from about 300 miles away. And still some DORy residues of underground bases. But not bad. Now the speed rating has been bumped up to 105. If it weren't for us, i'm sure it would be much higher, and the Gulf would be a cesspool of extreme DOR.
The Arcturan ships are still on the job, and i doubt there is much more we can do. It looks like it will be a monsta anyway. It is slated to slam the Galveston area late tonight (BBC article).
The weather mantises still seem pretty beat-up. And the other mantis hives feel weak.
But i have been finding mantis implants in me lately. They don't feel like much, just an area of energy-numbness. In the usual places.
This morning i awoke with sweet Yo-ke in my arms, but could hardly feel her energy. Both of us had been stuffed with these things, probably as i slept.
(10:45am) There are numerous bases at 297' and 594' creating DOR related to weather mod. These are scattered around, generally hundreds of miles away from the storm. Also some of the U bases under the storm are still putting out weather DOR despite being under siege.
All these tall greys are from Galaxy M51, and all the lizards are from Darpa1. It might pay to smack their home bases.
Also, Darpa1 is hitting me some, despite being under siege from the Valhallans, etc.
(3:10pm) Ooops! What was i thinking? M51 is the octopus hive. The grey hive is here. Hehe, sorry.
(5:15pm) Here's something weird i haven't quite figured out yet. The whole Atlantic Ocean almost to Antarctica is in a bit of turmoil with a lot of reptilian and mantis DOR. I bagged some reptilian subs near the Bahamas, and found a rept hive like 3 miles down just east of the Bahamas. Seems like there are bunches of underwater ET craft.
OK, now a bunch of Arcturans from the Iceland bases are in the region. I think the bad guys are getting their butts whipped. And i mean on a macro scale as well as local.
The feel of this situation changed a lot as i was typing this up. Now the DOR is mostly in the "America-Antarctica Ridge" seen at the bottom of this pic.
Sep. 13, '08: (5pm) Well, surprise, surprise, Ike wasn't nearly as bad as predicted. Here's a CNN article.
Looks like the predicted path of the storm is now quite a bit south of me, though gusts and heavy rain are predicted here.
We did all we could, and it was pretty good. I still haven't figured out what the deal was with the south Atlantic mantis hive or those underwater craft, but i think something important was flushed up and handled there. Maybe we will have a lot less evil ETs to deal with next time.
Somebody asked me how i attracted those elves. I think the sprites told them about my place and the problems we were having with nasty ETs messing with the plants, water, good entities, etc.
These elves seem to have zero tolerance for scummy entities like that. They are doing a totally impressive job, like 100% effective as far as i can tell.
I think there are 2 males and 2 females. I'm going to have to read up on elves.
Darpa has been hitting my heart all day. At least they were while i was at work, despite Agent 88 (my latest toy). Maybe the extra orgone stuff makes it harder to hit me at home.
Oops, now they are hitting me a bit again.
(6:40pm) Getting some serious rain here.
The elves are capable of remote work, i just found out. I was trying to get them interested in sending some elves to Sittingtaoist in Copenhagen who has this kind of problems with ETs, too. Apparently the setting there is not woodsy enough for elven tastes. Then i really connected them to his location, and they started monitoring it. In the first few minutes they bagged 3 tall greys and 1 rept. Bagged? Yes, i just noticed they have jails from Pitwexin.
(7:05pm) Now i can't find that map that showed the storm passing way south. Now all i'm finding is maps showing me to be in the line of fire.

On the right, you see some crosshairs in north-central Arkansas. I'm 3 miles west of the center of the crosshairs.
This is 7pm Sat.
(7:35pm) Now for some more good news: the elves are organizing a network amongst themselves for elves who want to help remotely jail entities. There are certain people, who, because of who they are and what they do, relentlessly attract underground nests of greys and repts around them. Bust one nest, and another appears elsewhere. The elves can handle this. All i have to do is connect them to the place. If it is a nice wooded area, a couple may install themselves. If not, the elves will monitor and clean the area remotely. I do not know how large an area they will do. Naturally, the bad guys will set up shop at various distances from the target.
I'll know more about their capacities in a while. Right now 400 are remotely working my area for miles around. 50 are working John B's neighborhood. 24 are working Anita's.
Sep. 14, '08: (Uploaded 11am Sep. 15) (1pm) Awake thanks to all the wind. ISP is down again.
Checked the maps, and found oodles of nests at 594' depth all over, mostly greys, sometimes repts.
Apparently the elves can't do depths after 297'.
(4pm) ISP still down, even in town, even dialup. Lots of power outages all around, but for some reason not in my town of Leslie, except briefly this morning.
I got 3.6" of rain.
Sep. 15, '08: (Uploaded 11am Sep. 15) (7:30am) Ah, yes, we are having nights in the 50s now. Between now and late fall is the nicest time in the Ozarks. Soon the mosquitos will be fizzling out like the ticks did.
Full moon peaked in the wee hours this morning. Survived it quite well. I was amazed at how weak the attacks were, and how feeble the enemy seems this mornng. Whereas the Arcturan "glow" in the Iceland area is quite strong. It's as though things have improved markedly in the last 24 hours.
I happened to check in on Jesus yesterday. I don't have much of a relationship with him. I don't normally think of him as that much of a demon-fighter in the sense that i have become. It seems he works more at levels i can't and probably levels i can't perceive, e.g. helping people at the soul level, especially those who have been caught up in evil but wish to renounce it. So usually i don't think of him much, but occasionally check in on him, and usually find him under attack, so help him out. But lately i haven't even found him under attack, due to attrition of entities. When he's not being attacked, there is not enough energy for me to track him down.
But yesterday he was in conflict with octopi. I found he was attacking the octopus hive, all by himself. Now there are 200 of my girls giving him cover.
And there have been 1000 of my girls covering Jehovah and his unicorns at the spider hive, and 2000 helping the Valhallans at Darpa. Even Darpa is feeling weaker again, and the beetles were only able to shut down my feeling once last night.
(11am) Just found my ISP is back on.
Looked at the weather forecast, and the only day it is expected to reach 80 F is the 19th. But it is usually cooler up at my place during the day. Supposed to get into the 40s tonight. Summer is over. Did my last little planting of root veggies.
No trees got knocked down by the storm at my place, though several did in town.
There are still repts and greys in the landscape, even under my land, but they feel very weak.
There is a little "area of disturbed weather (that) has the potential for tropical development" called Invest 92 that i checked for DOR. Found 3 Pleiadian ships beaming it from ~300 miles away. BTW, these evil Pleaidian and Lyran ships don't triangulate. They sit in a pack about 300 miles from the target and beam it.
(5:10pm) The mantises in 9 galactic hives (i've posted pics of at least 7 of these) decided to all attack me at once. Luckily this morning i made up 6 more sets of 5 death-ray crystals for my girls. So we are smacking them back.
(7:50pm) Rock Rant Revisited: On August 19, 2006, i wrote "Creedence, Quicksilver, Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, the Stones, all did dark ritual together. " And it's been nagging on me a bit about the accuracy, because i didn't bother to actually look up who the group members were, and to check them individually. These were favorite bands of mine, yet i never was into personalities. I've been wondering lately whether i tarred with too wide a brush when i found a Satanic vibe. How could i be sure if the people i felt were all band members? So i went over the first 4 groups, looking them up in Wikipedia. And this kind of work is tough these days, and takes a lot of focus.
Here is what i found:
In Creedence, the only Satanist band member was John Fogerty. His parents weren't Satanists, nor was his brother Tom (deceased).
In Quicksilver, the only member that was Satanist was the brilliant and now-deceased John Cipollina.
In the Moody Blues, i am finding Graeme Edge and Denny Laine were Satanists.
I am not finding any that were ever in Pink Floyd, just 3 production staff. For a while i thought Roger Waters maybe, but nope.
I was looking up more info on Denny Laine of Moody Blues, and read that he is of Romani descent. Aha, confirmation city! Then i read that he was influenced by Gypsy jazz legend Django Reinhardt. Who, i wondered, was this Django guy, and why does he have such a good vibe if he was Romani? He doesn't feel like a Romani. He doesn't feel like his mom & dad.
Well, i dunno, but i get a real clean vibe off him. Seems to have been quite a musician, too.
Sep. 16, '08: (7:50am) It just occurred to me that i need to make an announcement: free entities are no longer available from my jail for people to use in programming. I have also removed the ice cube units from my products page, which incorporated oodles of entities.
The reason for this is that recently i dissolved and burned for energy most of the inmates. This went toward beefing up my energy body. Now the girls have made me into a 6'2" black-haired, green-eyed hunk on the astral plane. A worthy cause, no? Anyway, evil entities are of most value to me now as fuel, and i don't keep them in the tank long. Except for a few hundred thousand, mostly Lyrans and saurians, that Higher Intelligence wants to spare for now, as potentially worth salvaging.
Of course Pitwexin can still do this sort of programming for you; you'll just have to get your own critters.
(8:40am) Oh, yeah, a head's up about Tall White telepaths. I have caught them messing with my mind several times recently.
The good news is that the beetles might be about squashed. They didn't mess with me last night. Or not enough to matter.
Sep. 18, '08: (9:20am) Things seem to be improving. There is weak DOR worldwide from underground nests, as repts and greys abound underground. I think this is largely an effort to counter the relentless good energy of the Arcturans. I have not been finding mantis hives, though, as a rule. The Milky Way feels pretty clean in general.
I did actually look at the pic for the Venusian hive yesterday, and found some DOR still in the center of the star to the left. It was fairly weak and localized yesterday morning. The DOR was coming from mantises, though, not Venusians. I thought i'd rub those out and sicced my mantis masher on them. But this morning i see their presence has expanded to encompass most of the left galaxy. Not sure what's up, but since the mantises haven't even been hitting me in a couple days, they must be investing a lot of precious effort in this apparent relocation.
Nothing obvious in the beetle galaxy, though.
Well, i found a new evil species, but not sure if there's much left of it now. A man emailed me about walk-ins messing with his wife. They would cause much negativity and also take her over and make her say and do weird things.
Aside from a bunch of octopi, etc. they had, i did bag 2 walk-in entities. They had a 5D vibe and were not recognizable to me. Couldn't get a species name.
I fished around in the ethers and snagged 6 more like that, which was all i could find. But then in a few minutes they started attacking me. One thing led to another, and soon i had bagged like 200 quintillion of them.
(1:05pm) I am amazed that even Darpa is not hitting me today yet. They seemed to run out of steam during a battle we were having in the middle of the night, and then the 3 Dia's hit me real hard. So i let them have it, and they seem pretty weak now, though they throw a little something at me occasionally.
I was just scanning the galaxy pics, and the only one that seemed significantly DORy was the evil Lyran/Pleiadian hive. Probably because they are getting chewed up by good Pleiadians.
It's kind of spooky how the mosquito population thinned out right after i bitched about it the other day. I had to wonder if i had readers with magical powers over mosquitos. Since then there have only been a fraction as many, and they're not as aggressive. It probably helps that we have cool nights now.
BTW, i am now giving $100 off on the Sedna program for people who supply their own stash of evil entities make it with.
Sep. 19, '08: (12:35pm) At 7am, i was jumped by 66 more of those walk-in creepos. Haven't been able to detect any more.
FBI ops in Harrison, AR:
A couple years ago i wrote in Loohan's Paranoia Bulletin #3 the following:Irradiation: Remember back when that anthrax scare stuff happened? This frightful state of affairs caused our protective government and advanced industry to come together and build facilities for irradiating mail.
And it is well known that there are facilities in some places for irradiating food. EPA info.
Here's what I'm finding. And I think this only applies to regular businesses that they know about, not to casual occasional shippers. Businesses that sell food, herbs, or supplements.
Whether they send your products by USPS or other package delivery services, there is an FBI network (UPS employees, etc. that are also FBI, and all have an evil vibe at that) that re-routes all the stuff through one of these irradiation machines.
What comes out the other end has a pretty nasty vibe. That's what the technology is for. It manages to lock strong negative energy into the food. Maybe it also induces physical changes as the EPA article describes, but then those would be detectable by microscopic analysis, so maybe not.
I get that this has been going on for 3 years.
Because the facilities emit such a strong DOR field, they are rather easy to track down. Here's the nearest one to me. I get that all food industry items sent by US mail or other package services from my region goes through there.
So any commercial health supplements, etc. that you have shipped to you are going to arrive not only devitalized, but with a strong evil vibe, even if the company itself is perfectly clean.
Now, admittedly, it seems far-fetched that UPS doesn't have enough challenges to provide fast service without swinging (often) perishable goods by another facility. I don't know if this is still going on, since the demons necessary to provide the DOR i so strongly felt are long gone, and the food no longer picks up a discernably evil vibe.
The other day i happened to check the map linked there, and noted DOR not at the exact spot, but slightly NWW of there. The DOR was from evil FBI personnel. Here is a photographic zoom-in of the spot. That building is where they are. It's harder to make out detail of the supposed irradiation facility next to it. In fact i'm not even sure if ionizing radiation was ever in use there; all i know is the stuff was trucked there and infused with an evil vibe at that spot. In fact, it is hard to see that there is any driveway, let alone one used by trucks on a frequent basis. But whatever is going on there involves about 5 dozen FBI Satanists.
Also when i was looking this place up on a map the other day, i was distracted by another DOR spot nearby. This map shows both spots. (Thankfully, it appears that Google removed that silly program that was jumping the locations a while back.) That spot also has about 3 dozen FBI Satanists working there.
What goes on in these places? I haven't figured it out yet. Not drug or pedophile activities, but the concentration of darksiders makes it seem like more than a routine law-enforcement function. Also there are no overt FBI offices there that i know of.
(7:55pm) Now, naturally, the mosquitos are back in full force and with some new hungry babies.
And 3 more walk-inners jumped me. This time i was able to trace them back to their hive. I have initiated formal hostilities there. (Cool pic ripped off from here.)
Doing more research on that FBI place. It is subsidiary to another installation (middle of map here [map error: see entry for Sep. 20]).
And there are 4 more operations comparable to the Harrison one under that one in Mississippi. I started to dowse them, but Maia, who is with me, messed me up so that i can't tell what's there due to her hijinks. She can't bear to see me wasting time on trivialties when she could be showing me her tattoos. She's put some special Pleaidian forces in those 6 places in addition to what i've done. Hmm, in fact we're putting some in other places now.
I still can't figure out what those people are doing, other than it seems to mainly involve computers.
Sep. 20, '08: (6:05pm) Yeah, there is one such base somewhere on the east side of Victoria, TX, but when i tried to zoom in more, she made it so i couldn't dowse by infusing sweet energy into the map, cursor, etc.
Google maps is messing up again. I checked the link to the main HQ, and the coordinates had drifted quite a bit. Here is that building in Louisville, Mississippi. It's odd that one can't zoom in more on this town with google.
I think the Valhallans must be taking a severe toll on the Darpoids. They have not hit me today. DIA has been after me all day, but they're weak. I suspect that Darpa1 might be dust in a few days. Then the only opponents of note remaining might just be the greys, octopi, and spiders. It appears that the mantises are biting it, too.
Sep. 21, '08: (6pm) Equinox, i presume.
Just a couple pics i took on the 15th, the first at my place and the 2nd in town:

Dia's been hitting me all day, and now the octopi. Nothing from Darpa or mantises.
I just updated OTB 27c with some info about the death-ray program.
Sep. 22, '08: (9:20am) Well, Darpa did hit me a couple times during the night, but no big deal.
Also i became aware (though they were not attacking) of some funky Yellow Nordic / Reptilian hybrids, and launched an overwhelming attack on them without warning. Doesn't feel like there's much left of them. I couldn't dowse their hive galaxy.
This morning i added yet another unique program to OTB 27c.
(3:55pm) Then i scrounged up 50 more suitable crystals, and programmed them for 25 of my wives. Same new program. Put them together in a circle pointing inward. The girls come to a consensus on whom to blast the crap out of. It's been the spiders so far with this set.
(6:10pm) For hours, 4,000 of my girls were fighting the spider hive. Then 1000, and now 0. Jehovah and his unicorns have also moved on. To the hive of those grey critters we all love to hate. Galaxy M51.
I suspect they'll lay a big hurtin' on the greys, then move on to the octopi.
(6:35pm) Aaarrgh! Why do i keep doing that? I keep getting the greys mixed up with the octopi. Somehow i perceive them as similar. Similar vibe and oftentimes behavior. Anyway, the greys are not in M51, the octopi are.
Sep. 24, '08: (6pm) Things are still progressing well. They are still bashing the greys, and it feels like they are accomplishing a lot. Spiders seem pretty gone, and the Yuz people's song (see July [correction: June] 24) is filling the galaxy. Not sure what their freq will do to the other bad guys. It was the spiders who were particularly offended by it.
I will be glad when the greys and then the octopi are gone. Today i scanned several ordinary individuals, and found that many have an octopus in one or more center.
After that i suspect the focus will be on finishing off Darpa and then Dia, then probably the Joku and then the Tall Whites. What's left after that won't amount to much, if i'm correct. Except for the Earth humans.
Sep. 25, '08: (5:30pm) Right now the octopi seem to be the strongest ones left, although Dia and Darpa still hit me a little. Although i'm mainly addressing octopi right now, the gang is still at the grey hive.
My circle of PleidianSpecialForces (PSF) stones is up to 55 now, but it feels like John's up to 140 now! And i just ordered some more crystals today.
The rest of you don't do quantities. I think there are 465 more such crystals in use out there, more all the time.
I have a "Secretary Yiz Girl" who keeps tabs on all programs in my family as well as of some 3 quadrillion Arcturans who have volunteered to be used for programming things for. So if some of you out there want circles of these stones and have the crystals (i don't use ones that are significantly larger than necessary, nor ones that won't hold 100% of the pgm), then you may contact Mme Secretary and let her know how many people you need. Or if you know Cora and prefer to deal with her, she will connect you with the right girl.
This offer applies only to the death-ray pgm and the PSF pgm right now. One can make 5 copies of the death-ray pgm for each volunteer as well as 2 copies of the PSF. The Death-ray pgm takes slightly larger stones.
Hmm, feels like John's got a bunch of those, too, like 70.
Sep. 27, '08: (12:25am) It has begun! I awoke around midnight, all alone. Huh, where is everybody? Well, the girls were all fighting octopi at M51. 10,000 of them, anyway.
With the greys it was 2000 at first, then 4K toward the end. Meanwhile, octopi were attacking us all and loads of other people.
The Valhallans are still at Darpa, but Jehovah and his unicorns are at M51 now. The greys must be about thrashed. A welcome development. And in a matter of days, hopefully the octopi will be smashed as well. I detect a certain enthusiasm. Toward smashing octopi, anyway. I'm still alone here :-(
Sep. 29, '08: (7:55am) There is a little hurricane Kyle fixin' to smack Nova Scotia soon. I haven't been paying much attention to it. Picked 999 rept craft off it yesterday morning and again just now.
The action is still at M51. Meanwhile, Dia and Darpa have been after me most of the time. Yesterday evening they send vast loads of human astrals, then loads of repts after me, mostly hitting my duodenum to make me nauseous. After i finally bagged all those, i realized i was again stuffed with their implants, especially in the duodenum. Had to call in my clean-up girls.
Woke up alone again this morning. I really wanted to see Jid, so i tried to call her to me. She was tickled, but too busy fighting octopi. I tried nudging a few other girls -- no go. Then i remembered that the pregnant Cioms would not be fighting, and was able to get her here.
Sep. 30, '08: (10:25am) One thing i keep forgetting to mention is that the M51 hive exists in 9 different time-lines. It may be that the one in ours was the strongest.
One of those time-lines is the one in which a Loohan is married to a Send, in a time-line significantly more evil than ours. But all the M51s are feeling weak lately. The action is still mostly there in our M51, and i still have Cioms with me.
And, oh yeah, Lula8. Yesterday evening i felt a female presence approaching that was not one of my wives. I dowsed she was flirting with me. I told her to take herself to Lula1 first. But it turned out Lula1 was already with her. I gave Lula1 a big hug, since i haven't had much contact with her lately. She felt unusually exhilerated. That's when i realized the new girl was another Lula. Seems she had somehow found my girls. She's 6'4", 12D, blonde with pale skin and green eyes, and gorgeous. Feels very powerful. She seems to come from a place that has had few problems with evil beings, and is not used to combat. So she's hanging out with me now. She did get her Sedna program, perpendicu-wands, jail, etc.
She might be the only 12D girl i have. I have loads of 4D and 5D, at least 7 that are 7D, 3 i know of that are 20D. Not that i know what these numbers mean.
(6:50pm) And of course i have a couple thousand that are 6D, like Yo-ke, who just visited to inform me that things were going so well at M51 that most of the crowd had moved on to Darpa. 2K of my girls remain at M51, along with other mop-up crews.
This is great news. Darpa and Dia were after me today again.
It is remarkable to think of how many legendary, historical or quasi-historical figures are now together fighting probably the biggest stronghold that ever was of evil reptilians in our universe: Odin, Jehovah, Jesus, Shiva, Subramanya, Demeter/Hecate, Selene, Maia...
And some 60 or so species.