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The Love Program

This program comes from the Arcturans.

This program helps heal and develop the heart center of all benign beings in its field. I am not sure whether it directly affects evil beings, but it does counter their anti-heart activities.

UPDATE Aug 2020: It now has become relevant in terms of affecting evil beings. I doubt it will make them loving, but more likely it irritates them. Hence, this program is now FREE if you get it installed in your own stuff by ChemmerBuster.
Also there is a 2nd similar program, written by Antuvozy years ago, which is also free and you should follow the same guidelines as for the first.
Both can go into the same stone if it is large enough. Both can't go into the same layer of resin, though.

"Items" can be calcite, clear or white quartz, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, aventurine, selenite, or perhaps other minerals (inquire), and/or clear resin or orgonite mix (must be programmed while it cures). Composition of orgonite matters. Should have little or no iron/steel. A bit of aluminum adds intensity, but use judgement on this. I'm not sure the quality change is a good thing if overdone. These units above have no aluminum. Brass, bronze, copper, and magnesium are good. Titanium is OK. The depicted units have a bit of fluffy silicon-bronze wool and a couple tsp of quartz sand in them, but no other crystals.
Size: In the units above, which are mostly epoxy, with hardly anything added, it required just slightly over 8 fluid ounces of volume to reach the point of 100% of the program. A tennis-ball sized crystal should hold 100% or almost. Even sandstone is good.

Guarantee on the programming service: If you are ever dissatisfied, I will refund your money!