Aug. 18, '06: I think it was the morning of the 16th that i noticed that the 235K Lyran troops were on the ground, Not underground, not in the air, but at ground level. Were they cloaked? Dimensionally shifted? I don't know. They seemed concentrated a bit west of Baalbek.

Probably the evening of the 16th i realized they were now in southern Lebanon.

On the 17th i did a bit of map-scanning and noticed their good vibe coming from Banias, the shrine to the god Pan. Some nice pics here. Apparently, the Lyrans had seized it. I suspect they had to bump off a few reptilians in the process.

They only left a small contingent there. They seemed to be spread all over southern Lebanon and into northern Israel, sweetening up the vibes. Mostly at ground level. I even picked up their vibe at ground level in Jerusalem. Were they walking around disguised as Earthlings? I don't know.

So i told a few of my most powerful devices to be "in the most important vortex in the Middle East". They ended up at Banias. Hmm.

That evening i posted in my blog
(5pm) Well, i just dealt with a little hot spot in far southern Lebanon, near the border. The reason it was hot was because there were tens of thousands of greys there. And a reptilian ship with a nuclear-powered transmitter in it. No repts or other ETs, though. I think you only need to dig down 70' to find it.
Took away their Goetia demons, along with the greys.
Then i cast a dragnet over the region, netting over 400,000 more greys.
The greys were trying to counter the Lyrans with black magic.
The next morning i wrote
Funny thing: yesterday i kept getting, weakly, that there were humans in that base. But the trail would peter out when i tried to get their nationality. I just wasn't asking the right questions. Turns out there are 8 evil humans from New Zealand there.
and proceeded to shred the 8 with something.

Around noon on Aug. 18 i again scanned a map of the region. The Lyrans' energy was definitely predominant in the region!
Perhaps for that reason, a strong transmitter had flared up in Al-Qunaytirah.

The Lyrans had apparently captured the Lebanon spot with the reptile ship.

A few hours later i happened to notice that the Lyrans had taken the big Moab base and it now had a great vibe.
I suspect they must be beaming themselves into these underground places, and killing the evil denizens, be they human or ET. At least, i am unable to detect any vital signs of the 913 Chinese, 8 New Zealanders, etc.

I noticed they were not yet in the big US base in Israel, nor Dimona (the nuke place). So i put some hefty items to work on these, especially Dimona. Will they be able to do it? That would indeed be quite a plum, to take over control of Israel's big nuke facility.

Aug. 19, '06: (7pm) They seem to be in that big US base, but not Dimona. Maybe they don't want to hang out with all that radiation.

This morning i noticed that a spot had flared up right on the border, near Har Goderim, Israel. Right exactly where the yellow line has a kink. (Freemasons often use vortexes as points to draw boundary lines to.) Under that spot were 48 evil Americans and a nuke-powered transmitter. I sweetened it up, but i don't think the Lyrans are there yet, either. The Americans are still alive, if somewhat bludgeoned.

Aug. 20, '06: Around midnight last night i checked and found that the Lyrans were at this Har Goderin spot, and the 48 Americans had been reduced to 22. I brought most of my tools back to bear on the situation, and after a while noticed there were only 12 left. Checked again later, 0 left.

In the late afternoon i scanned the map again, and there was a spot near Ard el Borj, Lebanon all flared up (encircled). Looks like an artificial structure. Vortex right in the center. No ETs, but another reptilian craft with nuke transmitter going, and 96 Aussies! Very cosmopolitan region. Everybody's got to have a finger in the pie.

It seems to really help the Lyrans when i knock the DOR out of one of these places, so i did that again, and by 7pm there were no Aussies left alive in there.

It seems odd that i found 48 Americans, then 48 X 2 Aussies.

Anyway, the Lyrans moved in and mopped up that scene in the afternoon.
Then i re-checked and found yet another flare-up. This one was west of Har-Goderin. (The Google Earth maps i have up are not oriented with north at the top. I apologize that i was slow in realizing i could rotate the display before saving the pics.)

The 2nd pic is a zoom-in. This place contained yet another reptilian craft/transmitter and 42 Canadians.

By nightfall, they, too, were history.

Aug. 21, '06: Checked again this morning, and the whole Middle East area was smooth as silk. Except for a little something way over to the west in Ar Rutbah, Iraq, which i neutralized.

Aug. 22, '06: At 7am, i found 54 yellow Nordics under Haifa, Israel; no humans. Then at 1pm, 383,000 blue and red Nordics under the center of Janin, Israel. No transmitters, craft, humans, though.
(4pm) Just got another 400+ reptilians under Me'ir Shefaya, Israel. And 200+ greys NNW of Jerusalem.

(4:40pm) I just got 700+ yellow Nordics at a spot east of Hosen and south of Ga'ton, Israel. And a coven of 13 reptilians WNW of Zikhron Ya'agov, Israel.
