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Orgone Technical Bulletin # 11
April 8, 2004
Mobius-Wrapped Bottles in Series
This technique is mainly for making items to be securely buried in the earth. It has the advantage of being extremely powerful, yet cheap and easy.
Essentially, you put a mobius coil around each bottle with a certain tape layering over each coil, secure the bottles around the center piece, connect the coils in series, and plug the leads into an earth battery. See my thread on the CB forum. For more about earth batteries, see this thread. There are several more threads on these batteries; another one is here.

You will need:
One good mobius-wrapped or mobius-containing unit to build it around, e.g. a Triniti wand. (I have half a mind to try this with a tetrahedral HHG someday.) If you are orgonite-challenged, a mobius-wrapped bottle would do in the center, though orgonite and copper pipe do lend considerable synergy.3 (or more, if you want to get creative) good bottles, either glass or clear plastic. Ideal would probably be 6, wired up in 2 sets of 3 bottles, like 2 triangles with each triangle separately wired. In other words, the current will flow in one set of 3 and back to the center piece, then go the opposite way through the other set of 3. I will try this someday soon.Wire suitable for mobius coils (I have used 18g and 14g with great results.)"Organic" tape. Black electrical tape is probably best. (Note: brands of electrical tape can vary considerably in their energy quality!) One could also use cellophane packing tape, but it's longevity will probably be less.2" wide Aluminum tape (inexpensive at hardware stores).One copper earth electrode about 2 ft. long, or longer if your earth is very permeable. (I use bare 8g wire.)One steel electrode of the same length. I have used rebar electrodes in the past, but they didn't work properly after a few months, for reasons unknown; they were not rusty. Galvanized conduit pipe still works superbly after several months. However, rebar is very useful to pound into the soil to pre-drill the hole for inserting the copper wire. I use locking pliers to pull it back out. And it works pretty well as an electrode for shorter applications, e.g. campouts. [Note: if your soil is very rocky and 2' is too long to be practicable, shorter lengths will do on these electrodes, particularly if they are driven into the bottom of a hole. If they are too shallow, they will be more prone to reduced effectiveness when the earth is dry.]I also like using electricians' twist-connectors to connect up the wires.High-energy water. Sally's water is quite good, using 2nd generation made with distilled water. Lately, however, I have found another water that feels even better to me, which will be discussed in the next OTB, which will be on labyrinths. Actually, I now tape labyrinths to the bottle, as described in OTB 12, protecting them with aluminum tape.
The parameters are pretty flexible. You want the bottles and coils to be alike. I've used glass bottles of around 1 liter (though larger ones would be better) with coils made from perhaps 40 feet of wire each (make them longer on bigger bottles). You can use a toroidal mobius, or the simple spiral wrap described on my mobius coil page. Though my preference, for ease of constructions as well as power, is the last type on that page, made similarly to a scarab coil. Leave the end wires sticking out (on the center peice, too). Tape each coil in postion around its bottle using the aluminum tape. Then cover this tape with the organic tape. Then put another layer of aluminum tape over that (I have not yet tried further layers). This gives a bit of a Reichian orgone-accumulator effect. No need to stop at 2 layers, in fact; so far I've done as much as 5, and each additional layer added a lot more energy. It might be prudent to ensure that orgonite is a component of any many-layered wrapped device.
Remember that water expands when it freezes, so leave an air space of at least 10%.
Then, situate the bottles around the center piece (not as easy as it sounds) equidistantly if possible.
Connect the 4 mobius coils in one long series, leaving 2 leads open. Connect these to the 2 earth electrodes. If you have a multimeter, you might check the current across the electrode terminals before hooking up the coil wires.
OK, there is something amiss with the above picture; it suggests you would want to interrupt the flow between the outer bottles with a trip to the center piece and back. I wouldn't do that, though. I would link all 3 bottles together, for example as depicted below:

Excerpt from my original field report:
I hooked up all the coils in series in one loop, using electricians' twist-on connectors, and arranged the bottles around the wand. Sloppily; the bottles weren't even close to equidistant in their positions. Probably would be better if they were, but it was real awkward trying to do all this with only 2 hands without breaking loose the wire connections.
I taped the bottles in position with cellophane packing tape. I needed it to hold everything together long enough to carry this contraption over to the big hole I'd dug. I taped some aluminum tape over the cellophane tape; what the heck. Tried to cover any exposed wires with aluminum tape, too, in the hope that it will make it unattractive to gophers. Had 2 wire ends left sticking out.
Placed the mess in the hole. Also shoved in a length of rebar and a length of 8g bare copper wire (earth battery electrodes). Luckily the clay soil wasn't rocky. Note that I planted these electrodes in the bottom of the hole, with a few inches poking out. Wrapped the stripped wire ends around the respective electrodes, wrapped the connections with electrical tape.
WOW! Felt pretty awesome.
Filled the hole partway, placed a big piece of quartzite over it, filled it up to ground level.
Impressive field!
No waiting for this to power up. I looked up at the sky; chemtrails eroding overhead. Even though i was trying to shoot down into the ground! [Note: it later turned out that the local quartzite had the unusual quality of busting trails when stimulated. This type of unit does not bust chemtrails ordinarily. For more about this quartzite, click here.]
The energy around here has felt super-clean and totally positive since.
Update June/04: There is some circumstantial evidence to suggest that this sort of gizmo is very effective against droughts!
Update Oct/04: Even more evidence of drought-busting power this month. This time I used a huge orgonite unit in the center, containing 500'+ of mobius coils, and 3 1-gallon clear plastic jars with plastic lids. I put a big potbelly coil in each jar, along with pieces of marked-on copper foil (OTB 9), chunks of quartz, etc.
This resulted in quite copious rain, beginning 10 days later.
Although I have not tried it, I suspect that 3 such jars together, with no other device in the center, would also work well, at least if a muffin-sized orgonite piece were put in each jar.
Update Nov/04: Earth batteries can be capricious over time. I started a thread about this.
If you make the unit as described above, it will probably have subtle energy flowing through it for years, but maybe not the measurable voltage. Without the voltage it is weaker, but still worthwhile. The unit mentioned in the previous update apparently ran well enough without voltage to bust a drought (it was too dry, and there were other malfunctions in the battery series for it produce measurable voltage.)
It may be preferable, where appropriate, to have the electrodes sticking out of the surface of the ground. That way they can be monitored occasionally, and tweaked if not producing voltage. Apparently, pulling out and moving the electrodes may be necessary after several months.
Update Jan/05: the original unit I made, the only one with buried electrodes, was still doing excellent when I checked on it 10 months later.
Update May,2005: I have an easier idea that would probably work as a drought-buster.
next OTB