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Orgone Technical Bulletin # 29
Dec., 2007
Misc. Tech Ramblings 2
Synthesis of the info in the last few OTBs requires an OTB of its own.
RoboCop 3. Here we have the large jailer stone from OTB 27, re-paired with a smaller similar stone. Pitwexin felt that due to the verticality factor in this particular program, the smaller piece would do well to resemble the larger one. This is not usually the case.
Both pieces have 100% STQ, and 100% receptivity, needing no auxiliary antenna. The larger base has copper shavings with a touch of steel and titanium. The smaller base has brass with titanium and some malachite pieces.
This one has the smaller jailer from OTB 27 inside the pipe. The companion rutilated quartz is suspended above the jailer stone by the big Aikido coil. This unit also has 100% STQ. After this pic was taken, I added another component which gives it 100% receptivity as well.
It has 2 LEDs inside the smaller pipe.
Behind it you see part of an Aikido-coil unit. I later re-cast that unit in a square mold with a mobius coil and 100% STQ. You will see this unit in the next pic. The signal goes in one peg, thru the mobius coil, through the Aikido coil whose ends are separated, and back out the other peg. Also, there is a single wire going from this circuit and ending in the copper screen embedded in the mysterious proprietary STQ factor.
One can put a witness right in the Aikido coil.
Below is actually 3 units silicone-tacked together. Each is a full-fledged superior radionics device in itself, with 100% STQ. So is the Little Black Box of Doom to the right.

(Shown here addressing some pesky Tyhiz ETs.) The base unit includes an imbedded robocop antenna similar to the film-can one in OTB 24, but much smaller. This enables the unit to much better detect the target, for example attacking entities.
There is also a copper post for perpendiculous attachments. There is a flashing yellow LED inside the post.
Those pegs are called "binding posts" and I have come to fancy them lately. You can wrap a wire around one and screw the knob down on it, and/or insert a "banana plug" into its central hole.
The box with the aluminum plate is shown on OTB 25. The black binding post on the right is for one ultrasound channel input. The witness plate is wired to the other input channel. There are 2 outputs going into the transmitter. So the plate is for one channel, and I plug something in for the other channel.
The red plug in the rear is for power, either my home solar system, a vehicle, or an old 14V adapter I had laying around.
The outputs go to the "ultrasound" transmitter with its 2 kewl medicine bottles, each containing charged distilled water, a spiral seashell, a bit of M-state mineral powder, and a lapis lazuli bead is on the wire end.
When I was making the Aikido-coil recast, I realized something: the Aikido coil acts as a natural amplifier. Quite in addition to the radiant orgone output, the energy in the wire after it has gone through this coil is amplified to an unusual extent. So remarkable is it that I now consider a coil amp to be de rigeur for a Class A radionics device.
There are several coils that could work for this to some extent, but the only one really impressive is the one I humbly christened the Loohan coil.
After all, lesser luminaries like Tesla and Lakhovsky get to have coils named after them, why not someone as great as I? One variant of the Loohan coil is the Aikido coil, but the flatter version is just as fine, and compact for imbedding in resin. If you can't make a Loohan coil, a Big Secret coil is good, too, and still worthwhile, is what I dowse. Attach your leads to each end.
I "omega'ed" out the ends, and stripped off their insulation. The way the circuit generally goes is
INPUT (e.g. witness plate) ---> STQ SCREEN ---> LOOHAN COIL ---> (maybe other stuff like mobius or lotus coil, or electronic amp) ---> OUTPUT.
Although I did it a bit differently in the Aikido coil unit.
If you haven't got the 100% STQ part figured out, substitute a dial box for it. I do not advocate dispensing with potentiometers unless one can match their tuning effectiveness with something else.
Anyway, both the ultrasound amp unit above and the base unit have these Loohan coils in their circuits, so actually all 3 components have coil amps.
Dec. 31, '07: A warning about binding posts: be wary of this type as depicted, a commonly-available brand. The moron who designed these things saw fit to put the flange where it is only supported by a very thin layer of metal, due to the hole being drilled past the flange. It breaks off with amazing ease, especially if well-tightened.
The arrow shows where the jack used to be. I barely nudged it and it broke.
Above that, you can see another one that I broke during the tightening process. And above that you see a couple samples of the offending jacks when new.
I have a stash of these, but will henceforth only use them where the flange will be imbedded deeply enough that breakage is unlikely.
There are other types of binding posts available that are well-designed.
Jan. 6, '08: Fortunately, that was just a trend-in connection. Psionic signals are far less fussy about their path than electrons. I just taped the wire end into the indentation, and it works fine.
The largish device I am finishing up on now has a very small Loohan coil amp between the embedded receiving antenna and the STQ screen, as well as this bigger one after the screen.
As well as these 1" diameter bottles with "ultrasound" transmitters and the type of lotus coil variant I call "infinity mobes" connected to other input/output jacks.
And a couple LEDs and a bunch of other wild stuff. I haven't even plugged any electronics into it yet, but it already feels pretty snazzy.
Feb. 10, '08: Audio Signals: Recently I have been experimenting with a not exactly original method of driving orgone devices. I bought a cheap mini MP3 player and run each channel into one of the coils of the aforementioned device.

Which is that suitcase thang under the hourglass unit.
Now, I did something a little different. Each stereo channel has 2 wires, of course. I spliced another wire onto one of these wires in each channel. And ran it to deadend in each of 2 of the "ultrasound transmitters". It works pretty well.
Only one thing I don't understand. In each channel, only one of the 2 leads has the vibe in it. In one of those channels, it is the + lead that has it. In the other, the - lead. I expected it to be the + lead in both. So don't try this unless you are able to discern which wires have the signal. But, sonic audio signal seems to work about just as well as the non-sonic output from a pre-amp on these bottle transmitters.
To attempt to clarify, I plugged a splitter into the MP3 player, and plugged mono patch cords into that. Then connected another wire to one of the 2 wires on each patch cord. This wire goes to an in-the-bottle transmitter, while the original 2 leads attach to one of the coils wrapped around a pair of bottles. If that's too complicated to understand, or if you are unable to tell which wire in each patch cord is "live", blow off that part. You can still just run the MP3 outputs through mobius coils in the usual manner.
The other 2 ultrasound transmitters are fed here by the Neurophone GRS.
Should you put a small resistor in line with the splitter plug, since the mobes have virtually no impedance? Sittingtaoist told me that most modern electronics are protected against such situations, yet, it might be possible to burn them out over the long run. The only advantage to omitting the resistor is that since resistors waste some electrical energy as heat, you will conserve some juice by not using one.
I have been, in this manner, running my MP3 non-stop for weeks to see what happens. So far, what I've noticed is that the single alkaline AAA battery, instead of lasting about 19 hours as the MP3 manual suggests, lasts almost 2 weeks! This is with the volume turned way down low. Energy sensitivity is nice to have when adjusting the volume. The volume can be almost at the OFF point, and still give just as much of an orgone boost.
But what, you may be asking, are some good freebies to run in the MP3 player? Well, personally, I would avoid Satanic rock in favor of this Shinto chant. And some of Bob Dratch's pieces. At this time there are 2 of Dratch's free download packages available. [Update: Shinto is a purely Egyptoid cult which no longer enjoys the cooperation of kami, which are good beings. Dratch is also Egyptoid.] There may be more later for all I know. But of the 1st download, only Granny's Drum is good enough when used in this manner, IMO. And of the 2nd, EnviroBilly and GrannysBrownJug are suitable.
Incidentally, I might not agree with every single thing Dratch believes.
I searched for some good free cetacean songs in MP3 form, with no luck. But one can find them in other formats which can be converted to MP3. I used a freeware program called Audacity to convert some WAVs. If you open the WAV in Audacity, then choose File ---> Export as MP3. Here are some humback whale songs in WAV format.
Cetaceans are the natural enemies of demons, evil reptilians and greys, which is why these used to torture cetaceans into beaching themselves. Their songs are highly detrimental to these evil beings.
I also had Sittingtaoist make me some custom MP3 files to dowsed specifications with a tone generator.
I just put all these things on a playlist that the player cycles through endlessly.
Another interesting aspect of sound recording is that, just as a camera may catch ETs, UFOs, ghosts, orbs, etc., not normally perceptable to the naked eye, so does audio recording record subtle energy. I remember long ago reading about some people who recorded the sound of the surf while meditating on loving, mellow things, then recorded some more of the surf while focusing on hateful, discordant, angry thoughts. These moods affected people listening to the recordings.
June 16, '08: Another audio thing that can be very potent is to record affirmations. A friend of mine who has the site guardiantrader.com impressed me with this. He has 2 big copper spheres as you can see on his site, which he etherically connects to a rad box, and pipes his audio program into with a CD player. Even before he started using a grid-blaster, I thought he was, as the energy coming out of North Carolina was so powerful and wide-ranging when he turned this thing on.
He sent me a copy of his program, which I now have misplaced, and I ran it on my stuff a while. It was amazingly potent, even though tailored for his hardware, location, etc. It had a lot of stuff about creating optimal connections and sending sincere love and gratitude to various targets. But anyway, you really want to make your own. He feels it is best to only run this sort of thing part-time, and let things settle a while in between. Which is probably correct.
Instead of using his own voice, he used some text-to-speech software, which he found even better and easier. Here are some notes he sent me:This radionics program starts with calling on the Highest Divine Energy (ie Source, God) to bless each statement. I address specifically the components of my radionics set-up, including the 33 inch Gaia Pentasphere. There are also instructions for love & gratitude on many levels. Another focus of the the program is to address the concept of Divine love on a personal level. Since the radionics device is really an extension of the operator, it stands to reason that the more open and balanced the operator, the more powerful the radionics device. The concept of "love" is tossed around so freely in our culture, but most of what is referred to as love is only a shadow masquerading as truth. No wonder we are so afraid of it. I created this program for many reasons, one of them being to begin to clarify the concept of love, and specifically Divine Unconditional Love. I believe this is the power of the Universe. I can only imagine what it would be like to live in a world where this was experienced as the underlying principle.
I thought of this analogy for what I consider Divine Love. Think of the Sun - it shines no matter what, night or day, whether we see it or not. The light is always there. It shines on the "good" and "bad" alike. Even these concepts are irrelevant to it. It has no preferences and makes no judgements. It always shines. Imagine having that kind of power. Feeling that kind of energy... I think it is a good metaphor for what could be.
Guidelines for the Program:
It is recorded at slower than normal speed to give the program more time to focus on each statement. There are also pauses placed in between each statement. Even so, it is important to allow down-time with the program, ie run it on/off every 24 or 48 hours. There needs to be rest/integration time after a certain period so the energies can balance themselves.
I was all hepped up to do this myself, then hit the skids when I realized that the freeware programs for text-to-speech won't allow you to save the file in audio format. And the software that will would cost $50. Likewise the text-to-speech that comes with my Mac does not save. Actually, I could probably pipe the sound from my Mac to my Dell, and record it with a freeware recorder. But somehow I haven't even gotten around to trying that. Why not? Because I dowsed I could get 76% of the effectiveness of an audio file like this merely by putting the text version onto a flash disk, and setting the disk on a witness plate! I still use it only intermittently. Some day maybe I'll go for that missing 24%.
My program is a lot different from his, and you should make one different, too. But for some ideas, this is what I'm using: affirmations text file.

Now for a completely different subject: a way to get more power using less resin. Many of my readers live in countries where resin is very expensive. Here's a way to stretch your money by using bottles 1/2-filled with water. Only a thin level of resin is necessary. This depicted piece could have been half as thick, and still be pretty good.
Here are the secrets:I used a piece of hardware cloth to get 100% STQ as well as increased intensity.Use an infinity mobius (see down the page here, Oct. 11, '07 entry). It can be quite short. Mine used 75" of 24 awg wire, plus a few inches for connections. Doubled, not quadrupled. This was enough to make 2 complete figure-8s plus a few inches overlap.Spacing. Correct spacing is key to getting the resonance effect. I used pint bottles and put them exactly 4" apart on center. For a smaller version, good distances are 2" or 2.5".
This prototype is available on my products page. I have not yet put water in the bottles or hooked it up to anything, but it feels quite intense.
June 24, '08 As mentioned in OTB 26 a few days ago, I made a xenon wand with 3 xenon tubes in a Trinity formation with 2 mobius coils.
Well, since then I have made a unit with 2 such trinities and 2 infinity mobes.

It has a few passive electronic components; much less complex than the wand. Yet I get that the wand is only 22% as powerful as this slab. If I had known, I would not have bothered making the wand.
Shown here with a truncated wire to demonstrate the input jack, which is actually just a strategically-drilled hole.
It has mostly Arcturan-style programming, with some of the components having 2-part programming instead.

This pic really shows every speck of dust.
I thoughtfully cast it in the same mold as the last base for my magnum grid-blaster. I tacked it underneath with a few drops of silicone seal. The incredible grid-blaster that just keeps growing. I get that this addition makes it 88X as powerful. That's with no-one actively touching and working the unit. But with 4 of my astral wives on it, it is 365X as powerful as without the new addition. Xenon is very appealing to good astral allies.
Feb. 21, '09: Nobody ever bought that twin-bottle unit, and maybe that's just as well. After having been gone on vacation, during which time it got down to around 2 degrees F, I noticed that both bottles were cracked.
The bottles had only been about 1/2 full. In the past I have had glass water bottles (about 3/4 full) overwinter for years in an outdoor water tank, as well as buried for a couple years a foot or so deep. None of these cracked. Maybe they didn't freeze hard enough fast enough.
So be forewarned. I suppose one could also add a bunch of Celtic salt to the water to avoid this.
I broke out the bottles, and the unit still feels real intense. I plan to salvage the unit by casting potent stuff in the holes.
Sep. 14, '10: I was just looking at some electrical tape I just bought, and noticed it says "Low Lead". Lead? I did a web search and found info that electrical tape (and other PVC items) often contain lead. Which can migrate to the surface.
To think of the copper-pipe wands I have wrapped with such tape...
next OTB