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Orgone Technical Bulletin #51
started October, 2019

Silver-Saturated Shungite

The original R&D thread on silvered shungite is here. In this bulletin I shall condense what is relevant from that thread, then proceed from there.

It was apparently originally discovered by CIA repticlones that shungite will take up traces of silver it is in contact with, which transforms it into a much more remarkable substance for neutralizing bad EMFs etc. I had previously had some shungite powder for years but seldom was guided to use it.

It does not require much silver. I recommend liquid colloidal silver. It need not be of the best quality for internal consumption (old, cloudy, etc. is fine, I presume). Saturate the shungite and let sit a week or so. The wet powder should be dried before using in resin.
One can buy dry CS powder and use that instead. You get a lot more silver for your money that way, and no wetting or clumping. However once the sealed bag is open it starts to deteriorate rapidly even in the freezer. You can read my adventures with that in the forum thread and evaluate the pros, cons, and economics in your situation.

Even solid shungite stones will gradually absorb the silver from liquid CS after several days.
If you are energy sensitive, you will know when the shungite (powder or solid) has absorbed as much silver as it takes to peak out the energy. Also CS preparations vary quite a bit in potency. If in doubt use more and wait longer (over a week). Sorry I don't have a more precise recipe.
The discoverers also found that a magnet is good for augmenting the energy. However, I usually do not use magnets with it, as there are also other ways of jazzing it up which may render magnets valueless.

This powder can be used in resin or even plaster/Portland cement/concrete! How much to put in? I used about 1 part of the powder to 6 parts of plaster by volume. You can see by the color (using white plaster) that it is not that much. More could be added but that would not improve it. I tried to mix it in well but you can see I was not entirely successful. I did add some bionized sand and M-state mineral powder to this one.
The plaster version does not have an orgone-rich vibe! More of a harsh, cutting anti-evil vibe that even works on AI. See Post #37 if you want to see how I used this pyramid.

Usually I use the powder in resin, however. Add about 1/2 as much by volume of the powder as you have of resin. You might get by with less sometimes depending on the project. [Update 6/2020: I now sometimes use MUCH less powder but seem to get the same result! Like 1 tbs per cup. Whether this is as good against EMFs I do not know, but for other purposes it seems fine.]

There is no programming added while curing! The inherent activity of the ingredients itself locks in a program which allows no other. However, it is possible to add certain programs after it has cured. There is a Rolling Force program that can go into spheres or partial spheres. Also there is an anti Black Goo program that can be added to any shape, be it resin or plaster.

To the right, some items I made with the Thick Mix and April2019 mix (see below) in layers. No magnets but the CB has other items in it. As I type this I am away from home and have no samples to post of items made with the thick mix only.

In addition to this "thick mix" there is also an April2019 Program that goes into resin doped with a small amount of the powder. This does not accept the anti-goo pgm. There are various Rolling Force Programs that could be tacked onto spheres if you are in with ChemmerBuster, but I have not made any spheroids with it yet..
The energy is very different from the Thick Mix and often synergistic with it.
Here you see some clumping and settling occurred with the powder because I did not run it through a sieve after drying it.
1 tsp of the powder per 12 oz of resin should be enough to hold the April2019 Program.

The Thick Mix as well as the plaster version are not channelable through the Channel Program (OTB 48).
If you make dual Channel wands as per OTB 48, pour a layer of the denser shungite mix [like 1 tbs per cup is enough for this!] in between the 2 layers. Then somehow the Channel sections will propel the function of the shungite layer some 800 miles out linearly. Of course you can put more than 2 layers of Channel if you have more sources of devices you are allowed to channel. There is no advantage to making a Channel layer thicker than a layer of clear tape.
Beware: there is some "Silver Activated Shungite" marketed online that is just plain shungite devoid of silver.

Update: I should mention, I now sometimes use MUCH LESS POWDER for the "dense mix" but seem to get the same result! Like 1 tbs per cup. Whether this is as good against EMFs I do not know, but for other purposes (like adding a layer in Channel wands) it seems fine.

One reader reported getting significant yeast-like expansion of a thick mix when using Simple Resin brand.

[Update: Let me clarify: On Channel wands I usually add thin layers of Epo Obo and Silvered Shungite but none of the other pgms. Why? Because somehow the Channel wand dynamics push forward the SS and EO programs a great distance, but have no such effect on other programs. So I do not recommend sandwiching more programs into the wands.
Also it has been years since I made anything with the Thick Mix. Perhaps due to advanced programming, there no longer seems any advantage to using the thick mix, regardless of what I said earlier. At least if you get it programmed by ChemmerBuster.]

[Update 2025: I was just reviewing this page and I saw the mention of the April2019 Pgm, which I had forgotten about. I see I never described it more anywhere. In any case, it does not feel remarkable now and I would just forget it. In fact many older programs that were awesome at one time no longer feel like much, because they have done their work and are no longer finding anything to work on.]

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