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Galaxy M32 ETs on Earth -- Excerpts from my Blog
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April 21, '11: (11:30am) Lately i have been helping a gang-stalked lady in Auburn, WA. A few months ago i dealt with gang-stalking in Seattle by Congregational Illuminists, but this is a different group, much slicker and more cloaked. Took a while to break through to get data.
... They do some real weird nasty shit with bad energy. This lady has to gobble anti-seizure meds and has had all sorts of bizarre problems for years. Her cat freaks out from the demons and bad energy.
They have some association with Dick Scobee Elementary School (map), as well as the apt complex just south, as well as the house that is marked. As well as numerous other houses i haven't posted but could.
They have some kind of meetings or training or something in the school's gym. They tend to drive Suburbans and the like with darkened windows. Some of them are cops.
Recently there were 2 kids abducted in the area. My impressions (and i am not certain of the details):
Looking for the kids, I was first drawn to this Fastenal bldg. Not sure, but think 2 of the stalkers go there to deliver kids. The company has a filthy vibe like 26 or so of similar creepos work there.
Next i am drawn to
this bldg just west of REI HQ.
1 of them works there who is into kiddie ops, i suspect. Probly the abductor. Maybe the place he works is innocent.
Some of them have weakly psi-attacked me over the last couple days. Right now i am being hit by 3 of them, i believe from here where i presume a house now is. And i suspect the main dude hitting me actually lives here, where also no house is shown.
I traced where i think the kids go. Next i get here in rural OR, where 1 male satanist lives. I suspect these 2 kids are here now. But then another one who lives nearby here transports them to here, west of Eugene, where 3 satanists live that in turn deliver the kids here, a Navy base in Eugene where i presently seem to sense 83 USN satanists and 2 slave kids.
(1:25pm) Those 2 kids are ensouled, incidentally, fortifying my belief that ensouled kids are more desirable, certainly for ritual purposes. Er, they were ensouled. They wanted out so now they are free. Some other kids too. Anyway i just reduced the value of the merchandise.
These 2 were kidnapped from Federal Way (love that name!) i heard. Got an immediate bad vibe which came from B.J. Pockets Casino. However, i think it is just 2 individuals connected to the casino. One of them is this clown, a member of a band that sometimes plays there, The Boinkers. The rest of the group does not appear darkside. Definition of "boink" for those who don't know.
In addition i sense 1 more of these guys, actually a female, working at this casino. Possibly a barmaid. I get the impression that these 2 people are part of this cult. However, i doubt they were involved in this kidnaping.
April 30, '11: (3:15am) Now i stirred up some other evil ETs, who are annoying me remotely and keeping me awake. Their abode is NGC 1275. Vibe-wise, they feel like evil humans. Our forces are bombarding them.
I found these because the lady in Auburn, WA that i mentioned on the 21st, today wrote me she had some counseling:A person cleared me of contracts made with space ship that the next
door human stalker people were trying to recruit me back to in another time
period. A week later lady said there is no past life deal this abuse is
only happening in this time period. Past was erased so they are only working
on this time period. I added this in case it affects the work you are
sending me.
Make of that what you will. All i know is i got a vibe off "space ship" which traced back to NGC 1275.
About the stalkers that she has been able to get a look at (they favor vehicles with dark windows) she says:All the people are oddly skinny and repulsive. There is something that
makes you recoil no matter which person it is. I have seen 6. Out of the 6
only 2 look human, the young black man and woman. They are on the robust
healthy side.
To me their vibe feels like ordinary slimy Earth people. No obvious ET vibe.
(4:25pm) Things are improving on that front. Also i will be sending her some stuff Monday.
May 2, '11: (8:20pm) Found some more interesting stuff about those Auburn, WA stalkers. At least 7 of them live in the 3 houses here and the complex directly south. Also i found a business that seems to be owned and run by them, Deer Stags shoes. This must be their factory. Lotsa trucks. Locked gate. Probably nothing suspicious going on.
May 6, '11: (8:10am) Another interesting tidbit about those Auburn, WA stalkers. I found the vibe of dozens of them all over this bldg, and wondered if it was an eatery, because so many seemed to come and go so often.
I sent the link to the lady there, and she pointed out it's part of a car dealership, Larson Dodge. She saysThey drove many spanking new cars
and old ones. (trade ins). Never any middle of the road stuff. That could
explain why same type of new cars that blend into the
woodwork cars parked in lot after school. They are mostly silver cars. I
always knew that they had to be connected to a car lot.
May 11, '11: (8:25pm) There is a particularly vicious female psi-attacker here in Auburn, WA. She was hard to de-cloak.
May 12, '11: (8:30am) Now the attacks on this lady are coming from 3(?) people here.
May 27, '11: (5:35pm) OK... Now, seems to me, those people who are stalking the lady in Auburn, WA, are ETs, but probably 3rd and 4th generation on Earth. They breed only among themselves and have unusual psi powers. I plan to put together a separate page just with info about them.
I traced 2 erstwhile stalkers of hers to the Minneapolis / St. Paul area. Then i found 4 more houses and an unmarked office space nearby. Blasted them.
After i while i got RVed and later hit by a strong psi guy in the area. Traced him to this bldg. If you zoom out, you will see this is some kind of school called Washington Junior Pas in St Paul (i do not know what Pas means, and could not find a suitable definition). The whole school is a bit DORy because of the presence of this guy and dozens of other of these ETs, including at least 10 kids.
(6:20pm) I think this psi guy lives in the 2nd house i had found in the area: here. With 2 more of them.
On 2nd thought, i'm not so sure these critters don't mix in local genetics. At least a couple of the Auburn ones are black and supposedly "healthy-looking" (hybrid vigor?).
(8:35pm) Well that was interesting. After getting pounded a while, that guy attacked me kind of hard again. He was backed by someone back in the home galaxy of... um, lost it. Hopefully i'll find it again. Anyway, he was backed by beings of another species that works with the humans in their galaxy of origin. 4' tall imps with devilish faces. Too physical to jail, but Antuvozy was able to delete them.
I am hoping the loss of these allies will result in a precipitous drop of attack power by the stalkers.
May 28, '11: (5:15pm) The homeland of these Auburn, WA ET people is right around the center of this pic of M32. As i mentioned on April 30, there are also evil ETs involved in this who are in NGC 1275. I think this is the same species (or maybe i should say race of humans), and they are also in several other areas. We are already hitting them in the Triangulum Galaxy and IC 2497.
And who knows how many cities they are in on Earth.
I got hit this afternoon by a bunch of them in St. Paul here. Seems most of those houses on the south side of N. McCarron's Blvd are theirs.
June 1, '11:
(4:10pm) OK, made another discovery about those Auburn, WA stalkers. There are actually at least 2 distinct human races here (and also an evil housecat species). In this pic, the guy on the right is of the M32 race. The guy on the left, a scoutmaster (ahem), is of another race. He is from near N5204. In this pic i feel them slightly below and to the right of N204.
It seems the M32 males are all thin, and their women barrel-like. Some interbreed with Filipinos, Caucasians, and blacks. Then half-breeds will marry each other.
It may be that all the N204 men are portly.
(5:15pm) Earlier today the N204 guys had no particular vibe, but when we hit them, they got super-DORy. I think these are the main source of evil energy the M32ers throw around.
Right now i am being hammered by 33 N204 people in Auburn Auto Clinic.
(6:20pm) Man, what incredibly strong... anyway, now Antuvozy has neutralized those guys, and now is working on 33 M32ers here.
Well, looks like she did them too now, shortly after they made me upchuck. I was trying to type this and post the new location, and they could tell, it seemed. Finally made me vomit.
Bless Antuvozy. That was the strongest demonic attack i've experienced yet! Horrible. And from physical "demons" at that. These guys were even stronger than the Delk of yore. Even after i shut down their external energy feeds, those 33 in the Auto Clinic had incredible toxic energy power.
June 2, '11: (7:15am) Feel much better after a night of sleep. I have never puked before from psi attacks, though have had a lot of nausea. I very seldom barf. Last time was after i got bitten by a copperhead "sent" by Sai Baba in '05. And it may have been decades since any other time.
They continued to hit me at low levels even after being mostly neutralized.
I don't know how this woman barely managed to stay alive being hit by these guys for years.
(12:20pm) Last night after Antuvozy handled those ET humans (i think she did something permanent to their DNA) she started in on the evil cats. I had found their galaxy a couple weeks ago and our forces have been hitting them.
Turns out there are 5 races of evil cats in that galaxy (link to which i have misplaced) and she had to do each race separately. Meanwhile, the cats hit me as much as they could. But they were not as strong as the humans were.
Yes, this looks like a plain old Earth housecat, but i maintain it is a vicious ET. The lady reports that such cats terrorize and dominate Earth cats.
Also, like their ET humans, these cats have no souls. Every miserable Earthling alley-cat has a soul.
(8:05pm) BTW some people are reporting feeling sick, etc. after seeing the pics of these Auburn ETs and the cat. Their deadly energy can reach out and grab some people. If you feel befouled, call on the Sakudas to clear you. If that doesn't help enough, email me.
June 4, '11: (5:30pm) Yeah, even though 'Vozy "neutalized" those Auburn ETs, their energy is still pretty toxic. But it seems they can't hit very hard anymore by directed attack. They were hitting me all day today, weakly.
Although the other night they were hitting me in groups of 33, this is unusual. Normally one person hits who is consolidating the energy of the entire group. Today i would get hit by a person like this, slam him or her, and a few minutes later another would take over. So it went all day at work. Now that i'm home they seemed to have stopped for a break.
Also the lady in Auburn got 12 hours of peaceful sleep.
By "entire group" i mean some 832 of them in the Auburn/Renton area (i think maybe 30% of the WA group is around Renton and just south of there). Also some 124 in the St. Paul, MN area.
I think this includes all their demonic, sexually abused children. Here is a pic of some plus a few adults. None of these girls have hymens, even though all physical human girls are normally born with one, even their kind. Hymens are easy to dowse by a sensitive as they have a distinct positive energy and reverberation with the virgin womb. Even these demonic girls are born with sacred female energy that is soon done in, as it is toxic to these people, i guess. Plus they are heavy into pedophilia anyway.
This is all i have found on Earth so far. Except that last night i got hit by ~10K N204 people in 2 U bases in CA! Which got wiped.
(8:25pm) A bit NW of Auburn i found this house in Burien, just west of Sea-Tac Airport. This feels like the #1 male honcho.
June 6, '11: (7:10am) And that guy was one of several individuals i caught attacking the Auburn lady last night.
(7:35pm) OK, i uploaded a bunch of pics of the Auburn M32ers, their vehicles, and cats here for your enjoyment. There will be more, as well as a bunch of links to their houses, when i get around to it.
But i didn't want to just upload toxic pics, so here's one of a very special psi-warrior friend of mine. This is Duder, the cat of the lady in Auburn i'm helping. She has a couple other, more ordinary cats, too. They all get hit, but especially Duder. The evil ETs hate him, and take it out on him whenever his owner manages to mitigate attacks on herself.
This afternoon i had to keep jumping in to rescue him, even though they were not attacking me. I can tell when he's under attack by how his orgone pendant "heats up".
He has a heart as big as Seattle, and tries to protect his owner. And gets choked, etc. for it. Once i caught zillions of demons all attacking his eye at once. They keep picking on his right eye, which is a bit messed up as a result.
The lady says these ETs have killed several cats and people she has known, and i believe it.
But i predict Duder will be strutting long after these ETs meet whatever grim fate awaits them. He's got backup now.
Just as i was proofreading this post, his pendant flared up, and we nailed the woman who was being the focus. I say we, because his 5D self takes a keen interest in these matters. And he has a couple discarnate cat buddies that help him claw.
I also usually sense demons near him, but they have a jailer unit over there reeling them in. Right now there are a bunch.
June 10, '11: All right, Duder is doing much better. Dozens of readers have sent him love and protection, much to his delight. Attacks are hardly getting through, his morale is way high, and now i'm his hero.
We had his 5D self outfitted with etheric jailers and weapons, and he is a fury. He comes over sometimes to clean up my space and give me a hug.
Last night i noticed he was jailing as many as 10K demons/second just around his house in Auburn.
Someday maybe he will be known as St. Duder and people around the world will wear amulets in his likeness to ward off evil.
But for now he pretty much had his paws full.
(2:10pm) Now he's doing "surgery" on me, along with 4 of my cat-girls he's training.
Those ETs feel weak today.
June 11, '11:
(5:25pm) Duder and the 4 cat girls were still working on me when i fell asleep last night. Also Duder trained 16 more cat girls, so now there are 20 doing this healing..
The Auburn ETs have been hammering me all day, trying to give me a headache.
July 15, '11: (4:05pm) Around noon or so Duder figured out that a key full-blood male residing here in Kent needed to be attacked. We focused on him for hours, then suddenly i got attacked by a female here. The vibe is from P & K Trading Co. Flooring supplies. I sense 7 ETs working there.
Interesting thing about P & K: they also have a location in College Point, NY. Which is DORy. I sense 9 of them working there.
And at least 42 more within a few blocks of there. Like 4 blocks maybe. At least 2 pregnant women.
July 17, '11: (4:10pm) I've been getting hit by the M32 ETs from a bit further west today: Tacoma and Federal Way. See house links #56-61...
(4:30pm) These ETs are showing an equal amount of brains as, say, the CIA. Not only did they get me to out these houses, i also was drawn by the vibes of nearby General Plastics. When i first got onto their homepage, there was this pic of a 1/2-breed man with a mustache! However on subsequent returns to the page i usually get some other pic.
I feel that 43 of the ETs work here!
July 19, '11: (1:20pm) Got hit by a full-blood M32er from here, which is the HQ for Presco Communications, where 5 of these ETs work, as well as maybe 6 ordinary people. I think they are in the process of stealing this business! It has offices in 4 other states, but the ETs don't work in those yet.
Also, a few days ago this pic was sent me of one of their vehicles that was spotted in Auburn. I think there is a family of 3 half-breeds associated with this vehicle, who live here in Richardson, TX. I have not found more of them in TX yet.
I should mention also that there seems to be a class of soulless, mind-controlled Earthlings associated with the Auburn ETs. I have numerous pics of them i have not uploaded. In some cases, their kids are sexually abused apparently without the knowledge of their parents.
Also i suspect these ETs have some inherent hypnotic powers, which is one aspect of how they get their way in life.
July 21, '11:(10:55am) Damn! We done found another juicy proprietary business of the Auburn area ETs: Seattle-Tacoma Box Co.. This is extremely interesting for a couple reasons:
Nist family history. They are all full-blood M32ers. Jacob Nist was a 1st generation immigrant.
"Jacob Nist�s employer, Seattle Lumber and Commercial Company had fallen victim to the blaze. This prompted Jacob and his son Michael to launch a new enterprise making wooden products such as egg crates."
Also, the locations page lists many other locations, all staffed with M32 full- and half-breeds! 3 in WA, 2 in CA, 1 in AK, 1 in HI, 1 on OR, and 1 in NZ! Jeeez...
(11:30am) Aaand, another enterprise they are in progress taking over: American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Of the people listed on this page, the following are M32 full- or half-bloods:- Treasurer: Stuart S. Howards, M.D.
- Nancy L. Brackett, Ph.D.
- R. Stan Williams, M.D. (SART)
Note that the last guy is with SART. I get the impression that 2 more ETs work at lower jobs in SART. Also 3 more work for ASRM, including this guy.
ASRM seems remarkably reluctant to disclose any locations on their site, but Wikipedia says their HQ are in Birmingham, AL, and they have a PR office in DC. Neither of these have the ET vibe. No further locations are given.
But by plugging "American Society for Reproductive Medicine" into google maps, i got several locations, none of which seem to have the ET taint yet except for Seattle Fertility. I think this guy in the pic must work there.
July 24, '11: (9:40pm) Yoiks. You wouldn't believe what Mordok found.
Another proprietary M32 business in NYC, Cubraiti (location).
I sense the vibes of 22 of them that are involved in this. Good clean fun, i'm sure.
July 25, '11: (7:45am) I just realized there was a link on that page to Cubraiti's website which did not show up on google. There's a link to the half-breed founder, Rosse-Marie Taveras. On the Contact page, 3 scantily-clad 1/2breeds. An older one on the Contribute page.
There is a pdf Press Kit which says in part "Cubraiti currently has an emissary on a two week trip to South America, Cali Colombia this January 2007 that is realigning old ties and establishing new relationships with key personnel that will be able to responsibly assume leadership positions in the company abroad."
Then there's the picture Gallery. On this pic strip, the pic labeled American international Students has a full-blood in a dark sleeveless thing. The baby is also full-blood.
Dig the Capecha of Bahia pic. Those guys have the same vibe as the soulless Auburn Earthlings i mentioned, who seem controlled. They have all been taken over somehow.
As for the 4 little girls in the pic i posted last night, they may be dead. At least i get no vibe off them, so i presume they are sacrificed. I detect no souls.
Actually i'm not sure the one on the right isn't a boy in girl's top...
July 26, '11: (10:50am) In light of Cubraiti's confession, i thought i'd stalk around Cali, Colombia in search of anything dubious.
Like this complex of bldgs in the center, which reeks of 32 M32ers. As well as abused Earth kids. 22? None seem to have souls, though.
July 29, '11: (12:55pm) I just realized something about the Auburn ETs: they parasitize the solar plexi of their hypnotized soulless Earthling drones. They suck energy out of the solar plexus, store it, and use it for psychic warfare.
July 31, '11 (5:15pm) Last night i found a bunch of M32 neighborhoods and some more businesses (mostly in Federal Way) which i have posted.
Whew. Massage School. Pre-school. A lumber store with over 100 locations nationwide, staffed by ETs.
And a Catholic Church. Check out the creepy staff.
As in the case with the Nigerian black magic, we also have our Vatican tie-in here. Does the Vatican know who and what these people are? My impression is yes. They are bleeding idiots in Rome. Now that they have had most of their occult power taken away, nobody can stop the ETs from taking over the Vatican, kicking out the Jesuits, and putting their own pope in place. Except Cmdr Loohan. Don't they find this humiliating, that i have to save them?
Aug 17, '11: (8:50pm) I wanted to report that i got psi-attacked from this church: Buddhavanaram Buddhist Temple, the monks of which are all DORy half-breeds! (map) In fact, 6 monks have been actively attacking today.
They may have colonies in many lands. I suspect one in India, for example, but haven't found it yet.
Aug. 19, '11: (6:15pm) Ah, i regret that that pregnant woman in India is no longer pregnant. You see, it appears that when these women get near term, they are extremely vulnerable to having their duodenum tickled, which makes them convulse with vomit and induces premature labor. Then the kids are so fragile they die if anyone thinks an unkind thought toward them.
In fact, it was a similar tragedy a few nights ago that made me aware of the India colony; another woman lost her precious baby (sniff).
In fact, 5 little angels died that way that night: 2 in the Auburn area, 1 in India, 1 in California, and one i suspect in South America.
I have located the woman in California here in Bakersfield. 4 half-breeds live in that house. Could've been 5 (sniff).
Some 23 more M32ers live in this neighborhood in at least 9 houses, around Garza Elementary, where their kids attend, and where they have enslaved many more kids.
I think that's all in that town.
Haven't nailed any in South America yet.
I hate to think what this could do to the morale of these people. If every woman knows she will miscarry in the last month, what's the use? Besides, her location will also be revealed.
Aug. 30, '11: [Gifting Little Rock] visited the M32 proprietary Lumber Liquidators showroom here. I now realize i screwed up, as there is another warehouse just east which is where their site directs you. Or at least used to be; i'm not sure. I did drive down to the end of the road there and didn't notice anything. Now i only feel some demons there. It may be they sold that place, as the place behind the office supply store seems to have a lot of warehouse space, as well as a bunch of stuff outside. At least it was outside today, and this guy was moving it around. Half-breed. (Crappy pic taken one-handed through the car window while driving.)
I went into the little showroom. It was only laminated flooring and paneling samples. Looked like nice stuff. There was a full-blood male behind the counter, not as thin as most. He was on the phone for the whole time i was in there, so he couldn't see me spreading holy ash over the floor.
I sensed 2 more males inside, 1 full-blood, 1 1/2-breed.
Also i loosened some of my items in the vicinity.
While searching for the lumber place, i got distracted by nearby houses of some of these ETs. One house is here at 6700 Marguerite Ln. I think 3 of them live there, a full-blood couple and daughter. Also 2 houses west, at 6708, i sense 1 half-breed couple. And 4 houses west, at 6512, i sense 1 half-breed male. And if you go east on Marguerite and turn right, the house with the brown roof there is 6420 Bluebird. I sense a full-blood family of 4 with 2 sons. I think the father is one of the guys i sensed in the lumber place. I have not figured out yet where the other ETs in this neighborhood work. This neighborhood is very close to the lumber place, so maybe they used to work for it but downsized due to the economy?
Also there were 2 houses i found on the map a while back. One was here, and i suspect our forklift operator lives here.
The other is here, and i sense a half-breed couple and their son here.
I "visited" all these places. The 1st neighborhood is a nice-looking middle-class area. The 2nd neighborhood and those 2 houses are funky and run-down. The few people i saw around there were black.
Sep. 2, '11: (4pm) And here are plenty of online pix of a full-blood M32er: Jay Mariotti. (Wikipedia, business.) Lessee, born in Pittsburgh; i'll have to remember to follow up on that sometime. The GF he altercated with is also a FB. Hmm, pathetic full-blood ETs use Earth court systems to resolve their interpersonal issues. Pathetic. "He allegedly pulled a chunk of her hair out..." hehehe
Sep. 3, '11: (6:15pm) Normally i don't find it amusing when men brutalize women, but there is an occasional exception.
Sep. 12, '11: (9:10am) I started getting hit by 6 M32ers in North Little Rock. Evidently they want everyone to know about another of their businesses, Danco Construction. There are 6 of them there now, weakly attacking me. I guess with the economic downturn, they have no boards to hammer nails into.
There are other companies by the same name in other locations, but i'm not sure there's a connection. If there is, i doubt ETs have infiltrated the others yet.
(9:20am) I get the feeling that 4 of those guys are off-duty NLR cops.
(10:25am) Then i started getting hit by 2 more M32ers here in NLR. 2 is an unusual number for this. I think the 2 vehicles presently shown in the driveway (red Toyota PU & black SUV) must be of previous residents. They don't seem to have the funky vibe.
(5:55pm) Regarding the M32ers that attacked me from NLR this morning, i found a few houses:- This neighborhood contains at least 23 of their houses, and 61 M32 ETs.
- Here are at least 8 of their houses, and 22 M32ers, possibly including 2 of the cops. There vibes are also all over that mysterious bldg on the far left. The house just under where it says Cullum Rd is particularly DORy.
(6:30pm) Yah, now that they've thrown down the gauntlet i might have to make another ass-kicking run down there. I didn't realize there were that many.
When i was down there i was moved to spend some time driving around NLR, but never noticed any ET houses.
Sep. 15, '11: (9:40am) Bad news for SLC. As if the Salt Lake area was not troubled enough, what with Mormons and those ETs. Now it turns out there are M32ers there as well!
I just discovered this while researching another M32 proprietary business, Loftus. Which was founded in 1939 in SLC here. I feel the vibes of 22 of them associated with this DORy spot.
I suspect this business was taken over by them maybe around 1980.
Note that it is called Loftus International. I can't find other locations listed anywhere, however. Yet, one of their trucks was sighted in the Auburn area. Making deliveries? Perhaps, but the 1st thing i found when looking for where they deliver is here in the Port of Tacoma. I think their stuff is loaded onto ships headed for Anchorage, Alaska. The map of that town is low-resolution at this time. I get a strong vibe from this bldg on E. Tudor Rd.
(4:20pm) Still backlogged on my M32 stuff, yet more info keeps piling in that's too interesting to put off.
One, Thorp "accidentally" confused Thailand with Laos, and mentioned Laotian monks to me, with the result that i found a real DORy bldg in rural Laos that feels like a monastery with about 22 M32 monks.
Also he sent me this link to a 2003 article about M32 monks. I looked up Redland, FL, and found a DORy U base here, presently being removed. 41 M32ers were down there.
Another here with 31. And more. We'll clean up the U bases, then when i find time i'll chase down any above-ground hangouts.
(5:30pm) Went to re-check, and found the whole area under Homestead (to the south of Redland) is like 1 big M32er U base almost; lots of tunnels.
Sep. 20, '11: (10:40am) On the 16th i noticed that the lady in Auburn was getting hit from a new location. Much to my surprise, it turned out to be a U base near the Airport, with 834 of them, plus 31 of their cats and 2 N204 couples. Note that it is also right next to their Comfort Inn, Travelodge and Days Inn. I suspect the entrance to the base is in the Days Inn. There is also a Cedars Inn right to the south, which is also theirs, which we had not noticed before.
Anyway, i had an impression of infighting down there as the Red Draco started to blast them. Some M32ers were pissed that others had disclosed the location of this base.
Ever since that base got wiped, i have not felt any power from these ETs anywhere! Apparently there was machinery down there that is needed to emit some pulse that makes Earth more habitable to them. Or something. But no more attacks, implants on that lady or her cats.
Sep. 23, '11: (10:25am) I finally heard from the lady in Auburn after a long pause. She is still being hit proximally. Anywhere she goes, there they are and nail her. But not with implants as far as i know.
(3pm) I'm in the process of updating my Auburn ETs page. Found a couple more of their fast-food joints by accident. Also noticed this full-blood bitch named Jan Torgenrud. Is that a Danish name, i wondered. Right away noticed this quaint community in Abrenra, DK. I think all those houses are theirs, and there are 26 M32ers there at least, plus an N204 couple and 23 cats.
Then i noticed this area which has at least 53 of their houses, 2 N204 couples, 224 M32ers, and 82 of their evil cats.
Then, scarier, i noticed that this whole section of northern Germany is infested with them. I sense at least 4,692 M32ers here, 5 N204 couples, and 12,562 of their cats. That's almost 4 cats per person, what's up with that?
Anyway, i haven't uploaded the revised page yet; sigh, it seems i keep going on tangents.
(3:05pm) Like on that page for the youth place was an ad with an ET chick's face for United Way of King County, entirely staffed by ETs who will gladly take your donations.
(4:20pm) Finally got [the backlogged page] uploaded. I think the most significant find is Merkts/Bel/Laughing Cow/Wispride/etc..
(4:30pm) Now, La Vache Qui Rit is HQed in Paris, so i thought i'd take a look. These ETs are much easier to find these days, BTW, due to all the blasting i guess. First thing that draws my attention is this DORy bldg in Aubervilliers which i think is an apt complex, with 685 M32ers, 4 N204 couples, and 121 of their cats. I think the bldg is owned and managed by them.
(5:25pm) Let's do Aubervilliers some more.
I get strong vibe around here. In fact, those vehicles all have their vibe! Looks like a gated storage place? In any case, the vibes of 60+ ETs are all around there. I think it is also owned by them.
(5:35pm) Wow, i looked for the biggest concentration of them in N. Germany, and found them here, ~3,000' down. 37,145 M32ers, 4 N204 couples, 3K+ cats.
Maybe there are not so many on the surface in N. Germany. We are finding lots of U bases now.
Sep. 24, '11: (4:45pm) We nailed countless dozens of U bases in Europe last night, but the job was far from complete this morning. I received an email from my Danish friend, saying that Torgenrud is a Norwegian name. Whereupon i found a U base in Oppland, Norway with 5K+ of them.
And i re-checked just now and found another with 3K+ in south Norway.
And Europe was still pretty DORy with yet-to-be-nailed M32ers.
Mid-morning i started getting weak attacks from 3, 6, or 9 groups of 33 in European spots. It's alright with me that they want to disclose their locations.
They do not appear to be scurrying to the surface. It will take some work to clean up under Europe, parts of which seem quite riddled with tunnels and bases. There are lots of spots that only have a few of the ETs, like 33.
Luckily these ETs are real DORy and easy to find these days.
(5:05pm) Scanned the map briefly, noticed strong DOR in Asia here with 463,122 M32ers, 32 N204 couples, and 326,202 cats! Kablooey time.
Oct. 14, '11: (12:50pm) The lady in Auburn wrote me:Last night as I settled down I heard heavy boots land on roof, walk, turn, and sit down. I called police. Nice little good police lady came and looked all the way around the house she told me. It was nothing but the trees in the wind. I told her I heard heavy walking boots. I went out before her. You can not see roof from the ground. I was attacked heavily. The choking and head gouging. No one believes me of course... I am calling now to get the trees I love next to the house chopped.
I found the perpetrator here in church. The Overcomer Covenant Church for M32ers and their victims. The posts now on their FaCIAbook page are all from ETs.
The guy's wife is at home here.
Oct. 27, '11: (4:05pm) Truly bizarre: Father Gary Thomas, alleged master exorcist, is not only a, duh, Vatican darksider, but a freakin' M32er!
Don't that beat all.
(5:50pm) Vatican-connected M32ers in Italy: I got hit as soon as i found- this house where 4 of them live.
And backing off a little, we find this whole Roman suburban area of Prima Porta and Labarro is crawling with them. I feel 4,600+ in this area! Plus nailing some U bases. - And to the west in Palidoro, there is this complex which has the vibe of hundreds of them coming and going.
- And the next complex west too. They own all the business there i think.
- And the next complex west has their vibes heavy.
More U bases too.
Oct. 28, '11: (9am) Also, east of there, Centro Tre Denan, Ponte Tre Denan, Tornmpietra, etc. feels like one big colony of them.
Last night the Italy M32ers attacked me, but they seem quieter now.
(3:35pm) Ugh. The lady in Auburn who is persecuted by M32ers had her sister in Sedona mention that she was being stalked. I feel M32ers:- First i noticed this place which seems to be subway parking. I sense that 40+ of them come and go here.
- This area nearby is where at least 153 of them live, as well as 2 N204 couples and 32 cats.
- This neighborhood is where at least 338 of them live, plus 1 N204 couple, plus 38 cats.
- This complex surrounding a pool, is where at least 122 M32ers, 1 N204 couple, and 43 of their cats live.
- Sedona Spirit Journeys, one of their businesses. Getting some kickback already from 6 M32ers there. There are more of their businesses linked:
- Sedona Energy Massage Therapy
- The Sedona Herbalist
- Tim Munson, astrologer
- Blessed Be Botanicals
- Southwest Inn, Inn on Oak Creek, Briar Patch Inn, Alma de Sedona, Luna Vista Bed and Breakfast Inn, Goddess Heart Retreat Center
- Great Ventures,
The Amara Resort and Spa, Las Posadas, Kokopelli Suites, Wildflower Inn, The Kings Ransom Hotel, El Portal, Redstone Tours
- A Day in the West Jeep Tours
- Arizona Helicopter Adventures
- Verde Canyon Railroad
- Savanah's Restaurant: There are a bunch of these around the country, alternatively spelled Savannah's (google search). All M32er owned. I'll have to check out the one in Dardanelle next time i go on a nuke-busting trip.
- Heartline Cafe
- Cameron Trading Post
- Also we are taking out at least 800 U bases nearby.
And plenty more, but i am getting tired of all this work.
Nov. 4, '11: (8:40am) Gottalotta backlogged stuff to chase up and post about. Let's start with M32ers in Nova Scotia: Yesterday, this area was full of M32 U bases. Many have been cleared up now.
It started when Mordok realized that some nasty kids that had been harrassing the son of a mutual friend in Nova Scotia are M32ers. I feel 5,423 of them above-ground in this area, plus 35 N204 couples and 7K+ of their cats.
Nov. 5, '11: (4:50pm) Today Mordok made me aware that the M32ers are from another universe; Universe F, i get.
And nobody was attacking them there. The M32ers came from there originally, then some of those in M32 came to Earth.
So now our forces are pestering them in Universe F. I got some mild kickback from F already.
Nov. 6, '11: (8am) How do they feed them, etc? Not sure, but the other day, working over M32 U bases in AZ, i got the impression there were lots of large underground farms about 6 miles down, complete with tractors, row crops, chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, etc. How do they get the air? Do the plants produce enough oxygen to support people, animals, compost piles, as well as the plants' needs at night?
In any case, we have been seeking these out. The animals are agreeable to being liberated. Now Duder has plenty of their livestock's souls nearby to work with him.
(4:45pm) Duder has been picked on real hard lately by the Auburn M32ers. They are backed up from M32. But also i just noticed these houses in the central block here are super-DORy. I don't know what exactly they are doing. Please blast.
I have a new VEO head almost complete that has been devoted to protecting Duder, but it's still not enough.
Nov. 7, '11:
(8:40pm) Warning! Very toxic energy coming from this pic and from Little Rock right now. I went down there and pissed off the M32ers. There are 3,800+ down there stirred up now, and the actual population might be several times that.
This is a special lodge just for M32ers. 42 of them. And they have been attacking me.
More info tomorrow. I busted the crap out of North Little Rock and Little Rock.
(10:55pm) Thanks for the backup. I had the vague impression that 2 of them fell down a steep ravine next to the lodge, in a vain search for orgonite.
And got hauled off in stretchers.

Now i'm attacked a bit by 33 fine ET ladies at the Northside Pentecostal Church.
Nov. 8, '11: (7:15pm) I slept like a log for 6 hours.
Yeah, i was feeling overtly feisty yesterday, so one of the first things i did when i started busting NLR was stick my camera at a guy passing in the opposite direction on an ET-infested suburban road. I blew it and didn't get a pic, but rattled him enough to make him call someone downtown, south of the river.
Generally, i was amazed at how oblivious the ETs were to my intense presence. I could gaze at them while cruising by, and they would pay no attention. There was only 1 exception in NLR: a blonde holding her baby by her porch did a double-take, stared at me, and also called this same guy, who lives here. (In fact, i feel 500+ within a 1/2 mile radius of him.)
I wasn't even able to bust some places i had found on the map, because i spent so much time finding other places.
They have been colonizing LR since at least as early as 1820, and are deeply entrenched. They even have bank branches, employing M32ers.
Almost all the ones i saw south of the river were black, and looked like ordinary full-blood negroes. One thing i notice about M32 males is that none of them seem very buff. They are not into weight-lifting, martial arts, etc. Except for many of the negro 1/2-breeds, who are "healthy-looking", as has been mentioned before.
This boxing school has a 1/2-breed instructor and 35(?) ET students. I think only 1 of the students is full-blood, and the rest are probably mostly black. And a few normal Earthlings study there too.
Anyway, that guy they called downtown put an RVer onto me, which i think i shook, but they caught up with me late in the afternoon.
Shortly after i nailed the Masonic Lodge, i was taking pix of all these closely-clustered small businesses, and suddenly noticed this truck almost on my bumper in the parking lot. Being easily intimidated, i took off, circled around a bldg, came up behind him, pulled alongside, stopped, took a pic, gave him the finger, and went on down to the next business to take a pic of it.
He just sat there. I didn't even notice him doing any evil juju to me, oddly.
He is one of the full-blood Masons.
Last night when the Masons attacked, i got flashes of a few faces. One was angular and a bit gaunt, a full-blood, and maybe 83 years old; a senior Mason. I think that later this guy and another one went down the steep ravine next to the lodge with headlamps, and the old one lost his footing and took down the other one, too, who tried to save him.
I suspect the old guy died last night, so now they only have 53 Masons in that lodge.
However, i also sense 45 of them in the Pulaski Heights Lodge #673, and another 38 in the Iron Springs Lodge # 342, e.g. Junior Deacon Mike Stalnaker.
Nov. 10, '11: (9:15am) Wow! Thank God for the fact that the morons never learn a damn thing!
I got attacked from an M32 U base under Sweet Home, AR, which was connected to hundreds more, all under the east side of Little Rock, under the filthy corrupt town of Cabot, etc. (map). East to Stuttgart...
(10:20am) Too cool! They are in U base suicide mode. Thousands of U bases all over N. America going down now!
Nov. 15, '11: (3:45pm) Brrr, it's absurd how many hours i spend doing this web work. As if i didn't have important things to do around the homestead. But i take consolation in messing them up.
I finally typed up all the M32 businesses, etc. i found in Little Rock recently, and put them on the M32 page. Whew! BTW, now i feel over 6K of them in Little Rock that are stirred up, and i betcha that ain't half. Some of these businesses are tiny, others are substantial.
Also: ES2 has been in Auburn since June. I did not mention it before, because the agencies that monitor my mail had not informed the M32ers of this. But about 3 weeks ago they did.
Now i seem to be sensing an exodus from the area. Perhaps realizing that ES2 has permanently "ruined" the region, many ETs seem to be heading to Canada, especially Calgary, which feels like it has at least 35K of them!
Also, many of the dummies were going into U bases in BC and AB, which we nailed. They finally got wise to that after a while.
I have not had confirmation from the lady in Auburn, but i sense them leaving daily. Whereas i used to feel 828 of them in the area, now i only feel 622. And it was 700-something a day or 2 ago.
Nov. 16, '11: (7:25pm) And now it feels like 422. My imagination?
I neglected to mention that Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock has 3 female M32 nurses. And at any given time, at least 30 M32 kids, most of them on chemo i think. Between that and the visitor traffic, they have left a nasty energy taint in the hospital.
That reminds me, too... when i was cruising around semi-rural NLR the other day, i noticed several piles of trash illegally dumped in the woods that also had the M32 vibe.
Update May 8, '12: I am unable to spend the time to keep updating these various separate ET pages. If this subject interests you, there is more info here and there to be found in my blog subsequent to the above entries. Like an M32 half-breed just won the French presidential election...
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