Update: I should mention that, although what follows is largely a description of physical characteristics by which to recognize "them", actually we all probably have the "bad" DNA of short-lifetime modified genetics derived from the master race in space which seeded this planet. Some with, some without, other exotic hybridization, e.g. of a reptilian nature. And it varies greatly from person to person how much the mutant traits show. Don't judge people by their physical structure. Likely you will have some of thes traits yourself.
Back in May of 2016, I started becoming aware of another type of evil human on Earth. I now call these Egyptoids. Most of them are born with various structural traits of the opposite sex. They did not, initially, have a vibe I could discern that was different from the normal human vibe. But with the advent of suitable energy devices, they are now "lit up".
Most of the people I have in the past referred to as "human CIA agents", "human trannies", "human satanists", etc. are actually Egyptoid. And the Egyptoids are ETs that shapeshift, apparently (see below).
I do not know what they call themselves, other than Plejaran, and that name may be specific to the Billy Meier hoax. Plejaran refers to the Pleiades but so far I have not noticed that many Egyptoids in that area, [not back in 2016, anyway] whereas we have dealt with large quantities in other regions of space.
Some back history leading up to this realization, from my Aug. 24, '14 blog entry:OK, about the Swiss connection and the Templars. I watched a long video, Octogon (sic) The Empire of Darkness. A lot of interesting info. I think the guy has most of his facts straight but maybe not all.And from my entry of Jan 2, '16:
I have never gotten a vibe off the Pharaohs. I am unable to detect a satanist or repty vibe off any of them. On the other hand, none of their souls were viable. Wikipedia lists them. Well, the Turin King List does have the names of some beings who used to be evil due to archonic possession: Set, Horus, Thoth, and Ma'at. But the others didn't have the overtly evil vibe. Even if i look at images of drawings or sculptures of the pharaohs, i get no repty vibe. Yet the Templars supposedly claim to be descended from the pharaohs. If true, some repts must have bred into their lineage at a later date...
Although i have occasionally run into Swiss illuminati and banks in my tracking down of perps, really all the roads lead to Rome.Swiss have Khazarian Brachycephalic Craniometry Cephalometry from Central Asia Mongolia. Interesting. If you look up pictures of Swiss people, most of them are not SSers, yet they have the same genetically repty vibe.Note that I am not qualified to judge whether the info in this 2nd vid is accurate. There are some apparently sincere commenters under the video who disagree.
BTW i still don't buy his stuff about Pharaohs (the vibe just ain't there).
However, I have, for whatever it's worth, noticed a few Egyptoids with this head shape. Example.
Then May 18, '16 I watched this video by Manny Skywatch: NFL, WWF Androgen Females! Essentially, what I got out of it is, the ruling elite are not transgender, nor male, nor female, but androgens tracing to the Egyptian Pharaohs. It occurred to me that, yes, Pharaoh pics I had seen in the past did seem conspicuously genderless.
Check out the pic of King Tut above. Female face structure.
Yet Queen Nefertiti has a male jaw and brow ridge.
But after "researching" this for some time, (Manny Skywatch is himself an Egyptoid disclosure-with-disinfo-mixed agent) I concluded that the truth is more like the ruling elite (or maybe more correctly, the ostensible ruling elite) can be any combination of the Egyptoid descendants, shapeshifting reptilians, transgenders, or pseudo-transgenders. That is, many of them are Egyptoid-reptilian hybrids, and a minority are just Egyptoid without the repty part. All "elite" shapeshifting reptilians are long dead and replaced by clones, but the non-repty Egyptoids do not tend to scurry underground to get killed nearly as much yet, so the non-repty ones are mostly still alive. That is, the surface ones; we have been killing off large quantities in underground bases as well as other galaxies.
There are 2 major types of Pharaonic descendents: the ones that have been hybridized with rept DNA, and the ones who have not.
There are several individuals I originally noticed who look like TGs but dowse as actually having their ostensible gender. These include Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Leah Remini, and Russell Brand. These are all Egyptoid. Except that the first 4 were also SSers, are dead, and have been repeatedly replaced by repticlones which also have the Etoid vibe.
There is some evidence that their reptilian hybrids are mere figureheads in politics, business, religion, etc. Sometimes I find hidden Egyptoids (meaning non-reptilian ones) behind a false front of repticlone ostensible execs displayed on corporate websites.
Most commonly, only repty agents get to be ostensible political leaders. Exceptions include former president Nixon; the Nixon family is composed of non-repty pseudo-trannies of Egyptian descent.
It is noteworthy that most other varieties of pseudo-human ETs on Earth, e.g. the Lycan shapeshifters are also often hybridized with Egyptoids.
As another example, the Chungoids (see glossary) also have Etoid DNA.
<-----This is a female Triad Chungoid.Most shapeshifting reptilians have considerable Egyptoid DNA, hence have the shape mutations Egyptoids do.
Recently I realized that there are plenty of reptilian-Egyptoid races here, specific examples being the NGC4414ers and M32ers (see glossary), very common varieties of shapeshifting reptilians. From a batch of several varieties which only arrived here 2 centuries ago. These were hybrids of Egyptoids and reptilians before they came here.
Joe Biden, fullblood NGC4414 reptilian shapeshifter (now replaced by clones) has the classic male Egyptoid face.And I sense Egyptoid vibes in this creature to the right. This is a MTF but has a fairly female brow and forehead.
These ETs are somewhat widespread but unlike Etoids and Chungoids, will scurry underground to get killed if blasted.
All these ETs have a major gay/transgender thing going.
And a very high percentage of so-called indigenous peoples are evil Egyptoids who flash hand signs and work hoaxes with their "white oppressors". Apparently, Egyptoids spread their seed and "culture" far and wide ages ago.
Orgone devices have been developed to "light up" evil Egyptoids, which initially did not have a vibe that I could discern. Thus I can tell that many Egyptoids do not have very obvious pseudo-tranny traits. This is mainly true of males, but also I have seen some Category 3 females (see below for vague explanation of Categories) who look fairly normal.
The CIA etc. has also made many deliberately-androgynous human clones with Egyptoid DNA, which they stick in our face as celebs and hoax actors. Example: Kelly Brogan who flaunts Masonic hand signs on her site. She has now been replaced by a CIA repticlone. (In fact, I suspect that Masonic hand signs are actually Egyptoid hand signs, and that even many primitive "indigenous race" Etoids do them; they certainly do in media pix, anyway, even old historic ones.)
Actually, "human clone" is not even the correct term for many like Brogan here; more accurate would be to call them Egyptoid test-tube babies, although often multiple copies are made. The anti-Egyptoid programs do bite on them if they have Egyptoid traits.
The Pharaohs had NO repty vibe. And incidentally, to his day, the Egyptian people still do not (pics) except for the ostensible ruling class.
Categories of Evil Egyptoids: the distinction is energetic. I do not know what the significance is of the different energy types. It is not important you learn this as now I can no longer even differentiate them myself! But I will leave the descriptions up.Any Egyptoids that I have nailed (which would include all those I've posted about) with my other, less duplicatable devices, thenceforth become vulnerable to not only the Sep2016 Program, but a whole bunch of other orgone weapons and programs, especially the old Strontium-Barium Program. A layer of protection against positive energy has been torn off the maleficent critters.
- Category 1: these were the first we could light up as Egyptoids -- meaning stir up their energy to make them respond with demonic energy so they can be dowsed. Initially this could only be accomplished by Antuvozy hitting them with directed energy.
- Category 2: these can be lit up with the Sep2016 Program for brass or the 2nd hardware cloth device mentioned here.
- Category 3: these just dowse as a distinct type, different from the other 2.
- Uncategorized. These vibe as Egyptoids but not of any specific type. Some are mongrels and their types are hard to discern. Most primitive tribe Etoids fall into this category.
- Others that totally seem Egyptoid (have pseudo-tranny traits) but we have not been able to affect with anti-Egyptoid energy devices yet. Yet are evil, judging by their behavior as agents, Masonic affiliations, etc. Note that the denizens of this last category are shrinking in number fast as we keep improving our Egyptoid-blasting capacities.
With the advent of orgone devices which "vibe" these critters up, it becomes evident that some Egyptoids do not have pseudo-tranny traits, or only have them faintly. I have, in real life, seen Category 3 women (accompanied by Category 3 men) who do not have the TG look.
Here is a pic of a Category 3 female (from a crappy unwatchable Chinese gangster flick).
It seems many Category 3 females look fairly normal. Also many Egyptoid men do, including especially of Egyptoid-reptilian hybrid races such as Romani, Dalit, Yoruba. Also men of some non-repty "indigenous" tribes.
This female looked perfectly normal to me back when I posted the pic as an example of a normal-looking one, but now when I look at it I see a big chin and somewhat prominent cheekbones. And is the spot on her chin a shapeshifting artefact as in some of the vid captures below?
Actually, the degree of Egyptoid traits can vary from almost none to rather extreme. Mutations are random in specific type and intensity.
I want to stress that Egyptoids have been interbreeding with us for millenia, and many perfectly innocent and ignorant people look Egyptoid. The orgone devices don't "cut" them if they are not evil. I myself have some of this DNA; in fact my ancestral background is probably almost all Egyptoid and reptilian. And maybe yours too, dear reader. Some TIs I have been helping for years look markedly Egyptoid. It is common.
Why do Egyptoids and their hybrids often have children which they do not indoctrinate into Freemasonry, black magic, shapeshifting, etc? I think part of the reason is, since they are in the majority and regard this as their world, they breed with a view to the future of their race. Non-Masonic people are chattel for Masonic ETs, cultivated within the confines of their culture as a resource. Many Etoids have horrible genetic ailments, presumably a result of their awful genetic self-experimentation, and like to keep a diverse gene pool around which contains their DNA as well as human, reptilian, lycan, etc.
And part of it is, they like to have people around which they can overtly or covertly torture and vampirize the life-force of.
Many of the most hounded TI's I've helped over they years have nasty Egyptoid and Egyptoid-hybrid parents! And look totally Egyptoid themselves. Etoids like to have miserable offspring or spouses that they keep barely alive with a bunch of ailments resulting from black magic and maybe physical abuse.
Even non-repty Egyptoids are shapeshifters of some sort. Here are 2 non-repty Category 1 Egyptoid Triad prostitutes/actresses.The video is here. You can forward to the areas where these are and see a whole lotta teeth-shifting.
At other times, their teeth look perfectly normal.
Also see the pic with the question mark. What is going on with her cheek, etc? And what's with the strange whitish spots (also in the pics above)?
One sees these sorts of things in online videos of shapeshifting reptilians. But most commonly, vertical slit pupils.
I have not yet noticed vertical pupils in non-repty Egyptoids, but am keeping a lookout.This actor is Yuen Biao, an extraordinary martial arts acrobat and stunt man.
He has remarkably shifty teeth.
Category 1 Egyptoid originally, now replaced by a repticlone.
I assume that the above shapeshifters are pure Egyptoids because I can't detect otherwise, but, as mentioned above, many evil ET races pretending to be Earth humans are hybridized with Egyptoids.
And I can't totally rule out that these individuals might be hybridized with another species which I have not yet detected, which accounts for the shapeshifting. However, I doubt it.
The interesting thing about Egyptoid genetics is that the particular opposite-sex traits that manifest will vary randomly from one individual to another.
Male Traits Female Traits square boxy face with angular jaw back oval face with rounded jaw back bottom line of jaw closer to perpendicular bottom of jaw angles steeply toward ear prominent cheekbones cheekbones don't protrude eyes far apart eyes close together sloping forehead vertical forehead brow ridge no brow ridge big, square chin, possibly cleft/dimpled
large both horizontally and verticallysmall, pointed chin
bottom of chin close to mouthwide mouth narrow mouth deep vertical trough under nose shallow trough under nose big ears small ears broad, square shoulders narrow, sloping shoulders shoulders broader than hips hips broader than shoulders low waist below navel high waist above navel
Note: I am not real sure about the trough under nose bit. I picked that info up from some disclosure agent on YT and it could be wrong. In fact I got all this info from disclosure agents on YT. I am not totally certain of the forehead shape, brow ridge stuff... Some of these features at least have circumstantial evidence to back them up. The mere fact that so many female anime characters and dolls have ridiculously wide-set eyes suggests it is a male trait. Their constant celebration of high cheekbones in females strongly suggest it is a male trait.
Then there's the matter of legs and back line. Men tend to have knobby knees and uglier legs than women. MTFs with such legs are presented to us as world-class beauties.
Yet, lest we fail to notice, they bait us with these knobs:
Kate gives Angelina a run for her money - in the knobbly knee stakes
Whose knobbly knees are these?
(Paris Hilton, Kate Moss, and Angeline Jolie are CIA MTF repticlones, with, of course, Etoid traits.)
More examples of man-legs on MTF Egyptoids.
Yet, due to Etoid DNA, the men/MTFs sometimes have more feminine legs.Ideally, a woman's shoulders are further back than a man's, and the inward curve occurs higher on the back.
Of course there are individual variations and posture issues, and also the position the person is in when photographed matters, but generally, men and MTFs have their shoulders rolled more forward than women.
But with Egyptoids, any of these various traits of the opposite sex may be present to the exclusion of others. So you may have a normal-looking male except that the eyes are very close together. Or you may have a normal-looking woman but with square shoulders and narrow hips. Or you may have a woman with a total drag queen face but a womanly body.
It is unreliable to try to guess the gender in many cases. I have to dowse their genitalia and/or how my anti-MTF and anti-FTM orgone devices react to them. And if they are deceased, I seldom have much certainty over whether or not they were TG.
Some time after I originally posted this image, I realized that the women I had labeled "human female" are actually evil Egyptoids! Whereas the woman in the middle is not.
Egyptoid blood tends to confound any systematic, visual-evidence-based transvestigation. This may be further confused by the effects of early surgery and hormonal supplements over time.
Note: These days Egyptoids have been going underground in droves just as the reptilian hybrids did years ago. Even test-tube-baby Kelly Brogan, who was a bit tougher. So many I have outed as Egyptoids have been replaced by repticlones. Only a few get replaced by non-repty Egyptoid clones.
Also repticlones who have replaced Egyptoids often dive underground with remarkable frequency to get killed again and replaced.
Starting August 2018 we have found and exterminated several ET races which resemble the one in this image to the right. I strongly suspect that Egyptoids may come from humans long ago to which some DNA from these creatures was added. I call them Baphomoids.
And the Freemasons are quite aware of them, as this image of a CIA MTF repticlone (formerly blood-ritual satanist reptilian hybrid) shows:Their MTFs often have more cheekbones than either their men or women. Suggesting that if an Egyptoid or Egyptoid hybrid boy develops prominent cheekbones, he is very likely to be turned into a MTF by his parents. Why? to maintain the "normalcy" of women having high cheekbones but not men. Not only in the present but, by sterilizing boys who threaten to develop male facial structure, they keep their bloodlines more gender-bent, in accordance with Masonic values.
According to this YT video on Egypt which I "reviewed" here, the archeological evidence suggests that there was an early, very advanced race, then a later race which the narrator calls Domestic Egyptians, which were more primitive but built onto the structures the advanced civilization had left behind. And the same thing occurred worldwide.
So the picture that emerges is that the space Egyptoids seeded the world with their gender-mutated spawn, possibly different strains, some hybridized with reptilian DNA. Hence (though divergent evolution was probably a big factor) we have a wide variety of "indigenous" Egyptoid races including the Ainu, Australian Aborigines, Maori, many "Native" American and African tribes, Romani, Dalit, Basques, Greeks, etc.
They turned them onto their cultural traits (hand signs, symbols, black magic, child rape, promiscuity, feigned positive values and beliefs, rituals, festivals, etc) but still kept them technologically backward so that, aside from a few interventions like those credited to agent Tesla, they have had to re-invent technology.
So one wonders, what percent of the Earth Egyptoids know much about what is going on? There are still some illiterate, primitive Egyptoid tribes, and the world is full of impoverished and backward Egyptoids. Some are street beggars, pickpockets, etc. Many work in sex trades. Governments and charities work to help them and work together with them on hoaxes. Who do you think mainly benefits from Fair Trade practices, food aid, training programs, ag programs, etc?
How much do they understand of what they are, and what has been going on in the universe? In many cases, probably very little, yet they can be counted upon to be covertly if not overtly evil, and minions of the Artificial Intelligence and Egyptoids in space. In 2018-19 we have been extensively dealing with space AI which usually seems closely associated with space Egyptoids. It appears that AI may have been created by Egyptoids, and largely runs their Earth-based hell-spawn. Who live lives of total shilldom, going to Church, celebrating fake holidays, and shopping, shopping, shopping (the moneyed ones), partying, celebrating, dancing, watching rigged CIA football games, etc. Pretending to believe every Masonic hoax, reinforcing the lies in a friendly manner to any members of the non-Masonic minority they encounter. I have had Egyptoids be super nice to me while telling me all these personal stories (lies) to reinforce the hoax media "reality".
Once in early 2011, I think it was, I was driving around the DC area, busting the evil vibes which at that time were largely coming from undergound Grey bases. The Greys were attacking me with their energy. As I drove along at a slow speed, a black pedestrian suddenly jumped out at my pickup truck as I passed, and I heard a loud thud. I thought my mirror must have hit him. I looked in the rear view mirror and he was looking at me, apparently all right, so I drove on, shaking my head in wonderment. Just seconds later, a black cabbie did some senseless, uncalled-for maneuvre to cut me off, honking and giving me the finger. I could sense that these guys were acting as puppets for the greys. Until recently I thought they were just low-life humans that unconsciously allowed themselves to be influenced by greys.
How much conscious awareness did they have of why they had acted that way?
Later I saw a dent in my fender. Apparently the first guy had kicked my fender hard.
One of the questions I get asked the most by newbies is, are the repticlones or Egyptoids aware of what they are? And I often wonder myself. There is much behavioral evidence suggesting most have no idea -- yet even these often wear Masonic colors, do hand signs, etc. And there is much evidence to suggest that many do have some awareness.
And some who are aware also seem ambiguous in their motives! I have had many instances where i saw evidence that some are not pleased with the game. Years ago I had reptilian hybrids sometimes pointedly getting my attention before going undergound where they knew they could get killed by our allies (and replaced by stock clones). I have had some who knew who I am treat me with apparent genuine warmth and appreciation -- finally somebody put together all the information and paranormal technologies the Egyptoids have conveniently provided (Reich, Croft, Rifat, Vogel, Lakhovsky, etc) and is doing them in (both the Earth "slaves" and the space tyrants) as desired, thank God.
I even know of 2 local rept hybrids that renounced evil many years ago, disconnected from U bases, got rid of their evil vibe, and are still alive.
However, most are not so warm and fuzzy. Some contacts of mine in other countries even get physical violence, vandalism, and harrassment.
In any case, COTHS (Creatures Of The Hand Sign) are the vast majority on this planet. The "civilized" world we live in, both the good and bad aspects, is mainly of their creation (although it is not unlikely that the credit for some good things was ripped off by the controllers of the history books). If you are not one yourself, chances are you nevertheless have their DNA and look like them, and one or both parents are, one or more siblings, your love interests, and many of your co-workers and "friends" are, to your detriment.
But Egyptoids run quite a gamut. I know of several people who had Egyptoid, even maybe blood-ritual satanist, parents, yet do not seem to have been abused. Many Egyptoids seem like totally decent, sometimes quite talented people who contribute to a better world. But their hand signs, symbols, clothes colors, etc. tell you they are complicit with the ugliest stuff that goes on, even though their own hands might be clean of such activities.
The reptilian hybrids are less likely to be nice, and even more certain to rape their offspring.
August, 2019: Time to RE-VISIT A FEW THINGS. It has been over 3 years since I first started becoming aware of Egyptoids, and this was after several months of watching "Apostle" Laura Lee vids about "trannies". Prior to that I had little conscious awareness of many differences in male and female anatomy -- not surprising considering the mutant-filled planet I incarnated into.
Laura Lee, of course, is a CIA Egyptoid, I realized later. As I recall, the info from her was mostly correct, except she neglected to mention about the width of eye-set, because she herself has wide-set eyes as a conspicuous male trait.
She also would identify pseudotrannies as trannies, never mentioning that we are dealing with a mutant race with wide variations of mutations, especially in the male/female department.
Then later, I watched another CIA Egyptoid vid where it was confessed that wide-set eyes are a male trait. So really, all the new info on spotting male and female traits i got from CIA Egyptoids. And though Masons often do confess much truth, it is also often mixed with misdirections, distortions, fictions, so one must be vigilant. But I think the table I put together above is accurate.
But what does a true human look like? A composite of the traits in the table, IMO, and there is some circumstantial evidence supporting many of these points. Are there any genetically pure humans on this planet? I now doubt it. I used to think the Navajo and Cherokee were largely human but infiltrated, but with a more seasoned perspective I now notice they all seem to have Egyptoid traits, and the images that google throws at me also have the Egyptoid vibe.And in many cases Masonic symbols. This is a vintage Navajo image, ripped off from here and you can see the diamond shapes and Swiss crosses. And likely this was in Masonic colors. Moreover there is an M at the top, a W at the bottom, and the man crosses his legs. And his shadow forms a triangle. All highly suspicious but not conclusive. The pitfall of using Masonic cues to discern who is evil, is that there are so damn many Masonic signs that a perfectly innocent picture may have several. Of course certain ones are more conclusive.
Incidentally I think most Navajo are probably OK.
Most likely, some percentage of these 2 tribes are innocent, but it is difficult for me to verify because even now I often fail to get the ET vibe off Egyptoids without blasting individuals over time. Many I would fail to notice were it not that they flaunt Masonic colors and symbols, especially the use of heavy black-white-red and hand signs.
Years ago I posted a link to The Differences Between Male and Female Portraits, but now I realize this, too, is Egyptoid disinfo. It does not mention some of the key points, and even violates the natural male-female differences. In fact these are Egyptoid faces. It shows females with wide-set eyes, men with no brow ridge, etc.
CONTINUED on forum thread. Keep in mind that this thread started in the early stages of my figuring this stuff out.