That last page was getting long so I started a new one.
April2015 Program courtesy of Joe, is a very powerful pgm that seems to be strictly for REMOTE combat against evil beings including ETs, ET hybrids, demons, and even human satanists. Goes into plain resin but tolerates some powders. Forum thread.
May2015 Program is another nice one from Joe. This impedes psychic energy attacks significantly. Must be kept close to victim. Not for attack. Protective.
June2015 Program: This pgm was written by Antuvozy to emulate the weaponry the Alah-kur use when hitting targets they are not "allowed" to kill directly. It is very effective against Sandy Hookers as well as the first category of critters I wrote about under Dec., 2014 on my Doubles page. Also against demons, reptilians, and shapeshifters. Not so good against EHETs. This pgm can be directional in the same manner as the Jan2014C Pgm and others like it. And also can be used remotely.
July, 2015: Newsflash: now the Strontium-Barium Pgm no longer requires any additive, not even a pinch of cocoa. It does tolerate many additives, however, so you can make it even with epoxy putty.
August, 2015: The Hexagonal Program from Joe requires a hexagonal mold, and is especially great for 2 purposes:
Gifting the western halves of the states of Washington and Oregon.
October, 2015: Some great new programs coming out from readers. From Diego in Brazil (or his Pleiadian guides) we have this which goes into plain resin. I guess I'll call it the Oct2015A Program unless he thinks of a better name. It has a strong anti-evil vibe, and I also suspect it is good for plants.
And another great, intense, anti-demon pgm from Joe, the Oct2015B Program (depicted). He added magnesium [correction: manganese] dioxide, but I think it will be just as good in plain resin.
July, 2016: The Plasterite Program is very hot stuff. OTB 47. And it now goes into wet concrete, too! Which is much cheaper and tougher. It also goes into mortar mix and stucco. This pgm has no direct effect on physical perps, but is excellent against demons. It also has a strong effect in terms of lighting up U bases, and some people report a strong effect on chem as well. Highly recommended, powerful, cheap, easy-to-make stuff.
September, 2016: The least cumbersome name I can think of for this pgm is the Sep2016 Program. It is very specialized. It is only for nailing evil Category 2 Egyptoids. And to grasp what they are, you need to read this. And it would help if you were somewhat clued into the principles of transvestigation before that. In a nutshell, there are, for some reason, 2 energetic types of evil descendants of the Pharaohs. The Category 1 are rarer and probably more elite, and so far we have no pgm for them, although Antuvozy can "vibe them up" somehow, and then the Laser Pgm works on them somewhat. The Category 2's are more common. Many of these have interbred with shapeshifting reptilians, giving us such slimeball pseudo-tranny creatures as Bill Clinton, Obama and Trump (and their clones). But many have not, and as such have been hard to "punish". But this new pgm seems to seriously inhibit their occult attack powers. Even though officially it is against Category 2's, in actuality it works against all Egyptoids and their hybrids, providing they have already been nailed with an appropriate program. Once thus weakened, all types of Egyptoids are susceptible to a wide rage of our programs, e.g. Strontium Barium, etc.
It (so far at least) only goes into brass and bronze of any type or shape, including shavings, powders, etc. It can but does not need to be incorporated in resin devices. I have containers of brass shavings which are now programmed with this, and in use as remote weapons. Of course, should this type of target become less relevant in the future, the brass can always be reprogrammed again.
And here we have actually 2 programs that need to be touching each other: the Sep2016-2 Program for frying werewolves. These are linear wand programs like the ones in OTB 44.
(Each of these 2 wands has 2 layers in it with the 2 pgms.)
November 2016: Here is the Nov2016 Program from Joe. It is strongly against repticlones and werewolf clones. I really like this one: relevant and intense.
I like to mentally insert the ice cubes into victims of my choice. So far I have found no way to soup up this program when it is in resin. But this program also goes into concrete which has some Plaster of Paris added, which opens other possibilities and is far cheaper.
February, 2017: the incomparable Channel Program from Antuvozy merits its own OTB.
July, 2017: The July2017 Program written by Eenia goes into concrete or plaster. It is anti-Egyptoid.
It is being programmed into wet concrete at construction sites worldwide.
It is better with the addition of bionized sand/gravel and brass. The brass gets a modified version of the Sep2016 Program.
This is a 5 gallon unit with brass and a fair bit of bionized sand.
November, 2017: The Iron Embalmment Program (I take no responsibility for that name) written by Joe, goes into plain resin but tolerates a lot of powder additives, albeit without benefit. --------> It is now the pre-eminent program for lighting up and frying Egyptoids. That includes all the Egyptoid hybrids such as Chungoids and most shapeshifting reptilians and their clones. Forum thread
May, 2018: Inadvertently made an odd discovery: brass-plated steel takes both of our brass programs -- not only the plating but the steel does.
I found a pic with 3 brass-plated hinges that exist somewhere in the real world. We programmed them as marked. The 1st got some programming that goes into iron but not brass (carbon steel is mostly iron). The 2nd got the brass pgm against Egyptoids, and the last got the brass program that came out in 2015. Normally, only brass can take these programs. But now, steel can, as long as it is brass-plated. This could be useful as solid brass hardware is pricey compared to plated. Now all brass-plated faucets, hinges, etc. can get the anti-Etoid programming. And not all brass is yellow. Some is silver-colored.
June, 2018: Not exactly a new program, but a new development. The ZPE+B Program, which is actually 2 separate programs but I had to come up with something relatively wieldy to name it.
This is a combo of the ZPE Program and the Sep2016 Program. Heretofore the ZPE Pgm has not been available to the general public, because it has no anti-evil qualities in and of itself. However, I discovered that if the resin contains brass or bronze and gets the Sep2016 Program, it becomes very strong against Egyptoid ETs and their hybrids. Even brass-plated stuff like screws should work fine. It is best to not pack the brass too densely though, because then you end up with mainly the Sep2016 Program but not enough ZPE to boost it to optimum levels. Displayed is my first such piece. It has fluffy bronze wool. See also OTB 49 for a way to double the power.
November 2018; Lost Chord: I mentioned the Lost Chord in my September 2018 blog. I have this theory that the reason the universes are so packed with endless evil beings that never seem to run out, is because the Aeon Sophia long ago ripped away this frequency in order to create a paradise for parasites. And the mere restoration of the Lost Chord vibe might be what we need to restore health so that the parasites dwindle away. This energy we can program into celestite, and have been doing so with underground deposits in the 50 corrupt universes but it hasn't taken over enough yet. I believe it is good to blast the parasites directly with this energy. And that the parasites themselves seem to crave this energy -- their ticket to oblivion. A dowser friend of mine suggests it is the 12th harmonic of gold, which may be correct. However, physical gold is of no value in this. Yet, a goldish color can be, in resin.
The Lost Chord Program for resin actually piggybacks onto another program: the April2015 Program mentioned at the very top of this page. (Even though it says the April2015 Pgm is strictly for REMOTE combat, when you add the LC program it also works more locally.) You need to add the pigment, stir, and pour, and have ChemmerBuster program it as it cures. But which pigments are suitable? Every yellow or gold pigment powder that comes up in google is fine. Some orange undertones are OK too. In fact pure orange pigment will enable the program too, I get, but probably more weakly, like 40% strength. Possibly after we have been making this a while, pigment will no longer be required.
If you add turmeric to resin it may, depending on the chemistry of the resin you use, turn out a nice goldish color. But my experience is that if I put much turmeric into the epoxy I use, it comes out a reddish color, sometimes more brown. If I use a small amount it comes out yellow-orange and would work for this. BUT after a few years the color fades to a light grey, so I suppose the Lost Chord quality would fade away too. So I am not recommending turmeric for this. In fact The Committee won't put the Lost Chord Pgm in unless you use a permanent pigment. Someone tried with turmeric and got other pgms instead.
The pgm also piggybacks on the Tachyon Program, which is not free to the general public, although some individuals might get it. [Update: the tachyon program is now free to anyone provided you also accept the Lost Chord Program with it and add suitable pigment.]
(In this pic, the pointy thing has a very aggressive vibe due to programming of the stones.)
March 2019: Another program for quartz crystal of any type as well as rough white quartz. Can have some inclusions but a dirty dark quartzite probably would not work. This is good against a variety of evil ETs.
October 2019: Two progams against Black Goo: Goo1 and Goo2. For more info see blog for Oct 1. This ring has the Goo2 Program whereas the Goo1 program can be tacked onto any cured resin piece that has the "thick mix" of silvered shungite (see OTB 51 for info).
And another program, the Undermine Program by Eenia seems to address all Egyptoid-based evil ETs as well as demons. It goes into plain resin. That's about all I understand about it.
November 2019: Eenia and Nadee came up with a new program which I am calling the LeonLeon Program. It requires for each 8oz of resin, about 2 tsp of fine copper, brass, or bronze powder and 4 tsp of powdered Leonotis Leonuris flowers. Be careful not to get any metal dust in your eyes or lungs! Some of it tends to go airborne. You will probably have to powder the herb yourself: make sure it is crispy dry and run it through a sieve maybe. It has an intense action against evil beings, and Black Goo.
Do not use concentrated herb extract powder for the mix. You want the powdered whole flowers. Also the plant is easy to grow. I grew some about 20 years ago. It is also known as wild dagga. I did not find it very addictive.
I get that
one can additionally include activated charcoal powder, which changes the energy slightly
one can add aluminum powder, which also changes the energy slightly
one can add both of the above together
it is probably good to put in some metal shavings, especially aluminum but also other metals
it might be a good idea to make a device with shavings plus layers of the different mixes as they will work together for more effect.
But so far have only made 1 batch, with no shavings but all the powders.
February, 2020: Nu Ndz Program: This was developed by a friend in Europe who gave it this name. It is effective against Egyptoids/hybrids, Vimoids, Baphomoids at least. I have not cast any yet. This pic is from Joe. The pgm goes into plain resin (or silicone, acrylic...).
March, 2020: The Nu Ndz guy also came up with the March2020 Program. Info and pics here.
July, 2020: Our friend Nuno in Europe has come up with 3 more great free programs. The first is the Buddha Compassion Program, but it is not yet released to the public because every time Nuno or Joe tries to cast it, the aliens will corrupt it while curing unless I fight them off.
The second is the Leech Program depicted to the right. So called because it sucks the evil energy out of annoying troublemakers of the COTHS persuasion. This is for those special people who are in a position to hassle you and are aggressive in doing so. He tested it on an obnoxious Egyptoid landlady of a friend of mine, who then suddenly stopped coming around. I am currently testing it on some really hard core CIA repticlones in Nigeria.
The clear bottom piece is the pure program from Nuno. But my girls had me imbed stainless steel chips. The steel gets 2 more programs which work together with the Leech Pgm for much stronger effect. ANY mostly-iron metal should work as well, but do not put too much as then there won't be enough room for the Leech Pgm and it will be weak. The shavings I used are extremely thin, thinner than rolling papers, so actually there is not that much metal mass. It has to be pieces, not powder! Staples, paper clips, small nails or screws, etc. should work. But don't pack them densely. My pieces with shavings here will not even hold a strong neodymium magnet onto themselves.
I made a cool unit containing mostly this program. This contains just epoxy and the steel shavings. There are 2 pieces with the Buddha Compassion Pgm in it. And a cast epoxy ring I made years ago is on the bottom.
The 3rd program is the Tranquility Program. This produces a feeling of peace and relaxation, and might even tranquilize the enemy.
(Later:) OK, I think the Compassion of Buddha Program can be released now. See below.
When Nuno first sent me a pic of his casts curing with this program, what came to mind is that it felt like Buddha-like compassion. Nuno liked the name. However, after I looked at it, the aliens were able to corrupt it! A nice little harmless program. And Joe cast some, and they corrupted it too. I did not have the problem, and Mordok even made a little with no problem. Subsequent casts by Nuno and Joe were also problematic. But now they have both made casts of it with no interference, so hopefully others can safely do it too. The pgm is available from ChemmerBuster.
For some reason it bites very strongly on the evil ETs. They have already been slugged hard by this program and may not be able to notice anymore if more is being made. Or else it is no longer worth their sacrifices to try to stop it.
If it is even just a tiny bit corrupted, it will not put out the correct sweet vibe, even if it feels basically OK. This is hard for most people to discern. If in doubt you can throw me a pic.
September, 2020: Nuno has come up with another winner, the Equalizer Program for resin, which is covered in this thread.
October, 2020: Joe wrote an awesome program which I christened the Oct2020 Program. It requires a small amount of very fine brass, bronze, or copper powder. It goes well with malachite. More info: photos and more info specimen with malachite.
November, 2020: The Epo Obo Program is one I have been using a while. It requires a hard-to-get herb, plus fine copper, brass, or bronze powder. Maybe someday the herb will be available in the US from Joe. It is a superior program against black magic, demons, and black magicians including space aliens. Very intense.
The herb is powdered bark from a tree native to Africa. The bark itself is a powerful anti-black magic agent, but with the copper, resin, and programming, a small amount of the powder takes on much more power.
Right now you may be searching the web for sources of this substance. If you are in the US you may come across mention of an Owa Mkt in Brooklyn. You are welcome to try your luck but I DON'T recommend this guy. Years ago I ordered some and did get it, but then he attacked me with black magic. Turned out he was an Egyptoid sorceror. He can't do that now, having been replaced by a repticlone. But he is a shady character.
Nuno in Portugal was able to order this chunk of it from a local African herb supplier. Even just carrying a piece of this confers some protection. And the bark can even be mentally directed to remote targets.
Epo obo is the Yoruba term, but other African tribes have different names. The Yoruba were all reptilian-hybrid black magicians. They have spread their filthy "religion" overseas to places like Bolivia, Brazil, Europe... Why do they value this substance? Because black magicians would attack their own kind with black magic. Hence, countermeasures were needed.
I have used the powder a little bit by itself, sprinkled on tape I use in making devices. Or worked into a bit of epoxy putty. But that was before the program from Eenia came along. It requires per 8 fl oz of resin 1 tsp epo obo powder 2 tsp very fine brass, copper, or bronze powder And of course it must be programmed while curing by Chemmerbuster. There are also 2 Rolling Force variations of the program, which require a spherical or partial-sphere mold.
I lately make most of my Channel Wands with a layer of epo obo pgm and a layer of silvered shungite along with 2-3 layers of the Channel Program. (Incidentally, the layers must be separate; you can't tack the Channel Program into the same layer as one of the others. The tape piece can be inserted within any layers though.)
I think that the October2020 Program and this one are the best anti-evil programs we currently have. Comparing them: I think I actually like the Oct20 a bit better, as it attacks crucial enemies that are not fazed much by epo obo: AI, Black Goo, transhumans, synthetics. As well as also attacking the same stuff that the epo obo pgm addresses. But, the epo pgm has a unique quality that is also important.
The Oct20 Pgm is very channelable; its power flows through the Channel Program, which the epo pgm does NOT do. Hence, the latter is what I add to Channel wands (along with a layer of Silvered Shungite). The wand action shoots the effect from these programs some distance. This is one of the best ways to use this program. Very crisp effect!
And just because an item does not work through the Channel Program does NOT mean it cannot be used remotely!
If you are in a country like Brazil or some parts of Africa where the epo obo is available, great. Joe and I have had problems getting it to the US. Once Joe had some sent from Africa but Customs held it up for months then "lost" it. Then he got more sent (some for me too) but we had to shell out serious $$$ for DHL shipping.
Update! Joe is now selling some epo obo on his site. Link
[Update: re-reading the above, it looks a bit confusing to me. Let me clarify: the wands in this image DO NOT have the Oct20 program. The gold layer is Epo Obo/brass. I DO NOT put Oct20 into wands, because separate casts of it are channelable through the wands, but not slung forward by the channel pgm if sandwiched into wands. On Channel wands I usually add thin layers of Epo Obo and Silvered Shungite but none of the other pgms. Why? Because somehow the Channel wand dynamics push forward the SS and EO programs a great distance, but have no such effect on other programs.]
January 2021: New free resin program from Eenia: the Jan2021 Program.
It seems to require a conical shape of a somewhat steep nature. Not necessarily this steep. Many ordinary funnels should work, for example this one. I would not use one with a wider angle than that. What I used here was water-cooler cups from Walmart and mini traffic cones from Dollar Tree.
This program works on Egyptoids and Egyptoid hybrids, e.g. repticlones, transhumans, Mahanoids...
What happened was that Joe was experimenting with 3D printing of devices, and Eenia came up with this program for this shape, which, though insubstantial, proved very powerful. I have the impression that about 80% of the power of this pgm is channelable through the Channel Program. It is also excellent to use directly as a remote weapon.
March, 2021: New anti-Black Goo program from my 100D self: the March2021 Program. I have some reluctance to post this as I do not have any exact recipe. Yet, I don't want to keep this program a secret, either. This program requires some copper and gold shavings. But in what proportions? I think there is some margin for error but can't be more specific.
What I have done is order this stuff which dowses as 9k gold with plenty of copper and some traces of other metals. Also I seem to sense a 1-2% lead content. And a bit of aluminum and zinc. [Update 3/22: But might not have any gold at all. A weird comination of metals can throw off my dowsing. It dowses as equivalent to 9% gold for programming purposes. Currently this link takes me to a different product, fake silver flakes! Search eBay for HUGE Gold Leaf Flakes and you will find the correct item.] This had the best vibe, for this program, of all the gold leaf products I saw on eBay. It is in large, very thin, chiffon-like sheets which break up into finer particles when stirred into resin. [Although this may or may not contain any gold at all, if this product is unavailable, the same program will go into resin with the right proportion of gold and copper/brass.]
I get that this is a great program for protective pendants, beads, etc. for people who are gang-stalked by CIA transhumans containing black goo. Or have any proximity to them. It is also great as a remote weapon. And it is about 70% channelable through the Channel Program. It is best to use this particular "orgonite" directly though. I don't think it is fully functional channeled. If you hold it in front of your chest or wherever, and it vibes up but won't clear after a few minutes, you are being actively attacked by Black Goo in space! A dangerous situation. Unless you are a rare person who can deal with that, better email me for free help.
June, 2021: There is another anti Black Goo program I came up with in late May, described here, but again, I do not have an exact formula. This is not for beginners.
And our friend in Portugal came out with another nice resin program, actually 2 programs that work together, the Lotus Program.
April, 2022: Another great one from our friend in Portugal: the Behave Program. He sent me a pic of a sample he had made, and my impression was, it exerts a pressure on people to incline them to behave, to do the right thing, do their job instead of bullying, stealing, etc. This is no doubt an oversimplification.
I made a mistake and messed up this cast cosmetically, but no matter. You can feel how great the vibe is. I just wanted to cast a big glob of this to run through my Channel Program, as it channels very well. I suggest you do the same: cast a bunch and stash it anywhere and make Channel devices to deploy it. Or you can also use it directly on targets. But if you want to gift an office or something, you can just put tiny dabs of silicone or acrylic glue in places and ask Chemmerbuster for the Channel Program as it dries.
Also i get that this is a great program to put on the grid. I already have channel devices on the electric grid in a few places so i just let the pgm be drawn into them. But one could put dabs of glue on one's breaker box, PC tower, electric wires, whatever.
I think this program has a certain amount of protective power, too. Free program available from ChemmerBuster.
April 2023: We have come up with 3 real good new free programs recently. Actually Joe has but two required a bit of advice from me to make them potent enough.
The Anti Blangster Program goes into plain resin but is not very strong by itself. For more effectiveness, addition of a few turquoise stones, probably generally small ones, is required. The crystal right only has one stone, in the tip. Also aluminum shavings seems to make it more "grabby". This is against a new type of fake human that many repticlones etc have been replaced with, but it is far, far more than that in its activity! I use it to suppress the toxic energy outputs of U bases in faraway places.
The Anti Blandster Program is for evil fake critters very similar to Blangsters, except that anti-Blangster stuff does not work on them. They, too, have become common lately. And this program, too, has some broader effects than just persecuting them.
This program requires resin with a bit of silicon powder, about 1 tsp/cup.
The March 2023 Program is primarily against repticlones, including the new type which is much tougher than the old. And it too, has some powerful activity beyond repticlones.
There actually are 3 versions of this: regular, linear wand, and rolling force (spherical program version from Nadee), and I only consider the latter worth making as the others are too weak.
It requires only plain resin with a very few small citrines, and fake citrine (heated amethyst) is just as good and maybe better than real citrine for this particular purpose.
More info about these programs is on the linked threads.
July 2023: Another great one from Joe, against Egyptoids, especially black magicians, the Etoid Unraveling program. Requires only plain resin.
Again, its influence seems much broader than merely targeting them.
And yet another great one from Joe this month, the Anti Denebian Program. The Denebians (so-called by me because they originally were noticed in Constellation Deneb) are a widespread type of evil ET adept at remote psychic warfare.
This program requires, for every 6 fluid oz of resin, 1 tsp wild dagga (Leonotus leonuris) herb powder and at least 1 tsp fine tulsi leaf powder.