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Loohan's blog for January 2018
Jan 5 '18: (3:20 EST) The trip up went well. Lately have been blasting up and down the Eastern Seabord with my powerful bi-directional wand (which has been souped up a lot since i posted a pic) frying lots of slime.
The weather is super cold. Got about 1/2" of snow night before last. More snow is supposed to slam the east coast but not the DC area.
Jan 9, 2018: (5pm) Cold snap broke today!
GIRK FIT NIIR, "We are a relatively small alliance. The alliance members are the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Fendorians, friendly Reptilians and the Yah`yel. We are all 4th Dimensional beings. We are a unique and independent alliance. However, we are working together with larger alliances such as the Galactic Federation of Light. We have chosen to interact with Earth more directly as the Galactic Rules allow."
Wow, pretty cool for repticlone Freemasons. They sell some scalar devices which seem OK but not great.
(6:20pm) There is a bunch of Category 2 Eyptoids in Saggitarius that Joe and i are working on.
Jan 10, '18: (9:25am) Allies have been wiping them out, but there are still a bunch mainly around the lower right quadrant of the pic.
(7:25pm) That seems cleared up now.
So how are the local repticlones here in the DC area taking the recent influx of orgone? I went to Costco with my mom today, and noticed that all the repticlones (hundreds of them which constituted at least 80% of the shoppers) each had 9 underground werewolves backing them up, energetically.
Then on the evening news, i noticed that the talking heads each had 3 WWs plus 9 Egyptoids backing them up.
Fine with me; it's easy peasy to mark them all for destruction.
Werewolves: It is so strange the way the WW population here seems to fluctuate wildly from one year to the next. Last year i noticed gobs of them on the road. I busted some roads and areas real well that were mostly traveled by them. There are very few WWs left around here now that have not been replaced by clones. But also, i have not noticed many of their clones around. Strange. I have also not noticed Chungoids yet, although they were somewhat common last winter.
Jan 11, '18: (5:15pm) I did notice and mark (remotely) 5 Chungoids in that Costco today.
I got blasted a while earlier by more Etoids in the sky. After reaming them for some time (allies are taking them out) i found, in the same region, the pocket of Egyptoids and their reptilian hybrids that were the ones responsible for the destruction and replacement of the Hebrews on Earth. One of the nastier things they ever pulled off.
We are wiping them out here.
Jan 13, '18: (4:35pm) We had some real warm weather, mid-60's, a bit of rain, then it turned cold again.
Now this whole area of space around Casseopiea is flared up with DORy NSAlizards.
Jan 14, '18: (5:20pm) And this afternoon, i am getting hammered by Egyptoids in space here.
Incidentally, i suspect the name "Plejaran" is a joke. It is supposed to refer to the Pleiades, but i can stir up no Egyptoids there. No doubt there are a few, but if there are more they sure are hiding well.
(7:35pm) Those of you who have frequency-adjustable devices, try putting in 5200Hz. I just dowsed that as a freq destructive to Egyptoids. It will probably only be valid for a few days, though.
You could even try just writing the freq and target down and placing orgonite on the paper.
(8pm) Also this morning a reader sent in a link to this spot, saying it seemed related to the NSA area i posted yesterday. It was packed with jailable offworld CIA SSers, plus werewolves, Chungoids, Etoids, etc.
And now there are still many Chungoids left in the area.
Jan 17, '18: (6:10pm) Getting some seriously bizarre CIA hacking on the forum. You might want to refrain from logging on if you are a member.
Hacking was coming from an Etoid U base at 38.984161, -74.911721 which is being demolished now.
Also the CIA hired humans from here (i sense 18 criminal humans there) who sign up but don't get enabled to post, yet somehow if you log on you will get logged out and logged back in as one of these. And now if i try to delete these fake names i get logged out and logged back in as name i am trying to delete.
Jan 18, '18: (5:10pm) OK, the forum should be safe now.
By the way i have been busting a lot with Channel Program pieces channeling Joe's stuff. I re-gift areas with that which i had already gifted with mine. New ground i hit with both. New wands i make with 2 layers so they channel both.
Joe's stuff has some different functions mine lacks, so this is good to do. I advocate others to do this. You can even make 3 layer wands that channel your personal stuff, too. I will be updating OTB 48 soon to mention this.
I find that if i plant a few of these dual wands facing down in different directions somewhere, within a minute or so i feel like a strong shift in my experience of gravity; a feeling of relaxation and grounding. This is even in areas previously gifted with my Channel and other stuff.
Jan 20, '18: (3:35pm) Real nice sunny day, aside from long, vibeless chemtrails. I went for a hike around Mercer Lake Park in Springfield. Had to take my shirt off for a while. I had never been there before. I saw 5 humans but everyone else out for a sunny Saturday hike was repticlone or Egyptoid. The surrounding residences were like that, too.
I stabbed plenty of 2-channel wands into the ground and dropped lots of silicone boogers.
Forum is still having hacker issues. I am finding more Etoid bases which might be connected.
Jan 22, '18: (9:05am) Warmer weather here lately.
For years i have been saying that Georg Ritschl of Orgonise Africa is a good guy, but actually, this is another nest of Category 1 Egyptoids. Pic of Georg and wife [update: a reader alerted me that this woman is actually Cary Ellis of the Keshe Foundation South Africa].
(4:10pm) Had another fun hike today. Went to Lake Accotink Park in Springfield. Last winter i hit it kind of good with the Channel Pgm but now i have loads more wands, 2-channel at that, plus Joe boogers, so i thought i might do an even more thorough job.
Also i was curious: last winter there were mostly werewolves on the trail, but i no longer sensed them. I wanted to see who was on the trail. Nothing but repticlones! Including 4 MTFs and 3 FTMs. Not one other species present except for myself.
Also odd: it is a warm, muggy, still day in the 60s. After hiking a while with my day pack, i took off my shirt because i was sweating a bit. But all these cold-blooded reptiles were overdressed! A few were even wearing down jackets zipped up to the neck as though it were freezing!
Maybe the programs are sucking the energy out of them.
I walked south all the way to this monsta electric utility switching station or whatever it is. I blogged last winter about how it was powerfully radiating Werewolf Love everywhere until i busted it. And it still seemed neutralized but for good measure i walked all around it stabbing wands into the ground, and sprinkling silicone boogers.
All this is right next to the beltway, too!
Jan 24, '18: (9:15am) Ha! Cmdr Loohan forces Masons to cower! Audacity levels plummet! Or is there some other explanation? Check this article: Pictured: The 15-year-old girl killed by Kentucky high school gunman who also shot her boyfriend in the face and wounded 17 others before running out of bullets.
These are all live CIA repticlones, of course, with some Egyptoid traits, but what is missing? There are NO- obvious pseudotrannies
- trannies
- hand signs worth noting
- obvious photoshopping
- doubles
- familiar actors
Maybe the cowards can redeem themselves in the inevitable follow-up articles.
(10:30) How funny. Daily Mail won't flaunt diddly on that but NY Daily News, posts a pic of a completely different actor as being the same Bailey Holt! A MTF, at that. But looks identical. The MTF pic is blurry, though. The female seems to have pierced earlobes which do not show up in the blurry pic. But i swear these are different repticlones with different genders. Wonder why they would bother with that.
Still, they are giving me NO evidence to point to.
Jan 25, '18: (8:15am) Time to address the AI conspiracy.
Lately i have been finding AI U bases in N America connected to media repticlones (RC's). The bases had only repticlones and equipment.
It appears likely that AI has been "running" all these RC's as this is the only intelligence i can find behind them (except for their AI-mongering Egyptoid superiors).
And, as i posted not long ago, the RC's we've been seeing lately don't even seem to come from any physical source anymore; it seems as though they are digital copies inserted into our simulated reality.
The Committee has tweaked the programming of this unit which i posted about 7/31/17. It now lights up AI bases/equipment anywhere. Just drag and drop repticlones or other suspected AI-connected items into it.
It has been physically modified quite a bit since July when this pic was taken.
Egyptoids are heavily into this AI stuff. One big tech center is Cyberjaya, Malaysia, a town that feels at least 40% Egyptoid.
This is connected to remote galaxies full of Etoids and AI, which we are addressing now, too.
Also (now i have permission to post) for several days the Alah-kur have been taking over Planet Earth from its erstwhile masters and establishing law and order. They have been - physically killling surface Egyptoids in Ft Meade, USAF bases, and other locations, including city folk involved in gang-stalking, etc.
- taking over electric utilities, ISPs, website hosts, factories, etc. that are involved in illicit AI activities.
For several days, there have been 500 "missions" comprised of 2, 4, or 8 A-K warriors making rounds on Earth's surface.
The plan is to keep the electric, etc. infrastructures going for the time being so as not to cause unnecessary havoc.
My impression is that soon the vast majority of Earth's "humans" will be gone, since humans are actually a smallish minority on this planet, and many of those are scum, too. We'll see. Should be interesting. Many of these will be reprogrammed or replaced by robotoid doubles and be our slaves in order that we not be too inconvenienced.
Or maybe i've been smoking too many bath salts. We'll see.
(7:40pm) It appears it is also AI U bases which orchestrate sustained attack sequences (in which i find certain U bases, etc. but in no time a new batch attacks). We have been taking out a bunch that are behind attacks on me today.
Also it appears such AI bases really come alive to feed news talking heads on TV. These shows are probably not even in real time, but when i watch the news, each yapping mutant individual leads to more bases. In the DC area news, i found a bunch north of DC. Now my mom is watching German news, and all these AI bases in Germany come alive when i blast the liars.
It may be that the reason they can spin such complex conversations about pure BS in such a seemingly natural and fast-paced way, is that they are streaming this from the U bases.
Jan 31, '18: (4:35pm) Today i busted Lake Royal (map) again. I had been there once before, 2005 i think. At that time i gifted the lake and park, and within seconds of the first gift hitting the water, a chopper appeared and briefly hovered right over the part of the lake i had busted. Such a sudden response made me suspect it was a cloaked UFO or hologram or something. The sound effects sure were realistic, though.
So today i planted a load of taped 2-channel wands and sprinkled silicone boogers all around. Partway through, a green propeller plane, very military looking, with deep bass engine/prop noises, came over slow and low, curving over the Lake. It had 3 NSA werewolves in it.
Then about 15 minutes later, another one. Except it had no vibe of metal, passengers, or anything. Then, a few minutes later, another like that, then a 3rd such drone a few minutes later. These all were low, slow, near me, and curved their path over the park.
Then yet another 2-prop plane came over me, this one higher and more conventional looking and traveling in a straight line right above, but still no vibe. Except that all these planes had connections to AI U bases.
Although the green drones had no vibe i could dowse, i could feel the vibrations of the noise seemingly coming from them.
Only Egyptoids and repticlones were out walking.

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