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Loohan's blog for December, 2017
Dec 1, '17: (11am) Got 1/2" of rain in last night's thundershower. We needed it.
These creatures are so absurd and disgusting. Jewish groups ask Poland to explain naked game of tag in Nazi gas chamber. I watched the first minute of the linked vid. It shows several repticlones (none TG) sauntering into a concrete room and starting to play tag.
Teacher reports six-year-old Muslim boy with Down's Syndrome to police for 'terrorism'. Does this repticlone boy look like he has Down's to you? Sure doesn't resemble other pics i've seen. Looks like an ordinary Egypto-boy with some kind of splints in his ears or something, to make him look like Gollum maybe.
(2:50pm) Some Etoid stalkers to blast. Click for bigger pic.
These have been attacking people with directed energy, demons, etc.
Note that this is 2 separate pix in one.
Dec 7, 2017: (1:30pm) Freezing cold today. 17F predicted tonight.
Medical and Recreational Marijuana Company Kaya Holdings, Inc. Cannabis-for-Opioids Swap Program. CIA proprietary will swap your toxic meds for the good stuff -- or at least whatever they grew. And the meds are not wasted, they are re-purposed for the ghetto market. Everyone wins.
For Many Romani Women, Marriage Requires a Reconstructed Hymen. 'I hung out with a Spanish Roma woman while she was having her virginity "reinstalled."'
This story is total fiction. None of the people exist. Almost all Romani are MPD promiscuous, bisexual pedophiles. Before they got replaced by clones, almost all were blood-ritual satanists. The virginity checks are a traditional hoax/joke. I doubt Romani girls get weaned before losing their hymens.
Romani are Egyptoid-reptilian hybrids. Hymens are poison to them. Hymens allow the womb energies to blossom, giving rise to more powerful (gasp) female energy which would undermine everything they hold sacred.
I recently discovered that hundreds of Brazilian human black magicians have been attacking me from Goianesia, Brazil.
Dec 10, '17: (4pm) Lots of Egyptoids are in this area of space, attacking me. They kept me from getting more than a couple hours of sleep last night, and now they are onto me again.
Of course the allies have been taking them out, but they persevere nonetheless.
Dec 11, '17: (8:55am) Thanks for any help. I slept pretty well and they are much weaker today.
Dec 13, '17: (4:15pm) The other day i posted on the forum that Ross Ulbricht, the Silk Road guy, is a CIA Egyptoid. So the CIA presumably marketed a bunch of drugs that way (and collected some info on independent vendors).
And Silk Road was heavily tied in to bitcoin -- indeed probably served to get a lot of people into BC who otherwise would not have been that interested. Which suggests that Bitcoin itself was a CIA or NSA project from the start. Now the CIA is sort of admitting this: Evidence points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency.
And now they've rolled out CryptoKitties, which i have an even harder time understanding than BC.
Oumuamua: a hoax? I get no vibe off this thing. I detect no metal or stone. Nor any beings.
Leo Zagami, a former SSer, has been replaced by a CIA human clone duplicate. Why not a repticlone as usual? I dunno, i wasn't particularly picking on him. Human clones are much less vulnerable to orgone.
Dec 15, '17: (10:10am) Another CIA human clone: "spiritual" youtuber Quartz Crystal.
Weird ETs i could use some help on:
For years, there have been mysterious, demonic birds in Lagos, Nigeria, which i have never really figured out. They seem to be portals for black magic.
Then along came Rorg, who was able somehow to neutralize them. For a while. But something changed and Rorg can no longer affect them.
I received this pic yesterday, and since i have an ever more powerful and sophisticated collection of orgone devices, i tried blasting it and seeing what happens. What happened is the bird's energy washed away and an area of sky lit up with bad energies. But what is out there? Whatever they are, they seem to be neither jailable nor addressable by physical, military means. I have jailed none and allies have not been able to nail them. I have no idea what is going on except that when i blast pockets of DOR out there, they seem to fade out. Then others light up in a weaker, more dispersed, way.
Then i figured out that my celestite stones have the program which works on them; when i was blasting them with the Channel Program, it was only the celestites being used.
Soon i was guided to plug a wire into my new anti-monitor cone and place my celestites on the wire. Evidently these beings were trying to RV me. Once i did this, the sky lit up much more.
At present i sense these beings in this wide area.
Joe is also making a hardware cloth thing against these.
If you have any celestites, you can get Eenia to program them (this is a newish program of hers) and blast these things.
Dec 16, '17: (5:55pm) Shortly after i posted that, those entities started hammering me, along with the usual WWs, Etoids, Chungoids, etc. and kept it up all day and into the night. But today, no attacks from them, and not much in the way of other attacks.
There no longer is any particular part of the sky most active with them. They seem spread all over the universe but seemingly getting thinned out. It is possible the orgone weapons are killing them; in any case they are much weaker now.
Dec 17, '17: (4:40pm) Got another 1/2" of rain last night. We are officially in a "severe" drought, although with cool weather the effects are not as bad.
Cops seize 18,000 pounds of marijuana from weed 'fortress' in California. I rather doubt that, considering that Stephanie Smith is a CIA repticlone.
Bizarre fable: Fugitive arrested Sunday at local restaurant, Woman who is nine months pregnant helps stop escape of fugitive wanted in Arkansas. What are the chances of a CIA repticlone female impersonator having both "demon" and "witch" in his name? Moreover, a responsible citizen "who is nine months pregnant, grabbed Witcher by the shirt, and he fell into a row of bar stools."
What an amazing world we live in.
Dec 21, '17: (5:50pm) Solstice time already.
Got another standard dose of 1/2" of rain night before last; drizzle and heavy fog all this morning. Overcast, more rain in forecast.
Most hilarious headline i've seen today: Open Warfare Declared in DC as Deep State 'Goes Nuclear' -- Trump 'Will Die in Jail'.
Dec 22, '17: (8:30am) Big storm passing to the south, but we are supposed to get a decent amount too, later.
A couple days ago i noticed that some Egyptoids were breaking down and hitting the underground to be killed and replaced by repticlones. But only in Annandale, VA. It has something to do with this power spot. Dunno why, exactly. I did gift this area and surrounding areas with Channel Program boogers last winter. I probably got all those major roads into Annandale. The map link should take you to a spot slightly west of the big crossroads.
Better yet, last night i felt some hitting it around Rome, which also got gifted this year. Yay!
So far, tentatively, i have the impression 2K Egyptoids in the Annandale area (about 2 mile radius), and 800 in Rome, have suicided.
I predict that this effect will snowball. These vortexes of doom will grow in size and power as more spring up, until eventually this planet will be uninhabitable by Egyptoid vermin. Keeping fingers crossed, anyway.
Normally in those infrequent cases were Etoids have been replaced by repticlones, of course the repticlones are Etoidal too. So now, presumably, they need to manifest clones which look Egyptoid but don't have the same energy signature. Because of course, these Cleansing Centers are wreaking havoc on any Egyptoid hybrids as well.
They will do this and consensus reality will continue to plod along in the usual fashion, most likely, except now their black magic and morale will be in tatters. Stalking will vane.
If i am correct, soon there will be many artificial doubles who look Egyptoid but don't have the signature.
What about the werewolves? Are they Etoid-hybridized? Yes, actually, although it is often not apparent in the females, or not very. I cropped a slow-loading image of B'nai Jeshurun werewolves. (These were original WWs when pic was taken, but have been replaced by clones since.) The women all look very similar, and not that Etoid, but the males all lack cheekbone.
Furthermore, my anti-Etoid stuff is chewing on them.
This leads me to another train of thought. Is the reason we seldom see images of WWs because they shapeshift too much?
To the right is the Newark, NJ City Council, also original WWs when pic was taken, but have been replaced by clones since. Note how some of their fingers are morphy.
Which also raises the question: Is the term "shapeshifting reptilian", handed to us by Icke, etc. a half-truth, half-lie? Is the shapeshiftiness due not to the rept DNA but to Egyptoid DNA? I have posted pix on the forum of what i think are pure Egyptoids shapeshifting, mostly with their teeth (example).
Could it be that the only reason reptilian and WW hybrids shapeshift is because of their Egyptoid blood? I am not sure of the answer to this, but it is a thought.
To answer that question would probably require finding a non-Egyptoid rept hybrid (they do exist, at least as clones) shapeshifting. Then the question could be answered in the negative.
(10:25am) The Roman Vortex of Doom seems to be here, 41.960605, 12.439574, half a mile south of Tomba di Nerone.
Dec 24, '17: (5:40pm) I got 2.8" of gentle rain the night of the 22nd. Then this morning it was still foggy, and it snowed a little bit at my place for a short while. Tonight is supposed to get down to 20F but it feels about that cold already, subjectively.
I am confused. I saw this article DEEP-SEABED MINING IS THE NEXT FRONTIER IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL PLUNDER OF PLANET EARTH and wondered why i get no vibe off the machine in the pic. (Sir David Attenborough is a repticlone pseudotranny.) Then i slid through the video, which depicts several more big machines, same thing. Whaaa? Normally such things would be made of metal, which is programmable. In fact The Committee should already have programmed these, but can't. I was wondering, are these plastic scale models, CGI, or what?
One huge vibeless machine found elsewhere is the Bagger 293, which "weighs 14,200 tonnes (31.3 million pounds)" (pic, pic). Why is there no programmable iron, aluminum, copper, brass, etc in all these machines? In fact, even the people in these 2 pix have no vibe. Or any small-scale "people" i've seen in any Bagger 293 pix. But there is even a repticlone-filled vid of one running; no vibe off the machine.
Another big vibeless machine is the RH 400.
This reminds me of something. Sometime back i grabbed this pic of a drone of some sort off some website. Because eveything in it has a vibe except the drone. Is the drone CGI or what, i wondered. I still haven't figured it out.
But surely all these mining machines are real, and must be made of metal, one would assume. Yet, no vibe i can detect.
And for years, our planet has been getting chem-sprayed by primarily vibe-less craft laying vibeless chem which nonetheless visually behaves just like the real thing.
Do they have some kind of metal now which is unprogrammable? And they are using it in some big vehicles in order not to give The Committee more stuff to program? And possibly in chemtrails too? That explanation would seem to fit the facts except why do the little people in the Bagger pix also feel fake?
Dec. 26, '17: (1:55pm) Cold.
The conspiracy theorists who think the Earth is HOLLOW: Growing community believe {sic} superior 'alien' humans, Vikings and Nazis live in paradise in the centre. Article shows a repticlone named Rodney Cluff "spearheading the bizarre movement".
And there is a book called The Smoky God by an Egyptoid-looking Willis George Emerson. Wikipedia says The Smoky God, or A Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth is a book presented as a true account written by Willis George Emerson in 1908, which describes the adventures of {an Egyptoid-looking} Jansen Olaf, a Norwegian sailor who sailed with his father through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole.
And a book called Etidorhpa by another Etoid, John Uri Lloyd, with images of Etoid-looking inner Earth inhabitants.
Years ago i felt oddly compelled to read the book, or part of it anyway. I couldn't put my finger on it, but i was intuitively drawn to it and had a sense that there was something to it. Egyptoid magic fooled me again. I never actually found anything in the book that seemed real, that i recall, yet somehow it had the feel of something real overall.
[Update 2024: I just realized that notorious Masonic author Manly P. Hall promoted Etidorhpa. "Etidorhpa is a strange tale of a journey to the middle and even the end of the earth, which symbolically represents a personal journey into the underworld of our own inner lives."]
There was some article on Icke-istock the other day, promoting the value of intuition. Intuition is nice and fine; i consider myself a mostly intuitive person. However, intuition is also manipulated by black magic!
I "intuitively" got into Scientology back in 1979 because i felt that despite certain weirdnesses about the cult, it was what i had been looking for.
Years later i was in a staff meeting at the Scientology Church i worked at in Austin where the results were announced of an "eval" (evaluation) done on the church and staff at a higher organization. One of the main things found, supposedly, was that many people were into Scientology mainly due to intuition.
I remember one of the staff members quipped "Yeah, I dunno what I'm doing here, but it feels right, haha."
Oh yeah, and Admiral Byrd was another Etoid into hand signs.
Dec 28, '17: (10:15am) 9 degrees F out there this morning, reportedly.
I said the other day that Bitcoin is CIA, and here is some evidence from a CIA source:
The Washington Post Ominously Warns That Bitcoin Is Being Used By 'Extremist Groups'
It seems like the whole world is getting caught up in the cryptocurrency revolution, and needless to say, the powers that be cannot be thrilled about this. Independently-controlled cryptocurrencies represent an existential threat to the global debt-based central banking system that we have today, and so the elite have a very strong incentive to bring about the demise of Bitcoin and other emerging cryptocurrencies.
So it is no surprise that one of the key mouthpieces for the elite, the Washington Post, has begun to demonize Bitcoin. And if you are going to demonize something, one of the fastest ways to do that is to link it with racists. The following is an excerpt from an article that the Post just published entitled "Bitcoin's Boom Is A Boon For Extremist Groups"...
and goes on to bemoan that CIA repticlone "racist" Richard Spencer promotes it.
Just as with Scientology, they demonize it as they build it up.
Another phony: John "Smarty" Mendez of HoloTech. CIA repticlone flaunting hand signs.
Dec 31, '17: (6pm) Yow, full moon tonight, and it's supposed to get down to 1 degree F tonight.
Moreover, i plan to take off tomorrow in the (brrr...) wee hours (if they let me sleep) to head to the DC area to stomp some ass. So i will probably be incommunicado for a couple days.

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