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Loohan's blog for January 2019
Jan 3, 2019: (3:30pm) Well, i've already got $7435 due me by the insurance. Luckily i had the thing insured for value minus $750. And my experience with Shelter Insurance is that they are decent when it comes time to shell out the bucks. I bought this thing for around 12K in '04 and intact, it was probly still worth around that much due to various factors like low mileage for a Toyota (87K), inflation, the fact it was the last year Toyota made small trucks (at least in the US), and thus it has high salvage value especially as only the body was damaged.
But the body was totalled and putting a new one on would have been very expensive and time-consuming.
Now my plan is to rent a vehicle, drive to VA, and use my mom's car to shop around for another vehicle.
Jan 7, '19: (5:10pm) Still at home. Renting a car one-way is a bit awkward. For one thing, they generally tack on an extra $700-800 fee for one-way.
I ended up buying another Toyota Tacoma from a friend of a friend, new and bigger than the last one. Got a good deal on one with only 53,800 miles on it. My mom kicked in some bucks.
I got about 2/3" of rain at the end of last month, and another 1.2" last week. Many areas around here got twice as much or more.
Jan 8, '19: (3:55pm) And we have another Baphomet-like species, drawn by same artist as the other such imlsoages. These do not feel at all like the earlier Baphomoids we dealt with, so i am christening them Baphoidals. I got no vibe off the pic initially but removed cloaking spells and blasted these critters. They too are spread around the universe, and are now hitting me back a little. They are all CIA, as far as i can discern so far. I guess that is some kind of a CIA Delta symbol behind her.
It's been warm lately. The 5th was super clear and warm but since then, chemmy most of the time, tracing to the usual.
I plan to leave again for VA by morning. I may be out of touch a couple days.
Interesting. The norm is for all Israeli actors pretending to be polititians to be Mossad agents, but now they are flaunting one which is not: Shirley Pinto-clone is straight-up CIA.
(4:30pm) Ha! That species is already deleted.
Jan 10, '19: (9:40am) Made it to my mom's place yesterday afternoon.
I took hwy 81 for hundreds of miles thru VA as i have often done in the past, but it seemed like there were many more trucks than usual. I was endlessly held up by clusters of trucks hogging both lanes. This is dangerous and scary and i may avoid this route in the future. Also almost all vehicle drivers were repticlones, and largely very inconsiderate and inept ones at that. Funny how they make life miserable for mainly each other.
Leaving Knoxville TN around 6:30AM i noticed that the westbound traffic heading into Knoxville was primarily CIA repticlones. However i have not yet sleuthed out where they work precisely.
And as soon as i headed east off 81 into 66 at Strasburg, VA, most of the cars [heading east] had non-repty Egyptoids.
And here in Burke almost everyone is a RC too now, as so many Egyptoids have suicided and been replaced.
Jan 11, '19: (10:35am) My friend in CZ as well as myself have been attacked since last night by some "new" species of physical being that seems like some sort of Egyptoid hybrid. They too are scattered about. Many are in here.
(3:15pm) Those guys r still attacking me from the depicted area. Tried to remote influence me into having a fender bender.
Man, the sun was insanely bright here earlier. Never noticed it anywhere near as bright. I couldn't even look anywhere near that part of the sky. I credit my presence, of course.
There were a bunch of long "simulated" chemtrails too.
(4:40pm) A reader found a university science lab connected to these ETs. It has the same vibe as their locations, but i haven't figured out why. I don't get impression any of the ETs are actually there. Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systemes of Ecully, France.
Jan 12, '19: (8:15am) A bunch of these new critters in Gemini have been hammering Mordok.
Jan 15, '19: (7:35am) Haven't noticed any more of those critters the last couple days. And werewolves still seem to have stopped attacking. It is mainly just Egytptoids and AI attacking people lately, and although they still throw demons i am no longer finding spells and implants, as a rule.
Also a few of the people who were getting attacked chronically for years no longer seem to be. Not sure if this is a lasting change.
Got about 8" (according to my calibrated eyeballs) of fluffy snow recently here in N VA.
Jan 19, '19: (3:30pm) The other day i said that almost everyone around here in N VA is a repticlone now, but having looked around more, i find that actually there is still quite a high percentage of Egyptoids.
Got an inch or so more snow since last report.
It feels like we are in a cosmic shift today, brought on largely by the Lost Chord energy building up to a point where it is having impact.
(7:05pm) On Jan 3 i said that i had "$7435 due me by the insurance. Luckily i had the thing insured for value minus $750... I bought this thing for around 12K in '04 and intact, it was probly still worth around that much due to various factors..." Do you detect a logical disconnect? Why did i jump at the 8.1K evaluation if it was not replaceable for anywhere near that? Why did i not try to hold out for a couple more grand?
I didn't even realize this until yesterday, and i was wondering about it. "What happened to my brain? Dementia already?" Then a couple hours ago i started to wonder whether i was influenced by some stupidifying influence; i had also lost one key to the new vehicle within 3 days of buying it, the key with the remote opener attached. Can't find it anywhere. Of course i do have a spare.
Shortly after i had that thought (and having mentally set devices to seek such influencers) i suddenly got really stupid, starting to chase down something innocent online that i totally misconstrued in several ways. Then i noticed AI hitting me back from space. They had elaborate stuff in a region hitting me with stupidifying magic. Lots of AI that took a while to ream out.
Then a while later AI near that spot hit me with a wave of nausea that would have made me upchuck had i not found their location and fried them. But that may have been mostly motivated by the Lost Chord stuff going on. It doesn't directly effect AI but it does their allies and evil slaves.
Jan 20, '19: (9:35am) Just now i checked out Welcome To The World's Largest Gathering Of Humans just to check out what percent are actually human. Actually, it does seem to be mostly humans. But the first pic, labeled "Pilgrims bathe at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in northern India as part of Kumbh Mela, a spiritual festival" must have been staged for black magic purposes. It prominently displays 8 (why not 9 i wonder) Egyptoid sorcerors with an intense vibe. Each was in a separate U base! together with more black magicians kicking up a strong evil vibe.
(9:50am) Still getting strong vibe because these Etoids were connected to a bunch more in some cult, both above and below Bhagatwadi, India. Wikipedia saysCovering 644 hectares (1,590 acres) and comprising 170 households at the time of the 2011 census of India, Bhagatwadi had population of 823. There were 448 males and 375 females, with 93 people being aged six or younger.
I have the impression over 70% of the population is composed of Egyptoid black magicians.
(10:20am) That village has a strong power spot at 19.695562, 75.167183 which they hijacked.
Jan 26, '19: (8:55am) Got a bunch of rain a couple days ago here.
We discovered a bunch of nasty CIA critters of a "new" unidentified type in Constellation Crater. Crater Critters. I vaguely recognize these as past-life enemies; enemies of my allies in M82. Blasting help requested.
(11:15am) The Venusian armada has arrived in Crater. There are so many oddities about the official story of Valiant Thor (including his purported name which i suspect is an agency concoction) that i can't help but "suspiciously" monitor their activities. They were constantly fighting the offworld CIA werewolves last year, but since we fried those to death (apparently...) they have been addressing offworld CIA Egyptoids. Now i sense 20K Venusians in Crater. The other usual allies have flocked in, too.
(Noon) Crater Critters attacking me now.
(2:15pm) The CIA claims "20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth". Ha! We'll see about that.As far as I can tell, at this point, the only way that 5G will be stopped will be by congressional action. If enough people raise a stink with their elected officials...
A hoaxy statement if i ever saw one.
When i was younger i often got suckered into the "activism" of writing letters to my political "representatives", usually about hoaxes. Free Leonard Peltier! Free Mumia Abu Jamal! Stop the First Strike missile system! etc etc. This is a fear-porn article to get people to stress out, worry and waste time on fruitless tasks that have zero effect, while reinforcing belief in the hoax of democracy. And giving the state your name and address and values profile.
If they send up such satellites, they will be shot down, as the "powers" that "be" (snicker) know well.
Dunno what will transpire regarding the Earth-based 5G towers, though.
Jan 27, '19: (11:45am) Speaking of wifi, i just had a noteworthy experience. In the last 3 nights, i have gotten approximately this many hours of sleep: 3.5, 2, and 0.75. The latter only in brief dozes. It seemed to be getting progressively worse. To some extent this was due to misc attacks, but last night was clear of attacks much of the time, and the only thing i could figure out was that the wifi was causing this. My mom does not use it, but lives in a dense row-house subdivision where all the neighbors do, And this year it is worse than last year. The 4 LEDs on my wifi sniffer spring instantly bright when i press the button anywhere in the house.
After a while in such an environment, my body goes into fight-or-flight mode and i can't sleep. So as you might imagine, i was quite miserable this morning, and worried about my future. How could i even drive in such a sleep-deprived state? I was locked into this killer wifi environment with no prospects of sleep or escape. I'm 65 and hate to be burning out my adrenals this way.
And this was despite a massive 2-gallon grid-connected device i had made to mitigate the effects, which was partially effective.
So was back in bed around 11am, no energy to do anything. Then my brilliant Ta'l wife Nadee started going around in the astral and reprogramming the neighbors' routers. Almost immediately, my mood lifted from despair and misery to cheerful optimism, and i jumped out of bed and started bathing my turtles. I feel pretty good now, considering.
The routers still emit just as much MW but Nadee has programmed them somehow into a more bio-friendly form. She does a lot of quasi-magical things regularly, and has rapidly developed into our most advanced programmer.
After she has finished programmng a few more things around here, she will be visiting with various friends in Europe to do likewise. She can do cell towers, too.
Also she is already training some of our other programmers to do this stuff, so we can likely deal with any 5G stuff that may transpire.
Whether this is good enough for the most electro-sensitive people is uncertain, but it sure seems to work for me.
Jan 28, '19: (6:35pm) I slept relatively well last night, although interrupted at times by massive AI attacks.
If any of you ever have the stomach to watch the talking CIA repticlone heads on the US TV news, note how some of them NOD almost non-stop as they lie, lie, lie nonstop. This is a sales gimmick mentioned in Les Dane's book Big League Sales Closing Techniques used by Scientology to sell services to the public. It may not have originated there but that's where i know it from.
It subtly makes the mark go into agreement with the used car salesman, possibly even nodding himself. It makes the salesperson seem sincere.
Jan 29, '19: (5:55am) Well, been feeling pretty good lately. Last night i slept solidly until after 2:30, then got up to pee. After that, though, the attacks have been too relentless to sleep. The main center of evil attackers right at the moment seems to be depicted in the 4 images displayed here, and seems to be exclusively AI bots.
(7:05am) Ever since i started attacking bad guys with orgone weapons in '05, it has usually (not always) been the case that once i get to sleep, they can't get to me for some unknown reason. If i can clear away the attacks long enough to fall asleep, usually i'm good until the next time i wake up. But if i wake up to pee or something...
These last 2 nights, this is what happened: I get a few hours of deep sleep, then get up to pee, feel fine, but within minutes the attacks start. Night before last it was literally quintillions of AI bots. Somehow i was able to mark and neutralize them and get back to sleep and start dreaming weird dreams, but then soon did get attacked again and awakened. This happened many times (with the quantities of attackers reduced) but i caught enough short naps to help a lot.
But last night before 3AM suddenly about 1/2 a quintillion of them jumped me at once, and smaller quantities just kept up relentlessly so that i was unable to get back to sleep.
Also night before last there were local area CIA Egyptoid U bases as well as space Egyptoids involved somewhat. I did not notice them last night. We have been making progress in leaps and bounds, especially with Nadee's help.
But most of our weapons and programs have no direct effect on AI.
Luckily however we are reaping the AI resources at a rapid pace, as the ones who attack myself and others get marked and soon destroyed.
They know their time is coming, and they are desperate. Their offworld satanist werewolf clone slaves apparently are either dead or so neutralized they can't function. And now even the other evil biological ETs seem to be losing it.
On Earth, repticlones can hardly stand to be on the surface anymore for long, and Egyptoids are taking a dive at a fast pace. There are a few werewolves still around but not many.
And the only non-clone reptilian shapeshifters i've run across in a while are pilots. Except, it turns out, even these are a type of repticlone now! A few nights ago i started wondering, why do they have an endless source of satanist reptilian pilots and traffic controllers (you know, those allegedly unpaid guys due to "Trump's govt shutdown") when none seem to exist anywhere else? I started fishing around and realized that most of the guys driving the planes and choppers worldwide these days have no families, and are actually a higher-grade clone manufactured in U bases. (I presume they have some variety of different faces, though. And they are probably all male.) Somehow they have been making thousands of copies of trained clones that have the blood-ritual vibe despite probably never having engaged in much training or any blood rituals. This has been going on for 4 years under my nose.
WHY? I have no idea why ordinary repticlones are not allowed to pilot. Also It has been weeks or months since i noticed Egyptoids piloting any sort of plane, even light ones. I used to get some over my place in AR on rare occasion. Years ago i mistook them for humans (and perhaps a few were) but they never drove commercial passenger planes, only cargoes and sometimes military propellor planes.
Can a clueless human still get a license for a private plane? I presume so but have not noticed any since i started recognizing Egyptoids.
And i used to get plenty of werewolf overflights at my place not all that long ago, but these were all actually exotic craft from U bases.
I did have that one light plane over my place some time back, piloted by an ordinary repticlone as i blogged, but apparently that guy was an illegal fluke.
I have been getting lots of noisy low flights over my mom's house, many of them CIA, and now that i am onto their tricks, we have taken out numerous clone hatcheries and clone storage bases. I mark all reptipilots and Egyptoids associated with anyone on any flight i notice, with the result that now most of these planes are piloted by already-nailed and presumably doomed pilot-clones.
It will be interesting to see what happens next.
(10:30am) After i posted, i felt sleepy again and laid down but then the attacks got strong again to the point that i was shaking but couldn't seem to neutralize. Then for a second i got one of my very rare and brief RV flashes: a section of rippling ocean water. Then i got the vibe of Ta'l warrior Neca'o. I figured out that 2 Ta'l craft with 5 Ta'l each had just dived under to nail some CIA AI base offshore of Chile. Immediate relief, and i was able to catch a catnap. I had been getting attacked in tandem with Earthbound AI bases.
Since then, these guys have nailed 42 more such bases i had not even spotted, and are still at it.
(6:55pm) Those 10 Ta'l have been scrubbing 100s of AI U bases all day and intend to continue until no more can be find. And who knows what all hijinks they might get up to after that.
Their tolerance of depravity has been stretched beyond the breaking point.
Our planet got a very horrible vibe for a long time today as we lit up and attacked those bases.
Jan 30, '19: (6:30am) Hottest AI spot i'm aware of this morning: Tadpole Galaxy. Found by a reader.
The entire area in this pic feels nasty with AI.
Planet Earth still being worked on. I sense at least 2800 more AI bases that are lit up.
Jan 31, '19: (7:50am) And that's nothing. Evidently we still have vast quantities of previously-hidden AI bases. But now their network is so weakened that multiple thousands of them have to fire up just to make me feel a slight irritation. Yesterday morning 10 bases felt stonger than tens of thousands do now.
I have the impression that most of these AI bases were put in in the '80s and '90s.
I always struggle to make sense of this stuff. Not only the AI but all the other VAST resources of the dark side, struggling to accomplish WHAT? What payback could they possibly hope to get that would make this all make sense? If it weren't for the palpable results we get, and the incessant feedback from around the world, i would know i was nuts and deluded. What resources are they harvesting that is worth such effort? It is mainly the dark side feeding on itself with a few innocents (almost all without souls anymore except for some animal species) caught in between.
I could rant for hours about how these twisted idiots knock themselves out to gang-stalk each other while endlessly shilling for hoaxes...
Huge nasty AI zit this morning under SW DC, a mile east of the Pentagon.
(1:55pm) That spot was amazingly nasty but they cleared it up eventually. And it's not like i never busted the area before!
In recognition of how messed up this planet is, there are now 14 Ta'l craft of 5 warriors each, and more should be showing up from time to time.
(4:20pm) Now 28 such craft.
(6:35pm) Now, 40 such craft.
(6:50pm) 80!

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