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Loohan's blog for February 2019
Feb 1, 2019: (9:30am) Now there are 280 Ta'l craft of 5 warriors each working over the AI bases under the surface of Earth, and more to come!
(noon) Now 800 :-)
(2:15pm) 2800.
(5:50pm) 4K.
(8:30pm) Holding steady at 4K. Also 4 craft working AI bases on the Moon.
Feb 2, '19: (10:35am) Mordok has been getting attacks from #9 and #15 reptilians in space. They have a CIA vibe. Locations such as Tarantula Galaxy and Pyxis.
(1:10pm) I've been getting steadily attacked by those repts for hours now.
14K of those Ta'l craft now! But planet still feels nasty.
(3:30pm) Finally! I feel some relief. I have been getting kickback since this Ta'l cleanup started, then on top of that the rept attacks today. Rather uncomfortable. Also BTW Joe got attacked by these repts.
Fortunately i have lots of powerful older anti-rept orgone devices to draw on, from earlier days when they were more plentiful.
There is, however, much cleanup still happening. There are now almost 24K Ta'l craft, and more keep streaming in.
Feb 3, '19: (9:15am) I'm now calling the Crater Critters (see Jan 26) Cratoids. Unfortunately, we might be dealing with them for a while. They keep attacking strongly from other areas. I still don't know what they are exactly. They do not seem repty or Egyptoid.
Also the #9 and #15 repts are still going strong. After laying low for years, they have raised their ugly snouts again to fill the void left by the space werewolves.
On a more positive note, now there are 8K Ta'l craft working Earth.
Also yesterday big allied motherships came in. Just now i got permission to mention it. There are currently 40 of these a few miles out, each containing large quantities of allies who share my grudge agains the CIA: Ta'l, Alah-kur, Kur-dahn, Vicarah mostly but also traces of my M82 friends and other allies.
They are mainly just wanting to watch the Superbowl, of course.
Note the count of small craft is reduced. This is because many have returned to their M-ship berths. No doubt the warriors want to lounge around with cases of Miller and Cheetohs in front of their panoramic TV screens.
(11:50am) Our talented psychic artist found another strain of Baphomoid ET we had missed. And Antuvozy deleted the entire strain real quickly.
Pic still has creepy vibe, though.
Also, we found more examples of standard-issue CIA organic robotoids: the "Chinese" triad actors Chun Wu and Geng Han.
Currently only 4K Ta'l craft around Earth, except for the M-ships.
(2:15pm) Pic of ET was still nasty because of 3 more related strains which 'Vozy just also deleted.
Only 2K small craft now. The anticipation for the Big Game mounts :-)
(6:40pm) And coincidentally, the CIA threw a synthetic at the Lagos stalking victims today. This person supposedly stole their electric meter! The original Egyptoid with this identity also had stalked them.
The synthetic, amazingly, was connected to 50K+ CIA bases in west Lagos area which are being taken out. We had scrubbed and scrubbed Lagos so much it is amazing she was connected to so many undiscovered ones.
[Update November 2019: strangely, this unit has been replaced by an ordinary CIA repticlone again -- the first instance i've noticed of a synthetic getting thus replaced.]
Now, 8K small Ta'l craft are active again.
(8:1-pm) Ankle weights revisited. A couple years ago i mentioned that in cool weather i often wear 3# ankle weights sold by WalMart (Gold's Gym Egyptoid brand) which have lead weights which get the March 2015B pgm. Well last night i realized they do not contain lead at all, but quartz sand. Quartz also can take this program but can also get several other nice ones including balancing and demon-repelling programs. So mine have been reprogrammed and now only contain about 40% the MarB pgm.
"3#" weights actually weigh 1.5# each supposedly, and these are too light to be considered exercise but are comfy to wear. One could also wrap them around wrists, i suppose.
Feb 4, '19: (2:25am) Getting low-level mid-night attacks. Looking at sky map now, about the only thing going is widely scattered reptilians (#9 & 15).
(7:20am) I had another of those nights where i get a few hours of sleep then they keep me awake except for moments of dozing. But, it looks like Nadee and i have fried the #15s to the point of no return, almost. We will run that freq a while longer, then i am optimistic that the same fate will befall the #9s.
This Nadee is a real pivotal, reality-changing kinda gal.
Feb 5, '19: (8:40am) Yesterday morning after i posted i managed to actually get a couple more hours of sleep, so i was fairly caught up.
Then last night i got about 2 hours of good sleep by midnight, then trillions of AI bots shook me awake by making my left leg real restless. So i had to deal with bunches of them for some time, then trillions of Egyptoids joined in the mass suicide fun along with some demons.
In the wee hours i had to stop frying the #9 repts in order to better address the Etoids. That helped somewhat. Then later still i remembered my compact portable 30kHz device which i had stopped using about a week ago because only AI were hitting me, which the device is useless against. Turning that on and keeping it in physical contact helped some too. Then as usual i spent the rest of the night occasionally dozing briefly before getting yanked awake.
The #9s are probably irreversibly moribund by now, and i can always nail them more if needed. Their main stronghold seemed to be the Orion Nebula, which i reamed out real well before i went to bed last night.
Got an interesting email from an orgonite crafter:Do u have any in depth info on the sasquatch species near routt county national forest of colorado?
(writer describes 2 UFO sightings in area)
A yr later my best friend (who was 1 of the guys with me during the 1st ufo sighting bt ddnt see it himself bcuz i think he was rolling a joint or something looking down) decided to live in the woods for a month at some routt county national forest near steamboat to enhance his nature skills. 1 night he brought another 2 of his pals to the forest to get drunk bt was literally cut off by some member or members of 1 of the sasquatch species. {The drinkers} were making noise being obnoxious as 1 wld imagine drunken idiots doing. My claim says {the sasquatch} roared for a good 20min straight. Then they starting doing what most ppl report bigfoot doing to intimidate. They started throwing small boulders near their tents (the idiots are in the tents petrified at this point, the bestfriend goes & loads his gun & so on) thankfully no violence was committed. The sasquatch just didnt like tourists making noise being idiots late at night, understandably so.
Safe to say that changed my friends life forever lol. As well as mine.
First sasquatch report i've had in years. These guys (unlike many in the past) are our friends, have been jailing demons for years and have maintained contact with Ta'l and Alah-kur who have bumped off any detected evil offworlders in the region.
Of course the govt agencies already know about them.
Feb 6, '19: (9:40am) Things are simmering down a lot and i am catching up on sleep. Super warm sunny day here in VA yesterday, and today is supposed to be similar.
Yesterday afternoon i noticed 20K Ta'l craft were out, then a couple hours later 80K were cruising. Back to 8K now.
BTW i have the impression of over 400K allied humanoids distributed among the 12 M-ships, plus a few animals. Like 50 cats and 20 turtles. Maybe 5 large lizards and 29 snakes. 80 pet rabbits plus other psychic warrior pets i can't discern.
And what about the pilots i mentioned the other day? After that the CIA stopped buzzing me and the now-few audible fly-bys have very fried pilots in them, usually connected to more who have dived underground to be euthanized. But if i happen to notice a jet quietly cruising by at high altitude, often those pilots have not been fried yet.
Feb 7, '19: (4:50am) I could use help with Sagitta. AI and Egyptoids have been attacking me all night; very nasty vibe causing physical pain. Especially from around the center of that pic. Also they attacked a friend of mine for a long time days ago.
Feb 8, '19: (3:30am) And who's been hammering me all night now? Vast quantities of AI, Egyptoids, and Cratoids in the Cat's Eye Nebula.
Of course i "started it" yesterday when i ferreted this place out as somehow being instrumental behind all the endless CIA U bases on Earth.
(8:40am) Cat's Eye still happening but not able to attack very hard anymore. Millions of allies including the Venusian armada have been working it over. Still a heavy 3D warfare scene. This area seems very important.
(11am) Still hitting me with moderate force non-stop.
(5:20pm) Milder now.
Serious vibeless chem today. It would likely have been a perfectly clear day were it not for all the long trails and smear.
This blue shadow effect was very long and not the only one around. It has been chemmy all day despite taking out quadrillions of sky AI computers.
I did exaggerate the contrast a bit in this pic.
Pic was taken a few minutes ago from my mom's front porch in Burke, VA.
Feb 9, '18: (6:35am) Still unable to get adequate sleep due to attacks from Cat's Eye AI. It got worse during the night.
(7:15am) A reader sent in this pic of a different space area that has also been hitting us! The entire area. Cratoids, AI, Egyptoids. Heavy scene.
(8:20am) Suddenly I am feeling much better.
Incidentally ringing of the ears can be caused by demons. My friend in Italy normally notices demons by their sounds. Recently i had a bit of ear ringing which went away when i jailed demons around me. And a reader also had ear ringing which ceased when i jailed the demons.
African black magic is the worst. Now i found some in South Africa that is just like what they do in Nigeria.
A reader sent in a pic of 2 very androgynous-looking, hymenless little negro girls that i think are innocent of any wrondoing, unlike their Egyptoid father and uncle. The girls had a male vibe due to each having 9 male entities placed in her (a common practice of Nigerian witches as femaleness is so dangerous) as well as other demons and a bunch of spells. As i wrote in replyAlso they want to turn the girls into witches via spells and BM-tainted foods, unfortunately. I do not see a good future for these kids because if they do not conform they will be tortured worse.
Removed 9X9X9 + 33X3X3X6 spells from each, and 7 more species.
(8:25am) And remember, anytime a musician, actor or other seemingly talented groovy "person" does hand signs, crotch-grabbing, lip-licking, etc they are knowingly declaring their complicity with such realities and worse, whether or not they practice them personally.
That is why all these filth will be eradicated.
(8:55am) Now i sense more allied ships have arrived! Total of 40 motherships now, and vast quantities of small craft are streaming out.
(9am) Seems about 2/3 of the new arrivals are of a race i was previously unaware of! They hail from the Cocoon Galaxy region and seem pissed off about something.
(11:55am) These Cocoonians... i think are the same kind of humans as my friends in M82. But in M82 they only comprise a few million individuals. I think ages ago a few left the Cocoon area and colonized a tiny piece of M82.
(noon) Then again, the Cocooners seem comprised mainly of 3 benign races. At least one of them might not be very human-like.
Feb 11, '19: (9:30am) Mordok, Dana, and myself, possibly others too, have been attacked for hours by Egyptoids in the Arp 258 region.
(9:40am) AI does not seem to be attacking directly. Last night as usual i woke up in the middle of the night but could not get to sleep again. I could not detect any attacks but after 2-3 hours realized there had to be some very hidden stuff i could not find. Called on 'Vozy and she found 67 more strains of Baphomoids! some of which had been very covertly trifling with me.
She was able to get rid of these rapidly, whereupon a major mass of demon species was dumped on me. Then as soon as these were deleted, vast quantities of Egyptoids attacked me.
But finally i was able to neutralize them enough to get several hours more of sleep. This was largely a mental effort of connecting all Lost Chord sources to the Etoids.
Nevertheless somehow they have bounced back.
(5:30pm) Arp 258 is more handled now, although still some nastiness there.
I updated OTB 49 at the end to show that Joe is now selling azezzed stones on his site and to give a tip about pea gravel.
Incidentally, i have been spreading azezzity around here in local parks, etc. (along with the usual Channel Program stuff of course). I drop a "pea" on patches of quartz/quartzite on trails, set a pea on large quartz stones on the ground, etc.
A few days ago i hiked over a bridge going over railroad tracks here and dropped one tiny stone on the coarse crushed granite that the tracks are on. It has already spread more than 200' each way and will continue to azez until there is a break in the gravel. Also of course there are native quartz stones everywhere here, including probably under the gravel.
I started to run low on the treated pea gravel i had brought with me, so scooped up some local trailside naturally-occurring quartz gravel and added it to the bag to make more.
Feb 12, '19: (7:05pm) The entire universe has been flared up for hours with Egyptoids hitting me. Chronic muscle aches...
(7:15am) They created me as their "Destroyer". They informed and helped me tremendously all the way, and provided all the technology needed, pretty much. Yet, they will not submit unless i prove myself worthy of this honored task. In fact they will not submit even if i do.
I saw a Triad-made movie like that once: the freaky Egyptoid face-tattooed swordsman knew he would die soon because a doctor told him he would because of his chi imbalance or something. So he challenges a guy he kind of liked and respected to a duel, hoping the guy would slaughter him, yet out of respect to the principle of the thing, fought with total intent to kill the guy.
In the end Freak-Face was defeated.
Feb 13, '19: (2:40pm) Things are smoother for me now (but not for everyone). I caught up on sleep a lot. AI is back to attack mode somewhat.
A reader sent in this capture, saying that between the 2 big stars is a portal to the Source of creation. Indeed, feels pretty godlike when one can get through to it. I have had some results moving the energy to Earth locations and people. Relief from evil can be had by connecting to it, at least to some extent. The Egyptoids, AI etc keep trying to obscure it and block its radiance by throwing demons etc and we keep clearing them out. It goes back and forth. We will outlast them, though.
Feb 14, '19: (3:40pm) I've had about 4 hours of sleep since last post. I was awakened before midnight by massive AI attacks which sources spread to the entire universe after i got on the computer to nail them.
Chronic low-level Egyptoid attacks now preventing me from catching a nap.
I got an email from a friend in Prague saying"...subway station and just when I arrived, a crowd of hooligans appeared, accompanied by a large amount of police force...
Two pix were attached: 1, 2. All these "people" including the cops are some kind of almost-vibeless automatons that were manufactured in a Nato base under 50.080577, 13.429096 which is being addressed currently.
I have to wonder, are these parasitic govt creatures going to all this trouble merely to con the non-COTHS minority into believing that the cops are hard-working and necessary in a dangerous world, or do some COTHS also actually fall for this? I really don't know.
The only way i was even able to locate a source for these things is by calling on my ally Durkistan.
Eight more such factory U bases now being addressed as well.
Feb 15, '19: (2:45am) NGC 5477 was active with Egyptoids yesterday evening but i got 3-4 hours of sound sleep. Now however they have started attacking me harder from there.
(9:20am) Then the attacks shifted to AI under the South Atlantic for a long time, but now it has gotten really bizarre: endless low flights loudly buzzing me from an airport i didn't even know existed: Lee Airport (USN) near Annapolis (map, website). Website even lists (fried) instructors of that variety of special satanist repticlone i mentioned Jan 29.
These overflights usually contain only 2 of these toxic critters. And are endlessly ongoing as i type.
Airport feels super nasty, and we have taken out many nasty U bases in the area.
(10:50am) Those flights ceased shortly after i posted. And now those listed instructors have no vibe, as 4 Alah-kur made slaughtering rounds above-ground, which was made "karmically legal" by this military attack on me.
You'll note that website is also for St. Mary's Airport in California, MD, and those instructors are also among the dead.
A few days ago i had the impression that my friend Cmdr Norhont of the Cocoon military was hankering to take out all military bases and craft on Earth. I think what happened is that Egyptoid psychics picked up on this too, and thus decided to provide a tailored "karmic" excuse to legitimize this destruction.
I seem to sense increased allied activity above other US military bases as well as ships worldwide now. It will be interesting to see if we get independent confirmation of anything happening.
Eventually they will polish off all other military bases, likely after those "nations" ask for it. Weird game.
(11:20am) Duh, but then again as nations are a complete fiction, consent has already been given.
(4:15pm) Not long after i posted that i noticed that the dour-faced USAF repticlone (formerly satanist Egyptoid) next door was arriving home. I don't know what his normal schedule is, but it struck me as strange that he would be home before noon on a Friday. I wondered, are the rats dispersing from their nests? He "works" at the Pentagon. I noticed it felt like 2 Alah-kur were paying social visits in the Pentagon.
Right now the Pentagon feels empty to me, as do any military bases i can think of.
If anyone out there notices any mil-base oddities that might confirm i'm not delusional, please post on the forum or email me.
Feb 16, '19: (11:20am) Again slept fine for about 4 hours but some time after taking a pee space Etoids started hitting me. Kept hitting me lightly from all over space. They seem weaker now.
Then sometime after arising, i got hit from a concentrated mass of space AI but that is handled now.
Then about 10:15am i was out doing errands in my mother's car in unfamiliar territory, and i swear, purely by accident found myself trapped in the entrance road to Ft Belvoir USAF base in Springfield, with no way to turn around. So i went in superficially until i found a place to do a U turn. Only then did it occur to me to check if it felt deserted. It did. The little glass security police cabin that i passed at the entrance was empty and there was absolutely no traffic to be seen coming in or out.
I was not able to see anything of the base itself before doing a U turn, as the road is such as to obscure the view.
(1:10pm) Of course i sprinkled Channel boogers (OTB 48) all along the road in and out of the base entrance. These would react to any toxic critter going by such that i would be able to read a record of, for example, X number of werewolves, X# of repticlones, X# of Egyptoids, but so far i get nothing.
If you happen to be near a mil base you might check to see if there is any traffic in and out.
Note that recruitment offices and National Guard Armories have not been affected.
Feb 17, '19: (11:05am) Mordok is under attack by a type of space reptilian closely related to the #6s shown here. The frequency that is currently destructive to them is 770790.1 Hz Sine wave or just 770790 Hz Sine if your generator does not do decimals.
Most cheap gens don't go that high, but NCHtoner (free) and the white DDS unit i use which is described on the forum thread do.
(4:05pm) I have not noticed any Cratoids in a while, and suspect we may have irreversibly toasted them.
Tech breakthrough! If you have been following the forum thread on freq gens, it turns out that the high frequency rates i have been using are not frequencies at all but just radionic rate numbers. The gens put out garbage at such high settings. For more details see post #83 and following. It is much stronger to use these numbers in a different way!
Feb 18, '19: (11:20am) OK! Nadee says those repts are terminal now, and we can start back in on the Egyptoids.
Says to use 8310642.7 as a rate.
Feb 19, '19: (6:45am) Slept more last night, despite several interruptions. The last 3 nights i wake up and figure out i must have undetectable hidden demons in me. Then i call my black snake friend Angie and she confirms i do and proceeds to spend a lot of time clearing them out.
These get sent continuously by space Egyptoids now, despite the fact that i have the powerful devices (including my little portable one) going at 30kHz with the 8310642.7 papers against them. If they really really want to, they always find a way to get you, no matter the cost to them. The attacks are pretty weak, though, and the demons don't do anything noticeable other than interrupt my sleep after they build up to a large enough quantity.
(2:45pm) They seem to have lost the ability to stuff me with demons late morning, but are still attacking me some.
I hammered out a new OTB about all this freq and rate stuff: OTB 50.
Feb 20, '19: (1pm) Got 3" or so of snow this morning and we are supposed to get more, then warmer weather and rain overnight.
I got unusually good sleep last night but all day i have been getting hit by space AI and Egyptoids again.
I saw this article Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Bill to Ban Abortions Once Roe v. Wade is Overturned and realized he has reverted to being a CIA repticlone, maybe 8-9 months ago.
I once had the pleasure of shaking hands with the original CIA satanist SSers Asa and his wife, must have been around '05 or '06 when they visited the bakery while i was working. I shook their hands with a somewhat predatory attitude as i knew they were satanists.
Later they were replaced by repticlones, then later still the Alah-kur replaced him (and many other AR figures) with their copies, but now they have allowed them to revert to blastable CIA copies, hmmm...
On Nov 13, '17 i blogged on the subject of FTM Bill Gates:Hmm, so what has happened to Ms Billie since last checked? Years ago the Alah-kur replaced her with a "good" robotoid, but her ostensible behavior remained the same. Now, the A-K has relinquished her and let the CIA replace her with a Fancy Repticlone {but now this one is dead too and replaced by a cheap repticlone}. Why has this occurred? First off, she was most likely never anything but a hoax figurehead for the CIA. Probably most of these famous industrialists, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, etc. are mere actors. I am not sure of the extent of this, but why would they tell the truth about anything unnecessarily? Remember, as the CIA often confesses, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false". They need a pretty solid reason to tell the truth about anything. (Of course, they fuel their "alternative" information sources with snippets of truth, and the Masonic imperative requires that they Confess and describe their sins in some way rather than always be hiding them.)
Years ago neither i nor our ET allies fathomed the extent of the mendacity, which must be why Billie was replaced in the first place. This personality is just a puppet.{And possibly never knew more about computer coding that i do.}
Also, replacing one of theirs with one of ours uses up "karmic credits". We get karmic credits to "violate" the Law whenever they do grossly illegal (under Real Law) actions (like falsely arrest me, or run over my turtle friends, for example).
There is no reason for us to "have" Gates.
Still, this is very rare, for the A-K to relinquish someone they replaced. I only know of one other such event. In fact, years ago the A-K replaced dozens of SSers in my town with robotoids. Most of these were for no other reason than the fact that they comprised the rest of the residents at Mordok's apartment complex (from which he moved anyway, not long thereafter). Others were less relevant to replace. I had no idea why they bothered in some instances. These are all still A-K 'toids. Why do they remain so? Maybe because it is unimportant to both sides what these low-lifes are. Not much "karma" involved. In fact, the CIA could take most of them back if it wanted.
But years ago i believe governors, congressmen, etc. actually did have some administrative responsibilities delegated to them. Whereas now they apparently get their scripts fed to them by AI computers which are in turn run by space Egyptoids. (Yes, lately i have gotten the impression that AI is subordinate to the Egyptoids. If correct, that hopefully means most of our problems are resolved as soon as all the Egyptoids are dissolved.)
I found the computers running Asa and some others under Carderock Springs in Bethesda. Now we will try taking out all related/replacement computers we can find.
Feb 22, '19: (4pm) They have been stuffing me (and a few of my wives) full off "invisible" demons again at times, but progress slowly contiunues. I got an almost-normal amount of sleep the last 2 nights despite some awake periods for clearing out demons.
Speaking of progress, the reason i am still stuck here is due to good old American efficiency. When i bought the truck last month, the vendor had a lien against it, and could not give me the title until the bank gave him back the title marked clear. Once he finally got the title he mailed it to me by regular 1st class mail, and it took a full week to get to VA from AR. He mailed it the day after MLK day (Jan 21) and it arrived Jan 29. Immediately i looked up how to get the tag and registration sent to me in VA from AR. I tried to fill out the online form but got stalled because it refused to continue at one point because the page was allegedly incompletely filled out, unfathomably (i am leaving out some dysfunction details before i even got to this point). So i called a number provided, and lucked out by getting a very helpful lady who walked through it with me, filling things out herself. Even she could not figure out why the website balked, and she had to fill things out manually.
At one point i had to provide checking account details to pay over $1K in sales tax and registration fees. Then i had to call the tax collector's office in my county, who verified that i had paid the sales tax. This all apparently went through OK, and the DMV lady said i was good to go and my tags would be mailed to me as soon as they received some paperwork which i sent out the next day.
So then on Feb 5 i got an email from the DMV that the payment had been declined after all due to an invalid checking account number. Whaat? Immediately i put through the payment again. The next day, my 30-day grace period expired, and i could no longer drive my truck legally without a license plate and registration.
I waited for the tag a while, and finally on Feb 11 called the AR DMV to check on the status, and was told it would go out that day or the next.
But it still did not arrive by today, the 22nd, so i called them again and was told they had not gotten around to mailing it yet, and was told it will go out Monday the 25th by regular mail, no tracking number.
And on my way back from the mailbox, i noticed that there was a new little crunchy cracked spot on my windshield, as though someone had fired a BB pistol at it. This traced to a CIA repticlone female in a U base.
Now i will need to get the spot fused (if that is even legal in VA) or it will spread right up the center of the driver's side of the windshield and i will need to replace the whole windshield. Who knows, that might happen before i am even able to move the truck, or on my way to a glass repair place.
Of course, the CIA knows well what happens when they do illegal stuff to me. Consequences they of course invite.
(5:40pm) Interestingly, the big-time vandal who shot at my truck appears to have been one who had no surface identity. I can find no husband, relatives, etc. so it was not just some random act taken by some repticlone on her own initiative, but apparently deliberately ordered by the CIA. In fact it was ordered from a base under a Walmart Supercenter in Hanover, PA 17331.
Feb 23, '19: (8:30am) A reader wrote me:Friend, what you are describing with your truck/tags/windshield is an actual CIA program called low intensity warfare. It took Little Rock 6 months to get my real estate tax stamps to me recently when it usually takes mere days.
I am considering just saying fkit and driving back sans plate. Any cop checking me out can verify by computer that all my fees including insurance, registration, and sales tax are a paid. I'd plan on leaving tomorrow except now there is a massive storm covering the region i need to go though, which might flood/damage the highways.
(10am) But i don't detect that the CIA is involved in my tag situation. And it would seem unlikely that they would crave to strand me in the DC area. I do detect CIA asset repticlones involved in that guy's stamp situation, though.
Many years ago i believed that there was a minority of elite satanists making life miserable for a majority of regular people, like David Icke wants us to believe. But it has become increasingly evident that it is a majority of evil ETs primarily making life miserable for each other.
It is they who ruin the education system that they force their own kids to be incarcerated in.
It is they who endlessly telemarket and spam each other. My mom has a friend married to an Egyptoid husband who runs a small business and professes to be enraged by all the (repticlone) telemarketing calls and spam. But, it is the Egyptoids who welcomed a huge influx of rept hybrids in at the time of the New Madrid earthquake, and who have child-swapping orgies with them and conspired with them as they took pretty much took over industry, education, politics, etc. and continue to work with them hand in glove.
And many telemarketers are more interested in dishing out harrassment than selling anything. My mom gets 2-3 robocalls a day from some company that has voice-recognition software to bypass her anti-spam program (which requires callers to dial a 2-digit code to prove they aren't bots). Every time their robot says to dial 9 to be taken off their list. She has dialed 9 many times to no avail.
Because they are such criminal types, their court system exists in large part to deal with internecine conflicts. They rip each other off all the time. Of course it also exists to persecute and rip off non-COTHs and to purvey hoaxes which seem to be primarily fiction entertainment for themselves.
Decades ago my parents paid a deposit to have a house built here. When the houses were partially complete, some rept hybrid kid torched them, causing a great inconvenience to the ET buyers, the ET insurance company, and the gay Egyptoid couple who were the builders.
The cops did catch him.
The gay bulders made shoddy houses with a 10-year guarantee, then moved out of state as soon as they were all sold (mainly to ETs).
The reptilian plumber who soldered the copper water pipes was not motivated to bother to wipe off the acid flux from the joints, so decades later pinholes would appear in the plumbing to cause expensive and troublesome water damage and mold for his fellow COTHS.
Meanwhile, i saw a hilarious promotion of 5-G and American technological advances on the TV news last night. Excuse me? The Post Office is disintegrating, has never had a working website (try getting the costs for shipping stuff overseas -- always wildly wrong when i tried).
When i first tried to get my tags sent, i googled how to do that, and got some AR DMV site which gave me a phone number to call for people wishing to have their tag sent out of state. I called that number and got a rancid repticlone bitch dripping with spells from her previous "incarnation" as a blood-ritual satanist, who acted like i was a retard for not going to the mydmv website, but at least told me about that site.
Then when i read up there on the paperwork i would need to send in, it said i needed a Federal Odometer Statement, but gave no clue what that was or where to get it. So i googled that term and got a federal site that listed all the odometer forms required according to state. I clicked on Arkansas and got some totally inappropriate form, which i didn't realize until after i had a print shop print it off for me.
Then i looked through the paperwork i had gotten from the guy who sold me the truck, and found there was an odometer statement there all filled out, no mention of anything Federal.
All the bureacracies are all messed up and these idiots refrain from fixing them. In fact the site with the wrong form had a pop-up to evaluate how likely i was to recommend this site to others for its precision and accuracy. Decades ago i might have been naive enough to try to straighten out their errors, but now i know better. Even in the unlikely event anyone would fix the site, why would that be a good thing? It would primarily reduce the extent to which repticlones harrass repticlones, something that i am not interested in doing for them.
Rant rant rant. You get the picture. I could go on for hours. It is THEIR medical system ripping them off. It is primarily THEM drinking fluoride and sodas, getting amalgam fillings, drenching themselves with toxic perfumes, making shoddy products designed to fall apart to sell to each other as they shop, shop, shop.
I had to stop going to Gold's Gym here because now they crank up the total garbage CIA pop music twice as loud even as before. It is so ghastly what they bombard themselves with now. When i was young a high percent of the agency satanic rock at least sounded good and had some catchy musical qualities, even remarkable talent involved sometimes, but now they just crank out sickening non-binary noise.
OK, onto more serious matters. There is a nasty mysterious phenomenon evident in this piece of sky which we have been working on. Yesterday hundreds of my wives and thousands of animal allies worked on it and seemed to improve it a lot, but then during the night it got nasty again and now is hitting me. I detect nothing jailable nor physical enemies. Nobody seems to be working on it now except some unidentifiable etheric allies who don't seem to be making any obvious progress. The core is galaxy IC 4585. When i blast it a lot the bad energy will mostly shrink down to that core then seem weak for a while, but then later it gathers strength again and fills the whole image.
The energy can be redirected toward bad guys but that only reduces its attack on me somewhat for a short period.
I suspect this may be the main source of attack energy the bad guys have been hitting us with. It may be an inverted natural energy somehow held in the wrong place by hyperdimensional magic or something, but any progress we seemed to have made has reversed itself.
Feb 24, '19: (8am) We are getting a bit of rain from the edge of the storm here.
Update on the attacks: after i posted i think some readers helped, and IC 4585 is much better, although not fully resolved.
Now the big thing is Albireo, where AI and Chungoids were attacking Thor'p from and then jumped me as soon as i addressed them. Albireo is actually 2 stars not close to each other. It is the region of the closer one that is attacking.
(9:10am) Extremely hot CIA AI spot: NGC 4123.
(3:05pm) I'm still hammered by those Albireo Chungoids, but noticed they are backed up by widespread Chungs in this whole region.
(3:30pm) That helps a lot, to nail the referred source! Someone recently made me aware that the bad guys use relay points to covertly bring nasty energy to a spot, be it on Earth or in space. The relay points can be several (as in this case) but are easy for a sensitive to map-dowse. I just blast each momentarily before hopping to the next.
Feb 26, '19: (8:50am) I still keep getting stuffed with "undetectable" demons and so do a few others, but now Angie has taught other critters to do what she does, and some of these can also delete entire species. So now if someone gets stuffed with these, instead of Angie working for an hour or 2, they get cleared out in minutes. Right now the crew consists of 50 reptiles: snakes, turtles, and lizards.
The rate we were using against Egyptoids is getting a bit tired now, and it is time to start switching over to the new rate: 8042109.42.
(4:30pm) It's in the mid-50s this afternoon and the bright sun is coming through the simulated(?) chem haze. I was out hiking a while ago and 3 military green prop planes, cargo planes they looked like, went by. But these as well as another such sound i just heard overhead are simulated hologram-type things which trace to a CIA U base offshore of NJ.
So far i have had exactly zero feedback from people about mil base activities.
I thought i'd check the Guantanamo Naval Base. I was there a few times in '70-71. When my dad was with USAID in Jamaica we got free flights in an old propellor rattletrap there to shop at the Base Exchange. What i sense on the map now is nobody east of 19.902596, -75.100153 but normal activity west of there.
US bases in other countries typically have PXes, medical facilities etc that are open to certain civilian American employees and i would expect these to be treated differently from mil bases in their own countries.
Feb 27, '19: (2pm) Now the space Egyptoids are so weakened that it is mostly Chungoids (Egyptoid hybrids) attacking from space. I have changed my stuff over to 731.426 accordingly. This works better on the Chungs but also still works on the straight-up Egyptoids.

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