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Loohan's blog for January, 2020
Jan 7, 2020: (8am) On Dec 29 i saidNow more recently, the space Egyptoids have pretty much dropped out of attacking (though some cloaked ones can still occasionally be found maintaining black magic against specific individuals). Now it is their cousins the Sumeroids we have on our plate, but soon they, too, will be too frazzled to do much.
However after i went to bed last night i realized it is hidden CIA space Egyptoids who are running the Sumeroids. The Egyptoids seem to be at the top of the heirarchy. Also it is still they who apparently run the AI.
So now i am focusing more on the Egyptoids again.
(10:25am) For the last 2-3 weeeks i have been getting occasional small plane overflights with an AI#1 CIA vibe. At first the planes seemed to be going from one area of AI U bases to another, but since then the flights only have an origination and return point. So, to reveal their bases, they have their special satanist clone pilots fly small planes over my place and return. Just now happened again.
Jan 16, '20: (7:20am) Those AI flights seem to have stopped although occasionally i still get CIA overflights from one heavily U-based area to another.
I had nearly 4" of rain a few days ago. Weather has been up and down with frequent fog.
Downpour in AU killing fish now. But at least there is rain. A couple weeks ago i noticed LOTS of AI U bases all over AU, and we cleaned them up as well as we could. Then a reader got me to check surrounding ocean, and we got lots more west and east of AU mainly.
Jan 24, '20: (2:15pm) I've been "enjoying" mostly grey, damp, icy, breezy weather with small precipitations of various sorts.
A couple articles of interest today that seem legit:
America's Radioactive Secret (fracking-related).
Once years ago i was out busting by some fracking sites and the dirt road out there was coated with a runny, tarry liquid that stuck onto the fenders and sides of my vehicle. It was stuff that leaked from the huge trucks that were carrying brine from the frack sites. And this is an a high-radon region.
Invasion of the 'Frankenbees': The Danger of Building a Better Bee
Jan 30, '20: (1pm) Still been getting a fair bit of fog, drizzle, and light rain.
It came to my attention a few days ago that Jupiter was packed with DORy Egyptoids, some of which were attacking a correspondent. We have been working on it but there are more.
Are the werewolves (lycan hybrids) about extinct now? I have not detected one anywhere in weeks.
Jan 31, '20: (11am) More foggy weather so far today. I got 0.6" the last couple days or so.
There is some mysterious space species that has been adversely affecting my health for weeks, i just realized. Actually there have been various mysterious species attacking, but this one seems to work mostly by covertly greatly aggravating any pre-existing minor residual health issues.
I have got this epoxy "crystal" locked onto them at this time. Also i am blasting them with some devices run with a square wave freq gen, 216460Hz, but i dunno how long that freq will be effective. Currently i got a lot of them warmed up in Taurus and Orion area.
That freq number won't be precise. This is what my unit says, but i dowse that the precise freq is 216,458.3Hz. But with cheap freq gens, the number will be a bit different in that range. A sensitive enough person can find the sweet spot.

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