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Loohan's blog for February, 2020
Feb, 1, 2020: (10:05am) Supposed to have a couple nice sunny days now. Clear and sunny currently.
I changed the freq mentioned yesterday to 231426 on my machine, but i get precise freq is actually 231,424.5Hz.
Feb 2, '20: (10am) Supposed to get to mid-70's today. Sunny with chem-clouds.
New resin program out! The Nu Ndz Program developed by a friend. Don't ask me how that is pronounced. It is against evil ETs and there is a pic down the page at OTB 27.
Feb 3, '20: (9:45am) Totally locked into warfare with the Vimoids at this time. They are attacking me non-stop.
Feb 9, '20: (8:30am) I had 0.6" of rain, then a light dusting of snow. We are supposed to get more rain over the next few days.
A friend in Slovenia got attacked and the region heavily chemmed. After we mostly cleaned up that mess (Nato, CIA, AI, goo, etc) he took these pix which contain an orb UFO with a strong vibe. I think it is some allies but i don't recognize them.
He said that planes (i think vibeless AI drones) kept feeding more chem into the cloud as if to keep it alive and blocking the sun.
(9:25am) Some big chemtrails here all morning. Sunny yet chemmy, and very windy and gusty! AI in Constellation Draco etc. working hard to affect the incoming weather.
Whenever these idiots get worked up like this i aim some CBs and wands in the direction of the approaching system to try to tone things down.
Feb 10, '20: (11:50am) Just made this unit with the new Nu Ndz Program. More info here.
Still foggy. Had another 0.8" of rain.
I have been getting a few fake-plane sound effects in recent days, not many. This morning i have already gotten 2 overflights from CIA-AI planes traveling from one AI base to another. The 2nd flight had very substantial amounts of U bases at both ends.
Still getting attacked a lot by Vimoids and Sumeroids.
Feb 11, '20: (9:10am) Pea soup fog all day yesterday, and more normal fog now.
This new unit has been helping a lot. Last night i even finally got a fix on those critters i mentioned Jan. 31, and got 'Vozy to delete that species!
Feb 14, '20: (4pm) Low teens last night, supposedly. Do not have thermometer outdoors but it was cold. Had another 1.5" of rain and dreary weather recently, but now sun is out.
The last several days during which i have been pouring my latest unit, i have often been getting fake overflights with heavy AI vibes, plus occasionally CIA overflights to reveal U bases. More now.
Not sure why they are so excited. Celebrating the death knell of the dark side, presumably.
The little one has gained tremendous power since i posted that pic. This new one is several times as large, and is starting to power up. All the resin has the Nu Ndz Program.
Feb 21, '20: (noon) I had another 0.15" of rain and then yesterday a light dusting of snow. Got down to the mid-teens last night but now the sun has finally come out again.
Intense new anti-AI setup to the left. People having issues with AI might be able to tap into it. Click for bigger pic.
The unit on the left is actually from 2007.
Space Egyptoids are back into direct attacking again. AI, Sumeroids, and Vimoids are still attacking.
Feb 26, '20: (10am) Had another 1/4" of rain. Today is overcast in the 30s F.
I have been on a complete fast for 8 days, with no calories except a few dropperfuls of CBD oil. I might write about it in the Health sub-forum. I plan to eat again in a few hours.
Last night after i went to bed, the Vimoids sustained an all-out attack on me from all over. Would not quit no matter how many we nailed. Cmdr Norhont and the other allies were busy.
Finally i summoned Antuvozy. I was able to obtain a copy of their genetic blueprint or whatever it is, and 'Vozy studied it. Then she had me get up and get a couple items to add to this old machine from '07 (which was already running hooked up to a freq gen circuit). And with some programming, this setup has been frying these horrid creeps. They have not attacked since and it is possible we might be able to physically eradicate them.
Then in the wee hours the AI, Egyptoids, and Sumeroids, apparently pissed by this development, hammered me a bunch.
By changing the positions of the pipes and other objects, i am able to fine-tune it.
This should be a nice little quantum bit of progress.
Feb 28, '20: (1:30pm) Sun broke out again today. No more icy weather in the forecast; maybe winter is easing up now.
Been getting countless AI fake plane noises. Also yesterday a CIA plane flew over from one heavy AI U base area to another.
I also got attacked heavily by Black Goo last night, as well as the usual. Except for Vimoids; they seem impotent now. Lately AI U bases etc have gotten a lot more vibey. I watched the latest Final Days vid, at least until the part where she gets real King Jamesy. Those big bright orbs have a strong AI vibe now, and i gleefully blast the AI connected with them.
Still not getting much off the hidden planets, and don't understand what's going on there. Somehow i don't feel anxious about the situation, though.
BTW she lately relies on and quotes CIA info sources, not so much in this vid as a few prior ones.

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