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Loohan's blog for January, 2023
Jan 2, 2023: (12:40pm) Sun just popped out but it has been foggy and grey. Expecting rain later. Warmish lately.
For some time i have been finding what i call Vanilla Egyptoids occasionally, always staffing some small-plane company. They felt similar to Blangsters, but Egyptoid. Yesterday a small plane buzzed me that traced to these clowns who all had the exact same "blank" yet quietly Egyptoid vibe. (They do not feel the same at this time).
Joe and i blasted them, then i got inspired to make this:
which lights these critters up real well.
More critters like this here. And dozens here, not only in the top pic but in the exec links. And here. And here. And here. But this last bunch originally had loads of demons and spells on them.
Part of the reason i call them Vanilla is because they are ALL WHITE. So much for Equal Opportunity.
These are all CIA, i can now sense. So, the CIA has all these small plane companies (no doubt many more) staffed by these critters, which i presume are manufactured.
Jan 4, '23: (12:25pm) I've had another 2.3" of rain meanwhile, 2" of it from the last big storm.
I have been putting together an array to FRY my old enemies the NSA. They kept a low profile for years, but in the last many months have become very overt again in many ways.
They have been attacking myself and others from space, and attacking others from Earth U bases. Their transhumans are showing up a lot, at least in the US so far, even stalking Joe at work.
This crystal is part of the array. If you suspect NSA somewhere, you might be able to connect it to them. The array is very strong and also the best thing i have to light up the sneaky ones.
The offworld NSA seems to just be Egyptoids now, and their AI; at least that's the only activity i notice.
Jan 7, '23: (5pm)
I made this yesterday out of cold-rolled steel. It overheated a bit when i drilled it too aggressively.
I couldn't figure out what it does but had the feeling it was important.
Then this morning, Black Goo attacked me for the first time in a long time. And this afternoon, i am fighting Nommo in Equuleus who are attacking me. Also the first i've noticed them in a while.
Then just now i realized that the reason i'm getting these unusual attacks is because they are bothered by my new rod.
Jan 12, '23: (9:30am) I had about 3 days of warmish weather, partly sunny, partly chemmy. Now it has turned colder again. Been getting lite rain/drizzle since last night.
Yesterday i made an aluminum piece. Glued it into last week's piece. Glued a lab-grown ruby on top.
I have been attacked almost non-stop lately by Nommo, Black Goo, #5 reptilians, and offworld NSA. (Offworld CIA has been taking a break.) This embellishment to the piece knocks them back so that less gets through to me.
And i am not done with this item yet...
Jan 13, '23: (2:45pm) A new toy arrived in the mail today, a hatchet of this type, which is apparently the best thing yet for sniffing out attacks from Black Goo. Or more likely, attacks using black goo, guided by offworld NSA and their AI. Currently in the Orion, Monoceros, Lepus region.
Heretofore i thought goo attacks were only of a general energy and psychological nature. Well, i can pretty much keep that stuff scraped away with the hatchet, but more difficult to shake off is a sustained attack between the shoulder blades. I did not realize that the goo can do such a focused physical thing. My back has been real tight there for days despite all attempts to loosen it up. Were it not for this hatchet (which is sold by various vendors and for which we offer free programming) i would not suspect that goo was involved.
Jan 15, '23: (10:10am) Cold, grey, windy.
Last November i blogged Something very strange is going on, either with my perceptions or the world. I am a bit reluctant to post this because people will just think i'm deluded. But i've never let that stop me.
I said the other day that i watched a vid of Lagos and was surprised to see that almost everyone there seems like a normal human.
Well yesterday i watched part of a vid of a Tokyo street scene, and except for a small handful of people near the beginning, could not notice any COTHS. This is strange as maybe 8-10 years ago i did likewise, and posted (although google advanced can't find it) that a high percent were reptilian shapeshifters. Just now i watched part of another one, and noticed no COTHS. And these were not Blangsters either, although they all feel fairly similar to each other. Soulless humans don't usually have much vibe anyway.
Baffled, i watched a couple minutes of a Pattaya, Thailand street scene. Years ago these were mostly COTHs and indeed largely TG, especially the hookers, but now even the hookers just seemed like ordinary female humans.
Then i remembered that maybe 10 years ago i noticed (and posted, though in keeping with current levels of malfunction, again, google advanced does not find it) that in Friesland, NL, almost everyone was repty. So i watched a couple minutes of Friesland street scenes, and they too, felt just like the Asians and Nigerians in the other vids.
So then, sections of a couple recent vids of Washington DC streets; another from DC 13 years ago -- same thing. And i am familiar with what i SHOULD be finding as i have been there many times since i've been spotting repty characters.
No idea what is going on. Most of the "people" in MSM stories or driving down the road here where i live still feel obviously like COTHS.
So then (google advanced decided to work a little) i found a post of Sept 1, 2017:If you want to see a vid of really concentrated LGBT ET party animals, check out Pattaya Nightlife. Most of the people, hookers, local partiers, tourists, staff, etc. are repticlones or Egyptoids. Probably about half are TG! It is hard to tell by looks, of course. Many of the most MTF-looking looking hookers are Etoid females.
There are even cute pesky little beggar kids, all very "experienced". The vid does not suggest there is child prostitution, but there is a lot there, i get.
But here the repticlone and MTF vibes are totally OBVIOUS, still! I don't get it. Of course the Egyptoids have been replaced by RCs now.
But then why does DC, even of 13 years ago, feel so "clean"? Why does Friesland, as repty a place as i ever found, feel the same way?
I looked up still pics of Caruthersville, MO people. In May, 2006, i had blogged that in "Caruthersville, AR (99+% of pop.)" was satanist. LOL, actually it is not in Arkansas, but in a section of Missouri near AR. I have been through there busting it. It was horrid. And yes, the still pix ARE almost all of obvious RCs now.
So today i see this article on DM: Tokyo worshippers throw freezing water over themselves in Shinto ritual to welcome in the New Year. And, uh, these guys all had that same non-vibe. Yet, 5 years ago, i was unable to find any images of Shinto practitioners that were not Egyptoids. I told their Kami spirit allies what Shintoists were, and the Kami stopped working with them.
In this post back then, i linked an article similar to today's: Japanese worshippers pour bitterly cold water over one another and queue up to pray almost naked during annual 'endurance festival'. And now, those guys also have this same non-vibe! Yet, they were Egyptoids, and then no doubt got replaced by repticlones, only to now end up as these things.
They seem very similar to Blangsters. Possibly they are something physically similar, but my anti-Blangster hardware does not faze them. But, i sensed that something i have does chew on them. Seeking it out, i realized it is this device i posted about last Aug 18.
I hooked it up to one of my tiny 15hz zappers and have been frying all such constructs for hours. So now they have a vibe.
With any luck, i may come out with more stuff to fry them even better.
What to call them? We already have several varieties of Blangsters, and those plane-company Vanilla Egyptoid quasi-Blangsters, and now these similar critters which have become very plentiful as replacements for existing COTHS.
I said in November that this type of fake human felt like normal humans except too similar to each other. But when i first saw the Shintoists this morning, they felt a lot like Blangsters. Maybe that device had been affecting them a bit already although not specifically directed toward them.
Maybe Blandsters? They feel more bland than blank. Yeah, i am out of catchy names for all these fake humans they come up with, so i guess i'll have to call them Blandsters.
Jan 16, '23: (3:50pm) Warm again, overcast.
I finally beefed this thing up to the point where they are hardly able to hit me anymore. Not much is getting through.
I haven't even hooked this up to a freq gen yet.
Jan 19, '23: (8:30am) Sunny with some hybrid clouds.
I just got buzzed by a plane from Game Composites, makers of fine acrobatic aircraft. Again, the only depicted persons (including pilots) are CIA Blandsters, as described in Jan 15's post.
(8:35am) I just got offered (by YT) another bad-vibed channel of "healing" sounds: DhyaanGuru Dr. Nipun Aggarwal is the name of the figurehead CIA RC.
(9:15am) And now, Black goo has found a way to attack my entire left side. Coma Berenices.
Jan 23, '23: (9:30am) I've had 7/10" of rain, and now they are predicting 5 to 8" of snow tomorrow night.
Masonic numerology time. Today is the 23rd day of 2023, and i turn 23X3=69 years old.
A couple days ago, the Goo paused in its attacks, as the Nommo fortified theirs, largely from Bellatrix, which seems to be a major stronghold of theirs.
Then yesterday morning it was back to just Goo attacking me. It still is, faintly.
Is the world ready for transhuman Sandy Hookers? Certain agencies want to Make Sandy Hookers Great Again.
A synopsis of the Sandy Hooker (SH) saga:
I first noticed and mentioned them Dec. 22, '12, after the Sandy Hook "mass murder". Most of the town of Newton, CT seemed composed of them. At first i had thought that the "victims" were humans that actually were dead, but then i started to catch on.
Soon i was noticing them everywhere, at least in the US. They were driving down the road, etc. A significant % of the US population was SHer at one time. Rept hybrids were often being replaced with them instead of repticlones.
On Dec 25, 2013 i missed a turnoff in West Virginia, and ended up traversing (and busting) a large swath of SHer territory. I blogged:What i found interesting in the rest of my trip is that the entire area i traversed between Grafton and Scherr, WV (i went by way of 110 --> 50 --> 42) was populated almost exclusively by Sandy Hookers. And it feels like that is only part of a larger territory of theirs. Almost all the houses. Almost all the cars were SHers, plus lots of CIAlizards, some NSAlizards, and a handful of soulless Earthlings.
The shapeshifters don't seem to live there. I only saw one CIAlizard house (pretty plush) in the area. I assume the lizards are handling the SHers. Most mystifying: what are they up to? Why so many on Christmas Day even?
Although there were a few single-wides, etc., most of the SHer housing was pretty decent-looking, many places were pretty classy. This is in very rugged, steep, forested country. Gorgeous, my kind of land. But i doubt there is any work around there. To live in a fancy house in the boonies takes money. Either you commute a ridiculous distance, or you have some other source of funding. If it weren't for the CIA and NSA with their endless resources, the area would be pretty unpopulated
Ah, well, when so many Americans who want to work find themselves homeless and living on GMO food handouts (if they're lucky) it is nice that these plastic people are well taken care of.
Then what happened is, we kept coming out with more programs to fry SHers with. Notably, their death knell apparently was the Jan2014A Program, which goes into spheres or cylinders. This hit them hard. I poured gallons of the stuff, mainly large cylinders. I made a large disk, several gallons in size, containing 3 big cylinders of this program, and drove around with it for years. So the SHer population gradually went down as they got replaced with repticlones. In recent years i never spotted any except in articles about Sandy Hook. It seems that town had their last remnants for many years -- why they bothered to maintain a presence there for so long in the face of adversity i do not know.
Then very recently i noticed and posted that now there are no longer any SHers anywhere that i notice, not even in Newton, CT.
Then today i get an email from a reader with this pic, saying that these people were attacking him.
I could tell these were CIA transhumans, and they seemed like some type of unusual clone. The Nov2016 Program, which normally is against clones (but not SHers) works on them some. To a lesser extent, a wide variety of our programs do. The anti-SHer programs are unremarkable in this regard, so it took me a while to realize what these critters are.
I sensed that they were "attacking" by channeling energies from a NSA U base, even though they are CIA.
Then i flashed on British Columbia and sensed a lot more of them in BC, in a collection of NSA/CIA/Mounty/AI cloning bases centered under Williams Lake.
Jan 26, '23: (8:50pm) I got about 10" of snow the night of the 24th. I lost electricity long before the snow stopped. It only came back on at 8:00 CST this evening.
There wasn't even wind, just the weight of the snow which pulled down trees which pulled down many power poles, according to the lady i talked to at the utility.
10" is a bigger snow than we usually get but i am surprised it did so much damage. We're in trouble if we get a real big one someday.
Luckily i have wood heat and propane cookstove.
Jan 29, '23: (12:40pm) Been getting fog and a bit of lite rain at times. Now they predict several days of freezing rain, urgh!
Got a pic in an email this morning from Belgium asking about this phenomenon.
Back around 20 years ago, people were posting about having upward icicles on ice cube trays when they put orgonite on their fridge.
Also, on Feb. 16, '10 i mentioned
"I noticed icicles that had grown up out of a couple of the short pipes on my gold-colored CB.
"A similar phenomenon is alleged to occur in ice cube trays if you put fat orgone over your freezer."

The person who sent me this said they have orgonite in the house 7-10m away, and the icicle is pointing towards the room where the orgonite is.
Pretty strange.
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