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Loohan's blog for February, 2023
Feb 20, 2023: (4:45am) Wow, i had not realized i went this long into Feb without starting a blog.
I've had some 6.5" of mild rain, except that for a few minutes it got strong with light hail.
Why do i always report on the weather? Well, i am winding that down now except when there is severe or unusual weather, droughts, or the ends of droughts.
Many years ago, the orgonite scene was largely about countering the enemy's demon-fueled weather mod (like droughts and hurricanes). But in recent years, if they are manipulating the weather, they are doing it in ways invulnerable to orgone weapons. As far as i know, the increasing weather anomalies are caused by astronomical events -- see the works of Claudia Albers.
It has been some time since i even noticed any demons or enemy craft drifting in with storms. Incidentally, it has also been a while since i noticed enemy craft near Earth hammering me anymore. I have all these sophisticated devices scanning the sky around me, but they no longer find anything more than planes and choppers.
I still never get any vibe off chem or chem-planes any more, except that they feel directed by AI and Egyptoids in space. And nailing these remote perps often seems to curtail the spraying. But often they doggedly continue no matter how much we nail the perps.
On Jan 15 i posted about Blandsters, and have been frying them since with that "Succor Punch".
Today i noticed them being used by the CIA to terrorize people with crazy, dangerous riotous behavior: Chaotic scene ... in Austin. This is all Blandsters in the streets.
This article links to an older one, which has a slideshow with images of the perps. These are also Blandsters. But that article is from Oct 2020. Were there Blandsters around already then? More likely IMO, these were the same agents, but were RCs at that time and got replaced recently by Blandsters. But i can't discern that for sure.
Meanwhile, it has also been the CIA hitting the power grid in recent incidents.
Feb 24, '23: (11am) I've still been getting Delta airliners etc over the usual path. And various forms of USAF harrassment. This horrid thing on the right just flew by, except slightly closer to me than usual, but at the usual angle. I heard and felt its horrid vibe miles away. Came from Atlanta.
And this one named after a RC music band flew over my cabin on the 20th! According to the map; i didn't look outside. That line travels a stone's throw north of my cabin. Coincidence? Conceivably... It had 8 of those satanist pilots in it plus dozens of RCs and possibly some humans, who knows.
This alerted me to a base i might not have nailed before, the big Joint Base Charleston in SC.
A week or 2 ago i was outside and saw (and heard) 4 of their planes at the same altitude where i was! Because they were flying low through the valley just south. I could see them through the trunks of the leafless trees.
I have also been getting off-radar buzzing and howling by them regularly. And generally a fair amount of them on-radar, noisily coming nearby on various paths.
Yesterday one came east from Tucson, i think it was, and abruptly turned almost 90 degrees to go through my heavily busted area of Little Rock on up the Hwy 65 corridor, eventually ending up at KS City. Full of salaried parasites.
Feb 27, '23:
(1:45pm) And then this one serenaded me about 20 minutes ago, coming from the west.
Feb 28, '23:(1:10pm) Then around 12:30 today this beast went by with a thundering roar, with 3 satanist pilots and 11 repticlones of the new, tougher variety aboard, getting paid by the hour to sit there and be polluting parasites.
This jet came from Lincoln, NB. Officially there is no longer a USAF base there, just Air National Guard. And ROTC.
I am located around the red dot. Note how their path goes over some of my most heavily busted areas: Clinton, Mountain View, Marshall, the formerly horrid region SW of me...
Funny that they would come all the way from NB to loop around here. Are they accomplishing anything at such great expense except harrassing the animals?
Half an hour after buzzing me, they headed back.
Also for some reason i am getting many thundering airliners full of passengers thundering over, completely off radar. It is not very common for major airliners to be off radar.
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