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Loohan's blog for October, 2023
Oct 3, '23: (1:40pm) Mostly overcast and mild the last 2 days. Supposed to get a serious rain tomorrow. We have had some rain since last mention.
Danes, beware of, vendor of weaponized-feeling electronics. PET proprietary.
Now we lit up yet another "new" type of evil ET, morphology unknown.
What happened is, Joe came up with a new resin program, intended to wake up humanity. I don't detect that it does anything of the sort, but intuitively i recognized that somehow it was an important program and i made this thing a couple days ago, and have been running it on my DDS freq generator. (The capacitor and white wire are just passive. There is a small sphere of the April2014F pgm set in silicone atop a piece of quartz. But even by itself the pgm is pretty good.)
Joe made a few pieces too. I had no idea what the pgm was doing but it felt important. Then i started feeling bad and very lazy, eventually noticing that the source was Sirius A yesterday. This morning, Eltamin. Currently Ursa Minor.
Now i am able to dowse and mark vast quantities of these ETs there. Starting to feel slightly better now.
Meanwhile i have found 3 more types of bland fake humans (forum thread) and developed weapons to at least light them up. The most recent find i am calling Blanksters. I don't have names for the others yet.
Oct 14. '23: (8:40am) Weather has turned colder the last couple days. Looksl like summer is over.
OMG, many years ago i vouched for the legitimacy of Institute for Justice but i just realized it is a CIA Blangster op. Type 2 Blangsters. Most if not all of the "victims" included.
Their YT channel. They must have been Blangsters all along.
(12:20pm) Tech afficionadoes can click on pic right for more info.
Oct 20, 23:(7:25pm) Wo! I just barely stumbled across a "new" type of very sinister AI incorporating repticlones above and below ground, as well as machinery, at least, in space. There is an interesting story about this which i will post tomorrow, but it appears that even repticlones and other budget fake humans can channel black magic from this source.
The U bases are all in a 300 mile radius around Dubois, WY. Or were; allies are taking them out currently. There were only 10 to be found, suggesting that this bunch does not use the usual Masonic numbering etc. as normally one would expect 9 or 11 instead of 10.
The only stuff i've found in space so far is around 34 Leonis.
There is a website connected to all this at More details tomorrow.
(8:25pm) Ah, what the hell, i already wrote it out:
What happened is Joe wrote me about a guy that he was doing remote work on. All i could find initially was some demons floating around, and i sent Fred.
Today Joe wrote meI think I felt some unique "binds" in his outer aura when doing a session for him yesterday, very ornate and expertly placed almost like jewelry. As if they stretch his energy taut and smooth, making it look "youthful" and smoothing out disturbances.
I wondered if it was someone who he hired to help heal or advance him. He showed me this guy. I don't feel much on him, but the person who did it is likely an expert on fake smooth energy. So he may be hard to spot.
Along with this was a picture of a Blankster (defined Oct 3).
I was stumped. Other than this Blankster there are only RCs on the website (including the testimonial shills and models). They all had the same slightly freaky vibe to them, but there was nobody that seemed to be capable of much sophisticated black magic, if any! No sorcerors found helping them behind the scenes.
Some interesting resumes on the team. The founder and CEO "worked as an executive for several well-known companies, including T-Mobile International and T-Mobile US, where he served as Vice President."
The scientific advisor "holds joint patents with the University of Tulsa, where he previously taught Biochemistry, for viral inhibitors, cancer screening technology, and personalized cell culture media for both laboratory and clinical settings as well as a an antiviral therapeutic for recalcitrant viruses. lan recently developed the first viable gamma ray shielding system for use on spacecraft and space habitats as well as a carbon negative concrete to inhibit greenhouse gas proliferation." etc.
The Blankster is Roman Christian Hafner. (Roman Christian!)
I was stumped. I could not, at that time, detect any U bases or other outside occult help. How was it possible for them to do black magic like that?
They sell a variety of purported subtle energy healing devices without much vibe that i can discern. I was looking at this this page and it struck me that there was so much magenta on this website. Plus, leelaq is similar to lilac, which is a color similar to magenta but more blue. Also the German word for the color sounds like leela.
There is even such a thing as a magenta lilac flower.
As it happens, a couple hours previously i had listened to this video The A.I. Infiltration Linked To Magenta. I don't agree with everything this guy says about everything, but he does have some good information.
This was extremely fortuitous. It would have taken me a long time and much frustration to figure it out otherwise. It was a new type of AI i was looking for! One that oozes magenta.
There is apparently this network of sorcery-capable AI. Different from the AI we dealt with in recent years. A few years ago the underground and space was full of AI bases that could attack people very much like demons or fleshly black magicians could. And many joint bases with CIA, NSA, military, etc. Now it is very rare for me to catch a bit of the vibe of that sort of AI anywhere, and no attacks have been noted in some time.
Oct 27, '23: (6:30pm) New type of nasty, human-looking, evil ET found on Earth. I'm calling these Imperloids for reasons i won't get into here.
They have an intrinsic demonic, evil energy about them that they can direct at individuals. They like to pool energies to augment their attack abilities. This individual felt much more intense when i first checked him. I located 7 more like him in a house a few km away. As soon as i blasted them, this guy's vibe mostly faded and his victim felt better.
Those are the only ones i have noticed on Earth yet (Slovenia), as i have been focused on the space ones. They are widespread all over the universe.
My turtle Felter does not like them. He got snarled up with a bunch he found in Libra a while ago. Right now this feels like their major stronghold.
Been getting some pretty nice fall colors here, and now some leaves are falling.
Oct 30, '23: (9:40am) Wow. We had a long rain but were only supposed to get a small amount, like 1/2 an inch maybe, "locally heavy rainfall possible". I was shocked to see i got 4.5 or 5" (depending on which gauge i looked at). Then also this morning it finally got much colder, 31F, and i fired up my woodstove for the first time this season. I put in a mini-split a year ago so now i only fire it up when it gets down around freezing.
There was heavy chem for days prior to the rain.
It occurred to me i never followed through on looking for more of these ETs on Earth.
First i noticed large quantities of bases under the west half of KS. And the TX panhandle. NM. MX. Sahara Desert down the DR Congo. India. 800K+ bases marked in the first couple minutes. Sigh. Haven't notice more on the surface yet.
They seem tied in to the NSA plus various militaries.
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