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Loohan's blog for September, 2023
Sep 1, '23: (1:20pm) I did get a week-long heat wave and it got up to 95 a few times, but now we're back into milder weather. It has been humid but dry. I think i've gotten less than 1/10" since last post. Only now is it getting much less humid.
Still getting some USAF harrassment occasionally. Three times i even noticed them sending planes from hundreds of miles away that arrived here simultaneously with planes from the LR AFB.
I just watched a great video, 48-yr Arborist questions Maui WildFire and shares insights. I have been seeing some conspiracy theories floated by CIA YTers (see thread), and wondered how much truth they contained. Incidentally the most prolific site seems to be Hawaii Real Estate by and about CIA Blangsters.
But this vid is from a legit source and has a lot of hard-hitting photographic evidence and commentary. It does seem obvious that this and many other fires have been produced with MW weapons that act on metal and water, but not flammable objects.
A couple years ago i googled why didn't the trees burn, and ran into a bunch of seemingly plausible explanations. Here is a recent one about Maui. "He added that structures, decks and fences are susceptible to accumulating flying embers, making them particularly vulnerable -- whereas the wind may blow such embers past trees and poles." But the vid blows them out of the water, showing such structures in many cases unscathed in the middle of burnt stuff.
The arborist speculates that the weapons are carried by satellites. If so, i hope the allies will address these satellites, as this is overt illegal warfare against civilians.
I got a NSA vibe from all of this which seemed to trace to a large area several miles across a bit north of Kendall, KS. Then another one all around 38.19878773861144, -100.00352371134791 in KS. Another around 38.33324463654908, -99.83499117274589 in KS. Another around and east of Beeler, KS. These were all large areas. Then a smaller one around 39.05832061223574, -93.6058487328475 in MO. Another small one 39.23454754301851, -93.32071261520956 in MO.
The allies are cleaning these up.
Sep 6, '23: (8am) But beware! That same channel that had the arborist is now presenting us with CIA cyborg actors! More info on the thread.
They are promoting the CIA website
(8:50am) Wo!, I just realized something about that channel that i thought was legit. The bitch on the left in the vid is the YTer! But she was just very recently THed and for some reason i did not spot her as an agent before. The arborist is legit but the CIA is using the truth as a psyop.
The doctor she interviews in this vid is a Type 5 CIA Blangster, and he, too, does that same hand sign so prevalent among Lahaina phonies.
Her vibe is not strong in this vid because she was not THed yet at the time.
Sep 7, '23: (12:15pm) This plane just came directly over my cabin.
Sep 8, '23: (11:45am) This Army Black Hawk chopper just buzzed over my property, containing 2 of those special satanist clone type pilots. Random incident? Possibly. They came in a straight line from Bentonville.
Sep 9, '23: (8:10am) On Dec 5, '22 i blogged about some ETs that were attacking me from Aries, then later NGC 5631. I turned a brass rod against them, then later made an array against them, which is still set up. They attacked me again on the 24th, then i kind of forgot about them. But now they are attacking me again, from NGC 3147.
The heat of summer seems to be broken now, and i planted my fall crops. Oftentimes in the past, September has been a pretty hot month. Can the mild weather here this summer (while many more northern states baked) be attributed to all my orgone stuff, or just random blind luck? I am not sure but time may tell.
I have only had a few very small rains since last report Sep 1. But it is usually still very humid, mornings and nights at least.
Sep 12, '23: {4:20pm) Cooler today. Got over .6" of rain since last night. A couple tenths more the last few days. Currently 66F.
These salaried clowns had an evil vibe as they buzzed me (a bit west of Leslie) as if to get my attention before wasting money and fuel in an attempt to counter the energy work i've been doing.
At one point, whether by accident or design, the plane appeared to split into 2 separate planes with the same call number, then stopped laying a trail. The real plane is the yellow one north of the red one.
So i took that pic to the right and clicked on the real plane again to record its continued path.

And 3 more USAF planes, JAVAN77, JAVAN72, and BOXER85 are currently heading over my neighborhood.
Sep 15, '23: (3:55pm) New device, running on a DDS frequency generator.
The heart of it is an electric motor salvaged from a defunct dehumidifier. I am only pulsing weak current into it so it doesn't spin. But i can rotate the pyramid like a knob to fine-tune the energy.
It is a very powerful weapon against a broad spectrum of evil beings.
Sep 17, '23: (3:20pm) "New" type of evil ETs found on Earth. These are of Russian descent. These individuals reside in Toronto and are relatives of the targeted individuals there whom we have been helping for years, who are also of Russian descent.
They do not seem to use black magic practices like sending demons, spells, implants, but are inherently demonic and capable of psychic attack.
It was real hard to light them up as my hardware would not get much of a grip on them at first. But Joe and i persevered, and now i have my new device fixed on them and lighting more up. There are lots of them in a very large area under central Russia, and more in Constellation Lyra, just south of Vega. No doubt lots more will get lit up in other places.
I suppose we can call them RU-ETs.
Sep 23, '23: (12:40pm) Right now i have several USAF jets going around and around in areas that conicidentally used to be foul, that i have cleaned up over the years. I'm about 3 miles west of Leslie.
See those triangular things? That's more of them, all going in such paths. Your tax dollars at work.
Not the only USAF harrassment i've been getting. And earlier today a very loud off-radar chopper full of strongly-vibed satanists came directly over my cabin; i don't know what that was about or if it was just a coincidence.
Sep 24, '23: (1:15pm) Parasites at it again. CARBN 21 &CARBN 22 both had almost the same trail as though they have been side-by-side most of the time.
Note how overtly they make a mockery of their CO2 narrative.
Now they seem to have landed at NW Arkansas Int'l Airport.
Sep 29, '23: (6:05pm) A small US Navy plane RFNK76 buzzed by around 10:40am with an unusual passenger load. I don't think they were aware of me. It had the usual type of satanist pilot and co-pilot but also 6 very vibey satanist synthetics. I don't recall encounterind blood-ritualist synthetics before.
They were coming from the Texarkana Regional Airport.
I had to go do something and did not see where they landed but a couple hours later traced the synthetics to a Walgreens in Chicago. Intense vibe makes it easy. I hope they were needing drugs because my blasting made them feel ill. I thought synthetics were bulletproof.
At 6pm i noticed they were in a U base! And so now they are toast. So strange because synthetics should be relatively invulnerable to orgone so that they don't go down. Maybe the blood ritual stuff makes them vulnerable just like many other fake humans of the past. Back to the old drawing board, guys.
I have not noticed more of these elsewhere.
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