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Loohan's blog for December, 2023
Dec 3, '23: (11:55am) Odd that last month i did not notice any USAF harrassment. I almost did not notice this one a little while ago, which passed by close enough to be audible but not very loud. I was amused by the name, as USAF is probably the 3rd largest organized-crime organization in the US, after the CIA and NSA. I have caught them transporting CIA meth from Cabot to Burbank as well as harrassing "dissidents". And 51 is one of the favored Masonic numbers, 3X17, as in Area 51.
After passing through my neighborhood they went on to lay down a scribble (the blue line) over an area i have busted well. Then headed SE.
(2:55pm) It went down to near Summerwood, TN and presumably landed around there. I didn't find any USAF bases or even airports around there, though.
Note how the only place it did squiggles was in my area, after going out of its way to get there.
This pic is from here.
Then a little while ago i got attacked from a diagonal line (SW to NE) stretching from around Batesville, AR to around Mt Vernon, KS, all through an area i have busted well in years past.
It should be mentioned that, at least these days, agency U bases attacks are ALWAYS backed up by space Egyptoids, and, indeed, increasingly they often just vibe up the ground remotely with no U bases involved. The TIs i help these days, due to attrition of U bases, are more often than not directly attacked from space, which often involves vibing up the ground near them, or relatively near them. The space Egyptoids give me insomnia that way lately and i have to use my big anti-Blangster cones to address the ground areas as well as deal with the ETs.
Anyway, since there weren't that many CIA U bases left in this area, a lot of the bad ground energy came from Constellation Triangulum.
But the reason i mention all this is due to the interesting part which is that this diagonal line of attack energy included ABOVE GROUND at 37.47822502008644, -89.52273685343171 a huge Proctor and Gamble building.
There is some major hardware in the middle of that building which gave the attack an unusual harsh quality. Anyway, our allies are working on disabling it.

The reason for the unusual attacks is likely this trifling coil thing i've been putting together lately. It really warps and cripples their matrix at a quantum level, or something along those lines.
I think it is nearing completion, and then hopefully will soon be cast into a large device.
Dec 9, '23: (4:45pm) I stuck on a few more things the next day, and then the coil was complete. Then i cast it in this thing.
This is not an atmosphere-blaster, but something more pervasive in its reach. This is true of several of my monopipe units.
Dec 14, '23: (9:20am) I've been embellishing that piece by putting more turned rods, stones, etc down the pipe. That is an awesome thick-walled, chrome-plated brass pipe salvaged from an ugly lamp. It goes down almost to the bottom of the piece, so there is lots of room for stuff.
On the 12th i had to go down to Conway to pick up something. Did a bit of busting down there too. Then the next day USAF buzzed by here with 2 planes. I was pretty sure that when i zoomed out i would find that they had "scribbled" around Conway beforehand. Sure enough!
The time stamp is way wrong. This was late morning.
Then as it happened, i had to drive all the way back down there yesterday afternoon to exchange the item, so i nailed the area better.
Thrilling news! At least for me. Found a bunch of new creepy sickos to address.
A targeted indivual contacted me yesterday, who lives around 39.02970223981099, -84.96976364720646 in Indiana. Said he was being hit with electronic weapons etc.
At first i noticed nothing very unusual; the usual CIA bases around. But some were deeper and more cloaked that normal. And the neighbors he said were stalking him didn't have any vibe. They were not any of other known varieties of blank fake humans.
Then he asked me about the "old crows". I had to look that up. It is a bunch of electronics-weapons afficionadoes (website of the Association of Old Crows with pics). No recognizable agency vibes and almost no red flag pics. But they all feel like the critters in his neighborhood.
He used to work at this place. Anchor Glass is a repty company (and nautical anchors are a suspected Masonic symbol). But only this one of their locations has that toxic (now that the brass has kicked in) vibe. He had to quit there due to extreme health problems from the attacks.
After a while i was able to make this:
Which is really lighting up his neighborhood and stuff!
Dec 25, '23: (noon) Here's something i made a few days ago which really helps against the space Egyptoids, which remain the apparent main ET threat and have been a pain for some time. In fact the other offworld nasties have been laying low lately.
Speaking of demographics, i should mention some things i have observed in my region which have changed over the years.
One big one is that i almost never notice any COTHS personnel in stores etc that i frequent and have busted. It used to be that a lot of cashiers, bank personnel, and other lower echelon employees were repty. Same with crews working on roads and utilities. Now apparently they don't want to work. No more do i see them in Walmart, Home Depot, grocery stores, etc except as customers.
I have not noticed any working for my electric utility co-op in some time. Now (aside from local humans) they have crews of swarthy South American looking guys who hardly speak any English. In fact i have seen more Mexican and Central American seeming people around in my county too, but only humans, not the CIA "immigrant" actors always in the media. Exception: a few years ago a bunch of repticlones apparently from Mexico showed up in Marshall staying at a motel for a long time with a bunch of company trucks of some sort. But i have not even spotted them in a long time.
I have had occasion to drive up and down Highway 65 lately, including 2 trips to Conway and one to Harrison. On the road, humans are still the same minority as before, maybe 10% with the rest being mostly RCs plus many Blangsters and Blandsters. No idea what they do for a living. Of course some have a CIA or NSA vibe, occasionally military or FBI.
The exception, and it is a big one, is that the truckers going up and down the highway, around here at least, are now almost all human! It used to be that the vast majority of truckers were COTHS, mostly RCs, and probably more than half of those were CIA and NSA. Have the agencies mostly taken their drivers off the road nationwide, and if so, why?
Maybe because i don't get out much, and never visit the DC area anymore, there are some types of critters i never see in daily life, yet commonly detect remotely. It has been a long time since i ever detected even a blood-ritual satanist or transgender IRL. I don't think i have ever detected a Mahanoid or transhuman IRL (Joe gets some of these on his plate in the Seattle area, though). Yet, many times a day i will feel an alert because some "loud" THs, Mahanoids, or satanist Egyptoids are traveling or visiting somewhere that i have been or have some awareness of. Or i will spot them in media hoaxes or sense them in jetliners passing over. If i notice, for example, some NSA THs, they will ALWAYS be connected to a mess of NSA Mahanoids (Mahanoids are usually mostly huddled underground), and usually a few NSA Cumboids, TGs, and many Egyptoids including satanists. And U bases. So i mark these all day long.
At one time i thought that Cumboids were nearly extinct, but no, there still are many in the NSA, CIA, USAF, Mossad, etc.
On the left here is an array i just put together. The birthing process was very difficult, although the only new component is the hardware cloth that the rock is sitting on. Putting these items together took hours of stewing during which i was uncomfortably squeezed by strange forces and my turtle Felter was freaking out scratching around. Whew. Not sure what it does exactly but it feels real important.

Dec 30, '23: (5:25pm) Someone wrote Joe that was having trouble with this guy. At first i thought he was just a regular human. But after blasting a while i got a bit of a vibe. Then i sensed an ET connection, like he was being influenced by beings of his type in space.
Traced it to Cassiopeia and especially the PacMan Nebula which is real hot right now with them. Allies are attacking them.
I'm calling them PacManoids.
I still get the impression of a direct channel from his head to the nebula.
I made this thing out of steel. It really lights these guys up.
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