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Loohan's blog for January, 2024
Jan 8, '24: (5:10am) Recently i wrote that i have not noticed AI bases much for a while. As if in response, not long later i found a whole mess of joint AI-NSA-CIA U bases. And have also noticed more AI perps in space. There have been several such incidents lately.
Just now as i was starting to work through today's Daily Mail hoaxes, i noticed that all the actors had the same confident, gleaming, radiant, sparkly, unassailable, quasi-transhuman vibe, even though i spotted no actual THs yet.
Then i realized, this was an emanation from space! Specifically NSA-AI bases in Constellation Lyra.
As soon as i nailed these,the emanations of the actors became very dull and pedestrian.
(7:20am) Then at 7:15 they suddenly re-activated this feature! This time NSA/AI in Altair.
(10:05am) Happened again; Equuleus.
Jan 10, '24: (11:10am) This plane just came directly over my property.
() Then i got a bit more USAF harrassment, off and on radar.
(1:05pm) Then the RAF got into the act. This one was super loud and seemed to take a long time to mosey by. The path is very close to what has long been the preferred flight path of the CIA and other pedophile sky pests.
This one has 6 of those special satanist clone pilots in it, plus a dozen RCs.
Jan 20, '24: (7:45am) Well! I had a fair bit of rain, some of it very strong, then a very cold front for several days. It was around 0 degrees F for several nights, and not much higher many days. Had a few inches of snow too. In the low single digits now with some hard snow still on the ground.
Hoowie. On Sep 24, '19 i bloggedI watched the latest vid from Final Days and she makes mention of a Dr Claudia Albers, astronomer, who has a website, YT vids, etc. with all sorts of intriguing titles about Planet X etc, but i have not watched them because she is a CIA Category 1 Egyptoid who does hand signs.
Note glowing red spot at bottom center of pic, too.
When i blasted her i kicked up 80 AI#1 bases around north-central Canada and northward from there.
Her website is down now.
But then later i postedUPDATE July 2022: No, i think she is legit! actually. She has kind of a freaky vibe. That is hardly much of a hand sign. She might not be right on everything but she has the best info about the sun simulators, etc.
Something was going on though back then with CIA AI glommed onto her. Maybe they were actually attacking her. She has health problems.
I was mortified that i would make such a mistake!
But i just realized i was right the first time, but she had been replaced by another type of bland-feeling fake human! In fact i just made a small rod to light up her type.
What happened is, last night i watched a YT vid Jet fuel is a hoax, eh? in which an article of hers is ripped apart. It is packed with nonsense. Note that i don't know whether jets have fuel tanks in their wings; the YTer does not do the greatest job of convincing me. But whether or not they do, Claudia's article is so absurd (and her voice so creepy) that i started to suspect she was an agent after all. And her vibe was almost totally nonexistent. I suspected she was another type of bland critter.
This morning in the wee hours i started blasting her, trying to light something up. It took hours, but then i kept getting this strong creepy vibe which i realized was feedback, and got inspired to turn that rod.
There are many more of these critters, i sense. I am calling them Albersians.
Looking at the YTer's vid titles, i probably disagree with him on quite a lot of things, but at least he is sincere and intelligent. I am convinced there have been sun simulators for decades at least.
Looking for U bases with more of these, the strongest place i am attracted to at first is 46.17269318772054, -61.992812825385094 by Nova Scotia, with 97 of them (and other of the usual suspects, all CIA) 10 miles under the sea floor.
As soon as allies took care of that base, i sensed bunches more U bases with them worldwide.
There are of course more above-ground, too.
Jan 21, '24: (9:10am) Sunny, 10 F.
Those critters just jumped me from the Hercules Constellation! Are these things lab-engineered or an old species that reproduces? Maybe an old lab-engineered species that has been reproducing for a long time? There sure are lots of them. Still working on their U bases. There were even a few in my area.
Jan 23, '24: (1:40pm) Getting light rain and warmer weather now. I turned 70 today; no need to congratulate me.
Someone wrote me who was having problems with some "people" who turn out to be yet another type of evil ET "human". They don't seem to do spells or demons, but are intrinsically demonic, mess with his mind, bring bad luck, etc.
So here is something i made to light them up. Noticing lots more around Constellation Hydrus. The first place i noticed a bunch on Earth was Muscogee, OK, hence the name. Not to be confused with the Muscogee Indians, who seem OK. But i sense there are many living above-ground in the city. Several hundred, anyway. However if i try to search for pics of Muscogee people all i get is Indians.
Also lighting up some in U bases worldwide.
Jan 24, '24: (10am) BTW i run into even more weird ET species than i ever bother to post about. I usually run across them as a result of corresponding with targeted people. Or Joe does. Often we can beat them down with existing programs; other times i will make some device or program some stone. For example on Jan 12 a TI in Slovenia got stalked by a vibeless chopper. Pretty unusual these days to see any vibeless planes or choppers except for chem-planes.
Although it was apparently some drone of questionable physicality, i was able to trace it to a U base not far away, that had only some previously-unencountered ETs in it. I was able nail a bunch of them with existing hardware, in U bases and space. Then programmed this stone (azurite-chrysacolla i think) against them, and they are still being addressed by allies.
Hopefully someday they will be reduced to the point where i can liberate this nice rock from this task.
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