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Loohan's blog for February, 2021
Feb 1,'21: (3:40pm) New vid from Donny the most amazing thing I've seen SKY WATCHING shows a craft doing interesting things near the Moon. I get the vibe it has 9 Egyptoids in it.
But i also sense 800 Thelian allies on/near the Moon, so why did they not take out this craft? Maybe because it is incredibly zippy.
Anyway, i marked it and soon probably...
Another vid of his with such a craft; feels like a different one, also with 9 perps.
Feb 14,'21: (4:20pm) Well, my mom who is almost 91 is slowly dying. She should be starting to receive in-home hospice care finally tomorrow; a cumbersome thing to set up. Don't send me condoleances; her life has been one of severe health problems and suffering for a long time. Yet somehow she has outlived all our ancestors. Was it the orgonite?
Anyway, i am trying to sell off things in the house. In that vein, here are 2 March2015B rings i sent her years ago. I made a lot of them in 2015 but sent her the 2 prettiest.
The program is described near the bottom of this page. The rings contain a lot of epoxy plus some pigments. Diameter is 11".
I want to send them together as they will both fit in one medium flat-rate Priority box.
I am accepting bids starting at $100 [for both] including shipping within the US.
Feb 16, '21: (7:25am EST) Wow, i just checked the weather report at home in AR and it's -11, -7, or -8, depending on which weather site i check. That is pretty wild, considering it rarely gets below 0 F there. A few times in years past, it got down to -2 or -3.
The extreme weather missed us here in VA.
(9:55am) My contact in Belgium sent a nasty chem pic. With what seems like actual real chem sprayed from 6 Nato planes from Maastricht Aachen Airport.
Youtuber The Final Days has been posting again with more imagery of weird sky stuff. And the usual KJV prose.
Also lately, Capella has been pretty hot, and after blasting some stuff on that YT channel, i get the impression that Capella is connected to all that stuff.
These last few years, Capella has been our main trouble spot.
Feb 23, '21 (3:45am) Some of you may have noticed that lately i make a lot of forum posts in the middle of the night. But usually in recent weeks this actually is not due to being kept awake by attacks. Somehow this winter i have gotten into the habit of going to bed around 7pm, then waking up in the middle of the night, no longer able to sleep. I check media for juicy stuff to post, interspersed with some light exercise. Later i often doze off again for a while. Exercising and stretching at that hour on an empty stomach seems to revitalize me. Anyway, been feeling pretty good lately.
But last night the attacks were heavy and i didn't sleep so well. I started getting "5th-tier" spells for the first time; that is, layers of layers of layers of layers of layers of spells hitting me at once from space, along with a wallop of hidden demons.
The last couple days i think things have been shifting worldwide, in terms of more allied U bases going in in many places. Including the locations of some targeted people i monitor, as well as here in the DC area.
Feb 25, '21: (6:50am) Some developments.
My brother arrived in from Montana on the night of the 23rd. Then my mom passed away yesterday morning in her sleep at home, under the eye of a nurse providing care.
I might not be posting much on the forum for a while, especially as my brother is staying in the computer room.
High bid on the rings is currently $200.
Feb 27, '21: (9:15am) Attacks are lighter for the past day+. Now i mainly get a few 1st and 2nd tier spell attacks with the occasional 3 or 4.
Not sure if it has anything to do with nailing Lake Sevan in Armenia, which had hundreds of thousands of U bases at various depths, the deepest being 172 miles down.
Mossad was kind enough to draw my attention to the lake on the 21st and we have been working it since. Of course there were also lots of AI, CIA, Nato, etc bases. It still has an unknown quantity.
It seems to be a major power area, real good to gift if anyone ever gets out there.

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