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Loohan's blog for January, 2021
Jan 7, '21: (7:40am) I have had 3.1" of precipitation since last entry, including small amounts of snow and sleet. PLUS, overnight, i have gotten over an inch of gentle snow which looks real pretty stacked on the trees etc but is supposed to get washed off by rain today.
The big development lately is increased awareness of, and ability to handle, very hidden demons which most of us targeted individuals have. Working with another sensitive who prefers to remain anonymous, my awareness has been raised. Even Angie still has some of these. Fred, Rorg, Felter, Ta'l warriors, Venusian allies, people's cats,...
There are vast quantities of mostly wimpy stupid demon species hiding in us, which have previously eluded scrutiny. Finally last night i became able to directly perceive and remove them. The problem is, when i re-check the victim, there are always more, seemingly ad infinitum. I could spend lots of time trying to pick everyone clean at this rate.
We have been making some adjustments in my hardware to light up these critters better, and in many cases, automatically delete the species.
Also, i got my big demon-eradicating Rolling Frog started on spotting these critters. Feel free to invite scrutiny by him.
Currently Angie and her helpers are still not able to spot them, but i am optimistic. And probably there will be some more advances in hardware.
We don't deal with individual demons, but delete entire species. How can there be so many species of stupid little demons? Where do they come from? Sometimes we get over a million in a single installment from one person. And if a species is in one victim, it is also in others. How can there be so much variation as to allow vast quantities of species which mostly have vast quantities of individuals in each? This is something that has baffled me for years when dealing with less-hidden demons. It does not seem possible. But they have grown fewer by addressing them.
In summer of 2016 i think it was, if i was doing some strenuous outdoor work in 95 degree weather, they would opportunistically attack me so hard i would have to sit down and dowse how many species were involved, like how many hundreds of octillions maybe. And then as soon as i nailed down that number, i would have to do it again on their replacement wave. Sometimes i would have to do this for 15 minutes or so before i could resume work for a few minutes. But, it did work, proving i was at least close to the truth of what was going on
At least there don't seem to be any really cunning, powerful demons left. Up to 3-4 years ago i was still occasionally subject to visitations by real creepy frighteningly powerful entities that i could barely overcome with all my resources.
Ah, cool. As i finished typing this i got hit by another wave of them, and Mr Frog kicked right in and intercepted them.
(10:40am) I walked around outside for a couple minutes earlier. Barefoot, of course. I like to expose myself to a bit of cold occasionally, so that my body knows to acclimate. It was 2" deep and in some places, 4".

OK, now for some other thrilling news. There is a new free resin program from Eenia: the Jan2021 Program.
It seems to require a conical shape of a somewhat steep nature. Not necessarily this steep. Many ordinary funnels should work.
More info on OTB 27. It works on Egyptoids and Egyptoid hybrids, e.g. repticlones, transhumans, Mahanoids...
Jan 10, '21: (10:35am) Never did get any rain, just a slight bit more snow. Which has mostly melted off. Nights in the 20s and days in the 30s or 40s lately.
This demon-clearing project is going well. I keep whittling down on these hidden demons universe-wide by tweaking some of my fancier setups with dials. What seems to be happening is, some of the demons eventually disintegrate. But most seem to just attain a powerless, moribund state en masse, which, after a while, emits an unpleasant vibe that feels similar to an energy attack. But this is just sort of a constipation discomfort; just a slight nudge and some perfunctory dowsing of (steep) numbers, and they are devoured by my anti-demon devices and allies. Sometimes i have felt this phenomenon in myself, other times happening to others i monitor, and sometimes just in general.
And as of this morning, suddenly i feel way better than i have in a while. Much too athletic and springy for a guy almost 67. We'll see how long they let that last...
Jan 20, '21: (2:45pm) It just started sprinkling out.
Still working on them demons! But it is progressing well.
They threw some new ones at me a few times.
There was a lull in the spells that the offworlders throw at me, starting when we got down on those hidden demons. Then the spells started up again on the 12th. Since then they have made a practice of throwing large quantities of spells at me for hours, then mostly letting up for hours. Sometimes they take a bit of digging to find, but usually they are very easily discarded. They follow a certain numerology: for example a "layer" may consist of groups of spells in the following quantities: 3, 6, 9, 13, 33, 66, 99. Then after that layer is addressed, another one shows up, perhaps 6X3, 13X13, and 66. Then the next layer might be 3X13, 6, 9, 13, 33X3, 66, 99X6. But i can dispense with all of them by simply dowsing how many such layers there are; 3, 6, 9, 13, 33, 66, or 99.
But then they do LAYERS OF LAYERS which also can be dispensed with merely by dowsing how many layers of layers. Well, my allies and higher self take care of them once we have the numbers.
Real stupid black magic i dunno why they bother with. It mainly serves to make me find their source and nail it. By contrast, some people and their pets and received packages will take a lot of blasting to detect the first layer, then a bunch more for the 2nd, etc.
The numerology is the same for U bases and space locations. I normally just get attacked from space these days, but many others mainly get attacked from bases under Earth.
Take for example an individual who constantly gets nailed from CIA U bases. First thing i do when the person complains, is dowse whether it is 3, 6, or 9 sorcerors. Theoretically, there can be more, just as there can be more than 99 spells in a clump, but lately they have usually been stopping there. So i nail the, say, 6 sorceror Egyptoids in a U base (without even knowing the location yet), then, dowse the supporting bases they are drawing strength from. This will follow the same rules as the spells mentioned above, but usually mainly only 1 such "layer" though sometimes a few more. AND there also always will be a concomitant set of purely non-biological (i think) AI U bases working with this, and this will always follow the 2-based AI numerology. Commonly, there might be 80X88X80X(88X8)X40X20X10X8X4X2X2X2X2. Or 88X800X(88X8)X20X20X10X10X4X4X2X2.
Once i have dowsed all these, i mentally throw Channel devices at each base and the attack grinds to a halt until the next set is activated. Joe and i have lots of channel devices to throw around in hyperspace because countless small plastic items are coming out of commercial factories with the program tacked on.
If i have a map handy i will then dowse where this activity (under the Earth or in space) is concentrated, and blast that some more on the map to light up more bases which will usually be there that i did not get a count on.
Merely getting the numbers and blasting the bases provides immediate relief, while the allies proceed to terminate the bases.
So the CIA is, even these days, still anxious to get rid of bases as much as possible, as this ALWAYS happens and has been happening more or less the same for many years.
Just thought i'd share, in case there is another individual or 2 out there who can do this stuff. Familiarity with the "math" is important, to be effective! Once familiar with the numerical patterns, one can dowse these in a few seconds.
Jan 26, '21: (6:45am) I have had another 1.25" of rain.
My friend south of Brussels took this pic of a trail which he said was emitted from this Lufthansa cargo plane. It does have a suspicious vibe. The sky in general had a nasty vibe, and it is difficult for me to discern how much of that may have been from the chemtrail. But the plane feels like it has large tanks of something vibey. I am not, however recognizing metals in the soup.
I am still getting lots of spells and demons thrown at me from space at times. I am back to calling on Angie and crew to get rid of the demons; they have gotten better at finding hidden ones.
Occasional fake planes.
(2:20pm) Actually getting some sun this afternoon.
Back in June, 2009 i mentioned Adam Lambert a couple times. I never could figure out what he was. Then a few days ago a reader inquired about him. I still could not figure it out. He does NOT have the prostitute vibe, nor transhuman, transgender, reptilian, clone, nor any other vibe i could recognize, and there is only ONE of him, unlike the practice with most "sexy" celebs. He does look Egyptoid.
He is clearly a CIA hoax actor in behavior.
Well, Joe and i have been blasting him, and just now i realized there are more of him, and allies are taking them out under the Aleutian chain, Alaska, the Beaufort Sea, and Iceland, so far. And Alpha Serpentis. Haven't noticed any more on the surface of Earth yet.
Jan 29, '21: (2:15am) I had another inch or so of snow a couple nights ago.
Heading out to Virginia this morning! So i probably won't be responding to emails for a couple days.
Jan 31, '21: (9:10am EST) Got in yesterday afternoon, and only now got the internet working again.
I was anxious to get here before the big snow. It snowed about 3/4" overnight, and we might get a couple more inches today and 3 tomorrow.
I did a bunch of gifting enroute.
More later.
(2:50pm) I drove up backroads to Mammoth Spring, AR, killing my first deer (soulless) on the way, and crunching up a bunch of plastic stuff on my front end. I had to tie the stuff up with a cord to keep it from rubbing against my tire. No mechanical issues noted. The deer jumped into my left front tire and wheel, knocking out about 15 psi of pressure, and leaving a bunch of fur caught between the tire and rim of the wheel!
The vast quantities of spells being thrown at me may have been a factor. I somehow never even had a close call with a deer before.
Then i did not stop to gift the Spring, as it was still dark out and i knew the park would be closed. Even if i went in i might attract undue attention, and i was in a hurry to get to VA before the snow hit.
MO is just north of the Spring. I drove thru MO and KY. In KY i wound up on the wrong highway at one point, until i realized i was in south Louisville! Then i drove down 64E all the way to Charlottesville, VA, which i had not busted in many years.
Of course i strewed Channel boogers along any roads not already thus gifted, plus ice cubes and TBs with the Buddha and Equalizer programs. I ended up busting Charlottesville a lot more than i had planned, as their roads are designed to make you drive all over town searching for one of the highways north. Then i came up backroads to Burke, getting lost a bit west and thus busting a lot more territory.

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