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Loohan's blog for February, 2024
Feb 15, '24: (11:25am) Sunny and warm the last 2 days. Yesterday was perfectly clear but there's a bit of old chem today.
I have been mentioning lately a mysterious "Third Agency" like the CIA and NSA, name unknown, that i keep running into in the media and U bases. Well, i have discovered also a "Fourth Agency" now. Associated with Grand Junction, CO, which had a bunch of their bases under it. Their City Council, police department, etc are all repticlones of this agency, and had a super freaky sinister vibe before the U bases were taken out.
There is some unusual stuff going on. In this pic, from here we have "nine YEA! students (who) stuck with it and can now officially call themselves the CEOs of their own companies." Nine of course. They do not have the MPD or prostitute vibe but the 3 boys in front and the 2 tall ones right are something different. They are RCs too but have a freaky vibe similar to transhumans, yet my anti-TH stuff does not bite on them.
I blasted them a lot and this morning found larger quantities more of 4th Agency U bases in CO and WY under the Pawnee National Grasslands, Cheyenne, etc. And will likely find more later.
Feb 27, '24: (2:35pm) Strange. 81F here today (and pretty windy), but they predict 33 tonight and 28 tomorrow night. 80 degrees in Feb is not unheard of here: i remember that happening around 1999 for instance.
Very heavy chemtrailing i keep fighting, the last 2 days. And now, for the past half hour or so and still ongoing, USAF jets from the Little Rock AFB have been circling around noisily off-radar. 3 of them i think, as i detect 3 pairs of their satanist pilots.
When this started, huge numbers of U bases sprang into activity in the region, backed up by huge numbers of space bases.
Ah, the planes may have stopped harrassing me now. Pretty futile when there are no toxic U base energies to channel anymore.
(3:15pm) People sometimes ask me what etheric implants can do. In recent years i have had to deal with them extensively, usually from space Egyptoids but also sometimes from Earth Egyptoids, attacking various people. I even made a device which helps me strip them out faster. The easiest way to get rid of them is to transfer them to a more deserving "person". I have lists.
Most commonly they show up in vast quantities stuffed into someone, often just one or more parts, sometimes their bones, especially spine. Other times i run into oddball single implants of different types, or even some amorphous goop filling all or part of a body.
Last year a friend in Slovenia reportedly DIED, stopped breathing. Luckily his GF was there and was able to revive him with difficulty, and email me. The main reason appeared to be loads of implants from space.
I myself have been suffering since last summer, and only a few days ago realized it was due to huge quantities of very hidden implants that had been there 9 months. Despite having searched for them a few times before, i had not found any. And i KNEW that if some physical problem does not get better over time despite healing modalities, it is probably due to implants or other black magic. But confusing the situation is that i am doing oxalate clearing, which can cause various issues in the healing process. So i thought that may have been the cause.
I had gone to the chiropractor-acupuncturist many times. My left shoulder was pulled forward a bit out of socket, and if i tried to do a pull-up or push-up my left elbow would bind up and hurt like something would be damaged if i did not stop. I presumed this was referred from the shoulder. It really hampered my exercise. My left arm felt way more "left" than it should; very weak and disconnected.
My mid spine often felt kinked on the left side. I was doing hanging from a chinning bar, stretching, various exercises that were supposed to heal this, with no lasting benefit. Finally a couple weeks ago after i got my chiro-acupuncture treatment, for the first time i felt NO CHANGE whatsoever from it. I felt exactly the same. Normally it would help for a while.
Finally i was able to find the implants and start the removal process, which still is going on a bit. They were mainly in my left scapula and left torso and even the elbow. Feeling better but they keep attacking my left shoulder etc. occasionally.
Probably the most common effect of implants is on the mood: depression, negativity, etc. and this goes for implanted demons, too.
Feb 29, '24: (8:55am) It actually got down at least as far as 31 here the next morning, and probably a few degrees colder in town. And colder yet this morning. Now it's supposed to get warmer.
It turns out i also had implants in my right eye. A month or so ago i was driving along with windows up when it felt like some kind of crud got in my eye, and a big black floater suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I now realize that may have been when some more implants hit. I had never had one of those. I looked it up later and they are supposed to be common among older people, and usually fade away over time by themselves.
But this one looked a bit different from the online pics: it looked just like an oddly-shaped, fuzzy piece of black sweater. Over time it shrank quite a bit and got smoother; for several days it looked like 2 tiny tadpoles swimming in a yin-yang formation.
There has been a sensation of crud in that eye since. Right now i still have a little bit of a grey floater but the eye is feeling more normal since working on the implants for a couple days.
And i'm back to being able to do a few pull-ups and pushups, though still recovering. And my implants are still being cleared! And they still hit my shoulder area occasionally from space. "Burned" my eyes some this morning, too.
Conspiracy news:
I posted yesterday about the suspicious Texas Panhandle fires and how the Pantex complex has NOT been evacuated as claimed. I still sense lots of RCs and AI hardware there.
Well, one of the fires is called the MAGENTA Fire.
Also, in case you missed it, a few days ago i posted about the (un)Real Organic Project (CIA). Apparently only CIA farms get certified as Real. And there is a long list of them. I only spot-checked a few, and all were CIA.

This has one of Joe's programmed printed items on top.
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