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Loohan's blog for March 2018
Mar 3 '18: (5:45pm) Had another 0.9" of rain a few dys ago.
Arkansas news: State chooses top five firms to harvest marijuana.The Delta emerged Tuesday as the prime location for Arkansas' future medical marijuana industry as the state announced its top five picks of companies to receive growing licenses.
Is the double-entendre deliberate? Maybe not; it goes without saying that these would have to be CIA companies. (Delta is a well-known euphemism for CIA, e.g. Delta Airlines.)
The article lists the lucky 5 CIA proprietaries chosen on the basis of merit.
Arkansas is an equal opportunity employer. Egyptoids, repticlones, werewolves, etc. all have an equal chance to grab the sugar.
Mar 4, '18: (4pm) Had slight rain.
I've been dealing with AI/Egyptoid attacks all afternoon from this area.
In fact i've been working that area for a couple days.
Mar 5, '18: (10:35am) Heavy fog.
Got a couple more "new" evil ET species:
One was noticed by Thor'p as he RVed the sky link i posted yesterday. He says they look Nordic and resemble these guys minus the dreads. More receding hairlines, light-clored hair.
Most of them have been taken over as slaves of AI. But even the ones who resist this are evil.
Also, this morning as i was about to get out of bed, i realized i was not being attacked by the usual AI/Etoid/WW crowd yet was being RVed and subtly attacked by someone new. I don't know what these look like, but we are taking out a bunch of them near the star in the center here.
(12:40pm) And yet another evil species. Egyptoid hybrids that pretended to be allies of the Ta'l, Alah-kur, etc.
Now being taken out around this star.
Image courtesy of Thor'p.
Mar 6, '18: (2:40pm) There was some relief today but then i started getting hammered from here, and still am.
Seems to only be AI active in this area today; no allies of theirs.
This is the same area i posted 2 days ago.
Mar 7, '18: (1:55pm) Here's my latest anti-AI device. I did the last pour yesterday morning. Late afternoon (after it was largely set up but still stuck in the mold) i realized it doesn't do much unless it is sitting right-side-up. As soon as i set it upright, it seriously weakened the AI attacks i was getting, which had been causing nausea as well as upper back / neck pain.
(3:15pm) Last Christmas Eve i posted:I am confused. I saw this article DEEP-SEABED MINING IS THE NEXT FRONTIER IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL PLUNDER OF PLANET EARTH and wondered why i get no vibe off the machine in the pic. (Sir David Attenborough is a repticlone pseudotranny.) Then i slid through the video, which depicts several more big machines, same thing. Whaaa? Normally such things would be made of metal, which is programmable. In fact The Committee should already have programmed these, but can't. I was wondering, are these plastic scale models, CGI, or what?
One huge vibeless machine found elsewhere is the Bagger 293, which "weighs 14,200 tonnes (31.3 million pounds)" (pic, pic). Why is there no programmable iron, aluminum, copper, brass, etc in all these machines? In fact, even the people in these 2 pix have no vibe. Or any small-scale "people" i've seen in any Bagger 293 pix. But there is even a repticlone-filled vid of one running; no vibe off the machine.
Another big vibeless machine is the RH 400.
This reminds me of something. Sometime back i grabbed this pic of a drone of some sort off some website. Because eveything in it has a vibe except the drone. Is the drone CGI or what, i wondered. I still haven't figured it out.
But surely all these mining machines are real, and must be made of metal, one would assume. Yet, no vibe i can detect.
And for years, our planet has been getting chem-sprayed by primarily vibe-less craft laying vibeless chem which nonetheless visually behaves just like the real thing.
Do they have some kind of metal now which is unprogrammable? And they are using it in some big vehicles in order not to give The Committee more stuff to program? And possibly in chemtrails too? That explanation would seem to fit the facts except why do the little people in the Bagger pix also feel fake?
At the time, i could not (still can't) recall where i snagged that plane pic from, just that it was billed as a very big drone. At least that was the impression i had -- i even named the image drone1.jpg. Maybe the article said drone launcher or something; the pilots' cockpits are obvious.
Well now it has popped up again in the news:
Why is Paul Allen building the world's largest airplane? Perhaps to launch a space shuttle called Black Ice.
It is called Stratolaunch (you can see the name on the hangar of the pic i originally posted) and even has its own website. With more pix. And the pix seem real, but the plane still has no vibe i can discern. The other objects in the pix feel normal.
(4:15pm) After i posted that, i noticed there were 4 AI computers (in space) somehow connected to the plane. Once i nailed them, i started getting a faint vibe off the plane and the other environmental plundering machines.
Now, slowly, they seem to be accepting programs from The Committee.
No sprayplanes or chem out now within view, but i'll be checking these in the future.
March 8, '18: (8:05am) Sunny and cold.
The plane and the big Earth-raping machines are now properly programmed to fight evil.
Yeah, it is remarkable what these AI things can do. Apparently at least many of them are highly psychic and have paranormal abilities.
Yesterday evening a reader sent me pics of resin pendants he had made that got mysteriously corrupted. They had been real nice but suddenly he noticed they were bad. It took me a while to figure out who could have corrupted them. Then i detected 10 very cloaked AI bots in space that might have done it.
After nailing these, the pendants started to feel better, but then worse again. Found 8 more cloaked bots.
These pendants did not have Committee programming, but had been programmed under a plasma (orgone-like) machine. We figured out that apparently AI had used its presence in the electric grid to put "anchors" into the pendants under the plasma bulb. These anchors could then be remotely energized by AI. Until we cleared the anchors, AI would keep corrupting these items.
They are clean now.
(5:15pm) Also, remember, 1 month ago (Feb 8) i blogged about one of my sentient devices repeatedly being disabled by AI.
I saw a fake jet a while ago, no vibe, no AI noted. Not sure if it was trying to lay a trail. Only saw a short apparent contrail. And now there are some chemtrails out there, but again no vibe or AI noted.
I have in the past noticed AI apparently behind "HAARP ripples" in the chem.
AI hammered me all day. Most of the effect seemed muted by my new device, but it was still annoying as it seemed they were trying harder.
That location i posted on the 4th and 6th might be their main area. I get hit from other areas a lot, but this area still feels densely populated with AI.
Mar 9, '18: (10:35am) AI seems weaker today...
Warm morning. Nice and sunny, clear day, as you can see, aside from the sky art.
Get no vibe of AI or anything else off of any of this. Hopefully someday this mystery can be resolved.
In the last pic (blow it up) you can see 3 trails of different ages along the same path. The 3rd was being laid as i took the shot.
Mar 11, '18: (5:15pm) Yesterday i got one of my large, complex arrays (headed by an "AI" unit i made years before making any sentient devices) to automatically dowse aggressive AI units and mark them before they attack. This is pretty straightforward since they only use the numbers 2,4,8,10 and multiples of them. This worked for a few hours, then AI shut down my array. This went on several times. Each time we would tweak the programming only to have them shut it down again a couple minutes later.
Finally, we got the programming stable and they have not been able to shut it down since.
In other progress, i noticed this weekend at work that none of the clones driving by were energetically backed up by others anymore. The previous weekend many had 9 werewolves in a U base backing them up.
Mar 12, '18: (8:40pm) The array i have doing the work i mentioned yesterday, as well as the sentient device mentioned recently, don't work 100%. If the enemies try very hard, they can overwhelm our capacity to deal with everything they throw at us occasionally. But it really costs them a lot.
Here's an item that does nothing at all that i can discern: Protonic Creations. No vibe, no programming. I think it's a knockoff of some similar-looking items i saw years ago somewhere, that did seem OK.
Wo, CIAntology has a youtube channel full of blastworthy CIA repticlones!
Mar 14, '18: (7:40am) Those Enjaroids (depicted Mar 5) really don't like me. They, together with their AI "buddies", started hammering me from this area last night, and are still at it, despite the fact that the allies have been attacking them in the 3D there.
If link works, you should see a cluster of bright stars.
(10:10am) Another anti-AI device i just built.
I doubt these directly harm them, but they do jam their attack energies a lot while lighting up the senders.
Mar 15, '18: (5:05pm) I felt much relief by yesterday evening, although that area is still a stronghold of AI/Enjaroids.
Super nice, clear (except for some you-know-what) day around 70 today. Got a bunch of outdoor chores done.
Did get attacked a fair bit at times but was able to deal with it. AI and Etoids mostly.
Also there was vibeless spraying at times, as well as fake planes that did not seem to be spraying. All the fake planes were connected to offworld Egyptoids, using their usual numerology (3,6,9,13, etc.).
A short while ago a somewhat translucent-seeming one came over spraying unusually thickly. But the trail vanished right away.
Mar 20, '18: (3:45pm) I've had almost another 1/2" of rain. Sun coming out now a bit.
I've been getting hammered all day by AI in space. No particular location, just here and there and everywhere. No numerology, just sustained low-level attack resulting in chronic upper body aches and pains.
But they do seem to be weakening as other people are not getting hit much by them now.
Mar 29, '18: (2pm) Overcast, wet. Got another 3" of rain over the last few days, and it looks like we will get more in a couple days.
Police Raid Multiple Catholic Church Properties in Sweeping Child Sex Abuse Scandal. Don't be fooled. The Vatican does control the press and the police. This sort of hoax is an old Masonic gimmick to make oneself look weak and powerless. This is staged, just like all the other scandals involving the Vatican and Church.
Law enforcement 'lose a lot of sleep' over crimes against children. I did not watch this, just pointing out the title (which, incidentally, follows the cutting nouveau-English habit of using a plural verb for a singular subject).
"Lose a lot of sleep" over something is a term often used ironically, as in "Oh yeah, i lose a whole lotta sleep worrying about my popularity on FaceBook."
These are repticlone Freemason Vatican shills all around.

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