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Loohan's blog for April 2018
Apr 3, '18: (2:45pm) Warm, overcast. Had another 1/4" of rain, and more should be arriving. Supposed to get down to 27 F tonight.
Another repticlone orgonaut: Chris Kehler. Has the usual fake testimonials for his healing services. His devices feel clean, though, about a 2 on a scale of 0-10 is what i rate them.
For a couple days Joe and i have been addressing this area of space that was full of AI and Cumboids.
After clearing out some of those, i felt another evil species there, which feels familiar like i fought them in past lives. They started hitting me back some this morning.
But i am curious why google inserts these squares. Another, another.
All these perps are still being addressed.
Apr 4, '18: (2:35pm) Cold, sunny. 0.4" total rain last few days. More scheduled for day after tomorrow.
Do you thirst for spiritual knowledge, hunger for deeper meaning? Don't much care who provides it? Then The Blueberry Forest is for you. All repticlones to help you on your journey of healing and discovery. They even have a global manifest (or at least that's what Google Translate calls it). Awaken and hold hands with your repticlone Freemason allies.
President Donald Trump: "Children are Blessings From Our Creator, Endowed From Conception With Human Dignity" Mighty powerful words from an ET test-tube baby.
I seldom notice any sprayers or chem that have a physical vibe lately, but a reader in Slovenia sent some pics of real metallic (aluminum) chem and physical "jets" which seem to trace to a Nato base under Honegg, Switzerland, which we took out.
Apr 6 '18: (2:05pm) Sprinkles. Supposed to get down to 27 F tonight. The last freeze a few nights ago knocked all the flowers off my 3 apricot trees, fried my houytunia leaves, partially seared some of my chard as well as the leaves of daikon coming up. Today i noticed some fresh flowers on my peach tree, just in time to get fried.
Uh oh, looks like we are done for now: A TOP South Korean university is secretly developing a killer Artificial Intelligence robot army that could destroy humanity, scientists fear.
April 8, '18: (8:15am) I did not measure the outside temps yesterday morning. I had no ice on my stock tanks, but wunderground reported 23 degrees at 7:30am. For last night they predicted 25, but at 6:45 this morning reported 31.
We will all be forced to serve under an immortal robot DICTATOR whose power we can 'never escape', warns billionaire Elon Musk. It is an issue troubling some of the greatest minds in the world at the moment, from Bill Gates to Elon Musk.
SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk described AI as our 'biggest existential threat' and likened its development as 'summoning the demon'..
Speaking of greatest minds, we here at Loohan, Inc. also perceive a slight problem with this trend.
Musk warned that AI poses more of a threat to humanity than North Korea. Wow, no, really? How extreme.
(7:10pm) For the last 2 days, underground werewolves have been hitting me a lot. This was after at least a couple weeks of slack from them. I have also been noticing them attacking others more.
The attacks on me feel fairly weak, though.
Apr 11, '18: (11:45am) Warm today, chemmy haze. Expecting rain tomorrow.
Yup, since yesterday morning, when i scan maps of areas that seemed free of WW U bases recently, now they have numerous sets of multiple U bases again.
Some light humor for your amusement: Homeland Security to compile database of journalists and 'media influencers'. As if the CIA didn't already have its own records of its current employees.
A year ago i posted about attackers spurring me to mouth-inhale, an unhealthy habit. I've been getting this again lately at times, and it always comes from AI bots in space.
I was not detecting AI a year ago as it hadn't been "lit up" yet.
Apr 15, '18: (7:45pm) Yeah, several times a day now i get hit with an urge to mouth-inhale. This is usually my first notice that AI is attacking me.
Got 2.5" of hard rain the night of the 13th, after a couple warm, windy days. There was some cool thunder, and in W AR, a tornado. Then last night it was around 30. Tonight it's supposed to drop to 27 F.
Been chasing down unidentifiable U ETs lately. There were some in Joe's area recently, and a different worldwide species has been harrassing Mordok. These only attacked me once, weakly, the first evening i blasted them. As soon as we nail one location, they start up in another.
Then we found some exotic silicon-based life-form in U bases. Some connection to AI. These we are programming with the June2013A Program for silicon, which lights them up well and probably weakens them.
Apr 18, '18: (4:20pm) The previous 2 days were quite warm and sunny. Been doing some gardening. Today sunny but cool.
And, Fred put in an appearance yesterday!
An hour or so ago 2 large propellor planes flew very low right over my property, each with 2 satanist SSers from Little Rock AFB.
So i looked it up on the map. Hadn't checked it in 3 years or so. It has new U bases full of SSers, etc! that we are clearing out now. Evidently, they deliberately nudged me so this would happen, go figure.
Apr 21, '18: (5:30pm) Expecting decent rain starting soon.
Recently i have written that i have a sentient device which automatically counts and addresses Egyptoid attackers, as well as an array that automatically counts and addresses AI attackers in space. And that these devices were getting neutralized by the enemy.
Well, since then, they seem to have won the ability to do this, and no amount of reprogramming can stop them. The psychic AI bots are able to generate a STOP intent powerful enough to stop the activity of these devices regardless. BUT they have very little control over the targeting. That is, they can target my devices fine, but as soon as i get hit i realize the devices may be compromised, and if they are, i can just pick up this glob of STOP intent and hurl it back at them, which slows them down a lot. And then immediately my devices are fully functional again and start nailing the attackers.
Plenty of that was going on today at work.
Incidentally, lately i have been getting mostly repticlones again as customers, with non-repty Etoids being rare. Like today i had a bunch of RC customers but only 1 Etoid. Same thing last Saturday. For a while there i was getting almost all Etoids.
Not one human customer today.
About the stimulus to mouth-inhale, coming from the AI bots: it seems they are trying to get me to inhale some kind of black magic energy when they do that. Similarly to how Nigerian black magicians used to be able to get people to "eat" etheric poison.
April 22, '18: (4:55pm) Got 1.5" of rain today, whereas they predicted 0.2". That last rain on the 13th was also several times what was predicted. We will likely get a small amount more over the next day.
Coventry, UK seems to have an unusual concentration of Egyptoids. I have been working it for days. Initially the whole town had Etoid U stuff below. That's been taken out now, but i get that 70% of the surface population is Egyptoid, not counting hybrids like repticlones which make up most of the other 30%. I feel sorry for the few humans there.
An unusually strong AI area in the sky here now. They have been attacking me strongly today and also attacked the people in Lagos as well as my forum admin NDW.
Apr 27, '18 (7:45am) I've had almost another full inch of rain since last report. Today, sunny.
The Human Longevity Project is a total CIA op, staffed exlusively by mutant ETs, most of them clones, who have contempt for humans.
They must have fairly low self-esteem to present themselves as members of the slave race.
Someone sent me this article from last November: The U.S. Navy's Anti-Environmental Broadside In The Gulf of Alaska which bemoans how the USN purportedly is going to rape the wildlife with their training games. But i will point out a few things.- The guy it is purportedly authored by is a repticlone. The website is CIA.
- The depicted ship does not exist. Maybe it did at one time. Maybe they blew it up for practice, i dunno.
- The article promotes a CIA activist repticlone group, the Eyak Preservation Council.
- The Eyak "people" are all repticlones these days. They probably used to be an authentic SSer tribe, i presume, but just couldn't stay topside when the orgone got heavy.
- Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson is right on the north side of Anchorage, and appears to be staffed exclusively by CIA repticlones.
- I can recall being upset over 30 years ago by alarms sounded in the Etoid-enviro press about Navy sonar damaging cetaceans.
I have to suspect, that, although the US military IS very bad for the environment, the truth is grossly exaggerated for manipulative purposes.
Official advance statement about Exercise Northern Edge 2017.
If i google images for Northern Edge 2017 i get almost only pix of fighter jets.
Stainless steel: Lately The Committee has been developing and refining more sophisticated programs that mainly only go into rarer alloys such as found in fine cutlery. But also other stainless steel items and even non-stainless alloys.
Increasingly Joe and i are working with programmed knives to commit violence against evil. Joe generally tapes his knives whereas i have not yet taped any of mine. I find the knives allow me to sense and address things that even Channel wands don't light up (but i use the Channel Pgm in conjunction and even have dabbed a couple little silicone spots on a couple knives).
Probably soon we will start a forum thread with pix, but meanwhile, better programming has become available for knives etc which can be used to cut attachments, feel out and address evil energies, etc. How advanced and sophisticated the programming you get depends on how well you use it. Also on the individual alloys of the metal.
Development and refinement of the programs is still ongoing.

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