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Loohan's blog for April, 2021
April 3, 2021: (8:20am) Sunny, clear, with chem clouds in the distance.
Mysterious new space scum discovered. So far i have only noticed them in this star, but i only discovered them like an hour ago. They seem to be physical CIA agents, but i have no impression of their shape or biology.
They were making Uranus have an intensely freaky vibe, and also a spot in Anderson, CA that Joe and i have tried to clean up for years but kept producing weird negative phenomena. From a March 28 email to Joe:I just got a message about the Anderson property that you also worked on with me that recently one horse keeps having hip problems, a smaller one constantly paces the fence line, his dog keeps going outside to bark and whining, both lawnmowers broke down and his tractor blew its hydraulic lines. Could you and your friend take a look when you get a chance? I will put an offering in the mail tomorrow. I am also doing some biogeometry clearing work. Since I started working on this property about 15 yrs ago, the longest it's stayed clear is 4 yrs.... an older dowser also got there were 3 convergent vortexes on the property. I don't know what causes things to get stirred up but am hoping it will permanently clear. Really appreciate any help.
Apr 7, '21: (6:15pm) Just got a whole 1/10" of rain.
Somehow those new perps slipped out of my mind until Joe just now reminded me of them. Then i found more in Volans, NGC 1097, 31 Bootis, Auriga, etc.
I sensed that only 2 of my devices are able to dig into these critters; this ancient relic and this particular fat Chinese ground crystal.
April 8, '21: (11:25am) Overcast, cool.
I have gotten a bunch more hardware going against these critters. Joe and i suspect they are of some pivotal importance.
Coincidentally, in the last couple days i have gotten several fake plane overflights (after a long hiatus) as well as several USAF planes.
(12:10pm) I just started paying attention to FlightRadar24 again. Incidentally i have noticed that if a plane does not show up on their site that does not always mean it is fake. I found this when i was in VA recently too. I think these are non-airline flights, usually relatively short private flights.
I am keeping a running list of flights spotted on FlightRadar going over the same spot just slightly south of my property, at the same angle. For simplicity's sake i am only noting down the path in one direction, although in most of these cases i have also spotted them coming in the opposite direction between the 2 points.
- ATL(lanta) to SFO ('Frisco)
- ATL to XNA (NW Arkansas Regional Airport)
- ATL to DEN(ver)
- N/A to N/A Cessna, with 7 CIA Egyptoids aboard only.
- ATL to SLC
- ATL to LAS (Vegas)
- a CIA Gulfstream plane, G550 heading to Satsop, WA area from Cobb County International Airport near Atlanta (locations were "N/A" but i traced them). It went SW a while then turned so it could go in a straight line through the spot they love so much. Plane had 10 CIA Egyptoids and 2 RCs.
- ATL to SMF (Sacramento)
- OAK to CAE (that's Oakland, CA to Columbia, SC) by UPS! Noisy, too.
- ATL to PHX (Phoenix)
- ATL to SAN (Diego)
- MEM(phis) to PDX (Phoenix) Fedex (very noisy)
- ATL to HNL (Honolulu)
The observations above are all several months old, except for the last one which i just spotted a little while ago. Also, others listed earlier are still occurring.
I first mentioned this phenomenon on Nov 25, '20, posting this pic:
This path is followed with considerable precision between so many different points that it boggles the mind. Unless otherwise noted, the planes are commercial airliners, most commonly Delta (CIA proprietary).
Note that Atlanta is a point in most of these instances.
(6:30pm) Woops, forgot to post a couple more flight paths from my Dec 2020 blog: Boise to ATL, ATL to ICT (Wichita). Also from that blog:A Cessna Skyhawk N12795 carrying only 5 CIA Egyptoids and 1 CIA RC came thru the same usual spot, but from a more northern position (different angle), NOISILY.
I added the 2 missing paths to my list:- Boise to ATL
- ATL to ICT (Wichita)
- ATL(lanta) to SFO ('Frisco)
- ATL to XNA (NW Arkansas Regional Airport)
- ATL to DEN(ver)
- N/A to N/A Cessna, with 7 CIA Egyptoids aboard only.
- ATL to SLC
- ATL to LAS (Vegas)
- a CIA Gulfstream plane, G550 heading to Satsop, WA area from Cobb County International Airport near Atlanta (locations were "N/A" but i traced them). It went SW a while then turned so it could go in a straight line through the spot they love so much. Plane had 10 CIA Egyptoids and 2 RCs.
- ATL to SMF (Sacramento)
- OAK to CAE (that's Oakland, CA to Columbia, SC) by UPS! Noisy, too.
- ATL to PHX (Phoenix)
- ATL to SAN (Diego)
- MEM(phis) to PDX (Phoenix) Fedex (very noisy)
- ATL to HNL (Honolulu)
Also, a little while ago i had the impression that the energy of those new critters has COLLAPSED...
(8:10pm) So now i got an attack from #9 repts (as depicted here. It is not often that i notice attacks from repts anymore.
April 9, '21: (11:10am) Sunny with hazy chem. I am only being attacked by the usual anymore: space Egyptoids and AI. The new guys feel relatively cratered yet are probably still dangerous, as Joe is making a sigil against them that has a vibe.
A reader inquired about OMNIA 5G MICROWAVE RADIATION PROTECTION. This is a CIA proprietary and i don't trust them. But who knows; there might be some truths in the science or pseudo-science, whichever it is, in the article. I have not studied it.
In any case, my own subjective experiences with dealing with wifi in Virginia indicate that the only thing i have tried that really thoroughly neutralizes the bad effects of wifi is silvered shungite or silvered shungite in resin. Pretty thoroughly, anyway. The only bad effect i have noticed there when using this was that during my last visit my close-range vision got a bit worse. It seems to be slowly coming back. But my long-range vision was not affected.
April 12, '21: (2:45pm) Today is sunny and warm with a bit of hazy chem. I've had another 0.7" of rain since last post.
Moving Black Strands on Face Mask - Similar Videos Appearing Daily Now. A reader emailed me about a similar vid a few days ago but i dismissed it as it was from a repticlone. But this narrator seems legit and references others who seem legit (though Alexandra Bruce is a CIA repticlone who shills for MTF CIA RC Sofia Smallstorm as well as Bill Gates hoaxes).
These do appear similar to Morgellons critters. I get no particular vibe off them.
April 16, '21: (5:50pm) I've had another 1.8" of rain since last report. Overcast, some sprinkles today.
The previous 3 days i've had an unusual amount of fake planes. But no more of those spells.
And those new guys that i said were all caved in? They have been attacking me a lot today.
April 19, '21: (3:40pm) I have had another 2/10" of rain. Had some cool weather but now it's sunny, mostly clear, 70-ish.
I noticed no fake planes on the 16th but some since. Got several in past hour. In fact a few as i typed this. And the usual flights over that path continue. In fact i spotted a couple different ones, to add to the list:- SVN (Savanna, GA) to SFO - UAL
- ICT (Wichita) to SRQ (Sarasota) - mystery passenger jet N635CJ
That last one is unusual. I sense many passengers but no airline name is given on FlightRadar24. It could be chartered. The link is to FlightAware which IDs the owner as TEXTRON AVIATION, which does not feel like a CIA proprietary yet they followed the same exact sky path that the CIA likes so much.
April 28, '21: (6:30pm) I've had another 2" of rain not counting more today. And it is supposed to rain a bunch more, in a stormy fashion.
Got this one a few days ago:
- N/A to N/A by a CESSNA 525A Citation CJ2 with 2 Egyptoids aboard but no obvious CIA vibe. Tracked the line back to Dekalb-Peachtree Airport near Atlanta. The path went counterclockwise south around the airport a bit then into a straight line right thru the usual points near me. In the process of my tracking it the line vanished. I found a bit of info about the plane; seems it gets around.
And just a while ago, a targeted individual in the Denver area sent me these pix. This CIA plane filled with electronics buzzed him. I detect no-one aboard. It may have been run from a Marion, Ill U base.

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