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Loohan's blog for May, 2021
May 3, 2021: (9:10am) That incoming "storm" i mentioned on the 28th dumped 2.6" in a relatively gentle fashion here. Much lightning in the distance but no thunder audible.
Then last night around midnight, got a thunderstorm and strong rain with a small handful of BB-sized hail (sounded like); another 1.4". Making a total of 4" in 5 days. This is the 3rd seriously wet spring in a row, although the rains came later this year. Really affects gardening. I have adapted by planting lettuce in containers i carry into my grow room whenever a big rain is expected. Got potted tomatoes, basil, and other starts all tucked away in a temperature-controlled mini grow-room within the grow room. It's a hassle moving them all in and out so often. But i've been eating big salads daily!
I don't know what is up with the weather. Both these storms caused massive hail in TX and other horrors in various states. Last night's storm damage report. Nothing around here, though. Last night i blasted the incoming storm with devices, knocking loose some unidentifiable bad energies.
Today is supposed to be grey with likelihood of more rain.
We are still dealing with those mysterious new ETs. I often have to call on Joe to rescue me when i can't deal with them effectively any more. Felter often rattles his cage a lot when he tangles with a mess of them. This morning it's NGC 4710.
(11:50am) Ha! Finally a rational explanation: Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide during the COVID Pandemic.The public health measures that slow the spread of the novel coronavirus work really well on influenza
"There's just no flu circulating," says Greg Poland, who has studied the disease at the Mayo Clinic for decades.
Whatever you say. I know innocent people who believe they had Covid because that's what they were told.
May 5, '21: (7:30am) Sunny and clear. Had another 1/4" of rain and a cool night.
What a hoot. I have subscribed to Dr Mercola's newsletter for ages, long before he even used clickbait in them. I used to think he was legit because he had a "clean" vibe and was ensouled. And most of his advice seemed legit. Later he lost his soul and i also was noticing occasional contradictions between his articles.
Then in more recent years i became aware of Egyptoids, and paid more attention to hand signs, etc. I realized he was a Mason, blasted him with anti-Egyptoid stuff, and he got replaced by a CIA repticlone. With the advent of "Covid 19" he has gotten increasingly obvious as a shameless CIA hoax shill.
Now check out this article from today's newsletter: US-Funded Lab Helped Chinese Army's Bioterrorism Program.Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola -- Fact Checked
According to an October 2020 report, Dr. Anthony Fauci has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its military, and funded gain-of-function research on coronaviruses conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)
Declassified U.S. intelligence alleges the WIV conducted secret research projects with the Chinese military, including undisclosed research on bat coronaviruses
According to documents obtained by The Daily Mail, China launched "a nationwide scheme ... to discover new viruses and detect the 'dark matter' of biology involved in spreading diseases" in 2012...
And on and on with a bunch of detailed conspiracy theory over a nonexistent virus, quoting liberally from the CIA's highly respected and factual Daily Mail tabloid.
"Wuhan Institute of Virology"? I think this is the first mention i've seen of this alleged entity. Not that i've been paying attention to much other than all the staged photos. They have a website, in English even.
Their "Research Fellows" with mugshots. First repticlone mentioned is a Yangbo HU, FTM transgender (pic). They have dozens more mugshots of research clones but the only TG is that first one.
May 7, '21: (3:30am) In recent months i have been keeping some weird hours, if you have been paying attention to my forum posts. Part of this is that in the winter i got into the habit of going to bed early and waking up in the wee hours. Maybe there is some truth in the old adage that an hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 after midnight. Seems to work for me.
But also, even if i do manage to get to sleep early, often they will wake me up with attacks 2-3 hours later, and prevent me from going back to sleep until i spend hours addressing them. Sometimes i have to get Joe in on it, whose schedule runs counter to mine. The latter was the case night before last; the former was the case this morning. Seems that although i am 67 now, i feel fine on like 5 hours of sleep.
On January 20 i blogged about the numerology used by attackers; a 3-based system for the most part, except that AI uses an even-numbered system. And people being attacked usually get both simultaneously. And, dowsing the correct numbers (for those rare individuals who can do it) by itself largely neutralizes the attack. Although ideally one can mark these bases, with intent alone (best if you have a big stash of Channel devices or something to "throw" into them like filth-seeking shotgun pellets) so that the allies can get on them.
Well, lately one exact sequence of both has become a norm. Lately they usually use the following, whether it is the numbers of attacking CIA bases below the surface of Earth, or space locations. Whether attacking me or someone else:
3X6X9X13X33X66X99 and 80X88X80X8X40X20X10X8X4X2. A second most common variation is just like this except it ends in 2X2X2X2. It used to be very common for the first part to end in 99X9.
This may be of value, as a targeted victim can now first check whether the most common numbers are being used. Lately more than half the time i am finding this. Of course this may change after i publish this.
Incidentally i have not gotten the spell dumps i blogged about in some time. And the demon dumps are getting less frequent, knock on wood. We are making progress, slowly.
(12:40pm) Sunny and clear here, except for a few clouds, at least some of which are chem. Upper 60s. Yesterday i saw a bunch of natural-looking clouds and blue sky.
This seems to be something new: these 4 "people" are, as far as i can tell, some kind of different Egyptoid-based concocted pseudo-humans out of a CIA AI/TH base we took out under a Spanish port town. I don't detect any metal in them. Another pic of the left girl here.
Originally they were Egyptoids, then at least 1 was replaced by a repticlone. Now these.
May 12, '21: (8:35am) I had another full inch of rain. And cool, mostly grey weather.
More on those critters mentioned in last post. Joe had fried them a bunch after reading about them. Then, while he was having lunch in Hawaii a few days ago, got stalked by this couple, who feel like more of the same. They energy-attacked him.
He said that after he arrived, this table #13 became available next to him, and these things sat down.
When i saw the pic, they still had a real hard vibe, channeled from a CIA U base in the HI area.
Then yesterday morning i see one flaunted on Daily Mail!
I guess we should refer to these things, which we will no doubt be seeing more of, as NON-METALLIC TRANSHUMANS. They go through metal detectors much more smoothly, i imagine.
Since then i have spotted more, including stalkers of TIs.
Does it seem like they are pouring on the staged crises more heavily than usual? Aside from the "plague" and all the other usual BS, now we have "bombings" in the Middle East and a totally contrived fuel shortage. There is no "DarkSide" hacking group. Just the usual suspects having fun. Note how the very name is a Masonic confession.
Note all the media images of repticlones struggling to get their cars gassed up. What percent of these, i wonder, are actually ignorant of who they are and what is going on? What percent of them KNOW that it is all Masonic fiction, yet SUPPORT the highly inconvenient theatrics with their energy, time, and money?
More concerning, some troubling info which seems credible has been coming out about the vaccine -- forum thread.
May 14, '21: (3:25pm) Nice mostly clear day around 70.
Yesterday and to some extent today, the CIA was into a big kick of buzzing me with light planes that were real, had Egyptoids and RCs in them, but never show up on FlightRadar. Always vibed up by some AI U base.
Also for the last couple weeks or so, i have been getting lots of USAF C130 prop planes going by with a deep droning noise, again with Egyptoids and RCs aboard. Always on different paths in all kinds of directions, but FlightRadar fades out their point of origin and destination, only showing a partial path line.
They always say N/A as both origin and destination, except this one said Little Rock. There is a USAF base in North Little Rock that i need to bust better someday, as i think a lot of these flights are from there.
They are normally labeled NO CALLSIGN on FlightRadar where this one says HOBBY36. And these never come real close, but close enough to irritate with their noise and evil vibe. I suspect these flights might not be targeting me so much as trying to counter the hard-won positive orgone of my area. The planes always have a nasty vibe of some sort.
I am around the white square in the lower right corner.
May 17, '21: (1:15pm) Had some light rain. Drizzle and fog currently. Supposed to get plenty more rain.
The guy (intact male) in this red-flag-filled article is some sort of test-tube baby with a normal human vibe. Just no parental or assemblage-point vibes. Well, after blasting him for a day or so, i am getting a faint vibe kickback.
This USAF plane to the right just came over my property. That is part of my property barely on the left edge, with the trail over it. I sense 2 satanist Egyptoids aboard.
May 18, '21: (4pm) Got 1/2" so far. Lull in the rain now, soggy, grey, 72F.
Been getting a bit more USAF harrassment, including a tanker jet which roared close by a while ago. Point of origin San Antonio but it made a big detour and hit me at this angle (PIC). I am approximately where i put the black X on the right.
Note how it veers over to Little Rock, which is fairly heavily busted (though more is planned) and then parallels the I-65 corridor which i've busted real well all the way up to the Harrison/Yellville region. There is an extra heavy line of repeated busting since early this century from Little Rock to Harrison, including all the recent appropriate updates. This path tends to confirm that these gas hogs are supposed to mitigate the positive energy.
This is a stratotanker, designed for re-fueling military planes in flight. So why is it burning fuel for this seemingly frivolous trip? Pilot needs practice?
Anyway, it went up to Lincoln, Nebraska, did a few little loops there, then presumably landed, as the trail winked out.
May 23, '21: (5pm) I had 2.7" total off that system, and now we are in a warmer spell, but still a bit cool for this time of year.
I still am getting a few fake planes and occasionally some real CIA planes that don't show up on radar.
Got a couple new additions to my running list of different flights going over the same spot south of me at the same angle:- DEN ---> SVN (Savanna, GA) United Express
- N/A ---> N/A (??)
The latter was just about an hour and a half ago, and this is the screenshot. CL35 is the type of aircraft, not the designation of the individual plane.
Zooming out the view, i see that the flight originated in Savannah. Interesting. I last updated my list of different flights over this area, and there were never any flights to or from Savannah noticed. Now we have 2 flights involving Savannah.
It continued on this line for some time, then changed course slightly at the OK border.
Feels like Air National Guard parasites, as far as i can guess. So i did a search for them in Savannah, and sure enough that is one of their locations. Feels like maybe 65 of them aboard. Maybe these hard-working heroes are attending a gender and racial sensitivity training class?
They were flying over Ft Laramie when i stopped monitoring them. Not getting a vibe on the destination, so it's probably nothing more sinister than that. But they had to come over my area in that exact same path.
So here is the list now:- Boise to ATL(lanta)
- ATL to ICT (Wichita)
- ATL to SFO ('Frisco)
- ATL to XNA (NW Arkansas Regional Airport)
- ATL to DEN(ver)
- N/A to N/A Cessna, with 7 CIA Egyptoids aboard only.
- ATL to SLC
- ATL to LAS (Vegas)
- a CIA Gulfstream plane, G550 heading to Satsop, WA area from Cobb County International Airport near Atlanta (locations were "N/A" but i traced them). It went SW a while then turned so it could go in a straight line through the spot they love so much. Plane had 10 CIA Egyptoids and 2 RCs.
- ATL to SMF (Sacramento)
- OAK to CAE (that's Oakland, CA to Columbia, SC) by UPS! Noisy, too.
- ATL to PHX (Phoenix)
- ATL to SAN (Diego)
- MEM(phis) to PDX (Phoenix) Fedex (very noisy)
- ATL to HNL (Honolulu)
- DEN ---> SVN (Savanna, GA) United Express
- N/A (Savannah) ---> N/A (?) unmarked Air National Guard
(5:15pm) Hmm, "The Challenger 350 allows for travel with up to nine passengers". I often wonder why i sense more people "on" a plane than it can carry. I have suspected i am feeling individuals closely connected to those on board. Same with cars sometimes.
May 24, '21: (3:40pm) For years some people have complained about alleged scalar weapons being used against them, many of which i could not detect, because they had no obvious demonic energy riding on them. That seems to have changed!
I have a new device which can light them up, at least up to a certain distance, if i aim it in their direction. I have been finding some underground around here (with a little help from Mordok) and in the sky (Egyptoid craft -- the farthest so far being 18 miles away).
Plus, the old device on the right here has been reprogrammed to detect them more remotely. Thanks to Nadee and Eenia for both of these devices.
One scalar emitter was miles below my original cabin, which is on a bit of a power spot.
For the past year i have noticed almost no ensouled birds around here, and no ensouled rabbits or squirrels anymore. I think i saw one ensouled rabbit in the past year, down the road a ways.
Then starting late last year, almost no birds at all! Occasional soulless raptors, but no chickadees. I put out sunflower seeds a couple months ago, and they were barely touched. I saw ONE (ensouled) red cardinal a week or so ago. Mordok has also noticed fewer birds, and he has been feeding them for years. Birds usually return to sources of food.
Is it the scalar weapons? Too early to tell if the birds will return.
May 30, '21: (2:50pm) Well, i can't say i've noticed a sudden influx of birds yet.
I got another 3"+ of rain, sheesh. And now some real nice weather, aside from chem-clouds. 67F now, mid-afternoon. Last 2 mornings were 50F, pretty cool for late May.
Meanwhile, there is a massive drought in the American SW. Inadequate orgone gifting, perhaps.

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