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Loohan's blog for July, 2022

July 9, '22: (11:15am) Whew, just finished a 4-day stretch with highs around 100F, as accurately predicted by the weather service. I've only had 0.3" of rain since last mention, and it is getting droughty.
Joe and i are hammering Bali, specifically the mountain range in the panhandle. I can't figure out what's under there, but it feels nasty.
Just finished this massive, complex thing. The hot weather means the pours need to be shallow. This has 14 thin layers of epoxy, each one with a different custom program.
July 16, '22: (12:35pm) Still no rain. Many cattle ranchers here are selling off their stock due to the lack of grass. Supposed to get to 100 today, and above 100 for several days in the 10-day forecast. Partly sunny with chem-smear today.
I'm attacked by reptilian ETs today. Mainly number 8's altho some other types are involved. Nadee had me turn a brass rod which helps a little.
The actors in this hoax are some type of CIA artificial construct we may not have seen before.
Still have not figured out what is under the west Bali mountains. No entities i can discern. After i posted last Nadee had me turn a rod to counter the bad energy, and the area has been sweetening up a bit but i think the effect is superficial and whatever it is has not been effectively addressed.
(2:30pm) The loving face of the CIA. Currently a female targeted individual is being bullied, her car blocked in by a mob of CIA gang-stalker repticlones at Oyingbo Market, Lagos, who are physically attacking her. This transhuman is one of them. There is also a TH boy around 10.
Whew, thermometer says 102 here now.
July 20, '22: (3:55pm) It didn't quite make it to 90F yesterday, but otherwise, it gets to 100 or so daily. I've had 0.3" of rain.
Is something brewing? There have been many Thelian allies on the Moon for some time, but now i sense a very heavy presence of Alah-kur and Ta'l as well. It doesn't feel like they are there just for a picnic...
July 31, '22: (7:50am) Foggy, 71F. It got at least up to 103F a few days ago, but now the hot spell and drought has broken here. I've had at least 5.4" of rain, very gentle at first. Some thunder and lightning. And now, significantly cooler and wetter weather in the forecast, as we are about to enter August. July and August are normally the hottest months here.
(1:45pm) Got another 0.6+" already.

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