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Loohan's blog for June, 2022
June 1, '22: (5:15pm) Hehe, here it is: my 3-finger salute to the transhumanists. I've been running some high frequencies into it.
Meanwhile (dare i voice optimism?) it feels like the Nommo might be on the precipice of doom. We have exterminated physical reptilian species in the past with subtle energy devices; why not piscine?
In any case, they feel very weak now. I continue to ream them with some hefty hardware.
Lots of chem-smear this morning. Overcast now, expecting some rain.
June 4, '22: (11:50am) The expected rain turned out to be a faint sprinkle. Been having cool nights and mild days. And daily chem-smear episodes.
Joe and i found some of what i should probably call Elonoids in CIA U bases. These are fake humans i first noticed in 2014 when some locals got replaced by them. I first mentioned them on my Doubles page, fingering Elon Musk as one of them. In OTB 27e i wroteJune, 2014: The June2014 Program was especially formulated by Antuvozy for yet another type of fake human made by the CIA (pix of the cowards now removed and replaced with stock image of RC models). Without this program, these "people" feel like ordinary soulless Earthlings to me. But this pgm really lights them up, and feels good too.
This pgm goes into plain resin, and is well-suited to remote work against all sorts of evil ETs and hybrids. Also nice to put in TBs, etc.
I actually have gallons of this program, and the Earth has been heavily shot through for many years with it. It is no longer the hottest thing to make. And Elon Musk does not seem to be feeling much pain from it. And the CIA has a bunch more of these critters.
So Nadee had me make this foot-long aluminum thing to hopefully do a better job on them.
The resin program did light up these critters, at least.
(Note: I have been having incomprehensible problems lately getting FireFox to show some images online. If rod does not display, it can be seen here.)
June 5, '22: (8:45am) Sunny with chem haze to the east.
I had not noticed any BLACK GOO activity for weeks, but just realized it is attacking me from all over space, with a different vibe which i did not recognize at first. In fact i think it has been covertly attacking me for 3 days, but only turned up the volume this morning.
I suspect it is in response to my trident unit, which hits the whole TH/AI complex including the goo. And the black section is silvered shungite in resin which has an anti-goo program tacked on.
(9:40am) Interesting: my anti-Nommo brass rod has felt inactive for a few days, because the Nommo are so fried by other hardware.
But suddenly now this piece (programming has not been changed) has lit up a different type of ET which i doubt is related to the Nommo.
There are a bunch in CIA bases under the Finger Lakes region of NY. And in Nato bases under Saint-Denis and Paris in France, and Solling, Germany. And all of Italy. More of them in many other places. Including probably the whole universe.
I have no idea of their morphology.
Now to see if we can fry them better...
(3:10pm) We are supposed to get 3 rainy days, so they are chemming it up as usual.
Black goo started hitting me harder again, making me feel miserable. So Nadee had me turn a little metal rod. Almost immediately when i put it in my left pocket, i got enormous relief. Now it is sitting on top of my trident unit, laid between the 3 fingers.
(3:30pm) Right after i posted last, i got buzzed by this obnoxious Navy plane. It sounded more whiny and buzzy, and less booming than the USAF C-130s i'm so accustomed to (although i have not been noticing many of these in a while).
Note that the flight path is slightly south of the usual harrassment path, but at the same angle.
A few minutes later, on its heels, came a Dassault Falcon 900 (no further ID displayed), right through the usual path. It has 3 CIA satanist clone pilots (which is also the norm for military overflights) as well as 8 ordinary CIA repticlones in it.
(3:50pm) Then a few minutes later, as i was outside, another USN propeller plane came over from the same direction. It must have trumpets welded to the exhaust. I almost feel sorry for these can't-get-a-life parasites. They remind me of the pathetic dickless CIA/NSA reptards that used to harrass me at the bakery 10-12 years ago, with super noisy cars and motorcycles.
(6:10pm) Another from this afternoon.
June 9, '22: (6:30pm) I had another 9/10" of rain. Mostly sunny today but some spraying as we expect rain again tomorrow.
I found out about yet another type of fake human, which i hereby christen AntoBens in honor of Antonella Benedettini, the lovely lady to the right. Yes, that is an actual female. And an actual real gold necklace as she is not another mere hoax actor. An artificial construct of some sort nevertheless.
I could not light her up with any existing programs or devices, so Nadee had me make this brass thing.

Now to see if i can light up more of them...
(7:20pm) The first place i found a bunch of them was in Poulsbo, WA, on the surface. This is west of Seattle and pronounced Paul's bo, as i recall. Looking it up, it has a Little Norway attraction. The images on that page have this AntoBen vibe strongly after i did a bit of blasting of the town with my new weapon.
So i looked up a map of Norway. The entire expanse of the country has their vibe. Mostly noticing them on the surface so far.
Now most of Europe is lit up some. There are lots of these in much of the world. Asia...
Probably i will run into pix of more of these soon.
June 11, '22: (4:40pm) I had another 1/8" of rain. Sunny with some chemtrails and chem-clouds.
Yoiks! Wunderground says that as of tomorrow until late August, we will have daily highs in the 90s! Then in late Aug it drops down to 89. Then we won't have a high as low as 79 until Sept 29! And no highs in the lower 70s until mid-Oct!
We'll see about that. Of course, at my place the highs are usually a few degrees cooler than in the valley.
Then again, the extended calender is for Hollister, MO, which is maybe 60 miles north of me, and hence presumably cooler.
June 15, '22: (9:35am) Alas, so far no evidence has emerged that they were exaggerating. They predicted 95 on the 12th, and it did hit 95 in the shade at my place. On the 13th, they predicted 94 and it hit 93. I did not check how hot in town.
Yesterday i did not pay attention to the temperature but it must have been over 90. Today they say 91, the lowest for the next 10 days.
Hardly unusual here, but i had gotten attached to the cooler summer we had last year.
Also it does not appear that the Nommo are on the verge of extinction. I had been hitting them with a powerful new device, but then then a few days ago i had to put that device onto the space Egyptoids that were hammering me. Then by the following afternoon the Nommo had recuperated enough to attack me for some time.
They are not attacking me currently.
I have been making more energy devices, and upgrading old ones.
A little while ago a mysterious sad feeling came over me. Eventually i felt a connection to a spot a few miles west of me. Some allies were moving in there.
Then i noticed a whole bunch of their U bases and marked the area.
Some race only now arriving on this planet; starting 3 weeks ago. I have the impression i knew them well ages ago when some major tragedy befell them. No idea what they look like. They are from Iota Phoenicis.
Plenty of the usual allies have packed the underground around here in the last few years: Ta'l, Alah-kur, the "techie" race, Norhont's people, and others.
(10am) Now i just noticed some other new allies moving in under Limestone, AR, which looks about 50 miles west of me. There are lots of them all around Constellation Cancer.
June 18, '22: (9:15am) Sunny and clear now except for heavy white haze to the east. Heavy spraying the last 2 days.
Those guys i mentioned on the 5th, that my anti-Nommo rod reacts against, have attacked my eyes hard from space the last 2 evenings.
And a couple days ago the Nommo themselves, working with Egyptoids, were able to attack me for a while.
Lately there are lots of new companies springing up building small modular and pre-fab houses. Well, most are not really suitable as dwellings as they are largely glass walls.
Anyway, amazingly, they all (the many i have noticed) seem to be human companies, except, of course, for the CIA's Boxabl. And now another groovy CIA one has sprung up, S2A Modular. With the unlimited funding of the American mafia they are well poised to invest in vast infrastructure to compete with the grass-roots companies.
June 22, '22: (12:10pm) Sunny and clear with only a few little chemtrail segments. I have only had one day lately with a high below 90.
Those ETs i mentioned June 5 continue to attack me. They can cause nausea as well as eye stinging. Today they have been attacking more weakly from Vega. Remember last month i mentioned that the Nommo were attacking from Vega. I do not feel a close connection between the 2 species.
I have something new going which blasts them pretty strongly, but has no effect on the Nommo. Remember i initially found out about them due to my anti-Nommo rod.
Also for several days Joe and i have been dealing with the star Alphard. Some other new guys i can't discern much about. They have a strong foul vibe. Antuvozy has been tangling with them and she brought them to my attention. They must be important for some reason, although i still detect no attacks from them.
As is so often the case, it feels like they are INSIDE the star. Lots of them.
(7:35pm) This is a capture from a video. UFO photographed by a drone looking down on it from above. You can see more of it starting at 4:50 on this vid. There are a couple other UFOs that precede it in the vid, but i can't get any vibe on those. However this one vibes of IRON. If there are other metals alloyed with it, they are in small amounts i presume, as i don't detect them. I have the impression that there are 3 occupants currently, of some unknown but allied race. I found 1 U base of theirs in NM.
June 24, '22: (4pm) I had a thunderstorm and 1/4" of rain last night. Then the 10-day forecast lightened up a lot, temperature-wise. There was bad chem this morning but now that's gone; mostly sunny, 92F.
Those Alphardoids finally started hitting me back a little while ago, first from Alphard and then from wider areas, largely Constellation Hydra at the moment.
June 27, '22: (9:10am) I am enjoying a cool spell and lower humidity. Currently 68F, overcast.
I am naming those guys that i discovered with the anti-Nommo rod Not-Noms because they seem unrelated to the Nommo. I still have no idea of their morphology.
They have been attacking me quite a bit lately, from all over. Currently Aquarius.
I have a bunch of strong devices going against them. And just now turned this rod.
Joe is working on a hardware cloth.

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