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Loohan's blog for Aug, 2017
Aug 2, '17: (2:55pm) Wow, they nailed it yesterday: it was much cooler. Didn't even get to 80 at my place. Got tiny bit of drizzle.
Gang Who Called Themselves 'Musketeers' Guilty Of Plotting UK Bomb Attack. Actually just one guy playing quadruplets. Of course this is a reference to satanist SSer Alexandre Dumas, much given to Masonic hand signs.
Aug 5, '17: (5:10pm) Got 0.2" of rain the night of the 2nd. Then the last 2 days have been very mild. More cool weather and rain in the forecast.
Israel launches first environmental research satellite Venus. Why? Why do they have to name a phallic object for this iconic representative of the Sacred Feminine? For the same reason that, in English, the accepted way to pronounce her name is so that it rhymes with penis. Another dimension of the war on femaleness.
Venus is not amused.
Vennooss. Rhymes with puss.
The first couple that came in the bakery this morning were both MTF repticlones. That is, the husband was dressed as a man, did not have silicone, did have moobs, and had had his external organs removed. Strange.
(7:50pm) I have added some stuff to my page on Egyptoids about something i discovered last night: Egyptoids are shape-shifters!
The video is here. You can forward to the area where these are and see a whole lotta teeth-shifting.
This is a non-repty Triad hooker, Category 1 Egyptoid.
Aug 8, '17: (4:40pm) It has been much cooler lately. Yesterday was overcast and only got to the mid-70s here (although wunderground reports 85) and today, of course, was to be "much cooler" but actually was a bit warmer. I planted some fall veggies yesterday in case it stays cool. Usually, once the heat breaks like this here, it pretty much stays broken.
Video: African Migrants Go Wild After Crossing Border; No Women or Children. I spot 2 Masonic M hand signs in the still pic of these clowns. These are human sellouts pandering to white fears of unruly African spear-chuckers.
Egyptian court upholds 12 death sentences, 157 life terms over Matay case. I wonder why those guys are doing so many raised fists and finger-pointing.
And that meanie cop is doing the Heil Hitler salute, sort of. Pretty scary stuff.
Matay is a location, but if you google it, this gross Category 1 Egyptomutant comes up, having that name.
Aug 9, '17: (7pm) CIA proprietary: Ultimate Limousine of Vancouver, BC. Staffed by WW satanists. About 40% of their "customers" are also CIA ET satanists. Something funny going on there.
And they are resisting going underground. I have been blasting them for almost 24 hours yet they are still alive. Works for me! The originals are much DORier than the clone replacements, so i can track them as they hobnob with their "clients".
I'll be impressed if they survive the night, though.
Australia Just Banned An Anti-Vaxxer And All Hell Has Broken Loose. Yes, banned a CIA human clone who displays just the right amount of titty to be appropriate (pic, pic). Real ones, too. No silicone, just pure GMO flesh and blood. And she doesn't have all that much in the way of Egyptoid features, either, considering she's a human clone.
But what on Earth is this CIA hoaxer? Amber Amour: Woman 'live-blogged her rape on Instagram'. (More pix.)
Nothing from Earth. I think this is yet another type of ET that does not seem familiar. I sense 2 parents like her on Earth. I'm trying to light up more of them. Amouroids? Rhymes with hemmorhoids...
(7:30pm) And the main thing those CIA limo guys link to, oddly, is Simon Fraser University (map, website.) This campus must be about 8% normal Earth humans, and the rest repticlones etc. but also many WWs and SSers who are not yet replaced by clones. Place has a hot CIA vibe.
Aug 10, '17: (6:10pm) Those CIA tough guys are still alive! The next hottest CIA op they are connected to is the Rogers Arena (website, map). We are removing lots of spells and demons the place is packed with. This place is a power spot.
The middle-class teens' feud that ended in girl, 18, being scarred for life by ACID: Barrister's daughter who poured drain cleaner into rival's viola case faked letter making out SHE was the real victim. Note that both the victim and the perp are the same MI repticlone.
And further down, article mentions another hoax, this one involving the MI Category 1 Egyptoid Christopheros family, and a MI Category 1 blood-ritual satanist perp.
How flagrant: Bennet von Vertes, the son of an aristocratic Zurich art gallery owner (left), was found guilty of the murder of his friend Alex Morgan (right). This distinctive-looking guy playing both roles is a CIA repticlone.
Further down is his "mother" who seems about the same age as himself, and has the pseudotranny look; CIA female repticlone.
Hilarious title: Russian man is refused a job because he LOOKS GAY and his 'feminine manner' and 'being too well groomed' suggest he would promote 'non-traditional sexual relations'.Eduard Myra was rejected for a position at LLC Hardcore, but when he asked for feedback he was told his 'feminine manner' had cost him the job...
A controversial law in Russia states that it is illegal to promote homosexuality and LGBT values to children. The law has been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights and Russian nationals.
There appears to be only 1 pic of him online, blurry, and not very fruity-looking for a Category 1 Etoid. FSB agent.
I can't find a site for LLC Hardcore.
Migrants from Africa are found clinging to the bottom of a freight train travelling from Valencia to Munich at speeds of up to 93mph. The first pic "shows a human hand clinging onto a tyre under the train's carriage". But the vid shows them crawling out from on top of the train carriage, underneath some trucks that were on the train. Trains don't have rubber tires. But no matter; the whole thing is staged anyway. Even so it is odd that the headline is so at variance with the content.
The hand is doing a Masonic M hand sign. If you want to see some really bad acting, watch the vid. Those rough-looking Africans are Masons. Prior to being recruited by the CIA, they were already black magicians and very nasty thugs. At one point the camera zooms in and lingers on a guy's hand pointing nowhere.
Cheesy faker: "Human Light Bulb" Claims That He Feeds on Electricity When He Gets Hungry. Ordinary human, but in the vid you can see his Category 1 Egyptoid wife.
Aug 11, '17: (9:15am) Ah, those Vancouver CIAtanists finally bit it.
Got a brief sprinkle here yesterday, and getting a bit more now.
Russian spy plane conducts overflight tour of the Capitol, CIA -- and Trump's New Jersey golf club -- accompanied by military officials on board. "The unarmed Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154M left Moscow before arriving in southern Virginia, conducting several sweeps of the nation's capital."
Yet, my impression is, this plane is at Chicago's O'Hare airport, where it is usually berthed, and it was piloted by 2 USAF SSer satanists.
(5:45pm) Got 3/4"! and some hard thunder and lightning. May get more in the next day or so.
Ha! How Cults Use YouTube for Recruitment. In this article, the CIA (Vice) tells how 2 CIA repticlones got into trouble due to the influence of CIA repticlone Sherry Shriner's charisma. Pics of the unfortunates here: Reptile Cult Feud Ends in Death. Reptile cult, indeed.
The rest of the Vice article is about more CIA repticlones.
Ah, Agent Spivey has come out with another article. Truth mixed with a bit of BS. For example, he rightly points out that Teresa May is male, but also shows Dickless May in staged pics with a crotch bulge. And here he awkwardly conflates 2 different guys.
Also, i hate to admit it for fear of appearing dumb, but sometimes i just don't understand what he's pointing out in pics. Example: Savile's hand.
Aug 14, '17: (5:40pm) It has been mild and overcast lately. Got another 1/2" between yesterday and today.
'I was hoping for a non-painful death': British model Chloe Ayling breaks down in tears on This Morning as she defends herself over doubts about her six-day 'kidnap' ordeal in Italy and why she went shoe-shopping with an 'assassin'. This seems to be an ordinary female human MI Mason. Note how the video FLAUNTS the fact that she is completely dry-eyed, yet wipes away a "tear" from the top of her eyelid, where tears would not accumulate. Front and center, repeatedly. How much confession do the masses need?
Mother and daughter who graduated from the same university on the same day look so alike that they were mistaken for SISTERS (but can YOU guess their age difference?) MI MPD human clones. Note the totally gratuitous and inappropriate display of GMO cleavage.
Aug 16, '17: (8:15pm) Got another 1/2" the night of the 14th and yesterday morning.
Totally feels like BS: Japanese fungus spreading in UK hospitals. "Public Health England says in some cases patients will have no symptoms, but the infection can cause serious bloodstream and wound infections." Oh gosh, now i'm worried. I feel fine but i could be being eaten alive by this exotic fungus.
Eenia programmmed some new big crystals for me. She recently got a lot better at programming and even coils.
Anyway, when i sweep one of these crystals around, i find that Earth is surrounded by mobs of cloaked Plejaran (Egyptoid) craft, especially aound 80 miles out. The crystal lights them up, and the allies then can address them.
Aug 17, '17: (3:25pm) We apparently wiped them all out without casualties on our side. Not sure how that was feasible, except that we had a presence 3X as strong as theirs.
Got woken up around 2am by another rainstorm; got 2"! We only had a chance of small rain forecast.
Overcast today.
Aug 19, '17: (9:40pm) Got another thunderstorm and 1/10" last night.
We had to deal with more Plejaran craft yesterday, these were hundreds of miles out.
Aug 23, '17: (8:50am) Got 1/4" of rain before dawn. Cool, overcast.
The VA Can't Provide Cannabis to Veterans With PTSD, so This Group Gives It Out for Free: CIA repticlones.
After 3 months on Burzynski's Antineoplastons, Matt's brain tumor is going away. So it works on CIA repticlones, allegedly, but does it work on real people? I am sceptical, considering Burzy was a SSer and the doctors are CIA repticlones.
How whimsical. I was checking out the CIA repticlone staff of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and i noticed a couple double-dippers.
Although Twins or Not does not give a very high rating, these are the same actors.
OMG, CIA repticlone kids were playing outside as coalition strike 'directly targeted' Raqqa civilians.
(4:40pm) Police investigating submarine death of journalist weighted down in Copenhagen bay re-open 30-year-old murder case of Japanese woman whose headless body was found in the same spot. They are so funny. The repticlone playing victim Kim Wall is also in a wet suit doing the police search for chunks of her own carcass.
Also the article says a Kazuko Toyonaga (pic) died a grisly death there in '86, but that Category 3 Egyptoid MTF is still alive.
Cops Accuse Christian Commune of Abusing and Raping Children. Hmm, i wonder why Staci Miller and Deborah Green are the same person.
Wo, groovy: Arkansas Cannabis Industry Association, Arkansas' Voice for the Medical Marijuana Industry. Staff and Board consists of well-qualified CIA repticlones. Even a handy list of Arkansas physicians willing to write certifications for medical cannabis who also are CIA repticlones.
Cultivation Facilities: "5 will be awarded in the state, selected by merit." I was afraid they were gonna be monopolizing control freaks, but no, they are gonna allow a whole FIVE cultivators, based on "MERIT". Such a sense of fair play. Who says the CIA ain't grand?
There's even a Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission also composed exclusively of the right sort of "people". I wonder if our Alah-kur friends will approve...
Good thing there is all this bureaucracy overseeing this dangerous plant. It shouldn't be allowed to be as easy as growing GMO corn or something.
Aug 25, '17: (9am) Nice cool mornings last couple days; mild weather.
Ugly scene in downtown Phoenix. The CIA is claiming "A black supporter of President Donald Trump was punched in the face..." whereas, of course, the vids show no such thing. At 0:30, the 1st vid shows a white guy punching toward the back of the shoulder of a black guy, but the fist never approaches his face or head. The 2nd vid, at 0:25, is even less convincing. Looks like he took a roundhouse swing to somewhere moderately close to the guy's shoulder.
Damn, for weeks now, my beloved turtle Felter has not been eating much, and has not been very active. Summer is when he should be eating a lot and acting frisky.
I was unable to find any black magic on him, so a week or so ago i asked Eenia to check him out. She found a bunch of hidden spells etc from WW U bases.
But, there was no change in his behavior.
We kept trying to find more stuff on him, to no avail. But then yesterday evening i found a turtle anatomy pic and scanned it. I have been finding hundreds of demon species and hundreds of spells that were so hidden we could not detect them by other means. Slow-release: i find some, then have to wait to re-check, then more will be found. Even Angie can't find all these demons.
Still working on him.
He had them in his jaw, throat, stomach, digestive tract, as well as everywhere else.
All from WW U bases.
Felter is a pure-hearted and unselfish kind of guy. He sometimes gets stressed when he is dealing with attacks on me. He won't rest (scratches his plastic box) if he can't quite find the perps, and i have to dowse whatever he's up against. Also sometimes he will scratch to warn me when i am about to get attacked. Then when i address the attackers, he stops.
For some reason, my other turtle Rorg has not been attacked lately, and has good appetite.
(11:55am) I think all these underground werewolves, as well as probably many above-ground, only arrived here about 5 years ago, when we started really eradicating lots of shapeshifting repts. They set up shop in zillions of underground spots and kept a low profile for a long time.
Lots of these "bases" only contain 2 WWs. But often, these bases (as well as SSer bases, etc) will be stacked at different depths in the same spot. There will be 3, 6, 9, 13, 33, 66, or 99 bases in the spot, and usually each spot will be part of a set of 3, 6, 9, 33, 66, 99 or more bases, like 99 X 3 or 99 to the something power. So in map dowsing, i will find a spot, dowse, for example, 99, then dowse maybe X9. If i am clearing an area (and some areas require clearing every few minutes at times) i will dowse for stacked sets of 3, 6, 9 without even scanning the map. I might get 3 X 33X3, 6 X 99squared, and 9 X 33, or the like, for example. Once the count is correct, for some reason the attack wanes in power and the allies are able to find all the bases.
In recent times, it has mostly been WWs doing this, but also Chungoids and Egyptoids. (Etoids have U bases but don't scramble underground when blasted. Nonetheless, i think we have taken out a handful of surface Etoids that were in Triad bases in China.)
Another weird thing about WWs: i have never actually known one. I see them these days on the road, in stores, etc. but where have they been all my life? I am 63, have in the past taken classes of various sorts at different times, been involved in various groups, and in the course of life have interacted to some extent with a great many people. When i look back, i realize that many of these were SSers and Egyptoids, some of which were TG, many of which were satanists, but i have not found a single WW in my past up to a few years ago.
[Update 2020: actually, i recently realized, in 1981 i briefly saw one female satanist WW in Austin.]
And they do not have a presence in movies, music, media hoaxes, advertising, and almost none in politics.
(7:05pm) My snake friend Angie is great. The reason she was having trouble clearing Felter's demons is because she would run into spells to hide the demons. But hours ago i got her recognizing spells and passing them off to Green Coil Turtle for disposal. So now when i scan the turtle pic, i can't find anything because she's beating me to it, and cleans it up before i can detect it.
Nonetheless, Felter seems to still have a lot of stuff which will take a long time to clear, and is acting the same.
Meanwhile i got hit hard by some mystery ETs that were very hard to find. They were underground in a large area north of Batesville, AR. I also found some around Neys, Ontario. And Kormac, ON. Allies are taking them out.
Aug 26, '17: (7:25pm) Also found an undersea base 150 miles west of Portugal last night. Then no more.
Angie worked until 9:30am cleaning up Rorg. He seems clean now, but the WWs still try to attack him and throw demons at him. But he's getting his appetite back.
The CIA covers all the angles. Parents Frightened: Kindergartners 'Crying, Shaking' over Transgender Book Teacher Read. The "teacher" in the pic is a CIA repticlone. 3 of the kids are Egyptoid, and 3 repticlones. Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute is a CIA repticlone. The article speaks of "the kindergartner who is in the midst of gender transition. The book was co-authored by Jazz Jennings, a teen who was born a boy but was allowed to transition to a girl."
Actually, born a shapeshifting reptilian boy with much Etoid blood, and replaced by a CIA clone which was not born at all.
Twenty-eight dead as violence erupts among devotees of India's 'guru of bling' following rape conviction. If you say so. Note his Masonic M hand sign. Looks a bit Egyptoid, has a British MI vibe. I suspect he spent some time in UK although Wikipedia doesn't mention it.
CIA repticlone priest peddled child porn to 'punish God' for poker losses.
Girls race ahead of boys in 'tougher' new GCSEs. Note how identical 3 of the girls in the first pic are. They are MI human clones. The brunette is a MI Category 1 Egyptoid blood-ritual satanist.
Then down the page are 4 boys holding papers up high. The 2 middle ones are identical MI human clones.
Aug 27, '17: (8:10pm) Hehe, Spivey is spouting agency lies regarding MTFs:Course, the reality of the situation is that most blokes from the 'Western World' who have had the snip look exactly like what they really are i.e. a bloke in a dress who has had his knob & bollocks lopped off.
Or put another way, they look ridiculous and about as female as a Bulldog chewing a Wasp.
Yet the reality is not what is portrayed in the shit-rags and on the goggle-box.
For instance, below is a photo of a mush named Charlie Craggs who we are told was born male but is now a woman.
{inserts pic of MTF repticlone}
And a mighty fine looking bird he is too... In other words, perfect for propaganda purposes.
Mighty fine due to Egyptoid blood, which, of course, Spivey wouldn't know anything about (his daughter looks MTF but isn't). Let's continue:However, Charlie Craggs is blatantly the actress Kristin Stewart and the closest that she has come to changing sex is having her boat-race digitally altered in photos:{inserts image of 2 different MTFs. "Boat-race" is Cockney rhyming slang for face.}
And I can promise you that Stewart gets up to far worse than posing as a flash with a gash.
Yet inevitably, 'transsexuals' shown in the media will all look worth a fuck, which is achieved by covertly portraying females (such as Stewart) as being pre-op males in the "Before" photos and who are obviously then going to look like birds in the "after" shots.
Actually, almost all the TGs presented as official TGs in the media look real obvious (including Bruce Jenner, whom he gets into further down -- he pretends to believe that the fem versions of Bruce are played by females, as they look so genuinely female). Whereas, most of the covert TGs shown in the media look convincing enough to fool most people.
And then he goes on showing several pix of an Egyptoid female hoax actress faux FTM, and correctly calls her female. Very good. But he has just legitimized the pronounced Egyptoid female look of the first pic, as well as the more subtle one in the after pics.
BTW, here's what i suspect. The 1st pic is probably an accurate one. Then they digitally morphed the rest to make the jaws and nose smaller. Either that or she got amazing surgery to slim down her boxy jaws; you choose.
Hey, and further down, Spiv actually calls out a Masonic hand sign. I whined a while back that i could not recall him ever doing this. He does, however, call the girl doing the sign a boy (both kids are cross-dressed).
More BS:Yet I do not believe that Jenner has had a sex change or that he is the bird masquerading as Bruce Caitlin Jenner.
You see, Jenner has six children from three marriages to wives Chrystie Crownover, Linda Thompson, and Kris Jenner -- the last two children being the enormously over-hyped Kendall and Kylie Jenner... And you don't do that if you are obsessed with becoming a bird.
"Obsessed"? CIA ETs do not need to be obsessed to follow orders.
Actually, "Bruce" (his clones) has not had male genitalia in years. And the "wives" and "daughters" are MTF.
Then he makes the case that Bruce is played by lookalike actresses (who happen to be MTF too but he neglects to mention that).
That's as far as i got on his article. It's a strain to work through.
He is really pouring out a lot of statements 180 degrees from the truth now.
(8:50pm) And what about Hurricane Harvey? I really don't know. I checked before it made landfall and all i could detect was a relatively few demons, which we got rid of. I completely forgot, though, to check the NWS map. Right now, the SE section of US has a lot of live-looking stations. Harvey made landfall the night of the 25th -- i can't find an archive on that site for these maps.
It used to be that when a NWS station flared up, it would be DORy because U bases close by would also flare up. But over time we got rid of the bases, apparently; at least i don't feel any right now.
Years ago they seemed to rely on toxic energy from demons and ETs to bring these things about, and we were able to mitigate quite a bit. Now they seem to have weapons that are energetically "invisible" to me and don't require demonic input.
Years ago i read that hurricanes are nature's response to droughts. I am not sure how much truth there is to this. The drought map shows no droughts other than way up in MT and thereabouts.
Aug 28, '17: (2:10pm) Got another 1/2" of rain before dawn. Overcast all day, mild.
We haven't forgotten about those nasty ETs of the 25th. Ducking out of sight is not going to buy them much time. Eenia and i have been developing some new device to better light these scum up, and it is kicking into action. Addressing a mess under central Mexico now.
Aug 29, '17: (5:15pm) Still taking out U bases of these critters.
Two CIA Repticlone Gun-Toting Thieves Disguised as Nuns Tried to Rob a Bank. The FBI is hunting for the suspects. Your tax dollars at work.
A couple more WA state cannabis providers that seem legit and stalked by the CIA monopolists: Royal Tree Gardens and Nebula Gardens. Last June i mentioned that Subdued Excitement was also OK. I have checked a bunch of them for someone in WA and the rest i've seen are all CIA.
This planet is in sorry shape. What percent of the "human" population actually is natural human? I used to think 70% because i could only detect that 30% were SSers, but since then i have gotten hip to Egyptoids, werewolves, and various other freaky ETs walking around. Not to mention human clones, synthetics, etc.
I watched a few minutes of Bangkok Night walk - Aug 2017 because i love to persecute "people" and i knew i would spot a lot of targets. Yeah. Well over half are repticlones and Egyptoids.
And it's not just like this in big urban areas. I live in an economically-depressed rural area and the demographics are just as bad. I rescue people all over the world, and there are few places that are not absolutely crawling with evil ETs. And some places, e.g. Nigeria, Brazil, are stuffed with human black magicians as well.
I will eventually watch the whole video, no doubt. Sadist that i am.
Aug 30, '17: (7:30pm) Felter got messed up again by the WWs, and i got jumped again by those new ETs. Despite all the mopping up we've done, there were loads more under Russia and south of there.
I think these guys are a big deal, and the strength of the other enemies is somewhat dependent on them.
Costa Rica opens China funded Police Academy. Not one human in the entire vid. Only repticlone sleaze.
Aug 31, '17: (2:15pm) Cool, 70-ish. Got some drizzle and it appears that in a few hours should get more rain, from a little piece of Harvey coming around back at us from the east.
Last night those new ETs attacked Felter, too. We cleaned him up and tried to protect him, but this morning he had more spells and demons from WW bases. We cleaned him up again and now he's eating a bit.
How cool: Devil's Tower UFO Rendezvous aims to attract all the UFO enthusiasts, Hulett, WY September 14-16. Yet another exciting and informative pure CIA project. Spot any mutant androgynous ET faces? Should be quite a zoo.
Would be nice if someone would visit with a bunch of little silicone boogers.
The President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, has been replaced by a CIA human clone that is into blood-ritual! The previous version was a CIA repticlone.
His family remain repticlones. (Pic.)

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