Sep 3, 2021: (7:10am) Still no rain except for a couple brief, faint sprinkles. Still no more true blue sky. Still getting USAF, USN, CIA planes. Got at least a couple fake planes too. Weather has turned a bit cooler. Currently 66F.
The latest from Mercola (CIA):FDA Fast-Tracks RSV mRNA 'Vaccine'The Covid vax still does not have FDA approval, and now they are granting emergency fast-tracking to a vaccine against a relatively harmless virus that does exist. How are they going to popularize it? Surely they can't use their institutions to mandate it for sections of the population? Will the few people who do get this jab spread the illness in similar manner as with the Covid vax? And if so, who cares? What is the real agenda? Admittedly i did not read the article very thoroughly.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) -- a respiratory virus that causes typically mild cold-like symptoms -- is emerging out of season around the world
Most children have been exposed to RSV by their second birthday and recover without incident. In rare cases, RSV can progress to pneumonia or bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways of the lungs)
August 3, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to Moderna for an mRNA-based injection against RSV ...
The rollout of mRNA COVID shots have, as predicted, paved the way for any number of new mRNA-based injections going straight to human trials.
So, was i wrong in saying that the Covid virus does not exist? I still can't get any vibe off the purported SARS and MERS viruses, and the only reason i now get a vibe off pics of the purported Covid virus is because we got the spike proteins flared up. I have not found images of other viruses which i can't get a vibe off of.
To this day, everyone except for a small handful of the "people" depicted in the media as having died of Covid were still alive at the time, and most still are. And the very few that weren't, i presume died for other reasons. There were endless hoaxes of corpses collapsing everywhere, stacking up like sardines in refrigerated trucks, etc. And despite this sharp drop in population, real estate prices spiraled up, up, up.
But now i think there are people (never flaunted in the media) who have gotten gravely ill or died from the spike proteins.
To this day, i only know of 2 individuals who came down with it, and it appears they caught it from vaccinated co-workers. Plus i know one who had to get the vax.
With the advent of the anti spike protein sigil i can now feel who has residue of the spike protein in them. I am not sure if i can detect the faintest traces, but those whom i know have been vaxxed or affected do have a distinct vibe. Of the 3 individuals mentioned, one has not used the sigil and i still feel residue in her. Whereas my friend in Portugal, who came down with it later, has been using the sigil and already i no longer feel it in him. And the one in Austria who actually had to get vaxxed, well, i still feel some in her! Not sure the sigil helped her much yet. Maybe she is still producing new proteins. I don't know how much the sigil will help the vaxxed. I can't recommend it for neutralizing the vax, though if you have to get it for some reason, you might as well use the sigil.
I can't find any pix in the media of people who have this spike vibe, no matter how vaxxed or ill they claim to be. No politicians, celebs, cops, protestors, etc depicted have this vibe. Yet, many everyday proletariat repticlones and Egyptoids do have a strong vaxxed vibe.
Whereas i never got a vibe off the Covid spike proteins until we were able to light it up, i do get an immediate vibe off the RSV prefusion F glycoprotein. There are many images on the web.Sep 17, '21: (7:25am) Still has been dry here. Late summer commonly is. I have only had 0.8" since last report, all in one rain.
A couple times i have seen some deep blue seep back into the sky for a few hours. Seeing some nice-looking clouds at times lately. Daily highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s.
Still getting C-130s. Was getting a few fake planes for a while.
I only monitor a small fraction of the time, but here are a few more odd planes i happened to notice flying over the same exact path that i have been blogging about so long. One is even a USAF C-130.
CIA "destroys itself" some more via Mercola:Sep 22, '21: (3:25pm) Yes! finally had a good drenching: 1.75" which was well over 5X what was predicted. And now the weather has cooled. Down to the 50s last night, 70 or 72 today and sunny. This is the time it turns real pleasant around here, with very few biting insects.Majority of Hospitalizations Are Actually in the Vaccinated
The oft-repeated refrain is that we're in a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," meaning those who have not received the COVID jab make up the bulk of those hospitalized and dying from the Delta variant. However, we're already seeing a shift in hospitalization rates from the unvaccinated to those who have gotten one or two injections.
For example, in Israel, the fully "vaccinated" made up the bulk of serious cases and COVID-related deaths in July 2021, as illustrated in the graphs below.33 The red is unvaccinated, yellow refers to partially "vaccinated" and green fully "vaccinated" with two doses. By mid-August, 59% of serious cases were among those who had received two COVID injections.34
... the COVID shots may actually harm the superior T cell immunity built up from prior infection, especially after the second dose. As reported by Horowitz in The Blaze:41"Immunologists from Mount Sinai in New York and Hospital La Paz in Madrid have raised serious concerns. In a shocking discovery after monitoring a group of vaccinated people both with and without prior infection, they found 'in individuals with a pre-existing immunity against SARS-CoV-2, the second vaccine dose not only fail to boost humoral immunity but determines a contraction of the spike-specific T cell response.'
They also note that other research has shown 'the second vaccination dose appears to exert a detrimental effect in the overall magnitude of the spike-specific humoral response in COVID-19 recovered individuals.'"
Yesterday i took another trip down to the Little Rock AFB and nailed that area better. My hyperdimensional informants advise that this base is the main center of evil for quite some distance around. Did some more Little Rock too.(5:35pm) Just now this odd plane flew over the usual path. And right on its heels was this Delta flight from San Jose. I don't think we've had a San Jose yet.
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