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Loohan's blog for October, 2021
Oct 5, 2021: (3:30pm) I've had another 1" of rain recently. Cool nights, mild days. High of 73F today. Sometimes the sky is almost as blue as it used to be.
CIA and the law: The CIA knows well that when it uses criminal force to oppress those who do the Good Work, orgone-wise, they will pay. But sometimes they embrace the consequences anyway. When they break the rules, this gives permission to our allies to also do things that would otherwise be against the rules.
There are several outlaw biker gangs in Europe, including the Bandidos, Saturadah, LTF, Heels Angels ... all repticlones. Repticlones are manufactured in CIA U bases. If i say someone is a Mossad RC, FSB RC, biker RC, or whatever, that just means they do not work for Langley. They are still in bodies by CIA. If the CIA did not keep replacing these low-life biker thugs, they would fade away, leaving the cops with even less to do to justify their existence.
A friend of mine in Europe was recently extorted by Bandidos for $600. This is someone who has permission to market orgone devices with Committee programming. He has done a fair bit of busting. So this is another CIA crime against orgonauts. Of course i am reaming the biker gangs but that does not get their puppet-masters off the "karmic" hook!
They are free, of course, to mitigate the kickback by ceasing to replace these parasites. Many of which are diving undergound about now.
Oct 6, '21: (8:20am) Not to mention that my allies in Lagos (3 tortured women) continue to be relentlessly harassed, extorted, ripped off, and bullied at close quarters in countless ways by CIA RCs, several of which are transhuman.
Got another 3/10" of rain last night.
I have been getting an unusual percentage of overflights, yesterday especially and already some this morning, which are real planes but not showing up on flightradar. At least a few of these are USAF.
The USAF parasites keep desperately clamoring for another visit from me. Last night the minute i hit the sack, having turned off the computer, 2 or 3 noisy USAF jets buzzed me very low, possibly looping around.
Oct 8, '21: (10:30am) After i posted last, it started drizzling and kept it up all day. I got another 2/10". Incidentally, some other people in my area have been getting much more rain than i have.
Yesterday was 72F, today is supposed to be warmer.
The USAF satanist parasites got more hard core yesterday. They sent a C-130 right over my buildings, almost skimming the trees, as i was outside doing chores. An archer could have nailed them. I ran back in out of curiosity to see if that flight was even on flightradar; it was not. If it happens again i might bean them with my slingshot.
Then again last night, just minutes after i closed down the PC, i happened to be outside and a row of their planes came over: 3 C-130s and some other plane all in a line right over my property, but at a higher altitude. Plus there were suddenly other planes going the opposite direction, etc, also over my property, which i am not sure what they were due to all the pandemonium.

(11:35am) Just now these 5 USAF "no call sign" C-130s came over to kick my ass.
Oct 10, '21: (12:10pm) I did not notice USAF harrassment yesterday, but the sky was ultra smeared with chem. Today it's back to the sunny weather with some mixed clouds. Generally chem has not been too bad here. In fact, ever since i busted the USAF base last, we have usually had real clear early mornings -- most likely a coincidence.
I haven't even noticed more C-130s yet, but just a little while ago this ODD plane buzzed over, containing 2 Egyptoid satanists. It apparently came from St. Clair County Airport, Alabama, and headed in a perfectly straight line just slightly south of the usual path by me that i have been writing about for many months.
Better pic of plane. Notwithstanding the Private Owner label on FlightRadar24, it says 88 (11X8, a common number in media stories), US AIR FORCE, has a USAF roundel (insignia) and checkerboard design.
More pix. Note that it says "Airline: Private".
Oct 12, '21: (11:20am) I had another 0.6" of gentle rain. Sunny and very clear morning. But i have had more USAF harrassment.

While this plane was proudly making its artwork, i also had 4 USAF jets and 2 USAF propellor planes buzz me, that were NOT shown on radar.
Then as i was editing the photo, an olive green chopper with a USAF vibe flew low over my cabin.
The region where it did 3 circles is the area SW of me that was most horrible many years ago; packed with misc ET U bases, demons, etc. And it seemed to have a lot of ooze-through from even more highly negative timelines. It has taken a lot of busting to clean it up to where it is.
Jet was last seen flying toward Kansas City.
In general, in the past couple days, i have had an unusually high percentage of planes passing over that are not on the radar. I have not noticed any fake planes in a while, though.
(1:30pm) The 3-loop area is also where the prevailing winds come from. Could it be that they have been having problems lately getting chem to stick? Is that why the sky is usually clearer lately? And the jet was doing something to "fix" that? Dunno. But it was real clear all morning then in early afternoon a bunch of herringbone chem-louds wafted in. We were able to nail the space AI causing it and the rippling stopped. Now the chem-clouds look almost natural.
Oct 14, '21: (3:55pm) Drizzly, grey, 70F.
A while ago a Navy plane came by closely enough to arouse my resentment, from San Antonio. I looked up Joint Base San Antonio -- "The Premier Installation In The Department Of Defense". Noticed something in the pix of the soldiers. Some, like these guys, have an exaggerated spike protein vibe, which i speculate may be due to multiple jabs. I can't even tell whether any are repticlones. Are they just regular people being used for guinea pigs? Or worse? It is possible the hefty spike vibe obscures their COTHS vibe somewhat, but i doubt it.
Whereas there are also pix of what clearly vibes as RCs and these do not have the spike vibe. Examples (some from other areas included for some reason): 1 (note hand sign), 2 (California), 3 (mostly EGYPTIAN armed forces - note bottle penis), 4 (unvaccinated actors miming vaccination).
It appears to me that we have a situation of the First Class Citizens (repticlones working for their space masters) recruiting pathetic Earthlings and foisting mutagenic injections on them which the entitled ones do not get.
Oct 17, '21: (11:15am) I ended up getting another 0.4". Now colder nights have hit. I finally got the chance yesterday to break in my new wood stove which i got July 2. The previous one was a dangerous creosote-generating pain in the butt that was no good for small fires. It only got up to 61F out despite an impeccably clear, sunny day. Almost as deep a blue as was common months ago.
Today is equally clear so far. These usually clear mornings only started after i nailed the Little Rock AFB last, although i can't discern any causative connection.
Joe and i and some others did some major work yesterday evening which seems to be causing some shifts in the balance of power. If you feel odd that may be why. Attacks on people seem to have slowed down a lot; i hope this is just the beginning of a new trend.
Had another odd little plane with a USAF insignia come by a little while ago: pic and info. I assumed it was just a coincidence though as it only came close enough for me to barely hear, and is traveling in a perfectly straight line from the Petit Jean Park Airport. However, the guy in the pic is not an ordinary Egyptoid such as fly most little planes, but one of those special satanist repticlones with some Mahanoid blood, the standard pilot type for commercial passenger planes these days.
Hmm, but then, why, as i was typing this, did another plane originating from the same park come into my area only to turn left just south of me? Also with one of those pilots. Registration info. He later straightened his course back the way he was heading.
And now i'm getting another light plane that is off radar.
Oct 19, '21: (3pm) Still occasionally getting groups of USAF C-130s desperately trying to restore nastiness to my area.
Cloudy with some chem-clouds today. 66F here.
I think i just figured out some more crimes by our enemies. I do not know of cases where they have directly replaced good people with their drones BUT i believe what happened is that demons took them over, possessed them to the point where they went underground with their new pals and our allies killed them. Whereupon they got replaced by repticlones.
For example, Ascension Glossary was run by one Lisa Renee, who was replaced by a CIA RC in, i believe, such a manner. Supposedly the info was good but has become corrupted. Her soul lives on, currently in Orion.
I doubt there are demons powerful enough anymore to overwhelm any but the weakest of minds, but up to a few years ago i occasionally got jumped by something so powerful it really alarmed me. Probably only because i had all these powerful orgone weapons was i able to defeat them.
In ages past, even powerful good beings like Satan, Lucifer, Ahriman, Isis, Thoth. Set, and the Biblical Archangels were taken over by archons powerful enough to override their wills and make them do evil.
Oct 20, '21: (9:05) Last night after i went to bed, a mess of USAF C-130s serenaded me for some time. I do not know how many; at least 5 i would guess, maybe more.
This morning is chemmy, including fresh trails. All stems from AI in North America Nebula. And when i nailed NAN for the umpteenth time, AI there attacked me strongly.
Otherwise sunny, 59F.
We have been doing more work of a radical nature. This stuff we are doing lately ties in with the Ascension Glossary info. Even though i barely understand any of it. Right now we got the (so far uncorrupted) info on this page all vibed up. And it's shaking up my personal energy.
(9:45am) I located the "the Coordinate Location of our Universal Hologram" mentioned in that link, in Constellation Cepheus. And willed it to move to "where it should be". It is now in central Pennsylvania.
(2:35pm) Sunny, 72F. Damn, now another light plane just flew over low, which apparently had trumpets on its exhaust. According to its better pic, it says NAVY after its roundel which is actually a roundel for all US military planes, i just learned. Which means the one i posted Oct 17 is from unknown military agency (except that i get the impression it was USAF). I have had harrassment from USN as well as USAF planes such as C-130s in the past.
Both of the parasites in the pic are the special kind of satanist RCs normally only found in commercial passenger airline cockpits.
And, oddly, flightradar refuses to show a longer back-trail as to where it came from.
Got more holo-planes trying to lay trails, from Canopus.
Also i got many more planes not on flightradar today. Apparently the masochistic parasites have learned that this ensures them more certain hard blasting.
Oct 22, '21: (5:05pm) Today was very clear and nice.
Yes, it seems to be a regular thing now, the evening run of C-130 stalkers.
Also this morning, this "private" plane flew over the exact path that Delta, etc like to take numerous times a day.
Then this evening, this very nasty-vibed plane came over and back again:

Oct 23, '21: (1:45pm) Well, yesterday evening they skipped the C-130 attack.
But i've had a fair bit of chem today, and just now this CIA Egyptoid satanist named John Hall skimmed the edge of my property.
Flightradar will only show part of his path from Mountain Home, going pretty much straight south. So he must've flown west a good ways to set himself onto a N-S path.
(4:30pm) Then this unmarked mystery plane to the left flew right down that path so beloved by the CIA etc. Immediately followed by a very loud, low, close overflight by a small plane not on radar.
Oct 25, '21: (11am) Cooler again, mostly overcast now.
I got 0.6" of rain last night that was quite gentle despite the tornado warning.
That was a nice little respite from C-130s but now the degenerates are back at it. Click pic for big closeup of Medusa. I am to the right of center, west of Leslie a bit.
These parasites are currently going back to McConnell AFB in Wichita. Meanwhile, i am getting off-radar USAF jets buzzing me as well as one generically labeled as E50P (Embraer Phenom 100).
(11:10am) Brigadier Gen. Darren Cole visits McConnell. The pic is of 2 CIA head-to-toes transhuman repticlones.
The base has a nasty demonic vibe and many U bases under it.
The E50P came from the Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport near Nashville. It feels pretty funky too. Has facilities marked for National Guard, Army, and USAF.
Wooops, i just realized the pic i just posted is not of a C-130 but a Boeing.
Oct 27, '21: (10:20am) Overcast, slight drizzle. Supposed to get rain.
In the last 15-20 minutes i have gotten countless loud jet overflights off-radar. I tracked where they were originating from to McConnell Parasite Base.
Oct 28, '21: (10:55am) Got a bunch of gentle rain and should get a bit more. Cool, grey, drizzly.
Hardly noticed any USAF harrasment since last mention.
Awesome news for me: I had poured a massive quantity of orgone gifts, and was planning to head back down to the Little Rock USAF base and nail the %^$ out of the region including its sister city in the Axis of Evil, Cabot, but now it looks like i may be able to use the resources elsewhere instead.
For weeks i have been nailing the U bases that pop up newly in that filthy region, many times per day. This morning i notice numerous Ta'l and Alah-kur moving into underground locations there.
Meanwhile i have been frying the Wichita-McConnell area and marking its U bases several times a day too. That's a bit far to drive to.
Oct 30, '21: (2:55pm) I got a total of 1.75" of gentle rain off that last system. The sky is now perfectly clear here and the deep blue color is back!
Currently 59F. And i have not noticed more USAF planes. In fact not much in the way of planes at all today.
And now Alah-kur and Ta'l are moving under the long-troublesome towns of Lagos, Nigeria, and Denver.

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