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Types of Egyptoid Clones
This page was originally entitled Types of Human Clones but that was before I was spotting Egyptoids!
Started Sep 2016. Revised June 2018 to reflect my increased awareness of Egyptoid realities
In this bulletin, I shall endeavor to explain different types of Egyptoid clones, and especially to clarify some terminology I have been using which may be confusing.
By Egyptoid I mean Egyptoids who do not have a reptilian, lycan, or other ET vibe mixed in. That there are reptilian-Egyptoid and lycan-Egyptoid (werewolf) clones has been known for a while but here I am referring to the ones which do not have the hybrid vibe. Their lack of such vibe is what made me think Egyptoids were human in the past.
First, let us review an excerpt from my Doubles page:
Update Jan, 2016: Recently I realized there are loads of what feels like human clones about, too. Some of them are replacing dead SSers and other agents, whereas others are just cranked out en masse for the Chinese Army, for example. (See my Dec 21, '15 blog entry. Apparently I was the first real person to discover this, despite the fact that the Chinese flaunt the hell out of it.)
Update: Azerbaijan also flaunts theirs. So does Myanmar. (The cowards at PressTV have evidently deleted the pic, so I will post a copy here. Note the hand signs.)
Another example: Tory Smith. And Sir Bernard Ingham has been replaced by one.
Above we actually have 2 different applications: one is the mobs of identical-looking scary MKULTRAed clones being flaunted by militaries. These most likely have numbers as names. Probably something like Wang#294, Wang#295, etc., I speculate.
The other is replacements for VIPs and the like.
The Azerbaijan pic below is an obvious photoshop job, yet dowses as being actual individual clones! I presume the shopping is for deniability and to debunk anyone who posts about it (though nobody has mentioned it to me). Freemasons are bound to disclose their misdeeds but usually do so with a twist. In any case, I dowse that as of June 2018 there are 46 copies of this individual.

There is a 3rd application. Egyptoid clones as hoax actors but not as replacements for non-clones. Often either transgendered or made deliberately androgynous, and some of these have been around for many decades without (as far as i detect) being replaced. They were born as test-tube babies. I have been referring to them as "clones", which is an accurate designation insofar as they always make multiple copies, but these are not necessarily replacement clones of a pre-existing person. Perhaps a more precise designation would be "test tube Egyptoids" of which multiple copies are made. But I'll just call them "Egyptoid clones" anyway. One example is here. I have also found a number of CIA Egyptoid clones as Olympic athletes, NFL players, and MMA fighters. Conor McGregor and his brother are CIA clones (pic) that i am pretty sure sprang from identical stock.
Back to the 2nd application; this would be replacements for Egyptoids born by natural means. Egyptoids with a surface identity do not suicide as compulsively as lycans and reptilians, but occasionally do need to get replaced. They may be replaced by Egyptoid clones as in the examples I gave above, but more commonly they are replaced by repticlone copies. So this 2nd application is actually fairly rare.
On the right we have 3 Nigerian black magicians and gang stalkers I have blasted over time. (Note the hand signs.) The originals were Egyptoids who must have gotten killed in a U base. They were replaced by repticlones, but later replaced again by these Egyptoid clones! And these clones seem as strong and tough as the originals.
We took out 2 CIA U bases near Aiye, Nigeria, where these critters and many more like them were hatched.