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Orgone Technical Bulletin #50
started February, 2019
High Frequency Zappers
and Radionic Rates
This bulletin is actually about 2 separate and unconnected phenomena as it turns out.
It is an attempt to distill and make readily comprehensible what is of value in
this forum thread
High Frequency Signal Generators:
Some history: Back in the early 2000s, orgonauts were (and many still are) using zappers with low frequencies like 15Hz or 30Hz to power up mobius coils in orgonite. These zappers were based on electronic circuits using 555-Timer chips. Another wrinkle was using a 555 timer with a potentiometer, in order to be able to vary the frequency. I had a bunch of the set-frequency ones, including one that had 2 556 chips (556s allowed 2 outputs) which unit put out 16, 32, 64, and 128 Hz freqs out of 4 ports and set me back $150 back when that was a lot of money. This all seemed very impressive back in the early days, but after some years the design and programming of the stuff I was making was so good that these primitive zappers no longer improved anything. With the exception of the variable ones, and these were only of marginal benefit to me on a couple units. I stopped using zappers after my last 2 variable 555-powered zappers got ruined in a fire in 2014.
Fast forward to September 2018 when my friend Mordok discovered that the zapper he was using (30kHz with a square waveform) was keeping demons at bay as well as lighting up the ETs who were sending them or otherwise attacking him.
So I ordered some of these tiny Sub-Micro zappers (you want to select the 30kHz version!) and found they do allow me to make worthwhile units with coils which benefit greatly from the jazzy input.
I also started experimenting anew with the NCH Toner for computers which you can find online or download a good old free version from my site. All you have to do is open the package and click on the .exe in Windows. In Ubuntu you need to right-click and open it with Wine. I don't know about Mac.
However unless you are able to dowse/intuit frequencies, you won't be able to do much with a variable freq gen other than run 30kHz or other recommended freqs. I believe another freq as good for general demon-destroying purposes is 33010Hz. Note that 30kHz and 33010 should be run in the square waveform. NCH also puts out other waveforms. Also I have a running list for certain pathogens and parasites.
The quality of the NCH Toner performance is affected by the quality of your sound card. Mordok reports that on his desktop computer the output is pretty accurate only up to about 22kHz. He probably has a fairly decent card so it may be that that is about as good as NCH gets. And another free gen, SineGen, he reports as being pretty good up to 48kHz, but it does not put out a square waveform.
You might attempt dowsing freqs yourself for specific purposes. One way is to run a finger on the number row of your keyboard and choose the key which seems to stick or attract you. If you are using a computer-based gen such as NCH or SineGen, you can conveniently type in the numbers one at a time as you proceed. Also at some point you might intuit to insert a decimal point.
Or here is a nifty image you can mouse-dowse over or print off to finger-dowse with.
Inexpensive Commercial Stand-Alone Generators: are described in the thread. But these are only accurate up to a certain level. Mordok ran some tests, and posted what he found.
Which leads us to our next subject:
Radionic Rates:
I had been ignorantly typing numbers into my gens that were much higher than what they could output, yet getting powerful results. What could be the explanation? It was that the numbers themselves were acting as radionic rates. I guess. You can google what radionic rates are if you want, and attempt to fathom it. Personally I don't comprehend why a mere sequence of numbers, broadcast with what we loosely call orgone, can be so damn powerful. But then I use a lot of things I don't comprehend but find powerful, e.g. bionization. I don't comprehend much about some things I do, and may be using the word "rate" wrongly.
With some quick experimentation, I found that an old pre-Committee passive (non-electrified and without metal shavings) resin-based device could work to send these rates when merely written on paper, but another device with lots of metal shavings did not work this way at all.
Also, I had been running my variable gen outputs through a couple of more modern units with coils. So I tried instead simply running the little 30kHz zapper into these orgone devices and placing written rates under or in the units. By simply writing the same number that I had on my DDS gen onto 2 pieces of paper and using this number thusly, the results were far more powerful even than what I had been doing!
Note that the energy from writing (or images etc) on a piece of paper flows out the face of the paper. So I make the side that has the writing on it face into the device.
How to use a Radionic Rate: Disclaimer: I have not even studied up on the work, research, and advice on this subject (done largely by Egyptoids BTW). I have told you how I advise you to find a a rate, but if those means do not work for you, by all means study elsewhere. There are devices with dials and stickpads, etc. which some people use to find rates.
But what do you do once you have a rate you want to use? I have already touched on this but I will elaborate.
One way is to use a store-bought or homemade radionics device, usually equipped with dials and 1 or 2 stickpads. I give some instructions for DIYers on OTB 22, written in '07, packed with vintage information that I considered cutting-edge at the time. You can skip halfway down the page to the May 11, '07 entry for advice on how to build your own basic dial-box unit.
It can have a separate target and trend plate (meaning you would put your rate on the trend plate and a description, pic, or biological sample of your target on the target plate) or you can have just one plate used for both, which IMO works just as well on a box like this. And you want some sort of orgone or orgone-like power connected or included.
But this is no longer what I do or especially recommend! For those who are not leery of accepting programming from ChemmerBuster, he can easily put 100% STQ (self-tuning quotient) into anything that has even a modest amount of metal in it (coil, shavings, whatever) and even some devices with no metal but some rocks. However, if you want to use such a device by itself, without tuning dials, for sending a written rate, it appears that metal shavings interfere with this function! Coils do not and fine metal powders, magnets, light bulbs, and electronic components do not.
A single medium-size, decent resin-based piece with 100% STQ and no shavings will probably serve you very well for sending rates to a target. It is not necessary to even pipe electricity into a coil, or even have a coil. Most of my best remote weapons are non-electric, and many do not even have any type of coil, although some of my newer best units do have 30kHz piped into their coil.
In case you are using a large amount of powered-up quartz for blasting: I am of the impression that that DDS type gens or NCH give the crispest signal for quartz.
If you don't want to mess with resin, you can even use quartz only, if you want, electrically powered or not, as any contiguous quartz mass with a volume of at least 1/4 cup can be given 100% STQ by ChemmerBuster. Any type of quartz is OK, though a more crystalline type will be crisper. Also other stones can be added.
Running Multiple Units on One Gen: Mobius coils have zero impedance, and other coils we are likely to use have very little. So one can run plenty of different coils and coiled devices on a single zapper or other such gen.
One can run the different coils in parallel or in series as one wishes. For example, I have one unit containing 2 coils in parallel but I connect this unit in series with other units.
Wiring the Output from NCHtoner: How do you hook up the far end of the cable from your computer jack? One can google "stereo jack wiring diagram". In a nutshell, on a 3-section plug, the first 2 sections closest to the tip are for the 2 stereo speakers' signals, and the section farthest from the tip is the ground. The NCH output is mono. Do not short the 2 signal wires to each other. This will work but can damage your sound card over time. Only use one of the 2 front sections. As well as the ground or return lead, of course. One signal lead will go to one end of your coil, and the ground lead to the other end.
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