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The Culling of Souls

Started August 2011
Edited Oct 2018
In the last few years, most of the people on Earth have lost their souls. I will attempt to explain here what is going on.

I am mystified myself as to how they keep operating with nobody home, but they do. If you have ever had an OOBE, you know that your mind and sense of self is not related to your body. If you were then culled as a spirit, how would your body-self continue on as though nothing had changed?
Yet it is not just my perception that most people are now soulless. Many sensitives know what I'm talking about. An empath told me he is more comfortable around soulless people, because around ensouled people he gets buffeted about by their emotions.

How did this situation come about? A few years ago, virtually everyone on Earth had a soul, except that most high illuminati types probably no longer had a human soul, indeed many may never have had one, instead having archon or evil Nordic (demon) souls.

A few years ago some ET friends forced some black magicians that were attacking me out of their bodies. I also had them do that to some other satanists. Later, I became able to do this myself, and cleared almost all black magicians on Earth out of their bodies. This included astral attackers. I would bag their astral bodies, and they would no longer be able to attack that way.
But they were still able to do other psychic attacks. How can a soulless body have psi? Beats me.

Also I was able to bag some people who were not black magicians, namely real scummy ones, parasites, etc. Soon, the process was largely out of my hands, with people getting culled by the universe or something. At one point I coined the "Categories of Scumbags". But soon more and more people were getting culled, and eventually I noticed that not all these people were really evil. They were not necessarily rapists, thieves, etc. In fact, many people I had known who were involved in causes for the greater good, who put little emphasis on their own personal affluence and comfort, were getting culled. And a lot of everyday ordinary people that probably could not fairly be called scumbags. What was going on, and why?

These (relatively harmless) people had unfit souls in the eyes of the Creator. And I believe they always were that way and never had a fair chance! Probably there never was anything they could do to become qualified to survive. And some seemed to be trying! Doesn't seem fair. But fairness has never been a hallmark of our whacked-out time-line.
Then how and why did these unfit souls get created? I don't know.
Also, some souls on our plane were created with 7 chakras, others with 12, 24, 48, or 96. I also doubt this was merit-based.

So maybe you get a glimmer now, aha! So some people were created with less chakras, and these have been culled, leaving the higher-chakra ones alive. Wrong! The number of chakras seems to have no bearing on whether these people were keepers. I have culled many 96s and 48s myself.

We live in a very perverse time-line. Somehow, all these people got created with fewer chakras than is normal. Whereas others got created with more, yet even these were no better or worse on average, in terms of "soul fitness" than the 7s and 12s.

[Edit 2018: When I wrote this I was unaware that actually about 80% of the "human" population on Earth's surface is composed of various evil ETs and hybrids-- COTHS I call them: Creatures Of The Hand Signs. In fact even R. Crumb, the author of Mr Natural, is a CIA Egyptoid Mason. The illuminati occasionally spills the great Cosmnic Truths.
These critters all had souls years ago. In fact "human" souls were so common the CIA, NSA, etc stuck them in their test-tube supersoldiers, synthetics, robotoids, etc.]

Q & A:

Define soul.

I'm a bit unsure myself. The paradigm I was indoctrinated into during my Scientology stint does not hold up. Any beliefs that a soul is necessary to animate the body do not hold up. Or else something is running these people as if nothing had changed. But I have been unable to locate such a something or somethings, and some culled people are evil whereas many are more or less OK-seeming.
Whatever this "soul" is, it seems to be the same thing as the astral body or a ghost. A culled person will feel "empty" to me, unless I am getting some vibe off possessing entities or other energies in them. So there is a small percentage of people I have trouble distinguishing sometimes.

What percent of Earth humans have been/will be culled?

A couple years ago I got that 73% were to be culled, and the rest were keepers. However, at present, as I write this in Aug/2011, I think maybe about 10% are still ensouled (not real sure), and I am still culling some myself every week!

What happens to these souls? The ones that are culled by the Infinite are recycled back. Nothing is lost to the Infinite. The ones that are culled by humans are treated the same way as demons they cull (see OTB 38). That is, if the person has a jail programmed to break down demons for fuel, it will do the same with culled human souls.

Are there evil ET races that never had souls?

Not unlikely so. However, many races that I believed did not have souls, turned out, I realized late August, to have them. But these souls were almost impossible for me to detect for a long time.

Do animals have souls?

Yes. Ironically, almost all non-human vertebrates at least, except maybe for small fish(?) on Earth still have souls and are not being culled.
There is no transmigration as per the Buddhist belief that worms reincarnate as mice who reincarnate as rabbits, etc., eventually becoming human souls. That's bunk. Rats reincarnate as rats. Skunks as skunks. Turtles as turtles. Housecats as housecats. If you had a pet that died, you might be able to call its soul up and it will probably tell you that it is incarnate as another member of the same species. There is some "drift" in that a soul might be a chihuaha in one life and a St. Bernard in the next, possibly even a wolf or fox, but it's not going to be bear or porpoise.
Exceptions: there are some evil birds and domesticated animals in Lagos that seem to be soulless drones of black magicians.
Also many human souls have past lives as animals or even plants, but as far as I know at this time, animal souls do not incarnate as humans.

[Update Dec. '12: Now many animals have lost their souls. Some species, e.g. bears, frogs, toads, and pigs, are mostly if not all ensouled, whereas others, e.g. mice, squirrels, coyotes, raccoons, have only a few percent ensouled. Many domestic animals are soulless. I have noticed an odd tendency; if a scummy person (e.g. shapeshifting reptilian) has animals, usually all will be soulless. If an ensouled person has animals, usually all or most will be ensouled. Only part of this is due to the fact that many animals in bad situations have had us liberate their souls from such incarnations.]

Do souls have gender?

Yes. It may be true that ultimately we are beings without form or gender, but in practice the multiverse is heavily populated with physical and astral humans, humanoids, and fauna, good and bad. And most of these species very much have gender.
In this evil world, it is common for people to be made to incarnate in bodies of the opposite sex. This does not occur in positive time-lines or in positive ET cultures in this time-line.

In mammalian animals it is very rare for a body to have a soul of the opposite sex, but in turtles and tortoises it is very common. This might be due to the fact that the gender of a turtle is determined by temperatures during egg incubation. So an entire area of eggs may hatch out all or mostly of one gender. So if you want to incarnate badly enough...

Are there gay souls?

Yes. Leaving the discussion of girl-on-girl for another time, let us focus on males.
About 2% of male Pleiadians (I am referring to the common astral type, many of whom have incarnated on Earth) are natural gays. Likewise, about 5% of our valued M51 allies. Many other races have 0%, such as the Arcturans, Venusians, Ta'l, Lemurians, and others.
[Update: it turns out these Pleiadians were only gay due to a spell placed by enemies.]
In this world, the demons and illuminati are always trying to make everyone gay/bi/promiscuous. So if you think you might be gay, it might be demons and mind-control, maybe childhood abuse, not to mention gender-bending chemicals, etc. Also you might be incarnate in a body of the opposite sex. Or it may be that you are just a natural gay.
[Update: actually, 80% of the population is composed of evil ETs with gender-bent DNA, most of whom are LGBT to one extent or another. And most of the rest of us have at least some if not mostly, their DNA.]

What about newborns?

No unfit souls are reincarnating. Even if they snuck by while alive on Earth, they get caught after death. So there is a dearth of souls. Soulless people are begetting more soulless people. Almost none of the babies I have seen this year have souls.
Thousands of Arcturans, Pleiadians, etc. have incarnated or walked-in as children lately, but most kids are "vacant". Nobody is real wild about incarnating into a soulless family that is into vaccines, GMO, fluoride, meds, etc.

I get attacked in my dreams by someone that supposedly has no astral body. How can that be?

I have had many reports of this. Apparently, the dream realm is not the astral plane, and even evil soulless people can be strong in the dream realm. Their dream bodies cannot be jailed. It does help to fry the perps.

  *   *   *   *  *

Beware of philosophies that tell you we are all one in the eyes of God, divine, etc. That the masses will awaken and all hold hands and be at one, and thereafter things will be groovier.
Or that the healing answer to evil is to turn the other cheek, and forgive rapists, etc.
These are the philosophies long expounded by the darkside for bovine consumption. The Jesuit-controlled religions and cults especially.

No. This is insidious, because it is truer in realer worlds that people are all good and divine. But don't make the mistake of confusing this world with the real world. We've all made that mistake. Maybe even had psychedelic experiences in which we felt the interconnectedness of ALL. But that was just a glimpse of the real world. Trying to superimpose that viewpoint onto our world can be disappointing.

This is not a real world. This is an inexplicably perverted, twisted time-line that has always primarily consisted of evil feeding on evil, and sleaze ripping off sleaze, with a few good beings caught in between.

Update Aug. 11, '12:

Update regarding animal souls:

It is no longer true that most animals on Earth have souls. Many of these had unfit souls and have been culled. Some species have mostly unfit souls, while others have mostly or only fit ones. [And many are about half and half.]

One interesting thing is that I have never been able to discern a difference between ordinary human souls and those of shapeshifters. Some shapeshifters were even 48s and 96s.

Update Dec. '12: I tucked many update comments into the text above. Some important ones I put in boldface.

I have not culled any more people or animals on Earth since last update.

I am pretty much mystified by all this stuff. What is a soul, really? All I know is that it seems to be the same thing as the astral self. I have freed or bagged many ghosts in cemeteries and elsewhere (and many of the ones I freed later got culled anyway.) These ghosts are the same things as souls, as far as I can tell.
But what exactly is the difference between a human with a soul and one without? It really is hard to tell, because some soulless people will still be likable, relatively responsible people who do good deeds and aren't evil. Also, removal or switching of soul has no discernable effect on the personality of the person. Early this year I was shocked when I realized that one of my most valued and supportive friends no longer had a soul. His wife lost hers at the same time. He was a 96, and she a 24. I notified his selves on other timelines, and soon a discarnate one was in him. As his wife had not been a 96, she did not have selves on other timelines, but a suitable 96 soul was found to take over her body.
But, this friend has noticed no change in himself nor his wife; no evidence that any of this happened. His wife had a rough childhood, and has mental and personality problems which have not changed at all.

Update April, 2013: Toward the end of this month, another mass culling of souls occurred.

Update July, 2013: On the morning of July 25, another 12 million Earthlings got soul-culled.

Update Aug., 2014: Culling has continued. Hardly anyone has a soul anymore. I only know of about a dozen ensouled people in my rural area.
Some pretty fine upstanding people have lost their souls. Don't ask me to make sense of it.

Update May, 2015: It has only continued. Even a couple months ago there were still a dozen or so people I knew in my area who were ensouled. Now, aside from me and Mordok, I am only aware of 5. And I don't dare try culling them, as they are great people.
A number of people I knew who had a palpable connection to Jesus are no longer ensouled.
Oh well, at least they achieved a Buddhist goal of escape from the wheel of death and rebirth, and oneness with the infinite.

Update Oct, 2018: For years now, there have only been 5 souls left here including myself and Mordok.