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Loohan's blog for October 2018
Oct 4,'18: (8:30am) During the night of the 29th last month, i was awakened by someone pulling in my driveway and aiming one of those zillion-candlepower searchlights through my windows at 1:50am. He flashed the inside of my house for a little while then drove away as i got up to investigate.
Now i live on a very steep, rough, dead-end road, and had thus far not been subject to drive-by stalking at home.
Well, at least it wasn't a grenade launcher, but where the hell was my security detail?
It took me a while to get back to sleep, as you might imagine. I blasted the guy but got no particular vibe except for myriad WW bases he had some connection to. Then after a few minutes i lit up his Egyptoid vibe and was able to trace him to the St Joe area, a town about 30 miles away to the north. He was unmarried and connected to a group of 400+ gay male Freemasons in the St Joe area; Egyptoids and repticlones. Plus a bunch of little U bases. Apparently they craved being nailed, and have all been replaced by repticlones since.
Presumably this guy had gone to all the trouble of getting up in the middle of the night and driving all that distance, when there were easier ways to draw my attention. He drove down a highway littered with Channel Program devices, etc. and drove up the side road which is even more heavily gifted, then up my dead-end road which is very orgonized indeed, all without the programs biting on him enough to kick up an ET vibe. Some Egyptoids still require sustained focussed deliberate blasting to light up. And they seem to know who and why this is, which is why he was sent instead of some obvious guy who would have triggered my devices and alarmed my allies.
My mixed-species security detail had a grave pow-wow and i wondered what the outcome would be. Obviously, they need to scrutinize people coming up my road more diligently instead of relying on a toxic vibe. The enemy could send vibeless synthetics, clones, etc.
Well last night (earlier this time, maybe 8:30pm) i got real freaky vibes as my allies "intercepted" another stalker, from even further north. They got him before he even got to Marshall and fried him so much he eventually turned around and retreated. Replaced now. Of course he was connected to myriad little Egyptoid U bases too.
Oct 5, '18: (7:50am) It has been a strange morning so far.
One reader wrote me that she discovered that if you look at street view anywhere in this area of Jerusalem, you will see the same 2 repticlones walking along. Zoom in on any street and look at the street view pic. I did this at random and got them here as just one example. The guy wearing a Google shirt and his bald sidekick with shades. Then if you hit the arrow to look down the street, there they are again. Etc. If you don't see them, like at the end of that alley, rotate the view.
Maybe there is a logical explanation why these guys got paid to walk around all day in front of the Google cam?
This person also happened to notice this odd bird in the Jerusalem sky. I got an AI drone vibe which traced to a CIA Egyptoid U base a short way north.
Then i opened an email from my friend in Italy, asking me whether these orgonite muffins got properly programmed. They did feel right but different.
One, they were chewing on some previously-unnoticed evil underground ETs north of him, which led to more and more of their bases worldwide, which we are presently addressing. These critters do not seem very human-like.
But that's not all. I found that the being who programmed them was not consciously known to me. I get that it is a male snake living on my property, whom i have never seen! He has a different perspective to share, obviously.
Oops, now he is visiting me in the astral. Luckily i'm not squeamish about having snakes writhing around my face.
I did the last pour on this month's first CB before dawn. And i am also working on another wicked project...
We have been getting pleasant weather that gets up in the 80s every afternoon lately.
(noon) Could use some help blasting the AI, CIA, Egyptoids, etc. around Capella. I have been blasting it since before dawn,and allies have been cleaning up as much as they can, yet it continues to attack my friend in CZ relentlessly.
And this is at least the 3rd time i have had to address Capella in recent weeks.
(2:30pm) Wow! My new snake friend reprogrammed this old unit, i think from 2005. It has a big Virgina quartz plus other stones and some shavings he could reprogram, to hit a big pernicious demon that has been messing over some people in Lagos. I have done loads of stuff daily for a long time to whittle away at this beast, but it still ruins their existence.
But shortly after focusing this device on it, i got kickback for the first time in maybe 2 months.
I had asked the snake if he could program it to specifically deal with this mysteriously tough demon.
The unit does have 2 mobius coils which just i plugged into another old passive unit, but that is not the main reason for effectiveness.
It pays to have psychic allies. No-one is an omniscient Psi-Lord. This snake has psychic perceptions nobody else in my group has, plus an ability to program. This thing feels much more intense than it ever did.
Man who 'kept slave in a shed for 40 years' is released. I have trouble reconciling a couple "facts". "Mr Plimmer said the man appeared to have been made to carry out unpaid work from the age of 16 or 17." & "even the television was metered."
And why has the perp "been released as inquiries continue"?
Also, how can they be so illiterate as to say "The potential modern slavery victim was taken by specialist trauma officers to be medically examined and assessed..."? Potential? How about probable?
Potential: having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.
(4pm) Now the snake reprogrammed this unit, also to use against this same demon.
Meanwhile, Capella is still hitting this poor person in CZ. Just a while ago i figured out that AI some distance away from the 2 Capella stars was somehow causing them to radiate strong bad energy. One can trace bad energy in the stars outwards to the bases.
(5:35pm) Announcing the birth of a handsome and sturdy new CB!
Oct 9, '18: (8:50am) Overcast; supposed to get significant rain over the next 24 hours.
I suspect that Capella may be the main HQ of AI. It is not attacking directly any more, but i think it is still key.
Even though it is just an artist's impression, the pic here showing both Capella A and B really brings through the nasty energy for me. Also it feels like the bad guys are mainly inside the stars. According to some Egyptoid i was reading about, Schauberger maybe, the stars are cool on the inside.
There are many evil biological species here in addition to AI.
(4:15pm) Another major hot spot right now is Upsilon Scorpii, from which AI and Baphomoids are hitting a friend of mine hard now.
Oct 10, '18: (8:50am) Wow, got 2.8" of rain, over 3 times what was predicted. Now it looks like summer is over; heading into significantly cooler weather.
Upsilon Scorpii feels much better now.
This is my latest matrix-busting Reality Correction Unit (RCU). I sense it works to counter AI manipulations of time and gravity, and that's about the extent of my comprehension so far. Feels pretty wild.
I have it running on a 30kHz zapper. The 30kHz does not address AI but does fry its etheric and biological allies. And the powered coil amps up the rest of the unit.
I made it over a week ago except for the coil which i made last night. It is not even a mobius coil, just an odd spiral coil around a cast resin ring. I just now installed the jacks and fired it up.
(10am) Sun broke through.
The unit works remotely, i'm finding. Addressing Capella now.
Oct 11, '18 (7:30am) What the hell? Vimeo is using this pic in ads and this morning it struck me that it has a creepy vibe because it represents a type of actual evil ET, which i now christen Vimoids. I am finding them in space. And in U bases. First U base area i found is in AU all around -18.531730, 132.589250.
Does anyone recognize this from any movie, TV program etc.?
Cold morning.
(8:25am) A reader enlightened me about this image. See Kirsten Lepore, repticlone. In the Vimeo pic i was wondering whether those were rabbit ears or part of the background. I think the ETs do have ears like that. If you check the vid (i only watched 1/2, without sound, then fast-forwarded) at 0:02 the creature turns its head. The ears don't move, yet maintain an ear-y relationship to the head. Then later we see the head separately from the "ears". Then later, like 2:06, the ears are in position again.
Cute buns, too.
(11:35am) We are finding these critters under everywhere on Earth including the sea beds, sometimes in joint bases with werewolves and/or AI.
They are attacking me back from space locations.
(noon) Getting hit from thousands of space locations of offworld CIA SSers in joint bases with Vimoids.
Oct 12, 2018: (3:15pm) Cold and grey today. Had light rain.
I think those Vimoids are one of those physical species which is very sensitive to orgone weapons. I think they are dying off. They have not attacked me since yesterday afternoon, but i have noticed a lot of them RVing me. That seems to be fading out, too. Thank you, LeWhore, for bringing this species to our attention.
Oct 17, '18: (10:45am) I've had 1.8" of gentle rain since last post, and cold weather. Sun came out today though and it's supposed to be 65 today.
With the sun, chem and chemtrails became evident, which traced to AI in space. And after chasing down chem AI a while i discovered that the Tarantula Nebula is a major hotbed for such activity.
Nice example of a CIA disinfo YouTube channel: STOP THE CRIMINAL CIA NWO. Catchy name that anyone savvy will agree with, but promotes only CIA repticlones, probably tells a few general truths and half-truths here and there while it stuffs you with BS.
(8:05pm) I discovered a "new" type of Baphomoid hybrid with its own distinctive slimy vibe and space bases. I am calling them Albireans because i am so far only noticing them around Albireo. I am blasting them now.
(9pm) Lots around Castor as well.
Oct 19, '18: (10:05am) More drizzle today.
All this AI meddling still seems to trace back to Capella! Blasting it again now.
(7:20pm) Raining.
Don't know what it means, but i noticed the 33rd Parallel is very energized right now.
More groovy what's-not-to-like repticlones: Icke links to THE ARTIFICIAL SUN, DARK FREQUENCIES, AND THE LIGHT OF TRUTH by CIA repticlone Rosanne Lindsay, ND, seen doing a hand sign here.
The article promotes the orgonite site of Sharon Daphna, presently a CIA repticlone. But back in June 7, '17 i blogged that she was some apparently unidentified type of ET. And actually, the orgonite does not feel bad and i rate it a 5 on a scale of 0-10.
Oct 21, '18: (8am) Sunny and nice yesterday and today.
Since last night i have been blasting with 11,954.387 Hz, square wave, on my NCH Toner running some powerful array. It started by me dowsing that freq to penetrate the slippery shell of an Egyptoid individual, but it seems this freq is real good against bad guys in general.
NCH toner is available online including here.
(4:10pm) If you don't have orgonite you can take a crystal or chunk of rough quartz, tape ear buds to it, and run freqs that way.
The setup i'm using now is very heavy on the quartz crystal, and after running the freq for hours if i turn off the PC the qtz still vibrates at that freq for hours.
(7pm) Joe says that the version of NCH that i have on my site did not work on his version of Windows. He found one that did on the NCH site.
The version i have is one which somebody told me many years ago was superior to the newer version of that era. I have no idea how it compares to the newest version because i have not tried that yet.
Oct 27,'18: (6:50am) Got 0.6" of rain and drizzle on the 25th.
CIA proprietary involved in AI tech: INFRACLIMA technology - an absolute winner in energy savings and healthy living. In Czechia (map), at the end of a tunnel from a Prague U base. Infraclima had a CIA base under it, too.
This crowd is also involved in gang-stalking activities.
Oct 29, '18: (6:50pm) The last 3 days had super nice weather. Getting some nice red and yellow leaves now.
Somebody asked me about PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) devices for running frequencies for internal demons. The ones that come up in google images mostly have evil AI/ET tech. They channel AI crap from some star. We nailed the star yesterday and then the devices felt OK until now when they started channeling another star which we are now addressing.
This is not limited to PEMF devices. For example, Supreme Zapper is in the same boat.
Also in the past i have reported various phones, laptops, and other electronic devices which have an "evil ET tech" vibe which i now realize consists at least in part of an AI tie-in.
Found a couple interesting, clean, PEMF devices:- OMI Ring PEMF feels real good and is much cheaper than others at $365. In fact i just ordered one to help with some minor tendon issues etc.
- PEMF Therapy Mat feels very good too, $1,180.00.
(9:35pm) Presently allies are adressing a bunch of CIA U bases under and around Wylie's Peak in Idaho. This is where Hendra virus was made! I looked at the pics of the virus and they had an intense CIA vibe that led straight to this area. Who knows what all else they have been batching up there.
I get 909.68 Hz, square wave as a destructive freq and am fixin' to run some now.

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