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Loohan's blog for November 2018
Nov 3,'18: (8:10am) I had another 3.4" of gentle rain since last report.
This sky greeted me this morning. No vibe except a connection to AI by a particular star. When i blasted the AI, it attacked me back.
Coming to a checkpoint near EU: Trials of AI lie-detector border guard underway in three EU states.
(5:55pm) The intrepid Ta'l monk Hoz found a big WW hatchery near NGC 1097. Apparently most of these scads of CIA WW satanists we have been running into are of a type of clone that can do black magic.
Nov 5, '18: (8:40am) Had another 1/2" of rain night before last.
The forum is migrating to my host from my friend NDW's host. Hopefully soon you should be automatically forwarded from the old link if you use it. The new URL is Your old password should still work.
Another CIA Egyptoid agent: LookoutfaCharlie. Note he even clues you in at the start that he's full of it, or at least a total science dunce, by repeatedly talking about acid leaking out of alkaline batteries.
He also has a YT channel sporting Egyptoid faces and a big M hand sign.
He says that TI's are sensitized by internal fungi which produce manganese oxide (the "acid" in alkaline batteries). As it turns out, a big thing in science right now is using mold and fungus to create alkaline and lithium batteries anywhere. One particular fungus called Acremonium produces Manganese Oxide on and in anything (especially people or animals) and creates a battery. Ironically, this fungus can take the shape of a target or "bullseye" pattern. The exact shape that a lot of targets and other people claim to see in their eyes as "floaters". Some can see them with the naked eye. Some see them with the help of reflection off of microscopes or jeweler's loupes. Infection from this fungus alone can cause arthritis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, endocarditis, pneumonia, cerebritis, and subcutaneous infections. It lives in soil and dead plant matter much like sporotrichosis. Once in the body, it is continuously creating Manganese Oxide. Which means it is continuously creating electro-sensitive chemicals.
Truth or pseudoscience babble? All i know is that manganese dioxide (pic) has a bit of a vibe but i don't dowse it in TI's. If you are a sensitive dowser try it yourself; dowsing dilute, weak-vibed minerals in people is not my forte. But i suspect it's BS.
Also, some of his Commenters are CIA repticlones.
(8:55am) Yup, it keeps looking like all CIA and AI evils flow from Capella. Even the Lagos demon(s) i have been having trouble eliminating is fed from there!
Also it feels like the bad guys are mainly inside the stars. Yes, and i keep finding more (lesser) stars that seem to have CIA attacking from inside them.
(6:55pm) I am detecting activity in many space locations of reptilians, type #4 in this pic of mostly-beaten-down evil rept types.
Nov 6, '18: (10:10pm) Got another 2/10" of rain yesterday afternoon.
Andromeda Constellation and surroundings are the source of CIA AI attacks on several people this morning.
Lost Chord update: i mentioned the Lost Chord energy in my blog in September. Since then i have continued to blast with it and believe it is a good energy to use as a weapon on remote targets. In fact i have started pouring a large item that will be strong on the Lost Chord energy.
There is even a new (of sorts) program for resin to emit this energy; more details later. It requires gold or yellow pigment. I don't think turmeric is suitable.
And Celestite still takes it, too. One note about celestite: a reader had a cluster programmed, then broke off one little crystal to make a pendulum. Oddly, this resulted in the entire cluster losing the program, and moreover, it even lost the good native vibe of celestite! Felt dull and lousy. But we were able to restore it all.
(1:10pm) I received 2 more pix of Baphomoids today. These may be genetic variations of the first one as i get different vibes and locations for them. It is good to blast all 3. In fact i have found other pockets of what seems like different variations of them in the recent past, which are not depicted. There may be several more undiscovered.
They all have a CIA vibe.
(1:40pm) I updated OTB 27f with info on the new program. Hope to have pix maybe tomorrow.
Nov 7, '18: (8:40am) Wow, a reader alerted me to this bit of culture. Doesn't it say it all?
A nugget of truth from a CIA MTF repticlone.
Got another 1/2 of gentle rain last night.
Nov 8, 2018: (11:45am) And here is my new weaponized tough-love Lost Chord blaster. It has a lot of rough white quartz and an odd mobius-like coil running on 30kHz.
The cone is my anti AI cone i made last March.
(4pm) Cool animated gif snagged from here, which was displayed on the Vice article We Still Need 'They Live,' the Most Relevant 80s Movie "It's been 30 years since John Carpenter's classic alien invasion movie hit theaters, and it's more important than ever." Indeed. This is probably the most truth-revealing flick the Egyptoids ever put out. Though it doesn't get into the uglier things, it at least "awakens" us to the fact that the "people" around us are not what they seem.
In 1988 i was studying kung fu under an Egyptoid teacher (who, incidentally, died in a U base a couple days ago even though i wasn't specifically blasting him). One day at the end of class he said something about this movie, and that we students should see it. I did, and thought it was an OK corny B-movie. Little did i realize what i was surrounded by. It was many years before i started to realize it was so much more.
Watch this unique Masonic confessional sometime. Actually, i haven't watched it in 30 years, but i might again someday.
Nov 12, '18: (4:10pm) The first freeze of the season had to be a hard one. It got down to 15 F the night of the 9th. Tonight it is supposed to be 22 and tomorrow night 20. Been getting drizzle and maybe light sleet today.
I was under sustained attack from countless locations a couple hours ago so i stuck a small unit with a mobius type coil in my pocket hooked up to the $15 9V 30kHz zapper
and it helped a lot.
Nov 12, '18: (10:45am) Light coat of snow on the fallen leaves. Now the sun has come out and it is melting a bit.
End of last month i posted that i had ordered a PEMF unit. I just posted a review here.
(12:05pm) Someone in Slovenia sent me this image from a children's book. Click for larger image.
Things to note: like the Baphomoids they have blue skin and "horns". Two-finger hand signs. M hand sign on table. 666 hand sign holding pencil. "This much" hand sign on table. Gender motif on screen (Earthling binary and reproduction-oriented sex ed for ET kiddies). Subtle breast design on teacher with peekaboo nipples. Closest antenna might be deliberately a bit phallic -- looks more like a mushroom cap on top than a sphere. And it's right in front of another student's open mouth.
(3:50pm) By the way there is still a drought in the Four Corners area (drought map). I had somehow forgotten about it after working on it earlier this year.
Nov 14, '18: (9:25am) Overcast, cold, supposed to get up to 33 F today.
Months ago i mentioned that there is a local family i know who appear to have full Egyptoid DNA but are clueless. Daddy had a satanist father and has a clueless mother who must be a genetic Etoid. Mommy had 2 satanist parents.
These people do not seem to have been abused that i detect, and produced very Etoid-looking kids. Then one day last year their son, whom i have vaguely known for 20 years and see on rare occasions, walks in and has picked up the vibe of a dirty Mason as well as the vibe of an arrogant master-race Egyptoid! The Masons could tell he was one of them genetically and had the potential (in his late 20s) to be activated as an evil ET. And he chose to sell out to the dark side. Of course on the surface he acted like his usual likeable self.
So i've been blasting him and his dirty associates for months. Finally yesterday i noticed he was in a U base in NH, which we nailed.
So you see, even if the Masonic intiation skips a generation or several, as long as the DNA is there and the person slimy enough, they can still become Master Race losers who scurry underground in response to orgone.
Losers i say because lately Egyptoids have been hitting the underground as in the heyday of what happened to the reptilian hybrids. If i check out an Asian movie on YT that has only Egyptoid actors, now over half of them will be sitting underground, and the rest take a dive within hours. (I have nailed more triad and yakuza U bases over the years from movies than you can shake a stick at, even before i knew about Etoids.)
I also know another guy who became a satanist Mason, in the Baltimore area. I knew him over 40 years ago; he was a pugnacious, mean kid with a feminine face that i now realize must have been due to Etoid DNA. I knew his parents and brother well, and they were good people.
But this guy was not indoctrinated into the ET aspect, even though he is now a satanist Mason. I do not know why not.
Soon most Egyptoids on Earth's surface will be replaced by repticlones, and 80% or more of the population will be RCs with a few other fake humans thrown in. Blindly consuming, polluting, reproducing, partying, driving around shopping and sight-seeing, and at all costs maintaining their total-hoax "reality" which they seem so addicted to. Going to church, celebrating 4th of July, supporting our troops, pretending to have misc political views and values...
Most of the people who write me for help these days have an Egyptoid husband, wife, girlfriend, parent, etc. which years ago i would have missed unless they were rept hybrids.
Nov 16, '18: (7:20am) The cold snap relented yesterday afternoon. Sky was very clear and blue. This morning, spraying to the east tracing to 800 space AI bots.
A reader enquired about this hand-signing freak. This is a female Category 3 Egyptoid as i write, but probably will be replaced by a repticlone soon. The reason i find this specimen interesting is because i get a real Baphomoid-like vibe off her. And a feeling she is very aware of the Baphos and their agenda. In fact i think she is a nexus for Baphos; a communication link from them to Earth Etoids. She has a strong connection to a U base at 52.974661, -9.146840 in rural Ireland. I sensed 92 Etoids down there before we nailed it. Also a connection with 41 Etoid bases further north, on the south side of Kilthurla.
I have not found actual Baphomoids in or near Earth yet, though.
Thanks to all the cold weather i was finally able to de-mold a CB i had made over 4 months ago, with the anti-Egyptoid ZPE+Brass Program. The programming in the pipes is currently tweaked to remotely fry the crap out of Baphomoids whenever there aren't evil critters within 3 miles up locally. The pipes were working harder on Baphos yesterday than currently, suggesting we have already taken the Baphos' energy down a few notches.
In general, anti-Egyptoid programs also hit the Baphos hard, as these seem to be genetic precursors to the Etoids.
And of course such programs also fry Egyptoid hybrids such as those who fly around in planes.
(8:20am) I feel 6 distinct strains of Baphomoids seemingly inside this star, attacking along with other usual scum in region.
Nov 17, '18: (7:30pm) Lovely sunny 65-ish weather the past 2 days, except for heavy vibeless chem-spraying all day today, which traced to lots of AI bots. Now we're in for colder weather and a little rain maybe.
A reader noticed that running 15.7 Hz on a zapper seemed to do something. I figured out, that is a freq very destructive to those creepy Vimoids mentioned Oct 11. I think triangle wave is slightly better than square on this one. I am running it now. Although they seemed to have faded out of the picture, i sense they are important, involved, and dangerous.
Nov 19, '18: (9am) Faint drizzle and dense fog since yesterday afternoon. Supposed to be sunny and 50 this PM.
Adressed the town of Limoges, France yesterday. The underground was packed with CIA bases. The DORiest base was right under the HQ of CIA proprietary firm Audefi which lists a bunch of CIA repticlones as it's execs.
Some great news: the Baphos may be on the verge of extinction. All day yesterday and up to a few minutes ago they were directing attacks against the talented child who drew the pix of them i have posted. They really stuffed her badly and made her ill. I had to spend hours mitigating the situation.
My Ta'l wife Nadee was so appalled at this unseemly misbehavior that she and Antuvozy are deleting these unworthy species at the genetic blueprint level now.
Nov 21, '18: (4:50pm) The tachyon program is now free to anyone provided you also accept the Lost Chord Program with it and add suitable pigment. See this month's entry in OTB 27f.
Nov 22, '18: (8:30am) Sunny, clear, warmish here this morning.
Deleting those Baphomoids sure helped matters. There were 7 strains. For one thing, it freed up a lot of equipment to focus more on our other enemies. Even Capella seems weaker this morning.
I was looking at the full moon last night and reflecting how, years ago, on a night like this the hills would be alive with the toxic demonic energies of satanic blood rites, of demons feeding on the torture of animals and humans. We have come a long way since then. Even though matters are still unacceptable.

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