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Loohan's blog for September 2018
Sep 3 '18: (9:10am) Overcast morning.
Eenia came out with a new program yesterday. It is to make this planet more friendly to many of our ET allies.
I won't even post this one in OTB 27 because it is of limited usefulness beyond a certain amount, and i am making a device that will be channeled through all items worldwide that have my Channel Program. I get that this device will suffice, but nonetheless i made a bunch of little cubes to toss around as well. And you can do likewise if you feel like it. If nothing else, this serves as a welcome mat for the allies; in fact i call this the Welcome Mat Program.
I don't know what it addresses, exactly, or how it works. I get kind of a gravity/time warp feeling off it, i think.
(7:10) Yes! Feels like all the dangerous, evil psychopaths of the Presbeia-Protoi bunch just perished in a U base at 49.538146, 18.375048 in east Czechia. The main 2 individuals were Egyptoid, and there were also several repticlones.
I had been blasting them recently.
They harmed a valued friend years ago badly, after i had vouched for them.
Sep 4, '18: (8:15am) And here is my welcome piece. Those 4 red things are capacitors.
When i went out to photograph it this morning, i noticed cute frogs on my basil plants, and got a nice pic of one.
(3:15pm) And hours later, saw another nice little frog posing for a photo.
I did some gifting with the new program while doing errands today, and it does make the map feel nicer. I think it is worthwhile.
Sep 6, '18: (7:50pm) It was a grey, occasionally drizzly day.
Some insights about the Baphomoids from Mordok. Disclaimer: Mordok gets messed with a lot and this should not be taken as gospel truth as i can't verify most of it one way or another. Except I still can't get a genital vibe off the Baphos!
Mordok says he was aware of these guys messing with him before i wrote about them, as asexual beings.I also get that these Baphos were "adjusted" by the AI and their genitals were removed and now they are being cloned for each generation. AI are jealous of sex organs 'cuz they can't have any, so as they take over a species (or at least their planet) they get modified and the DNA gets changed to shut down reproduction. I am pretty sure the Baphos are a form of reptile. And supposedly where each sex's main organ or opening was, there is now just a button they can push or rub for pleasure... about every 4 days and they can only do it twice. Seems to energize them.
Twice now I have gotten from them that they live hundreds of years. Also, I think the AI did this about 1500 years ago, so the ones I talked to have only done the clone thing once so far.
Maybe the original race was not so androgynous.
This raises the question, what then are the Egyptoids in relation to the Baphs? I had speculated that the Etoids are of human stock that has Baphomoid DNA spliced in, but that may be totally wrong.
And who made the AI? I still suspect it was the Egyptoids.
Also i doubt the Baphos or Etoids are reptilian, because i have devices that supposedly work on any kind of evil reptilian, and these are not triggered by Baphs or Etoids. But, it is also possible that they are a different kind of reptilian that just does not have the usual repty vibe.
Sep 7, '18: (3:45pm) Still grey and occasional drizzle.
I keep forgetting to mention, a few nights ago Jessica Schab and her pimp Diego, both vile Egyptoids, perished in a U base. They have been replaced by Egyptoid clones.
Sep 10, '18: (5:45pm) As of the evening of the 7th i had gotten 0.7", and it sprinkled another 1/10" since. Partly sunny today, cool.
More Egyptoids have been giving up. Lots of jerks that have been on my fecal list for decades, plus some locals, some Scientology creeps, some Triads, and some celebs like Bob Dylan (FTM), Clint Eastwood (FTM), the fruity Earth First bard, Dana Lyons, Cat Stevens.
Sep 12, '18: (10:45am) Cat Stevens should not have been on that list. Yes, his repticlone did die that day, but shortly after posting i remembered he was a SSer replaced by a repticlone, not a pure Egyptoid. And i corrected the error and thought i uploaded the corrected version.
Someone who should have been on that list but i forgot, is David Wilcock, gay NSA Egyptoid.
I had one silent phone call from a werewolf U base connected to bunches more in my region yesterday morning, and 2 more such already this morning. And in between, an obnoxiously loud chopper worked its way at a snail's pace south of me, with 2 satanist SSers in it. Why it was going so slowly by my area one can only speculate, as it was going from the big airport in Blytheville, AR all the way to Miami Regional Airport in Miami, Oklahoma, not a short hop for a chopper. It has some vague military vibe, maybe US Army, as do their unwanted U bases in these areas.
Overcast, expecting lite sprinkles.
Sep 13, '18: (11:15am) Got almost no drizzle even, but it was nice and cool, low 70s. Today is supposed to be warm, and the sun is out under a very clear sky (at least near me) which may have something to do with the new CB i will de-mold and photograph later.
I have been struck all morning by the unusual vibe of the sun; feels "sunnier" and very nice. So i took a pic and am surprised to see all these orbs in the pic.
Not getting a distinct vibe off the orbs, though, except that they are repelling demons strongly. The demonic energy in the pic is from what they are tangling with.
Even earlier this morning when the sun was low, it was too bright to even look near! Normally on a sunny morning with no chem obstructing, i will look right at the sun momentarily, and gaze all around it for a minute or 2. But today i can't even look near it because it is so bright. Never noticed this before.
Yesterday i also got a silent answering machine message from another nearby WW base, connected to another mess of them.
(1:55pm) Sometime back a reader wrote meOn one of your earlier postings you recommended using printed out toruses (tori?) geometrical patterns, to positively energise water. I tried that out, but wasn't sure whether it really worked or not. Anyway, I had a number of toruses as a result. One of the things the black magicians were doing to me (& still are) was to cause severe aches & pains in various parts of my body. On one particular day my neck & shoulder was severely afflicted, & I couldn't sleep at night even. Then a thought came to me that if these toruses have a transformative effect on water, & our bodies are 70% water, then maybe they can heal our bodies too. So I stuck one on my shoulder, & the other on my neck, &, after about 45 minutes, to my joy, the pain had considerably subsided, &, eventually went away completely. So from then on, whenever they would zap me, I would just put the toruses on, and it would consistently work. However, after some time, it seemed to be having less effect. Since it was evident that the cursers were increasing the intensity of their attacks, it seemed logical that using more toruses (I had only been using one per ache) would successfully counteract what they were doing, &, indeed, it worked. So, effectively, their severe pain affliction imposition ability was rendered almost useless, to the point that they largely stopped trying to attack me in this way.
Instead, they increasingly concentrated on giving me epilepsy instead. Then. one day when I was getting really spun out by one of these attacks, I thought "what if I put these toruses on my head?" So I tried that, & it also worked. Every time they would try to hit me with epilepsy I would consistently be able to close them down. It made a huge positive difference in my life. Wearing them on my head with a headband at night also made a big positive difference, & I have always wear them every night since then. So the same thing happened as with the pain attacks; they just gave up attacking me this way, because they weren't getting anywhere. Anyway, I now have about 100 of them printed out & laminated, & I take them with me everywhere. I have also given them to non-cursed friends with conventional aches & pains to try out, & they have also noticed a significant improvement.
Then today, another reader sent me what he says is the original Sacred G design by Corey Herter (who is Egyptoid by the way). I like this old version better: Sacred G torus.
(4:50pm) OK, my new baby. This one has a pipe the same width as the entire little CB i posted last month.
Feels kinda warpy to me, and it's hardly powered up yet.
Hurricane Florence prompts warning: 'You put your life at risk by staying'. There is an image there of its predicted path, and that path has been heavily fortified with demons by AI in Constellation Aquarius.
(7:35pm) I don't know about you all, but when i look at that CB pic it seems to subtly ripple or something. Or rather, it seems wonky yet i can't identify what exactly is wonky about it. Same with the guy i posted a mug shot of last month, even though he's dead and has no surviving copies that i detect.
This ripple effect is caused by AI, somehow. My 2 little new CBs are digging hard into AI energy, especially as related to meddling with Earth's sky. I don't really understand much of this, i just put together stuff to address it.
Sep 14, '18: (10:20am) Another such sun this morning. Pic. Note that some of the orbs (like yesterday) appear in front of the trees, meaning either that some of the orbs are very close or else they are mere artefacts resulting from aiming a camera right at the sun. Also at the bottom it appears as though the sun's rays were in front of the trees.
I am not in the habit of taking pix right at the sun so i am unfamiliar with whether this should happen, but when i look up photos of the sun on google i do not see this. And, i have seen similar orb pix under other lighting conditions. I have posted some orb pix many years ago taken by a friend in Tucson: like this under a bridge at night.
Sep 15, '18: (8:25am) Again, super bright sun. Here we can see that the orbs are very close. I think all the orbs in these pix are hanging around my property, and the sun makes this type of orb visible to the camera.
(7:15pm) Took a pic of the sun from work too this morning, to see if there would be orbs. There are some. This location is well busted, too, plus i had my vehicle there with the new CBs etc.
And my friend in Czechia, whose pic of the sun i posted last month, sent in another which feels much better. But it feels like it is the sun itself which is putting out the demon-repellant energy which i attributed to the orbs earlier. The pic has no orbs but has that same intense vibe.
So what accounts for this improvement in CZ, and the change in the sun generally?? It might have something to do with all the stuff i've been making. I've been pouring like 3-4 gallons a week for several weeks now, and some of that stuff is specifically addressing AI. I might post a pic in a few days of a massive array... which addresses, shall we say, the hyperdimensional Matrix created by AI.
(8:10pm) Oh yeah, one thing i noticed this morning, as i drove past the house of the CIA synthetic on the way to work, with my new CBs... i caught an AI vibe! There is a strong AI component or connection to the Synthetics like the Bundys.
Scanning my Doubles page i sense this also true with the once-ubiquitous Sandy Hookers (who are almost all replaced by repticlones now except in Newtown, Connecticut).
Oh, and guess what celeb died today? David Bowie, satanist FTM Egyptoid Monarch handler. But wait, you say, it is public knowledge that she died 10 January 2016. Well, public knowledge is a pretty shabby thing. She was living above-ground somewhere but couldn't stand it anymore. I sometimes sense that my victims are about to go underground hours before they do, as in this instance. I think it is because i sense their resentment of me.
(9:05pm) Forgot to mention, Mantak Chia and his wife, Egyptoid sorcerors, died a few days ago. Replaced by repticlones.
Sep 16, '18: (6pm) A long-time reader and orgone gifter in Bristol, UK took this amazing pic this morning.
And below is my anti-AI array against their hyperdimensional "magic".
Some old items, some new.
At the bottom is an ingot of cement mix with 4 small epoxy items imbedded. It can't even be called concrete as it has no sand or gravel, just Portland cement and a bit of plaster of Paris, and a few tiny rhodizites. It got the Plasterite Program but this has a different quality when there is no sand or gravel.
The big item upper right has a long history. I don't think i posted it before. It started in 2009 as a device to neutralize the extreme amounts of toxic energy put out by the (now extinct) Delk demons. I had it connected to the electric grid. It can handle a sudden wallop of extreme demonic energy.
Then later the ZPE Program came along, and i was guided to make that massive blue base for it.
Then in 2011 i made a bunch of sentient pumpkin heads, and one went on top.
Of course i have quite a lot of other stuff, including complex arrays, addressing AI.
Today at work i started noticing AI vibes off some of the CIA repticlones driving by. This is because they had connections to U bases with AI. Of course these all get marked and destroyed.
(6:35pm) That new CB no longer feels all that warpy to me, signifying that whatever was causing that has already been significantly reduced.
(9:55pm) Found another widespread race of evil ET "humans" that look like Hasidim! At least that is my strong impression. They look like these guys, Egyptoid traits, dress, and all. I think. One area where they are very common is here.
Sep 17, '18: (8:50am) Yesterday and this morning, the sun has become much less bright here than in the previous couple days, though still brighter than the old normal.
A reader in DK sent me a pic of this morning's sun there, commenting how the orbs "look like an optical effect". Yes. But could it be a hyperdimensional effect? Something that cuts through "illusory" 3D space?
That sun has the same good new vibe, notwithstanding the chem (which traces to space AI as usual).
Funny. This morning i clicked on an eBay ad for Trump coins, curious about such stupid-looking objects. Then shortly after i get this eBay ad thrown at me. Pin-up girls and a model Nazi plane. I have never looked for such things on eBay or gotten such offerings from them. Normally i get ads for stuff i buy, like crystals. But now they have me pegged in a Trump-lover consumer profile. Sluts and Nazi memorabilia. PROOF that eBay is part of the vast left-wing conspiracy against Our Savior Trump.
Sep 19, '18: (12:05pm) More Egyptoids have been suiciding and getting replaced with (usually) repticlones. Chrissie Hynde, Sayer Ji, "grassroots activists" i've known, Scientologists, witches, stalkers... I am finding i can terminate almost any of them if i desire to enough, plus many are going under that i didn't even particularly target.
And often the repticlone replacements soon jump right underground, sometimes getting replaced repeatedly.
My friend in DK sent another sun pic yesterday, even better than the last, commenting "I use a phone for this. Noticed that the orbs were visible on the screen while taking the pic, even though i was half blinded by the intensity of the sun."
I get a great vibe off the pic.
And yeah, eBay is still throwing that bikini repticlone with her legs split wide at me, sometimes i get one in both left and right columns simultaneously.
(3:30pm) Got a shower early afternoon, 0.2".
Harald Kautz Vella, Egyptoid agent, bit it a litle while ago. And i can feel that a local blood-ritual satanist is about to soon!
Sep 20, '18: (6:45am) Yep, she bit it, along with a few more local scum. Also i sense that Neil Young's MTF wife (Silicone Girl) is at the end of his tether [repticlone actually but i also often sense when RCs are about to take a dive].
A reader sent in an interesting video link: FAKE SUN PROOF IN MY CAR ! Sun Simulator Proof. Apparently these red orbs are "lens flare" and he shows how he gets them off a car overhead light. (I googled lens flare sun but the only relevant pic was from this photography article.)
So apparently these are not real orbs. I never did get a vibe from them; the vibe was from the sun itself.
This guy seems genuine, but at the end of the video he strongly recommends 2 other YouTube channels.
Odd that one of them is by a MTF Egyptoid with a strong CIA and NSA vibe, DiversityJ depicted left. Yes, i too am all about diversity, inclusiveness, and embracing gender-bent pedophile con artist ETs.
There is apparently a mess of people into the Sun Simulator theory. And i found a CIA website also debunking it. Remember, CIA has all positions on all subjects.
I have not researched the subject. As the debunking article states, the theory seems pretty illogical. Unfortunately, i have had to deal with highly illogical realities daily for many years, and, usually effectively, judging by the feedback...
This Czech "sun" i posted last month certainly does not seem real to me.
And the fact that CZ now has a real-seeming sun again, and that the sun worldwide seems brighter and more positive seems evident to me. It exudes energies that fry evil beings. I wonder if there has been any decrease in ETs sunbathing...
(3:25pm) Scary. Just got pix of today's sun in Slovenia, and they felt like last month's CZ pic! Plus, sun does not look round.
Immediately i hunted down the space location of AI which seemed responsible, and blasted them with my special arrays etc. Now the vibe is changing a bit.
(3:45pm) My Slovenian friend wrote back"Interesting, and make sense... all what happened lately feels like intense warped reality pushing the negatives to the edge to provoke. Last 3 days also no chem at all, bright clear sky. Seems fake sun is kind of projector/portal of fake reality timeline where they can dominate and operate more wicked. Thanks"
(4:15pm) AI keeps pouring energy into the fake sun from different locations as one gets nailed. Feel free to blast "through" the sun.
This is odd because it is nighttime now in Slovenia, and my sun here does not feel like this! Yet the sun in the new photos keeps getting negative energy dumped into it... ????
Sep 21, '18: (8:55am) Tomorrow is the official equinox. The last 3 days have been 90-ish but now it looks like it will stay below 80. Tomorrow is supposed to have high of 62! Also plenty of rain forecast for a while.
My Slovenian friend sent another sun pic, and this time it feels very sweet! and still no chem.
AI was really hyperactive yesterday afternoon, Attacking me, Joe, etc while also maintaining that evil sun energy.
(10:35am) And, another monopipe CB today, of course.
One can buy heavy copper pipe by the inch in the US on eBay. It's not cheap, but worth it if you do good design and programming.
Sep 23, '18: (5pm) Damp and overcast lately. It rained all night on the 22st and some yesterday. Got 1.7".
In J.K. Rowling's new novel, a villain is an Israel-hating anti-Semite. Aha. I said many years ago that Rowling was a satanist Mossad agent, and the books were co-written by multiple more of them. And that was before i was spotting reptilian shapeshifters or trannies.
I always wondered why Mossad was the Vatican agency chosen for this psyop. Never having read or watched any of this garbage, i didn't know if there was any Israel tie-in in the fiction.
"Now, in her (sic) newest book, she (sic) includes a character whose obsessive anti-Zionism morphs into anti-Semitism."
Sep 24, '18: (9:40am) It rained more overnight and is drizzling now.
Recently i found 3 stars and their surroundings which i could use some help blasting. These feed into a big demon (possibly more than 1) possessing some people in Lagos, Nigeria. I have been working on this situation a long time and only bagged parts of the demon as well as zillions of minor demons.
There are, of course, Egyptoids etc out there too, but the main issue i am concerned with is this unusual demon mess feeding into the Big Demon.
I am getting a bit of kickback but not too bad.
(3:45pm) 1.2" of rain is what i got.
Time to revisit the subject of clothing tags.
Since, due presumably to the edicts of ever-changing fashion, one can no longer find "muscle shirts" in stores, i ordered some online.
I had to cut off these DORy little tags which trace to AI in space, and indeed serve as handy radionic links. I set them on my big anti-AI ring and am blasting the region. I think they intended the opposite energy flow direction.
Looking through them with a strong light, i notice nothing odd-looking. I think the woo-woo is in the ink itself.
(7:10pm) My friend in CZ just sent in this pic of the ostensible Harvest Moon. It ain't right. If there is anything physical there, i don't detect it. Just a connection to another AI space location.
Sep 25, '18: (10:25am) The 3rd CB of the month. This one has a Luke Coil that can be run on a zapper. Some of us have been experimenting with 30,000 Hz lately. For more info see forum thread.
Four inch tall section of heavy 6" pipe.
(2:30pm) Sun came out this afternoon.
Hmmm... Way of the Future Church: "Humans United in support of AI, committed to peaceful transition to the precipice of consciousness."
Ya think? Hyoomans?
My friend in CZ sent in another moon pic, and it's bad again; traces to a space location which has also been attacking Mordok today for hours.
Sep 28, '18: (10:50am) Sunny, mostly clear morning here.
I could still use help nailing the nasty demons in the 2nd pic of 3 stars here. The other 2 stars seem fairly clean now.
Yesterday i found in Chile what is probably the main CIA Bitcoin mining op, BHP Minera Escondida. BHP must stand for Bitcoin Hog Enterprises. Note that this is a ha-ha mining company. There was a U base under the evaporation flats. There are 2 cute litte villages for the miners to the south. The ostensible execs are all CIA repticlones. They all hit the underground soon after i started blasting, but nonetheless their pics connect to bunches more CIA crap i have been chasing down.
There were and still are many more CIA Bitcoin-mining U bases worldwide.
Once Bitcoin is more mainstream the CIA will be sitting on a big pile of "money" as usual, to fund their altruistic projects.
(12:55pm) One thing floating through my addled mind lately is the lost chord.
While we were programming the new CB, we accidentally came close to something "unknown"; an energy missing from the corrupted universes. We have since nailed it, i think, and it is streaming out the middle of the unit.
I have been trying to write a program for resin, concrete, metal, or stone, to emit this energy, but so far it is just my CB.
My suspicion is that long ago, the Aeon Sophia deleted this energy from all of Creation that she could reach, in order to "sicken" Creation and make it a haven for parasites.
My impression is, as we refill the 50 corrupt universes with this energy, the parasites will wither away and die.
Further, at some level, the minions of evil (fake humans, evil ETs, demons, maybe even harmful insects, virii, etc) want this, though they fight us tooth and nail. This is why they give us all the tools and hint at the truth and then constantly volunteer to be eradicated: they know they are merely symptoms of a disease resulting from a nutritional deficiency, and have no legitimate presence in any universe, except as indicators of malaise. Actually, they crave the lost chord, so that they can find peace in oblivion.
Do the Egyptoids and their hybrids sing odes to this energy? You decide what you think.
Lyrics: The_Lost_Chord. You should check those lyrics.
And also the Moody Blues:This garden universe vibrates complete
Some, we get a sound so sweet
Vibrations reach on up to become light
And then through gamma, out of sight
Between the eyes and ears there lie
The sounds of colour and the light of a sigh
And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe
But it's all around if we could but perceive
To know ultraviolet, infrared and X-rays
Beauty to find in so many ways
Two notes of the chord, that's our poor scope
But to reach the chord is our life's hope
And to name the chord is important to some
So they give it a word, and the word is...
OM, is what they say it is. Possibly, but then the OM we know is much less, a sound impotent by itself to restore the real chord.
(3:40pm) Eenia had me take the unit on the left, made in 2005 i think, and stick it in the pipe of my CB of Sep 13, and now it too puts out The Lost Chord!
Note that in both cases a goldish color seems like it might be a factor. In my last CB, i accidentally spilled more gold pigment (actually mica-based) in the mix than intended.
Sep 29, '18: (7:45pm) Progress: Eenia has a way to program celestite with the Lost Chord Program.
However, before you spend too much $$ on celestite, consider that it is likely she will be able to do other stones soon. Maybe even rough quartz. In which case we could reprogram countless tons of quartzite etc across the universe, and there would be little point in people having their own stash.
The Dalai Lama bit it today.
(8:15pm) Actually, we are finding many celestite deposits now on various planets for her to program, so it may already be irrelevant for individuals to own some.
(8:25pm) Actually we already knew where the deposits are; we are just reprogramming them. Thousands of tons, at least.
Sep 30, '18: (5pm) We have some allies finding lots more veins of celestite, even in other universes, which we are programming. Eenia taught 5 Sakudas how to do the programming. Several times today i felt a rush as a new mass of celestite "went online". All this is streamable thru my Channel Program.

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