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Loohan's blog for November, 2021
Nov 7, 2021: (5:15pm) I've had another 1/2" of gentle rain. Today is sunny and clear except for the occasional slight trace of chem wisps.

I have had less USAF harrassment lately, but some. This plane just came by from LA. You can see where it curved north so it could come by me at the same angle that everyone else loves so much. Only thing is, its path was stone's throw south of the usual spots.
Nov 11, '21: (8:55am) Sunny, breezy, clear with clouds in the distance. I got almost another inch of gentle rain with thunder last night, after heavy afternoon chem.
I sense that the weird sky objects seen on The Final Days YT channel have a strong connection to Egyptoids and AI in the Large Magellanic Cloud, which Joe and i are currently addressing.
Nov 16, '21: (9:40am) I got another 1/10"+ of rain. Then day before yesterday was super chemmy, and yesterday not much better. I kept nailing the AI space bases. This morning started clear with only a wisp of old chem visible. Now overcast but i don't detect chem or chemmers. This is unusual as normally before real moisture drifts in, it is preceded by a bunch of chem-crud.
Is a major energy shift in the works? Earlier this morning i was under attack and felt sort of nervous, then it faded out and i've been feeling pretty good. Also, at least for the time being, there seems to be much less demonic energy around. A USAF plane flew by a while ago and i could barely get any evil vibe off it. I look at the creepazoids on Daily Mail and can hardly feel them even if they are transhuman MTFs like Lady Gaga.
The Large Magellanic Cloud feels much less nasty, but there is still much bad energy noticeable around its denser core area.
(4:05pm) Of course, later we got a bunch more mixed cover and nailed loads of space AI.
Nov 17, '21: (3:05am) Remember these ETs from March 2019? For some reason my turtle Felter is very upset about them, and has me chasing them all over the universe. Dunno what they are up to.
Nov 18, '21: (7:30am) Got 9/10" of gentle rain last night. Chem smear this morning.
Yesterday i happened to notice this unidentifiable plane. It had taken off from Oxford University Airport south of Memphis, cruised up to Memphis then turned more westward in a perfectly straight line going through the exact same points next to me that so many other planes love so much.
We are no longer noticing activity currently by the ETs as depicted right.
(11:50am) Sunny with chem. I have been getting more mysterious off-radar planes including a very loud jet a while ago, and another fairly close just now. Yesterday a USAF C-130 came by noisily. Then shortly ago, these 2 more. I have some doubts about the accuracy of the flight paths shown on flightradar24. I was outside, and it appeared to me that they came right over my property, but flightradar shows their path as being 2km south!
(12:45pm) Note how that plane went over the base area heavily, as if to neutralize the busting i did. However, i am unable to discern what effect that activity might have.
Pretty clear here now, with banks of chem in the distance.
We have some nasty "new" ET psi attackers of unknown morphology. I am making some weapons against them now. Got some lit up in NGC 636.
(1:35pm) I wonder if airborne military parasites are allowed to spoof their location on GPS "for reasons of national security".
Of all the different locations involving planes that travel through that one exact path (or at least are shown as doing so) i think this is the first i've noticed to or from Ft Lauderdale.
(2:40pm) Another pedophile sodomite filled USAF prop plane, probably C-130, just flew over my place, quite low this time and off-radar.
Nov 19, '21: (4:50am) Wow, i feel better than i have in several weeks, full moon notwithstanding. I will explain in a moment.
I have been up since around 2am. I go to bed real early and sleep a few hours then get up early. Sometimes i go back to sleep later, sometimes i don't.
For example, yesterday morning i did not sleep at all. I woke up at 11PM on the 17th, after about 4 hours of solid sleep. Laid in bed an hour after taking a leak, unable to get back to sleep. Got up at midnight, and never felt sleepy again until 6pm last night. Got a few hours of sleep, probably 5, and got up around 2 this morning.
There is an old adage ("debunked" of course) that an hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 after.
Anyways, i went out to bring in one of my new devices (completed), and to pour more epoxy on the other. And happened to notice the moon eclipse. I've gone back out to look at it since several times. Now it is in its last stages.
It was supposed to get down to 26F by early morning but it has only gotten down to 36 here briefly, then started warming again instead of getting cooler.
My genius Ta'l wife Nadee has been guiding me on making these new devices, which can handle more sophisticated and covert psi attacks such as of these NGC 636 guys. And so far i have not noticed more of these critters in other areas.
More info and pix later.
(5:30am) Obviously these NGC 686ers had been covertly making me a bit depressed, and giving me muscle aches for weeks. But, much worse, they had mind-controlled 2 of my more mentally vulnerable friends into co-believing an alternate version of reality in which only they had the gift of perceiving beyond illusion. Evil was good, and good was evil. By opposing was what good or at least benign, which they perceived as evil, they were being good. Loohan was blind to the truth because he can't perceive the hyperdimensional truths due to his limitations.
I did not perceive the new source of influence on them until i learned that one of them had done something shockingly evil, destructive, and wasteful (in full and direct service to her handlers). I became fairly upset of course, but after a while noticed that my emotion was being augmented by some amplifying factor which i could not make out at first.
It was just a negative energy quality in my perception at first. Right away Nadee got busy brainstorming on new devices to light up whatever the source was. And guided me to start putting together some pieces.
Shortly after i did the first pour on these, i noticed NGC 686 had lit up with nasty energy.
Nov 20, '21: (11:10am) Overcast and cool.
I have completed the new units for blasting the NGC686ers. Pix here. These are doing a good job. I am now finding more of these critters scattered around the universe in seeming smaller quantities with a weak vibe. It may be that their psi power depends upon a large concentration of them being in a relatively small region. There is still a strong demonic energy in and around NGC 636.
Nov 23, '21: (10:10am) I got 3/4" of precipitation 2 days ago, most of it within a few minutes, with small hail and thunder. Currently sunny, windy, and clear, with chem haze in the distance.
I've been noticing lately that the small noisy planes buzzing me tend to be registered not to individuals, but obscure LLCs that have no web presence other than a plane registration.
The last one which buzzed me, a few minutes ago, also had just a bit more info but still no description other than a town and a name of an Egyptoid Brent Lassiter, of which there are 3 listed in Newport, AR. Normally there is no personal name or any description of business to be found.
I looked up this phenomenon and found that "For some airplane owners, placing a plane into a limited liability company, or LLC, provides some tax and liability benefits."
Maybe there is no significance to the fact that this plane happened to come by. But oddly, it traversed, according to radar, the exact path that i described in my first post this month (by a USAF stalker), only in the opposite direction.
3 days ago my targeted friend in Denver got buzzed by this LLC plane with CIA Egyptoids in it. And some of the "loudly" CIA planes i get also have LLC registrations. Hence, the CIA probably has a heap of these dummy LLCs.
Nov 25, '21: (5am) Wow, actually must've gotten a good 8 hours of sleep; very unusual. Might have gotten more if it were not for the rain on the metal roof. Raining now.
So i fire up the computer and there is an email... yesterday it happened constantly 08:08 11:11 12:12 13:13 15:15 etc.... today it started 08:08 10:10... it's a Good sign...
As i was typing my response and sending it, the clock just happened to say 3:33.
This clock thing has been happening to me a lot lately too. I doubt that it is either a good sign or a bad sign, though. A sign of something though; perhaps the ascendency of higher dimensions over the 3D "illusion".
Thor'p used to report this often, even many years ago. And he never had much good enter his tortured life, and eventually committed violent suicide.
(6am) We are definitely in an energy/reality shift of some sort. One indication is that many of my complex devices stop doing anything noticeable, and have to be re-programmed, mainly by Eenia, Nadee, and Antuvozy. Then they bite hard again. In some cases i have to remove/replace some components.
In the last couple days, just for example, i have been prompted to remove several powerful devices i had been carrying around in my truck a long time, as they are now no longer useful for frying the local area, and are being converted to remote weapons.
Nov 30, '21: (2:10pm) I had another 0.4" a few days ago, most of it coming down in a few minutes with small hail. No damage to my bok choy, though.
Had the first real freeze a few days ago, down to around 27F, but again my bok choy hardly got damaged.
Now we are in a warmer spell. Sunny and clear.
Just got buzzed by these degenerate parasites to the right. They traveled the exact path preferred by so many, except just a few meters north, according to flightradar. Click for bigger pic.
(2:50pm) Now this jet to the left roared over, along the exact usual preferred flight path. But i think this is the first one i've gotten that was headed to Taipei!
I'm still getting buzzed by many off-radar planes too lately.

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