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Loohan's blog for November, 2019
Nov 1, 2019: (4:10pm) Wo, November is off to a good start. Buddha blessed me. The universe expressed its appreciation.
I was out in a park doing the Good Work with the energies. At one point i was standing on a 45 degree slope way off the trail, when i paused because i got slammed from space for doing the Good Work (happened several times) which made me dizzy. I happened to look at the base of a tree after a while, and noticed this guy laying on his back. Dowses as basalt, which is not the most powerful stone but nice nonetheless. He's over 5" tall. He still had some water on him when i took the pic.
Has traces of a price tag on the bottom but it was grimy like it had been there for years. I get no vibe about who left it. There are lots of Asians around here and maybe someone did a good-luck ceremony.
Two years ago in the same part of that park but on the opposite side of the creek, i found a polished geode, maybe 1#, off the trail on a steep slope.
Nov 9, '19: (12:35pm) Basalt is a stone i didn't think could take much programming, but i found that if you azeztulize it first, then it is more programmable.
Lately it seems the main nasty vibe i notice from "people" around me is of their AI connections. That is, now AI is more vibed up than U bases, satanist connections, etc.
And also AI is attacking people directly more, without Egyptoid inputs. I didn't notice until just now, they were making me make driving mistakes i don't usually make.
And as of last night the space Etoids don't even seem to be attacking anymore. Antuvozy did something and then i got attacked by Kenazoids which resemble Alah-kur and impersonate them sometimes. Real A-K spot them instantly but in their absence, the Kenazoids (pic) can even fool Ta'l sometimes. However, these seem limited in number, and soon i was getting hit by some other, unidentified, non-Egyptoid space race. I have no info about them except they are allies of the Egyptoids and their attacks feel the same as Egyptoids'. And they are very widespread and populous.
Indidentally, something that somehow failed to strike me in previous visits to VA, is how overdressed the people around here are. Whether Egyptoids, repticlones, or the minority, they almost all seem overly wrapped up if the weather is in the 50s. I'm out hiking in a T-shirt and bandana on a sunny day, and they are wearing all these wraps, sometimes even parkas with the hood up, as if it was in the 20s or 30s. Even young, plump critters, whereas i'm just a scrawny old man.
(7pm) Stuck 24 dual channel wands in a park in a low-rent black neighborhood in SE DC today.
Eenia and Nadee came up with a new program which no-one has made yet. It requires for each 8oz of resin, about 2 tsp of fine copper powder and 4 tsp of powdered Leonotis Leonuris herb [the flowers, that is]. Be careful not to get any copper dust in your eyes or lungs! You will probably have to powder the herb yourself: make sure it is crispy dry and run it through a sieve maybe.
It should be potent against evil beings.
Nov 10, '19: (7:45am) A few points of elaboration about yesterday's posts:
The greater SE DC area is home to a bunch of filthy military cancers etc on the landscape, which is how i ended up in da 'hood. I was desperately seeking a place to park and plant a few wands. Meanwhile i also boogered many streets i had not before.
Do not use concentrated extract powders for the mix. You want the powdered whole flowers. Also the plant is easy to grow. I grew some about 20 years ago. Did not find it very addictive.
Those "new" enemies have most likely been sneakily hitting us for some time, simultaneously with the others. They do not seem to send demons like the Egyptoids did! Nor do they seem as snugly tied into the AI bunch. But otherwise they seem to function the same in their monitoring and responses.
(9:10am) Pic of the area these "new" guys seem most concentrated in. We have been working this area since yesterday morning but they still seem well entrenched there.
Nov 11, '19: (1:20am) I did get a few hours of sleep but then i got attacked and stuffed with demons by the #3 reptilians. That is like the guy far left in this pic. They stuffed me full of hidden demons a couple times as well as sending other ones. They are all over the sky.
The repts on that pic have had a low profile in recent years.
(9:10am) More about that new program. I have not made any yet but i get that- one can additionally include activated charcoal powder, which changes the energy slightly
- one can add aluminum powder, which also changes the energy slightly
- one can add both of the above together
- it is probably good to put in some metal shavings, especially aluminum but also other metals
- it might be a good idea to make a device with shavings plus layers of the different mixes as they will work together for more effect.
Remember, you need to get the programming from ChemmerBuster as layers cure, or you will end up with something crummy.
Nov 12, '19: (8:10am) Has there been a shift?
Yesterday those "new guys" seemed dead in the water. Yesterday afternoon i drove my mom to a doctor's appointment in North Bethesda, with new strong devices in her car, but stirred up nothing noticeable. I even planted 23 {popular Masonic number} dual-channel wands up there and walked around tossing Channel boogers, stirred up nothing in the way of U bases! I had busted it a little before but normally would expect to kick up a lot more shi# like i did on the trip to south DC Nov 9.
And last night we seem to have shriveled the #3 repts' energy into nothing. So they could no longer attack. Then some other critters attacked and threw demons. I can't ID them either but think we fought them a couple years ago as well. But already they have stopped attacking.
Also for weeks i have been dealing with the Denver area. There is a guy there getting gang-stalked and attacked heavily for no known reason except he has a soul and made a little orgonite in the past. Every time i checked there were incredible loads of CIA U bases including AI ones after him. But since the wee hours this morning, nothing!
Nevertheless my guidance is to keep frying those #3's. Also the other repts in that image are simmering resentfully and i nipped them in the bud somewhat night before last. (A couple of those species have been extinct for years.)
The space Egyptoids also still seem comatose. The only way i found any last night was because i traced back the source of some demons they had previously thrown in someone. Space Etoids feel stomped.
AI#1 is still chemtrailing, though.
(4:55pm) I plan to leave for home tomorrow so will be unreachable until at least the afternoon of the 14th.
Nov 15, '19: (7:35am) There was a lull there but soon the attackers started back up. Except, no more AI attacking that Denver guy, just Etoid U bases.
The AI#2 hit me with simulated demons, or at least a sensation mimicking an influx of demons. The #3 repts have been attacking me and stuffed me with hidden demons a few times. Those other "new" guys have been at it too.
Well, i made it back yesterday. Instead of the usual hi-speed highways, i came back via W Virginia and Kentucky. I have been that way a time or two some years back, but now i have much stronger busting implements.
The worst chemtrails i've seen in a long time were over WV, and KY was covered with disgusting old chem cover. All traced to AI#1 as usual.
I drove around south Charleston W VA a bit spreading Channel boogers.
I spent the night of the 13th in a motel in Elizabethtown, KY, because the town responded so strongly to my equipment. I wanted to cook it a while. Then driving further SW from there, the west half of KY was packed with Egyptoid U bases with a black magic vibe.
Then after i hit AR i got messed up by negligent road signs and ended up going to Jonesboro, where i had never before been. I drove around town with my head cut off for an hour or more, flicking boogers hither and thither, and i planted 8 channel wands. Stirred up a lot of stuff there, too.
When i left AR the fall color had not yet arrived, and now that i am back, the trees are already much more denuded than they were in VA. Well, at least i got to take in some fall color there.
(3pm) Sunny. And guess who's still here, incredibly. I have seen him several times today. Sometimes he runs away from me and sometimes he runs toward me but scampers sideways before reaching me.
I accumulated about 5" precip in my absence in a cylindrical cookpot. They had mid-teens weather (Fahrenheit) with strong winds and sleet a few days ago. But he's still here. Or else he left and came back.
Meanwhile those "new guys" won't stop hitting me between the shoulder blades...
(8:50pm) Dangerous phony: Talal Zoabi (pic), CIA repticlone. He has a bunch of spells and demons (placed by 3 Egytpoids in a CIA U base) fortifying him, but we will remove these. He claims to break black magic and help people. Has a website and FB page.
Note how he has One Eye partly shut in the image.
BTW brass powder is as good as copper for the Leon Leon Pgm mentioned the 9th.
Nov 17, '19: (1:15pm) Overcast day that was forecast to be sunny. Haven't seen my bird in a couple days.
I just updated OTB 27f with a pic of some freshly made epoxy with the new program.
(2:25pm) Woops, i made a dumb mistake on the image label there, which i just corrected. Also realized i had neglected to put the anti-Goo programs on the OTB.
Nov 23, '19: (11:20am) Got 1.6" of rain. Cool weather. Haven't seen my bird friend again.
It is mainly the AI#2 and the "new guys" hitting me lately, and they seem weaker. Still finding parts of the vast network of CIA Egyptoid bases (which also have repticlones in them) worldwide persecuting my friend in Denver.
California hikes tax rates on legal marijuana businesses AGAIN making them uncompetitive with illegal trading in move that has 'stunned and outraged' cannabis industry. Wanna bet that the CIA majority of these businesses somehow manage not to have to pay the extra taxes? Smacks to me of another gov't persecution of the minority in order to monopolize the market.
Nov 24, '19: (12:20pm) Looks like it will be sunny and mild today.
On Oct 11, '18 i posted about what i called Vimoids.In the Vimeo pic i was wondering whether those were rabbit ears or part of the background. I think the ETs do have ears like that. If you check the vid (i only watched 1/2, without sound, then fast-forwarded) at 0:02 the creature turns its head. The ears don't move, yet maintain an ear-y relationship to the head. Then later we see the head separately from the "ears". Then later, like 2:06, the ears are in position again.
Well, check out the little darling Baby Yoda pix being viralized by the CIA. He looks more Vimoid-like than daddy Yoda because his ears ride higher.
These critters are still common, although they don't seem to be attacking directly.
Also the AI#2 seems to have dropped out of attacking now, and i am mainly getting the new guys.
Nov 25, '19: (8:40am) Sunny and clear here.
My turtle Felter was just scratching up a storm like he does when he wants to signal me that he's onto something hot. Investigation revealed it is 41 Arietis in Aries, which is packed with Vimoids.
As soon as i started frying them, he stopped.
It is also packed with other creepy gender-bent ETs i have posted pix of in the past. Like these. And there are more in surrounding stars.
(11:30am) I uploaded a capture image of the zone in question. Vimoids are attacking me back now, weakly, from this entire area.
Nov 26, '19: (7:50am) Extreme dripping fog. Expecting rain.
Still getting attacks from Vimoids etc out there. Already a couple times this morning Felter got anxious and lit up pockets of them within the confines of that pic i posted.
They attacked me all thru the night at low levels. Not enough to keep me awake but when i got up in the morning i felt raunchy.
There is a whole zoo of weird slimy species there and i have the impression a lot of interspecies kinky sex.- Vimoids.
- Many #13 repts (pic) as well as 2 more "new" reptilian species similar to the ones in that pic.
- Plenty of the same "new guys" we have already been dealing with lately.
- At least 18 more Baphomoid strains similar to this one i posted about in Feb.
- CIA Egyptoids and repticlones.
- Numerous more vile vermin species.
- AI#1 and 2.
- Black goo.
This area will take a while to mop up.
Nov 27, '19: (5:15pm) Only got about 1/3" off that storm. Most of it passed to the north.
Today was sunny/chemcast and cool.
Vimoids started hitting the back of my neck a little while ago, from the same area. Just when i had thought they had lost steam.
It is not only Felter who has been objecting to their heinous crimes against nature; last night it was Rorg. Then it was Felter's turn again this morning.
Nov 28, '19: (8:35am) Overcast, cold. Supposed to stay in the 30s all day today, and 40s tomorrow, with rain both days.
Another odd Google Earth pic. I am being attacked some by the "new guys" in this L shape.
(9:20am) I had some insights about these "new guys" last night. They monitor, psi attack, and send demons in exactly the same ways as the Egyptoids. I initially said they were not Egyptoid because our anti-Etoid programs were not biting on them. However, now they are.
I sense a connection between them and the Sumerians. The Egyptoid-looking Sumerians preceeded the Egyptian dynasties, and died out early on. In college i had an Egyptoid ecology teacher explain that this was supposedly due to excess salinization of agricultural land due to irrigation with slightly brackish water, if i recall correctly. Or maybe it was calcium.
The vibe and energetics of the "new guys" (whom i now christen the Sumeroids) are a bit different from that of Egyptoids, but also similar.
(7:50pm) Getting attacked by bunches of Sumeroids all around Andromeda Galaxy. It is possible this is their main homeland.

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