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Loohan's blog for October, 2019
Oct 1, 2019: (8:25am) Still warm and dry. I got another 3/10" since last report.
Last night i suddenly started to detect Black Goo consciousness. There is a new program out to address and light up the presence of black goo. More on that later. That one requires specific ingredients. I have been using it a couple weeks.
There is also another one which requires only plain resin (or silicone caulk). This does not address their physical presence as such, but their consciousness. Their consciousness can go beyond the physical goo and can take people over, destroying their minds and corrupting their souls! I have only found 2 instances so far, but these were valued long-term friends and it is pretty scary. I am doubtful that they can be salvaged at this point but we will keep trying.
The latter program i will call Goo2 and the 1st one Goo1. I will elaborate on Goo1 later but anyone can go ahead and get Goo2 already from ChemmerBuster.
This pgm also has other desirable actions. Eenia had programmed one of Joe's items with it months ago and we only just realized it addresses the goo mind.
The Black Goo is associated with AI#2 (definition now in glossary) which in turn is associated with Egyptoid MTFs especially, as well as space Egyptoids/hybrids in general and AI#1. And all of this is CIA.
AI#2 uses and directs the goo.
(9:20am) Actually it is probably not necessary for people to make more of the Goo1 Program, as this one piece seems sufficient. But it is available if anyone wants it. It requires silver-treated shungite. I posted about this piece here but if you want the program (which can go into any shape BTW) you need to read that thread.
Also people are invited to try connecting this unit to any areas of suspected black goo.
Oct 2, '19: (9:25am) Good news! The new program seems to have cleaned up one of the victims, the one that only recently became so strongly affected. That person has emailed me in a reconciliatory manner. This person had in their possession a few little items i had sent with the silver shungite, so we tacked on the Goo1 Pgm remotely. Plus also had Channel stuff through which the new program has been flowing.
I have a few casts left to make on a very powerful large unit that is predominantly composed of Goo2-programmed epoxy.
But here is a ring i cast of just the pure Goo2. In a crude mold i made years ago.
Please excuse any inadvertent Masonic symbolism. Instead of holding the edge in thumb and forefinger, which would have formed a Partial Circle, i put it on an open hand. But later i realized i had formed a 3/M/butt-shape and crescent in one. Plus, there is a phallus pointing toward a ring now. Sigh. So much is Masonic symbolism it is hard not to do it.
Oct 3, '19: (8:10am) OK here is my new anti-goo unit. All the clear and gold resin has the Goo2 Program. And due to magnification of inclusions, there appears to be less of that than there is. It is actually at least 70% Goo2 by volume, maybe 75.
(4:45pm) 'Fleet' of strange glowing objects seen off North Carolina coast in baffling clip "Conspiracy theorists claim the footage shows a fleet of 14 UFOs". Actually, yeah, the pic feels legit. The vid would not play for me. Feels like good guys of a type i am unfamiliar with, and they are using good guy numerology instead of 13.
Seldom do i get any vibe at all off of UFO pix anymore.
(6:05pm) These new guys have had a lot of black magic spells put on them by Egyptoids over the last 50 years especially, so we are going to be busy a while cleaning these up.
Oct 11, '19: (12:55pm) Overcast now clearing, cool. Got 1.4" of rain the night of the 6th, and the summer seems to have finally broken. Then last night i got another 1.2". It is supposed to get down to 32F tonight! Unusually cool for this early in the fall. I will need to salvage what i can of my basil and tomatoes today.
Saddening news: i have received word that Thor'p has been hit by a train in GA (where he had recently moved to) and is in critical condition and may die. He had been mentioning suicide for some time. I seem to sense he is still alive. But his soul is not in his body.
On Oct 1 i mentioned that there were 2 people who had been taken over by Black Goo conciousness. One was later fixed but the other was Thor'p. He had been influenced too long, and in recent times was rabidly convinced of many untrue things. His emails had gotten increasingly vitriolic, threatening, and insulting toward me and my wives. He had renounced his former Ta'l etc friends as "traitors" and generally spewed a lot of psychotic babble. But my heart aches because he was a good and valuable friend for so long.
The Ta'l monk Hoz has repaired his soul this morning, which came by a while ago with a warm presence.
Now suddenly i feel a great deal of empathy regarding the suffering and anguish that had been his existence. I still don't understand much about him, how he got so messed over. His "mother" is actually an MTF CIA RC, originally Egyptoid i think. His "brother" also was Egyptoid. He has weird biological implants that acted up strangely, and bizarre, ugly things happened to him. He hated this world and its sun. We never quite figured out why he ended up here in such a state. I never was able to help him enough.
(8:40pm) At 5pm CST i had the impression he physically died.
His soul was by here a few minutes ago to guide me to some AI#2/goo bases in space.
Oct 15, '19: (8:25am) I got a new friend, another roadrunner. It's been several years since one has visited me. I saw him out front 3 days ago, then again yesterday.
I uploaded a vid of him running around.
He is jailing demons. Sometimes he zips about me in the astral.
I did upload a 2nd vid, with him around my tomato planters, but the next morning the page still says "This video is still being processed. Video quality may improve once processing is complete." and only gives a black screen. Uploading it required hogging all my bandwidth for a couple hours. Normally my vids get processed fairly instantly.
Regarding Thor'p, i heard third-hand that "He was flown to the Emergency room hospital in Savannah Georgia, he later died from internal bleeding caused by rib and lung fractures..,
the wounds were too extensive. He passed at 4:14" on the day i said. But that must be EST so would have been 3:14 my time, whereas i did not detect it until 5.
One thing about Thor'p, even though he was often confused about who were the good guys and who were the bad, he nevertheless sometimes became aware of some bad guys we did not know about, and so was often in the forefront of making us aware of them and their dangerousness. Even though at times he thought they were good guys. Like this Enjaro guy i posted about March 2018. There still are many of these vile Enjaroids around.
Last May when he first made me aware of his AI#2 contacts (which he had other names for) i started blasting these wherever they could be found, and sent him a pic of their densest location, whereupon Thor'p coud not detect any of these AI at all, but instead RVed some other critters that were in the same area, which i was previously unaware of, which i call the Jabbas. There is a pic of them here and these guys also still abound and work with other evil species.
I put together 3 of his recent drawings, which still act powerfully as radionic witnesses for AI#2 and Black Goo. You can nab them here. In honor of The Exalted Brotherhood i put the black-white-red pic with the big star and arrows in the center. Joe and i mostly "cleared" the energies in these pix several weeks ago, but now that we are blasting these perps by other means, the pix light up again with ones we missed locating.
I do not know what the images mean, just that they really tie into these evil beings. Different spots will feel nastier and in more need of blasting at different times.
(3:45pm) I have been in and out of the house today, and so far i have seen my bird friend 3 more times, in 3 different spots. He just shows up about 20' away from me anywhere i am.
Just got attacked some from behind the center of this diamond. CIA Egyptoids.
Oct 17, '19: (6:30am) After i posted that, i got attacked a lot more from that spot in the very center of the diamond.
Then later i heard a rustle outside my kitchen window, and it was that bird again, about 30' away. He did not appear yesterday, though.
Later i received an alert about some nasty ETs and AI in the center of Orion Nebula in Universe C. I found they have a portal and staging areas in Polaris in our universe. We have been nailing both places. Polaris still feels nasty. Egyptoids are heavily involved too, of course, in both places.
(2:45pm) YT never would release my vid from Processing so i re-uploaded it and it displayed immediately here.
I have seen him 4X today so far in the 3D and several times flitting around in the astral. Occasionally he makes little ratchet-like sounds. You can hear one at 0:25 in the vid.
Oct 20, '19: (9:15am) I saw him a few more times that evening under my carport. Then not at all on the 18th. Then yesterday he was in my main garden area, presumably eating bugs.
New free program for plain resin or silicone. A correspondent squeezed out a bunch of silicone, asking for the ultimate ass-kicking pgm against evil, and this is the program he got. Probably not the ultimate exactly, but a program Eenia wished to draw to our attention. I get that she came up with it years ago and that i have a bit of it in some of my pieces, but more recently she noticed it was important to make more of.
I didn't even feel much vibe off his pic yesterday, but now i get the impression it undermines our evil enemies somehow.
I may call it the Undermining Program unless we get more specific insights. I just poured almost a quart of epoxy which is getting this pgm.
Oct 21, '19: (4:10pm) Had a windy storm last night and i was without power for many hours today. Got 6/10".
Saw my bird friend behind my main garden today.
I replaced yesterday's image of the new program with a new one.
Oct 22, '19: (4:50pm) I saw the bird 3 more times today. I hate to abandon him all alone here, but i need to head to VA tomorrow. I will be out of touch for a couple days.
Oct 24, '19: (1:45pm) Made it!
(6:05pm) I kept noticing a nasty vibe from overflights here. so i traced it to Freeman Field airport in Louisa, VA. Under the center of the runway was a AI#2 base that was feeding into transmitters on the planes.
Louisa is also where the CIA commune Twin Oaks is.
Oct 25, '19: (4:50pm) Analysis of a painting done by my father:
I psychically recognized that my dad was a satanist high-level Scottish Rite Mason back in '05 but never had any evidence to point to, as he had always been very discreet about it in the family. But then around last April i became aware of their affinity for BlackWhiteRed colors. Later i recalled that his room is BWR. The walls and rug are white in the whole house, but also he always had these dark red sheets and bedspread, which i still use when i stay here in his room. And the room still has a very expensive easy chair with footstool, all black-upholstered.
And this painting.
He wasn't a prolific painter. There is this one on the wall, and also in the house a painting he and my brother collaborated on in the early '60s; other than that i don't recall any others by him.
So right away, we see a football shaped single Eye in the center, and several partial circles. Also the "iris" has stripes, which like the reptilian pupils, are vertical.
And there is a subtle lavender hue, the "gay color" which does not surprise me. Plus some more stripey stuff.
Nice fall color out here. It had not arrived yet in AR.
Amazingly, i am not feeling ill effects yet from the wifi that was killing me last winter. I think it is because of some new devices i made and brought. I suspect the silvered shungite stuff to be the main reason.
Oct 29, '19: (8:10am) The silver shungite orgonite, BTW, is not channelable through the Channel Program. I am talking about the denser mix, not the slightly doped April2019 program mentioned in that thread. (Yeah, maybe i'll make an OTB on this stuff soon to make the info in the thread more presentable. Meanwhile i'll throw out a little tip for crafters.)
If you make dual Channel wands as per OTB 48, pour a layer of the denser shungite mix in between the 2 layers. Then somehow the Channel sections will propel the function of the shungite layer some 800 miles out linearly. Then if you put several such wands in an asterisk formation, you will have the backbone of a unit such as seems to be saving my ass here in wifi hell.
Of course you can put more than 2 layers of Channel if you have more sources of devices you are allowed to channel. There is no advantage to making a Channel layer thicker than a layer of clear tape.
Check this out: Backscatter in photography. This is interesting because i sometimes see photos full of orbs which do not have a vibe i can detect. I assumed they were some kind of entities nontheless, as i have also seen photos of real orb entities, for example this pic sent by a Tucson reader many years ago. However i now realize that the vibeless pix are most likely of mere dust-reflection artifacts.
"Backscatter commonly occurs in low-light scenes when the camera's flash is used." The linked pic also seems flashed but those are real ally beings who still exist.
(5:55pm) OK, i hammered out OTB 51 about this silvered stuff.

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