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Loohan's blog for December, 2021
Dec 3, 2021: (11:45am) I was looking through some of my old blogs and noticed this chem pic i posted on Feb 23, '07, taken by me driving through Marion, AR on my way to VA. This was a fake sun! Almost 15 years ago. Not only does it look like one, but it has no vibe, like it was some hardware that has been destroyed since. The real sun has a vibe.
In terms of chem, the sky here today is much worse than in that pic. Always with no vibe off the "planes" or apparent chem except space AI. Just now i saw a fake plane leaving a curved trail that was making sounds audible to me on the ground. This is the first audible chemjet i have heard in longer than i can remember. Various silent (and higher-looking ones) whizzing around now, off-radar.
Also for the previous couple of days i saw several large passenger jets coming over heading NW that were off radar. It's been in the 70s out so i've been outside a lot. After today it is supposed to be cooler again.
It is strange that they are chemming it up so bad with no storm coming in soon. They give a 30% chance of a tiny trickle of rain tomorrow, and better chances the next day. Normally heavy chem here precedes real rain chances.
Dec 10, '21: (8:15am) I had another 0.6" in a thunderstorm with a bit of tiny hail a few days ago. Now overcast, damp. Rain chances today as well as a high of 71 predicted, which is unusually warm for this time of year.
Earlier this morning i sensed 3 CIA transhumans driving through an area i had busted east of me, last time i came home from VA. This sort of thing happens to me several times a day, but these specimens had such a compelling vibe that i felt like reaming them and their connections more thoroughly than usual. And this lit up a "secret" CIA airstrip in Mount Ayr, IA at 40.70694144862429, -94.2202881421612. The google map identifies this as 1500 Woodlink Drive but that can't be right, because that is the addy of the industrial buildings nearby which do not have a CIA vibe. But the small bldg by the north part of the strip does have a CIA vibe. Even that little bldg is identified as 1500 Woodlink Drive. By google.
But Bing maps calls it 1301 E South St. But that addy plugged in to google gives an unrelated bldg in the next block west on their map. Is it not strange that a maintained airstrip that appears to be 3000 ft long, on the edge of a town, is so anonymous?
That 1301 addy plugged back into Bing gives the non-CIA store to the NE of the little CIA bldg.
(noon) I did some more searching, and apparently this is the Mount Ayr Municipal Airport (Judge Lewis Field) with given coordinates of 40°42'22"N 94°13'14"W. And that last link is a google map pointing at the same runway, rightly or wrongly claiming the address is 1500 Woodlink Drive, just like the industrial place next to it.
So why does the little bldg have such a strong CIA vibe? I'm not noticing much in or near the town, except a few normal everyday U bases west of town...
The CIA vibe comes from 7 Egyptoids. I think 3 of them are currently in the house here. 2 more of them in the house on the corner, 3 houses west. I think one other is in the Subway Sandwich shop. The last one we caught under the north part of town.
What are they up to that seems so important? There seems to be a tie-in to a rural bldg here, and a U base west of there, being taken out. Actually, sprawling underground activity in a 1/4 mile radius around 40.76408955259414, -94.19405830452965.
(10:50pm) Wow. I went to bed early, got maybe 3 hours sleep, and was awakened at 10:10pm by a thunderstorm. I must have been on the edge of it. Felt kind of strong for a few minutes, slight bit of hail. Then it stopped.
So i figure, no way i will be able to go back to sleep soon, maybe i'll check what exciting new tabloid trash the CIA has generated for my amusement. And the top article on Daily Mail had just been updated 3 minutes before i opened the site:
"Killer tornadoes rip through swath of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois". Anyway the edge of the storm only briefly skimmed my area.
"Observers said that the tornados could be EF5 - the highest scale on the Enhanced Fujita ranking".
Dec, 11, '21: (8:20am) Well. I got another 5 hours of solid sleep. Total precip was 1/10". It was unusually warm yesterday evening, and now it is 34 F.
Dec 13, '21: (7:50am) Clear morning in the 30s.
On Nov 20 i mentionedI have completed the new units for blasting the NGC686ers. Pix here. These are doing a good job. I am now finding more of these critters scattered around the universe in seeming smaller quantities with a weak vibe. It may be that their psi power depends upon a large concentration of them being in a relatively small region. There is still a strong demonic energy in and around NGC 636.
Well, these have been working out great. Because of the work i do, the enemy is always finding new ways to attack me.
Around the time i posted, the top unit in that pic was taken off the NGC 636ers, and put onto other targets. The larger unit was plenty strong enough to deal with the NGC 636ers.
Then for some time i was under attack by some other mysterious space critters. These were not affected much by anything except last June's knife program. They made me feel miserable for several days until we got them whittled down. Then i got similar-feeling attacks from space Egyptoids (and possibly other unidentified perps). As usual, these attacks are largely kickbacks from tech advances i make. Every time i significantly upgrade old units, or create new original ones, i get punished from all over the universe. Also any time i address determined space attacks on others, i tend to draw the same response. The widespread muscle aches and miserable lazy feeling are tiresome.
Recently i had directly hooked up the smaller of these units to the discombobulator of 5 years ago (i only now noticed the misspelling in the pic). "They" do not like that.
So yesterday i felt that the larger unit had beaten down the NGC 636ers enough that they were no longer a priority. And i put the larger unit on my lap a while while i was at the computer. It helped a lot but was a bit unwieldy. So i hooked up something receptive to the wires, that i could easily hold. This works great, and after using this for some time, i no longer feel attacked! Apparently this unit works best if i am in physical contact with it, whether via the wires or not. By using a long cord, i can get protection in bed while leaving the heavy unit on the floor.
Dec 18, '21: (4pm) Still overcast and damp. I've had 3.3" of gentle rain, most of it last night.
This plane came over the usual preferred path a while ago. Don't think i've posted a Denver to Birmingham one before.
Dec 21, '21: (noon) Sunny and clear. We've been having nights below freezing lately. Another scheduled for tonight, then more temperate weather in the forecast.
A few days ago a reader in Portugal sent me this pic of a suspected witch that had stuffed someone full of demons. It was very difficult for me to identify what kind of critter she is. Egyptoid, certainly, but her head felt almost like it had a transhuman-type transmitter in it. Very intense, paranormal, demonic energy. Including at the very top of her head. Yet, i did not think it was a transmitter, as it felt different.
I was also sent a pic of her family; all scuzzy Egyptoids, but aside from her, none felt like black magicians. They felt like ordinary pedophile Egyptoids.
I fried her a bunch, then enlisted Joe and he knocked her vibe down some. But she would always bounce back with this arrogant, demonic vibe. I could not find any U bases or CIA connections.
Eventually i blasted her with my elaborate transhuman-frying array, which did dig into her. So i knew she was TH after all. But then she bounced back while i was still blasting her with it.
Then yesterday i got Joe back on it again, i did a few tweaks to my array, and tried very hard to light up a U base that had to be backing her up. Finally found one in the middle of the north Atlantic: NSA! This is the first NSA TH i have noticed. In general, i have not been bumping into NSA much these last 5 years or more.
After taking out that base and some others around there, her vibe has been mostly reduced. But she still feels a trifle nasty.
I do not get a metallic vibe off her head.
Dec 22, '21: (4pm) It's been sunny and clear here all day. Sun sure is bright lately.
There is more to that witch. Yesterday i tried to scrutinize her more, and got kickback, which i traced to 13 cloaking spells. Then i looked for what they were hiding. There was now a strong column of energy from her head to 2 feet above. The column was the width of her head.
I got the impression that the implant took up most of the space in her skull. And the reason the device is so amazingly strong is that it is imported from offworld CIA Egyptoids in Beta Centauri. Yes, feels like they are IN the star. I get a lot of this.
I sense 29 individuals on Earth with these implants, and have been blasting them.

Dec 25, '21 (11:50am) They wish me a merry Christmas! This is as much of the sky as i could capture in 1 pic, but there are more apparent planes apparently spraying apparent chemtrails in various directions. None on flight radar, of course. And of course never any vibe except of space AI. From Eridanus, as it happens.
It is supposed to get to 75F today. It was warm yesterday, too.
The sky was perfectly clear all morning until just recently. Except i noticed a big X over Leslie around 9am.

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