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Loohan's blog for January, 2022
Jan 2, '22: (8:20am) I got 2.5" of gentle rain last night, and 0.4" a couple days before that. Now having the first really hard freeze. 22F out.
Happened to notice this plane a couple days ago, on the same exact route as is so popular.
Jan 11, '22: (7:25am) I've had some hard freezing weather and also another 1/2" of gentle rain. Now it is supposed to be above freezing for 3 days.
This plane N339RW just buzzed my targeted friend in Denver, with 4 CIA satanist Egyptoids aboard, who stuffed him full of demons.
"Luxury Aircraft Solutions is an aviation organization which specializes in jet charter flights, aircraft sales and aircraft management. As a leading authority in our industry, we supply a wide range of aircraft for many different types of clientele ranging from private individuals, world governments and Fortune 500 companies."
CIA proprietary.
(6:15pm) It was pretty sunny here today.
And now he got buzzed by chopper N350HQ from Heliqwest, another CIA proprietary. This company has a most toxic vibe, due to the presence of at least 5 transhumans with black goo in them, 7 Mahanoids, many satanist Egyptoids...
Jan 15, '21: (8:10am) Getting rain, after we had a couple nice days. Supposed to get heavier precip including snow later.
I posted pics of some "nice" chemtrails with "shadows" from 2 days ago. That morning was chemmy but it cleared up pretty much.
I have stumbled across another hotbed of "new" phony people, including the ones in ICAN, as well as well as CIA disinfo agents Michael Jaco and Jason Shurka. They all have the same vibe.
Nadee just programmed a stone for me that lights them up. But i don't recall what kind of stone this is! I have a bunch i bought some time back but...
She is also trying to write a version of this program that goes into carbon steel, but we are not certain she will succeed. In any case, this one stone does a lot, and i might be able to boost it with synergists...
[Update: she was not able to. And the stone is nuumite.]
(9:40am) Snow falling rather thickly now.
Yes! I found an array to place the stone on, and now am finding loads of these critters in U bases in southern California, like around LA. I sense more in other places like Ohio. There are lots of U bases with them.
(10:20am) Last month i blogged:Dec 13, '21: (7:50am) ... Then for some time i was under attack by some other mysterious space critters. These were not affected much by anything except last June's knife program. They made me feel miserable for several days until we got them whittled down.
Well guess what, there are some human-looking ones on Earth. Dani Katz is one. There is a pic of her under About. And i sense more about. Like under north Ontario.
(3pm) Seven inches of accumulation so far, and we are supposed to get more tonight.
No wind, hence the buildup of soft snow on the branches.
(3:55pm) I just realized, that blonde at ICAN, Catharine Layton, is transhuman as well as whatever these things are. Head to toes. A transmitter in head.
Jan 16, '21: (5:50pm) Electricity was blinky yesterday then went out around 11:30pm for 18 hours.
Snow had stopped by morning. I went to a flat spot away from trees to measure the depth of accumulated snow: almost a foot. Around 11 and 3/4".
Electric seems steady now.
Jan 17, '22: (5:35pm) Those critters that only the knife program effects, i don't think they are sexually produced. Katz was a repticlone that was recently replaced by one of these.
They seem to have a preference for a certain latitudes for their U bases. I've got a bunch lit up from Minnesota through to Washington State. That feels like by far the densest region. They are more thinly scattered throughout northern Canada, Alaska, and the corresponding latitude in rest of world: Sweden, Finland, Russia, S Greenland, Iceland... Not noticing their U bases elsewhere.
Taking out a CIA U base under Russia at 58.58643738645851, 60.71972431947309 where i think they were being produced. Yes, CIA has bases under Russia.
Of course they are also produced offworld but those might be less suited to Earth conditions, even undergound. I don't detect any offworld models on Earth.
Jan 18, '21: (5:10pm) Warmer. Snow has been melting off. Incredible chemtrail effort this morning, over my place but mostly to the SE. We had to nail literally sextillions of AI space bots before they would stop. But then we still had lots of stale chem blown in from somewhere.
Those ET things vulnerable to the knife program: i have a capture of a piece of the constellation Cepheus area which seems to be their main territory. The orange star in the center seems to be the main area where they've been manufacturing them, and they have dispersed into the surrounding area for some reason.
(5:50pm) It's been a long time since i noticed reptilian ETs attacking me, but now the #11 variety is, from Lacerta Constellation.
(6:40pm) Now the #9's as well, plus i'm hearing fake planes; jets that sound like thunder, etc. Not on Flight Radar, of course.
(7:20pm) Those thundery jet noises kept up non-stop for a while as i nailed their sources. Then stopped. Meanwhile, looking at flight radar, i spotted 2 NO CALL SIGN jets with a USAF vibe heading my way.
When i clicked on one, this pattern came to view. These were out of audible range but had come by me this evening. I'm about where the white X is.
And then i started getting a few more of those noisy "jets". This batch all seems directed from AI in Diphda. Now it's almost non-stop with these, plus some fake jets with more normal noise.
Jan 20, '22: (5:45pm) I got another 1/2" or so of snow accumulation in the wee hours. Some chemming this morning. Supposed to get down to 10F or lower tonight.
Last night after i went to bed the #11 repts attacked me moderately hard. We kicked their butts. Now they are attacking a bit again, as well as the #13 ones.
All day i have had this vague sensation of evil structures collapsing all over the universe...
Jan 22, '22: (2:55pm) I had some more such impressions of collapsing this morning. A lot has been happening. Including that the Lost Chord program has been out there for well over 3 years now.
This is the 3rd such craft that i noticed buzzing me so far today. This one came right over my cabin. All on flight radar with call numbers. All light USAF monoprops that come up the Highway 65 corridor from, not the AFB now, but the Little Rock (Clinton) airport. Each one has 2 satanist pedophile parasite clones of the type depicted and described in my post of this morning.
Well, you pathetic filth that never had permission to exist anywhere, if you think that is going to cut your AFB any slack, you are mistaken. I just took all the hardware i've been blasting Manhattan with and turned it back onto your depraved AFB.
And i will make a run down that corridor soon. I probably will not make it to the LR area but i will blitz Conway. And next time i have reason to go to LR, i will give more attention to the airport as well as the AFB.
Jan 23, '22: (1:10pm) It has now been 68 years since i was forced into this incarnation by black magic.
I was enjoying the sunny day in the 50s until this USAF noise-maker very loudly showed its appreciation. Note how it took the same path that the airlines, CIA, etc love so much. It was coming from west to east. 4 of those satanist clones aboard. Flying pretty low. The flight radar says altitude 21,100' but i have some doubts.
Jan 25, '22: (3:55pm) Mostly sunny last 2 days. Yesterday it got over 60F.
I got attacked by #9 repts evening before last, and 7s and 11s yesterday evening. I also got off-radar USAF jets thundering over yesterday, as well as fake ones from space Egyptoids.
Today i made a busting run down to Conway. I have invested a great deal of time in Conway over the years. It used to be super nasty with lots of exotic ET reptilian U bases, satanists, etc.
Now it was getting a bit funky again, in a couple congested areas.
Jan 29, '22: (10:15am) Clear and cold.
By the way, when i went on that trip the other day, i noticed that i was attacked again by BLACK GOO consciousness. Because the sigil stuck to my visor acted up a bit. In general, this force has been quiescent lately.
I'm going through some personal changes... On Jan 4 i wrote a psychic correspondent of mine, sending her a pic of an area of space with the text "Any impressions? Something here that is crippling my godlikeness as a soul." I was blasting this spot which seemed to be hurting me, but i was not detecting any perps nor able to figure out what i was dealing with. Nor making progress.
She wrote back
"Looan I would say out loud that you ask for your divine architecture to be returned to its original divine design and blueprint now. All bindings and distortions of the divine masculine to healed and restored return to the rightful owner all parts and receive all yours back."
Well, saying that DID help a lot, and gave relief. Not that i really understood it well.
Because, you see, although i have long been keenly aware of the cosmic conspiracy against the sacred feminine, i have not given much thought to the one against masculinity and manhood. Let alone, what its effect might have been on my humble self.
Nevertheless, i have long been given to having my mind wander into the past, cringing over all the countless times i have been a douchebag when i should have been a man, or a little boy when i should have been a man, or a tactless, shallow boor when i should have been a gentleman, etc. There are countless aspects to this. And it probably helps that i am a hermit, for my mind to obsess on such things. And though most of these incidents were decades ago, some are recent.
I have even tried "recapitulation" as in the Castanedas books, but with no noticeable relief.
Then in recent weeks, this came to more of a head, to the point that i realized it was a mild mental illness.
Then yesterday i kept finding more places in the universe, where, ages ago, pieces of my manhood were somehow chopped off and held prisoner. Hundreds and hundreds of them.
Meanwhile, that cringey feeling was pretty strong. I was addressing the situation with this very powerful and complex array, piping in specially dowsed frequencies with my DDS freq generator. Not knowing exactly what i was blasting, as i did not discern any specific entities.
Anyway, i feel much better now, although i am still finding more and more pieces.

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